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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5843761 No.5843761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>majoring in communication

>> No.5843763

>majoring in math

>> No.5843780

>Majoring in History

>Majoring in English

>Majoring in Psychology

might as well get this out of the way

>> No.5843787

I majored in communications

>> No.5843789
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>majoring in physics if you don't want to be lifelong slave to academia

>> No.5843790

might as well delete this fucking thread..since not science or math.

>> No.5843836
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>majoring in women's studies

>> No.5843849

Become physicist
>Slave to academia
Become a doctor
>Get ass handed to you in school for years only to work barely less once in the workforce
Become Psychologist
>No jobs; it's saturated
Become Mathematician
>See Physicist.
Become Engineer
>Autist homosexual
Become Musician
>Teach highschoolers
Become Chemist
>See above
Study English
>Definitely see above.

Everything else has similar stuff.

All I hear is negativity, no matter what the fucking major.

>> No.5843855
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Yes, because all of us who are un(der)employed had a crystal ball back in our college days and could see that the “useless” subjects we love simply weren’t what the market would want... Then we chose to get useless degrees anyway. It is >TOTALLY (note sarcasm) our fault for getting degrees in fields that we were actually pretty good at.

Please stop being assholes to other people because they don;t have 20/20 hindsight and did what they were talented in.

>> No.5843856

>majoring in anything

>> No.5843860


>> No.5843861

>All I hear is negativity, no matter what the fucking major.

That's because today's students have the mindset that a degree is just job training, and having one entitles them to a job. It's a shitty generation.

>> No.5843864

Why the fuck else would anyone want to slave away years of their lives, staying up all night more times than they could hope to count for a piece of paper?

>> No.5843870


Prime example.

>> No.5843871

>going to University
>enabling the white heterosexual male privilege

Keep perpetuating the repression.

>> No.5843872

>It's about the quest for knowledge!

Being a know-it-all doesn't put food on the table.

>> No.5843878


No, having some fucking initiative and talent puts food on the table. Being an educated person is something you should want for its own sake, but yes, you can certainly "use" your education also, either directly by employing the actual knowledge or, more likely, the ways of thinking you develop.

>> No.5843883

> tfw major is telecommunications engineering

>> No.5843888
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w-what does /sci/ think about studying artificial intelligence?

>> No.5843890

Brace yourself.

AI winter is coming

>> No.5843904
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Just make the sexbot already

>> No.5844017

Becoming a doctor sounds the less shit in there. Medicine is fun, i'm totally doing it for the knowledge.

>> No.5844094

lol It's your fault if you're not responsible enough to do research on what's in the market.(esp. if you were born around when the internet existed but not limited to). It's your responsiblity to lok at what's in demand just as it is to do research before you invest or sign up with a bank. We really need to start making people responsible again...but even then I guess it's not 100% your fault. You're college profs did lie to you and convince you to major in their useless subject so they can have more kids to dupe-I mean teach.

>> No.5844102
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>Become Engineer
>>Autist homosexual

Sounds perfect. Where do I sign up?

>> No.5844107

lol what is self teaching? what is discussion with others out side of a class room? What is auditing a course? LOL justifying swimming in debt just to pay for some person to talk at you.

>> No.5844119

You do know a highschool degree used to be able to get you a pretty secure job right? College was for trust fund babies and scholarship achievers. NOW it's turned to a shity generation where the quality declines(esp. state schools) due to it being the only way to be competitive and the most importantly society lying to us and telling us it's so important.

>> No.5844147


Everyone is good at psychology.

The psychology major (undergrad) at most colleges serves the purpose of keeping the kids who are not actually college material paying tuition to the university.

You are a useful fool.

>> No.5844153


Phds in Machine Learning (AI) from UW-Seattle are starting out at 120k+/yr and they all get jobs. Looks like one of the few PhDs worth getting.

Good choice bro.

>> No.5844185

I've heard about Americans getting this but have no idea what it is. Is it like communications infrastructure like phone lines? Or is it something else?

>> No.5844233

It's like theatre, speech, and debate I think.

>> No.5844236

>majoring in anything but physics

>> No.5844238

>not math undergrad into grad physics
>implying undergrad physics can't be summarized into a thin analysis book math majors would read in their second year

Enjoy mediocrity.

>> No.5844345

>implying engineers are all autist homos
In my engineering class, most of them are douchebags who go clubbing and lift and fuck several bitches

>> No.5844378

>not majoring in everything to cover all bases

>> No.5844536

A communications degree from Yale is better than a stem degree from Shit State U. Nothing wrong with liberal arts degrees; all od entertainment/marketing/advertizing is run by them.

The CBS TV network is run by a Bucknell Spanish major, Les Moonves.

>> No.5844566


Are you in your first year?

>> No.5844591
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I wish you luck on expanding 5 Mbps bidirectional internet throughout the United States in 10 years.

>> No.5844645

I'm switching my major to geology.