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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5841322 No.5841322 [Reply] [Original]

Technology and a host of other factors are ushering us ever further into the era of 'the great decoupling'. ( http://andrewmcafee.org/2012/12/the-great-decoupling-of-the-us-economy/ )

As a future uni student looking at degree courses, something in computers (comp sci, electrical/electronic engineering) seems like a safe bet.

What do you think sci?

Aside from 'hyper-human' disciplines like becoming an film/tv/musical actor, musician.. the arts etc.. What are the best bets for me as a future graduate?

(NB I'm based in the uk)

>> No.5841335

Geology - all that oil and natural gas aren't going to find themselves.

>> No.5841369

what about research into renewables though?

>> No.5841391

I suppose it depends on whether you prefer shilling for private companies or begging for government grants.

>> No.5841414

Food for thought, thanks

>> No.5841419

Math-heavy professions are still going strong.

>> No.5841449

I studied for years and got a doctorate to work on renewable energy. Even got a million-dollar grant to work on it.

BP got wind of my research and unleashed its lobbyists on Congress and the granting agency. Now I'm applying for a job at McDonalds.

>> No.5841465

You're better doing something you enjoy for 3 years at Uni however computer science is good if you want employment

>> No.5842246

oh wow, really!?

Specifically what area of renewables did you study in?

What was the nature of your research?

>> No.5842262

I think the reason everybody's shitting on renewables right now is because the consequences of global warming hasn't started to get bad just yet. Give it another twenty years when large densely inhabited regions become uninhabitable due to unpredictable weather/disasters and there's climate refugees everywhere, then governments will serious the fuck up. But not before.

>> No.5842272

on the other hand, you know what would cut our carbon emissions the fuck down? replace all the coal burning with shale gas.

>> No.5842279
File: 49 KB, 810x583, global warmlulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, the reason we're shitting on most renewables is that some of them aren't really renewables(most biomass, gas) and some are actively harmful(solar) while providing no net gain in return(solar, wind).

Another reason is that the most zealous greenies who push these refuse to see reason and make demands that simply can't be met.

And of course there are those that demand that we return to caves and huts and live off the bounty of Mother Gaia.

>> No.5842280

at least until we get fusion working (probably sometime near 2080), we'll probably have to live off some combination of solar, wind, gas, nuclear and cutting the fuck back industrially. There's no avoiding it.

>> No.5842286


the only current realistic options are baseloads provided by nuclear, hydro and geothermal. The rest can be supplemented by renewables.