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File: 737 KB, 2264x1698, vaccine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5834673 No.5834673 [Reply] [Original]

I'm completely baffled, /sci/.
I've been talking to people who ''don't believe'' in vaccines. I may not be the smartest person, but what am I not seeing here?

Is there any legitimate reason to not vaccinate your child?

>> No.5834678

It gives your kids autism

>> No.5834687

From what I've read there was 5500 cases from 2001-2009. A small number for something that does so much. Plus having autism is not nearly as bad as being dead.

But I suppose that's subjective.

>> No.5834688

So does the internet.

>> No.5834696
File: 72 KB, 400x225, 30042613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry 5,500 cases of autism from vaccines? Are you high? Try 0, and find me ANY LEGITIMATE clinical research paper that says anything otherwise.

>> No.5834700

I'm not saying it's a fact, it's just ''alleged reports''. Either way it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal.

>> No.5834704


It's a fucking media frenzy, but there's no truth to it, because properly conducted clinical studies (you know, where you track control groups and shit) have shows that over a long period of time there is absolutely no effect on the child. Alleged reports don't mean a damn thing, because when clinical studies try to replicate them, they fail.

>> No.5834706

>autism begins showing around the same time young children get vaccines
>oh it must be the vaccines!

>> No.5834730

That explains why I am like this.

>> No.5834734

>have child
>develops autism
>so fucking mad that my kid is a retard
>can't live with myself knowing my shifty genetics created a retard
>decide to blame vaccines on my kid's retardation
>people believe it and i don't feel bad about it anymore
>problem solved
extended edition:
>everyone rallies up to stop vaccines
>it works
>everyone dies of viruses and such
>the end

>> No.5834791

It's a pretty interesting story how this whole thing got started. There should be a movie about it.

Britain decided to give a vaccine that immunizes against measles, mumps, and rubella all in one shot (MMR Vaccine). A surgeon named Andrew Wakefield owned part of a company that produces vaccines for the single diseases and wasn't making much money as a result. At the same time a lawyer thought it would be very profitable for himself to blame the MMR vaccine for something and sue the government. They got together and concocted a bullshit study. It was not only deliberately misleading but carried out in an unethical way. He convinced his child's friends to let him extract spinal cord fluid and this should only be done if it's necessary to diagnose a serious medical issue. Wakefield has since lost his medical license for malpractice and his paper was withdrawn by the medical journal that published it.

It made a good headline. The press loves sensationalism. Thousands of children have died because of this asshole.

The idea that autism is actually mercury poisoning caused by thiomersal (a preservative containing ethylmercury ) is something some dumb housewife came up with. Autism is not mercury poisoning. Ethylmercury does not have the toxicity of methylmercury. The dose in a vaccine is the same as a few tablespoons of Tuna. The FDA decided to remove thiomersal from its vaccines not because it was harmful but because a lot of people wouldn't get their kids vaccinated unless they gave in. Autism rates have unsurprisingly not dropped since then and the general public still seams to think vaccines contain mercury.

>> No.5834856

>>5834687 having autism is not nearly as bad as being dead

You must be joking.

>> No.5834875

There is evidence pointing towards vaccines containing toxic ingredients, and that their effectiveness compared to completely safe methods is in question. (Having a healthy body.) Then there is arguments saying that vaccines are pushed on children at too young an age, and at too high a dose.

There are plenty of websites where you will find supporting evidence. Anyone who simply says that it doesn't exist, or attempts to smear it is either stupid, or hasn't read into the history of people that push vaccines.

It's a problematic topic.

>> No.5834886

The body is completely capable of handling itself. Making vaccines pretty redundant. Only adding to the repertoire of artificially fucked up viruses to your body. Unless the individual sees and investigate whats being put into their body it's a shot in the dark of not being an experiment.

To explain, a raw food diet of plant foods would keep cancer or any other sickness from taking over.

>> No.5834909

>The body is completely capable of handling itself. Making vaccines pretty redundant.
Pretty sure vaccinations came about due to the body NOT being able to handle certain diseases, so medicine stepped in and provided.

>Unless the individual sees and investigate whats being put into their body it's a shot in the dark of not being an experiment.
This is just paranoia, an argument from ignorance.

>To explain, a raw food diet of plant foods would keep cancer or any other sickness from taking over.
I don't even know what you're talking about here.

>> No.5834929

They should instead make a movie on Salk. Guy's a hero of heroes.

>> No.5834932

>ethyl vs methyl
You wouldn't believe the amount of retards who I've had to explain this to, both irl as a virologists' intern and on 4chan.

>> No.5834934

>there is plenty of evidence
[citation needed]

>> No.5834935

All vaccines should be able to be independently tested to see what is within.

People need more transparency, saying "Yeah it's good don't worry brah" isn't good enough. Let mothers know what's actually inside & explaining why it's in there and they'll probably chill out.

>> No.5834941

They can and have been used to conduct experiments instead of actually vaccinating people.

Sometimes they aren't necessary, such as flu shots, and may just result in you getting the flu when you wouldn't otherwise, which may kill you just the same as the flu would anyway.

It's possible irresponsibility with vaccines may have caused the original spread of AIDS.

>Muh RFID chips

>> No.5834945

AIDS? Think bigger. They caused the global recession, 9/11 and wiped the dinosaurs out.

>> No.5834947

>Sometimes they aren't necessary, such as flu shots, and may just result in you getting the flu when you wouldn't otherwise, which may kill you just the same as the flu would anyway.
No, the flu shot doesn't give you the flu. I'm not sure you're really aware of how vaccines are made.

>It's possible irresponsibility with vaccines may have caused the original spread of AIDS.
Seriously? >>5834945 is right, you aren't blaming vaccinations for enough! I bet they killed your dog too.

>> No.5834952

>An alternative view holds that unsafe medical practices in Africa after World War II, such as unsterile reuse of single use syringes during mass vaccination, antibiotic and anti-malaria treatment campaigns, were the initial vector that allowed the virus to adapt to humans and spread


You can go read the citations there yourself.

>> No.5834954

It's just conformation bias.

The kind of people who think vaccines are giving you cancer and shit are the same people who just want excuses to hate the government. All it is is an avenue for them to reaffirm that the things they already believe are correct. You can show them whatever you want but theyre not gonna buy it, but boy howdy if you show them a poor resolution video of a crippled girl and caption it with "HEP C VACCINE BROKE BOTH MY CHILDS LEGS" they'll believe it.

>> No.5834958

>An alternative view holds
Must be true.

>> No.5834960

Autism has been observed to show signs at 6 months which is before you get any vaccines.


>> No.5834963

So let me get this straight, you read that and your thinking isn't
>unsafe and unsanitary practices are harmful and should be abolished
but is
>vaccines are responsible

>> No.5834965

edit: any MMR vaccine which is what they say causes autism

>> No.5834969

>There's more than one theory, only the one I believe must be true.
What do you believe happened btw? A bunch of Africans fucked primates until they got it?

>It's possible irresponsibility with vaccines may have caused the original spread of AIDS.

>It's possible
>irresponsibility with vaccines

Stop being intentionally retarded. Or did you guys just have too many vaccines over your life?

>> No.5834992

>wiped the dinosaurs out
Yeah, that was the last time I'll give my children both the grow-to-asteroid-size vaccine and the anti-chronological vaccine.

Damn medical companies for making me fear timetravellers and making me think my children should be huge space-adapted silicoids.

>> No.5834996

>AIDS is cause by vaccines
>intentionally retarded
Pick 2.

>> No.5834997

Try these
They include most of the classic articles and books which form the body of anti-vaccination dogma. Most of them are written by doctors and scientists. The quotes page on whale.to is a good introduction.

Have to say I'm not endorsing these ideas, but for now I won't travel anywhere that requires a shot.

Vaccines are made in batches and a particular type's composition can vary from one manufacturer and batch to the next. McCarthy was actually campaigning against a specific batch of the MMR vaccine, not "any MMR".

>> No.5835002

>mothers coddle children
>coddling includes vaccines
>coddling also includes not letting their kids play with other kids
>the latter causes symptoms similar, but nothing alike, to autism
>it just so happens mothers who coddle their children into social retardation are also more likely to give their kids way too many vaccines

>> No.5835007

Correlation, nothing more.

>> No.5835012

I guess.

Coddling -> Social retardation
Coddling -> Assisted hypochondria

Assisted hypochondria -> Vaccines

Autism -> False relation with social retardation
Autism -> False relation with vaccines

It's a pretty good idea though. The same people who would believe vaccines give you autism are the same people who think autism is anyone who wasn't a bright and chipper social bunny as a child.

>> No.5836781 [DELETED] 
