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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5830481 No.5830481 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone give me pros and cons to GMO foods? For Food Science 12.

>> No.5830489

Pros - Higher crop yield and pest resistance

Cons - None

>> No.5830498


So would you say GMO food is the way of the future?

>> No.5830517

Pros - Whatever you benefit from the new strain of plants (it's just like selective breeding, but cutting out the middle man)

Cons - Has science gone too far!? Realistically the only cons are whatever negatives originate within the new strain of crop and the higher probability of not being able to detect them before mass production.

GMOs aren't the problem, intellectual property laws are.

>> No.5830524


Pros - Pest, weather, and disease resistant crops. Potential increased yield and nutritional value of crops. Easier to control, easier to adapt.

Cons - Lowers genetic diversity, making crops susceptible to blight. May create pests, weeds, and diseases which have increased resistance. Which could therefore overpower other plants/strains.

The cons are mostly speculative/theory. Because we haven't really seen a negative impact from the GMO foods in the market yet.

>> No.5830522


But without intellectual property laws, agricultural companies would have to keep their methods secret to protect their products, there would be less transparency. Patents are necessarily public, otherwise you would have no way to know that you are stealing someone's IP.

>> No.5830537

Transparency doesn't matter when even the makers of the product don't know what bad effects it might have.

>> No.5830539
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Oh boy, a GMO thread?

Cue the periodic hourly bumps.

>> No.5830540

one con is that it puts a copyright on something that god put here for everyone to use.
Corn is corn, but if your corn is their corn, then you'll get sued if you didn't sign a contract with them to plant it.
So yeah, basically the con is that it allows the jews to stick their slimy hands into yet another area of our lives. I hope they enjoy hell.

>> No.5830541

Intellectual property laws create wealth from artificially induced ignorance.

The net value created by a patentable idea far exceeds the wealth accumulated through this artificial scarcity.

IP Laws are THE leash holding us on this fucking rock, and THE political issue that needs to be resolved this century.

>> No.5830542

Thankfully your hypothetical scenario is just that.

>> No.5830556


What are you talking about guy?

Intellectually property provides a forum to make invention public while still providing rights and royalties to the inventor. They are literally the cornerstone of civilization, without them absolute fuck all will be accomplished. Keep dreaming your utopian dreams.

>> No.5830560

Nature is above civilization, and stifling the replication of success is stifling evolution.

>> No.5830562

Abandon all logic when entering a /pol/ thread mate.

>> No.5830564

Evolution is just a theory (gauss).

>> No.5830572

How was Wikipedia created?
What spurred the scientific revolution?

>> No.5830574


Oh, I see, you're an idiot.

>> No.5830585


I'm not saying open patents, e.g. linux, biobricks, are a bad thing. They might even be the future.

I'm saying patent laws are a good thing, because, I dunno, someone who makes something worthwhile might actually desire to make a profit from it. It is their right to hold on to their property and attempt to make money if they so desire.

The problem with all these assholes calling for an end to intellectual property, is that they think it will end goliath corporations. It will only make it impossible for innovation to ever challenge their success.

>> No.5830586

Oh, I see, you're an idiot.

>> No.5830590

You sound like a teenager who has no clue how actual science is being made.

>> No.5830594

>It is their right to hold on to their property
You mean it is their right to use threat of force to drive out competition.

>> No.5830595

Oh, I see, you're an idiot.

>> No.5830602
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Like "stop looking at these microscopes or i'll beat you up".

>> No.5830605


That's what the rule of law is Mr. Anarchist.

Gee, I remember when I was eleven. I'm done responding to your idiotic comments.

>> No.5830614

Geez, you could have at least made a half-assed argument instead of giving up instantly.

>> No.5830617 [DELETED] 

How do we prevent gmo crops from none gmo agriculture, either by interbreeding, seed dispersal or killing pollinators?

>> No.5830621 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1301x674, help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I request your help as well. I'm entering a very liberal leaning university in a few weeks.

>> No.5830622 [DELETED] 

How do we prevent gmo crops from none gmo agriculture, either by interbreeding, seed dispersal or killing pollinators?

>> No.5830627

How do we prevent gmo crops from harming non-gmo agriculture, either by interbreeding, seed dispersal or killing pollinators?

>> No.5830635

Cons: Reduced genetic diversity, patent laws

Basically everything could be solved with a GNU crop license.

>> No.5830636

One problem of GMOs is that what scientists are creating their crop for: shelf life, resistance to disease, larger crop yields is not always what's best for consumers: flavor and nutrition.

>> No.5830637
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>> No.5830647

At least get some /sci/ related pics to bump with, pol redneck.

>> No.5830652
File: 116 KB, 800x895, GMO_rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pros - Higher crop yield and pest resistance
>Cons - None
Also, higher nutrition. Anti-GMO fags are blinding millions of children. Do they give a fuck? No they do not.

>> No.5830659

/pol/ is always right though

>> No.5830661

the problem with GMO is about Monsanto putting a price tag on your belly. It's political. We prefer to eat shit than giving infinite money to Monsanto.

>> No.5830676
File: 132 KB, 900x545, spaceelevatornice[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about space elevators and other launch systems. How are we going to get the cost of launch down so we can settle the solar system?

>> No.5830678
File: 84 KB, 500x500, Vitamin_A_deficiency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving infinite money to Monsanto
Bullshit. Anti GMO fags don't even want vitamin A enhanced Golden Rice given to farmers for free.

>> No.5830683

That's just one thing.

Plants engineered to not look ugly after being sprayed with round up have reduced nutritional value because the herbicide works by starving the plant.

>> No.5830691

Free only for now...
Wait 'til you see the copyright infringement lawsuits years later.

>> No.5830690

by making cheaper energy. If we can find a way to make all the energy, the price of making a mass accelerator for the raw materials and high altitude planes for people would be reasonable

>> No.5830706

Why don't we have vitamin enriched corn and wheat to solve the fucked up teeth problem in the west?

>> No.5830725

irrelevant hindsight bias
keep your faggotry to your own shithole

>> No.5831699

Cons - Corporations now own all the crops and will sue you into penury if you don't pay the fees they demand

>> No.5831701

Until it isn't. But heck, why err on the side of caution? That's for luddites, right?

>> No.5831827

Free until everyone using it

>> No.5833465

If the compound is insecure cross pollination could occur. If the crop is designed to be resistant to environmental factors (biotic and abiotic) it could invade and outcompete nearby land, causing problems to food webs.

>> No.5833583

Ok n00ps, now listen closely and feel free to take notes.

Pretty much everything said here was correct but narrow-minded as usual.
The great topics of the future will be synergistic effects in agriculture and circular resource management.

Have you ever heard of the push-and-pull cultivation method, where you plant certain plants, that dispel pests out of the crop and lure them to field-surrounding plants?
What we are doing in biotech right now is an old pattern of thinking applied to a new technology.
These pests-pulling plants could be modified to lure even more and different insects, handle the dealt damage better, grow in harmony/synergy inside and not around the field and on top of that could be healthier compared to their normal diet. This is actually the complete opposite of what we do today and wouldnt threaten biodiversity.

The great challenge of our civilization is the resource depletion. We need to shift away from our linear economy into a circular one with nearly 100% recycle-rates and the sun basically as the only energy source.
New and reusable manufacturing materials, energy carriers and chemicals out of our waste and feces.
You should know by now, where i want to go.

pro - will save the world.
con - to complex for stupid people.