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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 156 KB, 1158x1200, 10503774-brain-lobe-sections-made-of-cogs-and-gears-representing-intelligence-and-divisions-of-mental-neurolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5827374 No.5827374 [Reply] [Original]

Is /pol/ wrong when they claim that things like homosexuality, social awkwardness, transexuality, asperg behavior and other "degenerate" traits can be cured by rigid athletic activity, basically can you sweat/beat the gay away ?

>> No.5827381
File: 309 KB, 431x614, big_faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying no buff faggots

nigga, u gay

>taking science advice from /fit/

>> No.5827386

There is no evidence to suggest they are correct, and plenty to suggests they are wrong.

>> No.5827388

>Is /pol/ wrong

yes to all sentences that start like this

>> No.5827392

oh come on, they were right about the j00z...

>> No.5827393

Theoretically they are right. But I find it hilariously ironic that /pol/ uses the word "degenerate". I honestly cannot imagine anything more degenerate than a bunch of misogynist virgins whose highest intellectual activity consists of repeatedly spamming the same meme pictures and catch phrases over and over again on an anonymous internet board.

>> No.5827397

They aren't diseases.

>> No.5827398

jews are bad news for blue's clues. steve was hitler

>> No.5827401


[v. dih-jen-uh-reyt; adj., n. dih-jen-er-it] Show IPA verb, de·gen·er·at·ed, de·gen·er·at·ing, adjective, noun
verb (used without object)
to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate: The morale of the soldiers degenerated, and they were unable to fight.
to diminish in quality, especially from a former state of coherence, balance

Not seeing how what you're describing is degeneracy. In what are they failing?

>> No.5827402
File: 37 KB, 640x434, cn_image.size.hitchens-2004-contributor-image[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now who else do we know with that behaviour...

>> No.5827403
File: 364 KB, 444x722, posh_constanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying spergers arnt a disease

>> No.5827404

>what is the fact-value distinction
>what is the naturalistic fallacy
>what is /sci/ in charge of knowing the limits of science?
>what is /sci/ in charge of knowing what 'value judgment' means?

>> No.5827405
File: 23 KB, 525x311, implications.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5827407

>In what are they failing?
breeding, social behaviour, unqueeritude,and not having bawtism, respectively.

>> No.5827408

what's the matter? afraid to get dirty with your own atrocities when you're so covered in shit?

>> No.5827409

Shut the fuck up JIDF shill

>> No.5827406

He's obviously referring to the fact that all of their lowest energy levels are occupied you stupid fuck.
>Do you even Fermi-Dirac Statistics

>> No.5827412

/pol/ gets upset when told they're dumb hicks
just watch this thread

>> No.5827413

good goy

>> No.5827416

>to fall below a normal or desirable level in physical, mental, or moral qualities; deteriorate
>to diminish in quality

Certainly lack of higher intellectual abilities, reduced verbal expressiveness and the absence of a normal social development fit these creteria.

>> No.5827418

What do you mean? Not reproducing in healthy monogamous relationships? Or do you mean they are degenerate in things it couldn't meaningfully call them degenerates (i.e., things they had no control over, namely, from whom they born)
>social behaviour,
Again, what do you mean? Are will you insist that their rejection of multiculturalism is degenerate?
>and not having bawtism, respectively.
What the fuck is bawtism?

>> No.5827420


>> No.5827421

Nice illustrations of what I meant by "degeneracy".

>> No.5827422


>> No.5827423
File: 193 KB, 396x571, 1370059509190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was one of hitler's first paintings, but then again the holocaust never happened right?

>> No.5827435

Stop being a faggot and get back in the kitchen fundie

>> No.5827429

>here we go

>> No.5827430

>a bunch of misogynist virgins
Retard detected.

>> No.5827432

>Projecting this hard

>> No.5827433

Oy vey my 9 gorillion

>> No.5827436

>Is /pol/ wrong when they claim that things like homosexuality, social awkwardness, transexuality, asperg behavior and other "degenerate" traits can be cured by rigid athletic activity, basically can you sweat/beat the gay away ?

For all the retarded things I have heard on /pol/, this isn't one of them.

>> No.5827438

Never seen that claim on any board. Open, are you projecting?

>> No.5827439

Op not open
> auto correct fail.

>> No.5827443
File: 50 KB, 500x289, 500px-FTC_geometric.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this shit on /sci/? Quick, CALCULUS THREAD

>> No.5827448

Fuckin degenerates


>> No.5827452

The human brain is flexible. Given time and sufficient knowledge of human functioning, you can rewire it to believe or feel anything. Mostly using operant conditioning such as sustenance deprivation and torture. There is room in the human mind for suffering much greater than any kind of sex can counter. To rewire homosexuality, you must only make sure that every homosexual impulse is met with more suffering than pleasure, and the brain will learn.

>> No.5827456
File: 73 KB, 501x585, happy merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>repeatedly spamming the same meme pictures and catch phrases over and over again

>> No.5827463

>/sci/ In charge of knowing anything

>> No.5827468


quoting Hitchens and Dawkins endlessly isn't any better than anything /pol/ does. You're enlightened by your own intelligence but you're still a faggot

>> No.5827475

even >>>/x/ come with more interesants theories than >>

>> No.5827476


>> No.5827477

/pol/itic here.
You people and your funny generalizations.
It seems SRS got a hold of /sci/ since they couldnt stop /pol/

>> No.5827478

ITT: /Sci/ getting blown the fuck out.

>> No.5827480

nah you cant be serious....

>> No.5827481


>I'm a man with a dick, give me a dress and estrogen and I am now a woman
Yeah go fuck yourselfs retards

>> No.5827484

haha that's not what it even was about, he just liked shitting on the image i didn't put out there. thanks though we're both massive faggots right?

>> No.5827485

DYEL /sci/? talking shit about /pol/? are you niggas serious? sheeeeeeeeeit.

You can't corner the dorner and it's always happening.

>> No.5827486

What's up? You still blaming your loserdom on a fictional jewish/feminist/reddit conspiracy? Face reality, dork. The real reason you're a basement dwelling virgin is because of your social ineptitude. Seriously, is /pol/ nothing but an even more pathetic version of /r9k/?

>> No.5827487

10/10 mate
Look at the replies flood in.

>> No.5827488

Little different from any other board. People come to 4chan for amusement mainly, learn to chillax a little.

>> No.5827489

>Implying any of this is true.

Apparently you've not had the red pill RE: Jews owning the media and banking institutions.

>> No.5827493

Think the only board lower than /pol/ is /b/ now. But gb2b is old so gb2lerebbit may-may is the staple reply on /pol/.

>> No.5827494


>autistic samefagging means you won


>> No.5827495

Sook it maggot, you deserved it and you know it.

>> No.5827498
File: 150 KB, 798x800, 1322232498052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>red pill

>mfw imagining the human filth who use that expression seriously and think they're so knowledgeable about the world

>> No.5827500

Whoa, hold on dude. What are you gonna tell me next? Snow is white? How fucking disabled are you that you consider well known facts to be a magical "red pill"? Your board is a joke and full of retards.

>> No.5827502


>> No.5827504

it's 2 interpretive 4 u bro
don't even delve, you won't make it past the sediment.

>> No.5827505
File: 24 KB, 386x306, 1357273079102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5827506

[citation needed]

>> No.5827509

Way to go full ad hominem there, chief.

>> No.5827511

jewish/feminist conspiracy theory?
holy shit so the SRS invasion was that bad?
Do not be mad my friend and please do not consider your opinion that highly and mighty.
It is obvious /sci/ is crawling with your kind, the same it is deemed as degenerate on other boards.
The fact you hide here under the veil of intellectualism doesn't delude the fact you are the kind that began all the rave about degenerates and the SRS.
All you hipsters are fucking hilarious.

>> No.5827513

S/S/S. Shit /sci/ Says. Fucking mutations of hipster these days.

>> No.5827514

aint no one gives a shit but the jews and hitler, and they're both dead now

>> No.5827517

>The Jews are apparently dead now.

>> No.5827518


>> No.5827521

ever since someone went back in time to when hitler started painting and nooked germany.

>> No.5827523

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh. Yeaaaaaaah....

>> No.5827526

Daily reminder that academically approved papers of historical events are wrong and biased but that slapped together JPEG images on /pol/ are 100% legit and the light

>> No.5827527

The /pol/ thread about this has 20 posts, before you go running of to /q/ remember that most of these posters are your own /sci/.

>> No.5827529

Shit was fucking awesome, or shit was fucking shit. Depending on how you see it, and how racist you are.

>> No.5827530

You forgot the "feel" picture that was supposed to accompany your loser blog post.

>> No.5827531

>Ad hominem.

>> No.5827532

Watch this tranny enablers

>> No.5827533

>ad "hominem"
>implying human

Degenerates from /pol/ are subhumans.

>> No.5827535

Way to be subversive and edgy at the same time.

>> No.5827537

>asperger's syndrome
Incurable. Homosexuality is due to the prenatal brain forming like a heterosexual of the opposite sex due to disrupted hormonal conditions in the womb. Not sure that "asperger's behavior" is, but it is definitely not asperger's syndrome which is a recognized mental disorder.


>social awkwardnes
>"asperg behavior"
Some of this behavior may be due to psychological conditioning, through someone's life experiences they have had traumatic experiences they want to avoid repeating, they have difficulty coming to terms with their homosexuality and social conventions or they have never developed social skills or recognized the benefits of a social life. Refusing to follow social conventions is not necessarily "degeneracy" however, for a start /pol/ does not follow many social conventions and I doubt /pol/ would describe themselves as degenerate. Trying to assert social dominance over someone because they do not follow your idea of social convention is also a sign of mental illness however, especially in adults whose mentality should have developed beyond that of a middle school playground at that point.


>> No.5827539

My theory is gayness comes from childhood trauma. For example a gay has a sad childhood where his father beat his mother for years and he is helpless to stop it. (I don't make this up, this actually happens) But this is just my theory, maybe the kid is a natural born gay.

>> No.5827540

Well /sci/, now you know what it's like to get blown the fuck out.

>> No.5827542

It feels bad to be nothing AND somebody terrible just because people like to fuck all your browsing day's up. Sometimes it's bad enough to where the only good thing you can think is just roping yourself and your enemy and light a fire. If you're not one to care for charred flesh that is.

>> No.5827543

>which is a recognized mental disorder.

No, it fucking isn't. "Asperger" is an overdiagnosed faux excuse for spoiled brats to behave anti-socially and for doctors to prescribe expensive medication. There would be no assburgers if we simply gave them a beating. It's just another nonsense trend propagated by the pharma industry along with similar fake disorders like ADHD.

>> No.5827546

Actually Aspergers got canned this or last year, it literally doesn't exist anymore as a real medical condition.

>> No.5827550

It's trashed

>> No.5827555

>Prenatal hormones may be seen as the primary determinant of adult sexual orientation, or a co-factor with genes, biological factors and/or environmental and social conditions.

So the enviroment you're in can still potentially fix it regardless, you didn't refute anything. And "asperger's behavior" would still self evidently be 'the behavior of someone afflicted with asperger's syndrome'. Although your implied assertion that mental disorder's can't be alleviated by activity is also false.

>> No.5827558

No it was just merged with the autism spectrum. It's still a disorder, but it's just called mild autism now.

>> No.5827561

Insomnia and isolation so frequently pair, when does your world dissolve because it's so regular and boring. Nothing moves, clock ticks. Maybe that's where it starts, or maybe traumatic instances that force them to derealize while their brains are still in the development phase.

>> No.5827562

>psychotic ramblings


>> No.5827573
File: 150 KB, 1056x706, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That anon is still lurking I assume.

>> No.5827575
File: 52 KB, 444x597, 1916-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

confirmed hipster scum, I'm not sorry i made you upset.
You people are pathetic.
/sci/ confirmed for reaching an all time low.

>> No.5827577
File: 151 KB, 1043x662, this is you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5827590
File: 35 KB, 1329x424, pol got told.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5827598
File: 1.71 MB, 606x423, 1366383426633.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top lulz
this is honestly trying too hard.

>> No.5827602
File: 138 KB, 1208x1040, 1344043287127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>falling for divide and conquer tactics
Hahahahaha. Good goy.

>> No.5827603

Zombies, zombies.. they won't even feel getting shot

>> No.5827605

Actually, they do, but they have a decreased pain response. Learn your zombie development history. Their drive is barely hindered by pain but it still is.

>> No.5827609

Not the ones that burnt to death, they don't have any nerve endings!

>> No.5827611

They still do while they're burning, until their flesh is gone.

>> No.5827637

Humans are great apes and cannot successfully survive and reproduce without working together, so there was a strong evolutionary incentive for humans to develop and maintain a pecking order. Anxiety and hubris are the result, you feel anxiety when you are rejected by the group, you feel hubris or pride when you are accepted, encouraging you to try and conform. As hunter gatherers you would spend most of the year in groups of around 10 to 20 people, only meeting other tribes during annual migrations and such things. In the modern world we live among 1000s of other people, so essentially every new person you meet could potentially be treated as a stranger who has yet to be hazed into the group. Applying this understanding of human behavior to your situation should solve your problem.
>There would be no assburgers if we simply gave them a beating.
I don't think your motivation is to find the truth. It is an emotional motivation.
Asperger's syndrome has been redefined as part of a spectrum, not disqualified as being defined as an illness, if someone discovers that 2 diseases are actually the same and redefines them as the same disease, that doesn't mean someone with the disease is no longer ill.
Not all environmental causes are reversible, many of the changes in the brain during development in the womb are permanent, they occur when the brain is still growing and brain cells behave very differently from adult brain cells. Experiments in the 1950s with hormones used on homosexuals prove that they have little effect on sexuality in the adult brain.
>implied assertion that mental disorder's can't be alleviated by activity is also false
They can be alleviated but this is only partial and if the treatment ends their symptoms would return, suggesting it is a permanent condition. Or beyond our technology.

>> No.5827648

>cure homosexuality
>implying we need more breeders on this planet
>implying we know enough about life to make moral judgements over sexual orientation
>implying rigid athletic activity doesn't make you gayer

>> No.5827665

I agree with this post.

>> No.5827669

Of course you do, samefag.

>> No.5827670
File: 152 KB, 830x844, 1366834790965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5827671

I'm not him actually.


>> No.5827674

Sure you're not, which is why you're still in a thread for a post you've made six minutes ago.

>> No.5827681

ITT: OP got told. Good job /sci/

>> No.5827682
File: 42 KB, 542x577, yeah, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost, /pol/, almost.

Why can't I simply agree with someone? Oh wait, I must be that same person; logic.

>> No.5827686

>uses the word breeders
>I agree with this post.
Fucking really?

>> No.5827693

Photoshopped for sure. Nice try, samefag.

>> No.5827700

Holy shit /pol/, just check the image and see the modified and creation date, it's not so hard to do.

You're just stubborn as hell, fucking accept it.

>> No.5827701

>is mad that somebody used the word "breeders"

Are you five?

>> No.5827702

>quoting Hitchens and Dawkins

You do realize that people who do this on /sci/ are instantly labeled as retards?

>> No.5827703

Nope. Nice try, super samefag.
No, we're not the ones who cry when we get called faggots, unlike... you know, faggots.

>> No.5827706

>super samefag.
What the fuck?
Oh wait, you're a super-troll, so that's why. Good, I'm done with you.

>> No.5827715

>all i did was call you a faggot
yeah.. no, you're a faggot, burn baby burn.

>> No.5827716


Sounds like someone has daddy issues.

>> No.5827718

>No, we're not the ones who cry when we get called faggots, unlike... you know, faggots.

Oh, you're one of those idiots who paints with a ridiculously broad brush. It's impossible to have a conversation with people like you since you can't even into basic nuance.

>> No.5827722

>not referring to het scum as breeders

>> No.5827723

I wonder if you're capable of realising the irony of what you just said.

>> No.5827728

>Throwing around ad hominems when you've been owned for samefagging.
Check my seven.
I didn't even talk to you before then you hyperion nigger cannon.

>> No.5827735

I bet what you think is irony is just a lack of comprehension.

>> No.5827742

You're not allowed to point out that fallacy, you've pointed out my "samefaging".
Please, stop posting and go back wherever you came from.

>> No.5827736

Shut up you fag enabler.

>> No.5827744

Thought not.

>> No.5827750

It's "samefagging."
Not "samefagging". You guys are fucking autistic fag enablers who miss the irony in the hypocritical things that they say.

>> No.5827753

>It's "samefagging."
>Not "samefagging".

Yeah, totally relevant; sure it adds value to your arguments.

>> No.5827760

>you guys...that they say

If you want to do this you're going to have to learn how to communicate.

>> No.5827758

It does when you think you know the complexities of something like what we were discussing but yet you can't even get the simplicities of proper grammar nailed down. God damn, you are a stupid fag enabler.

>> No.5827765

>Coming from a samefag fag enabling horse-watcher.
I present that my opponent watches My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic.

>> No.5827769

>you think you know the complexities of something like what we were discussing but yet you can't even get the simplicities of proper grammar nailed down.
Amazing example of "ad hominem"; I thought I already proved you that I'm not samefagging but somehow you threw away the evidence.

>> No.5827772

>not enjoying MLP

>> No.5827775

uh.. your opponent? i'm pretty much done dealing with all dat shit nyucca. We be burnin' 2013

>> No.5827776

Because it was Photoshopped you black guy. My sevens.

>> No.5827780

No, it wasn't; learn to read modified and creation dates.

>> No.5827783

Nope, you Photoshopped it.

>> No.5827784

>wasting your time arguing with a /pol/virgin

I'm sure there is summer work available somewhere.

>> No.5827786

>Implying I am from /pol/.

>> No.5827789

My seven seven eight eight is unavailable right now.

>> No.5827790

Probably, will look for one; maybe I could stop being on 4chan and do something more productive than arguing with people in the internet.

>> No.5827816

/sci/fags got trolled in this thread.

>> No.5827838

Clearly evident here. >>5827393

>> No.5827843


>> No.5827862

Why is there a commie from /pol/ here ? Why the fuck are there even commies there ? It's usually just libertarians/nazis (don't ask me how that works, the cognitive dissonance must be huge)

>> No.5827897

/pol/ here

When did /pol/ say you can walk the gay away? We have always thought extermination was the only only solution

>> No.5827900

when you learn to not give a fuck and be a boss no matter what people call you

>> No.5827904

You guys are a bunch of Jews.