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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 66 KB, 800x437, hl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5821565 No.5821565 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, why haven't you accepted tungsten as the master element yet?

>Stronger than steel, tungsten eats titanium's bitch ass for breakfast
>Harder than a priest's cock in a daycare, they use this shit for tank piercing rounds
>Still ductile in its pure form
>As dense as fucking uranium
>Highest melting point of any metal, the thermite the jews used to take out the WTC wouldn't have stood a chance against tungsten
>Good conductor
>It's also goddamn beautiful, they use that shit in jewelry.
>Not even that poisonous for a heavy metal, so you can still shove it up your ass without worrying about dying.

All other metals pls go.

>> No.5821567

because bismuth is sick as fuck, bitches love bismuth

>> No.5821574
File: 38 KB, 500x500, hl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying bismuth has any commercial uses besides making you shit your guts out you edgy faggot

>> No.5821579

what? it has applications in quantum computing too. 0/10

>> No.5821582

>Good conductor
>Good conductor
Worser than aluminum

>> No.5821597

>Pulling things out of your ass

>> No.5821599

here's another link from my "ass"

>> No.5821600

aluminium is on par with copper in terms of conductivity, so of course it isn't going to be as ideal of a conductor. That doesn't mean it still doesn't have uses in that area.

>> No.5821602

Summer came early this year

>> No.5821606

It's the middle of fucking winter, and theres way more sources than just that, i just linked you that prechewed food so you didn't spit it out and start crying.

>> No.5821610

>way more sources
lel show me. Popshit is NOT a /sci/ approved source, please give me another.

>> No.5821613

why would i waste my time?

>> No.5821646


lol he's from 'straya, home of the shitposters.

>> No.5821648
File: 2 KB, 227x261, 1370567726573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not from 'straya he's just been fucking with me

>> No.5821661

Refusal to provide a legitimate source to back up your claim, I win the argument by default. Bismuth is a confirmed shit tier element guys.

>> No.5821667

I don't get why people think this is true.

>> No.5821669

shh.. let him "win" by default. It's all the same in his head..

>> No.5821674

Sure is summer in here

>> No.5821677

And when you leave the temperature will surely drop rapidly.

>> No.5821722

what if I need something light?

>> No.5821726


>> No.5821733

>implying sub40nm cmos process would exist without S-ALD tungsten plugs

bitch ass aluminium aint got SHIT on W

>> No.5821769

Tungsten isn't ductile for fuck unless you work the shit out of it into wire beforehand. Normally it's brittle as shit.

>> No.5821773

Actually I need something light and abundant. Will Tungsten do?

>> No.5823600


>> No.5823607
File: 166 KB, 760x817, carbon-allotropes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guise, I'ma let u finish and all but Carbon is the best element of ALL TIME!

>> No.5823669

carbon is fag tier

>> No.5823685

Carbon is too mainstream for me.

>> No.5823753

graphene is best.

>> No.5823757

I dunno, Carbon seems a little whorish for me.

>> No.5823762

> the thermite the jews used to take out the WTC

Your brain is broke.

>> No.5823772

>>As dense as fucking uranium
but wait there is more !
density of tungsten : 19.282
density of gold : 19.282

that's pretty awesome.

>> No.5823782

That's like being asked who your favorite scientist is and saying Einstein.

>> No.5823785

melting point of carbon is higher. muh-tungsten.

>> No.5823818

people have used that to their advantage too. there was a hiest where someone switched out gold bars for gold plated tungston bars

>> No.5823841


>so you can still shove it up your ass without worrying about dying.


>> No.5823859

You're an idiot.

Also, why does /sci/ seem to think this summer thing is a thing anyway? Since when do kids flock to a science board when school ends?

>> No.5823876

Helium is a strong contender. Rare on earth, common in the universe. God tier fluid for any thermodynamic application. God tier coolant. Absolutely necessary for all high-tech science toys.

Never freezes unless you expose it to extreme pressures.

Common in the universe, but in short supply on earth. It's so light that atmospheric helium will evaporate into space, since at room temperature it has a significant chance of being exited to escape velocity. Most helium on earth is from alpha decay, and didn't escape because it was trapped in pockets underground.

The Helium-3 isotope is an ideal fusion fuel, while Helium-4 is doubly magic and extremely stable, which is why alpha-radiation exists(and can be seen as the most common form of spontaneous fission).

All heavy atoms in your body were helium at some point.

Confirmed for god tier element.

>> No.5823881

for instance light bulb filaments, and anything that needs to withstand high heat.

>> No.5823884

not if you own gold, wink wink

>> No.5823890

summer is when young neckbeards begin their training for their basement lives, and the lack of activity summer break presents leads them to eventually discover and inhabit 4chan. it's well established.

>> No.5823887

>Not acknowledging Unobtanium as the ultimate elements.

>> No.5823900

Master element has to go to the strongest and most versatile metal of them all, carbon.

>> No.5823904

Heavy metals are for overcompensating faggots.
Light metals is where it's at.

>> No.5823903

Enjoy your two-dimensional metal.

>> No.5823928

>master element
>not hydrogen

>> No.5823967

correct, that is not the master element

>> No.5824494

Confirmed for /b/tard - please fuck off and never come back to this board. It's not for the likes of you.

>> No.5824498

who posts that kind of crap?

>> No.5824517

I've loved tungsten ever since I played Conker's bad fur day when I was 11 or thereabouts and the evil tediz boss said something like "tungsten-tipped armor piercing rounds"

>> No.5824558

Ouch. Tungsten scrap commonly sells for $50-100 per kg.

>> No.5824562



>> No.5824569

and we use in in kids balloons...

that's like using gold foil for disposable candy wrappers! insane

wake up the the reality of Peak Helium!

>> No.5824577

Tungsten is used to repair and patch prototype integrated circuits at the micron scale, because it can be deposited via ion beams and is conductive.

>> No.5824613

So what you're saying is, it's not ductile at all.

>> No.5824611

Because it's fucking impossible to work.

There was a company a while back that was offering pens made of tungsten, and they broke like two tool heads per pen or something ridiculous like that.

They went out of business, unsurprisingly.

>> No.5824620

Sorry, I´m not a hipster.

>> No.5824621

I agree. It´s much worst on -fit

>> No.5824649

If they had that much tungsten why didn't they make better tools?

>> No.5824653
File: 206 KB, 753x1200, you are this edgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harder than a priest's cock in a daycare
>the thermite the jews used to take out the WTC wouldn't have stood a chance against tungsten


>> No.5824655

I have. My wedding ring is made out of it.

>> No.5824664

I tell my daughter that my ring was formed in the rarest star explosions. She thinks it's neat.

>> No.5824693

As someone who was lucky enough to have irreligious parents that still taught me pre-Galilean physics, for some reason I like the idea of children raised by scientists.

>> No.5824763

ductibility is what makes the toll deform by continuous impact.

>> No.5824823

Any info on the Young's modulus, shear modulus or Poisson ratio? How about yielding? Does it have elasto-plastic behavior and if so what's it's yielding strength (eg. tresca, mindlin)?

>> No.5824950

not edgy enough in my opinion

>> No.5825026

This is now a TUNGSTEN thread.


Who among you is fit to examine my tungsten balls? WHO!??!?!?

>> No.5825027
File: 15 KB, 183x275, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're ever going to be abel to invent the classic vision of an energy weapon
my moneys on focusing electrons onto pieces of Tungsten
so yeah, it's pretty awesome in my mind

>> No.5825060

I aint give a shit about how cool it be. I just want pictures of pretty metals

>> No.5825076
File: 327 KB, 786x600, Vanadium_crystal_bar_and_1cm3_cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tungsten is indeed, the King of metals.

But the Queen has arrived, and Vanadium is not pleased at being forgotten.

Instant improved alloy, just add some Vanadium.

>> No.5825293

Machining reporting in.

Tungsten along with some bros but mostly tungsten eats any material for breakfast in our machineshop.

Link related; its Titanium getting it's ass handed by TungstenCarbide


>> No.5826315

vanadium is pretty fucking cool too, vanadium steel tools are pretty much the best power tools money can buy,

>> No.5826348
File: 397 KB, 1600x1067, adding_powdered_phlogiston_to_heat_iron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are such a bunch of tools.

>> No.5826355

The middle one looks like it was shat out of the Iron Giant.

>> No.5826380

that's the most futuristic thing I've ever heard of being reality.

>> No.5826384

why is that?

>> No.5826392
File: 75 KB, 700x700, 809701p[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tungsten makes the best darts, the classiest of all gentleman's games.

>> No.5826400
File: 158 KB, 1200x1216, disgusted-mother-of-god-l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Took course on metallurgy and metals in general, aced, most of his claims are true but fail to demonstrate any superiority of one metal over the other,speaking realistically and with scarcity in mind. If it came down to it, Fe and Al are the top contenders for any large percentage of an alloy. The addition of tungsten does the aforementioned effects on these metals as well. As for the malleability/ductility claim...not sure what think.

>> No.5826423

too dense - my blimp needs lighter materials

>> No.5826426
File: 28 KB, 430x242, hl2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But what use would your blimp be when you can't drop solid tungsten kinetic kill missiles with an impact force of 10 kilotons from the edge of space?

>> No.5826445


How much of an area would a tungsten rod have?

Or is it just for highly accurate pinpoint attacks.

>> No.5826447

I like Cobalt.

Just Saiyan.

>> No.5826460

What about outgassing and other shit in outerspess

>> No.5826492

It would have the explosive energy of a moderate-sized nuclear bomb, but without the radiation.

>> No.5828540

too late for m8

>> No.5828548

Cobalts kinda gay.

Just Saiyan.

>> No.5829076

I have got a kilogram of tungsten and I can confirm that it is the master of elements.

>> No.5829108


hey did u guize want some science in ur troll thread?

>> No.5829656

No, they just want some butthurt.

>> No.5830454


>> No.5831405

Tungsten-Carbide drills are pretty hardcore. We're testing them in our mine.

>> No.5831424

should i invest in tungsten?

>> No.5831426

because its called wolfram you inbreed neckbread!

>> No.5831451

How the fuck would you even know that?

That quote by moot is a shoop too, so you can stop parroting it you fucking sy/q/ophant.

>> No.5831490

>middle of winter

That leaves Africa South America and Aussieland

>> No.5831500

I have, my wedding ring is made of the stuff.
Not that I wear it though

>> No.5831504

It's all about Palladium!

Used in catalytic converters and duh it's Iron Man's chest plate

>> No.5831586

I find it ironic that you think tungsten has the true elements for success. Are your opinions really that ductile? Tungsten has yet to show its metal, it's just going to lead you to a period of depression.

>> No.5832031
File: 235 KB, 969x869, wtc_nuked_hypocenters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the thermite the jews used to take out the WTC

get out, disinfo

>> No.5832064
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, 1268981542_1369072700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random /b/tard cruising through to remind you that diamond, is infact, the hardest metal.

>> No.5832072

do you have a source for this other than cracked?

not trying to be cynical but it's the only place I've heard of this

>> No.5832200

Tungsten: $45.5/kg
Steel: $750/T = $.75/kg

not to mention the fact that there is probably not enough to build big shit with it.

>> No.5832204


gr8 m8 m8

>> No.5832273

OP, you just fucking convinced me.

this anon goes with tungsten uber alles!

>> No.5832330

I believe Tungsten can be sharpened (easily) down to a point that's a single atom thick, which is why it's used as the "tip" for atomic-force microscopes.

>> No.5832355

M8. Just do the math. An object taveling at about 2 km/s will release so much energy as it's weigth on TNT.

>> No.5832370

le epick troll XDXDXDXD

>> No.5832503


It's here. Just curious, at what age do people take this exam? Because this is en par with our so called Upper-level graduation exam (Taken at ~18) and slightly easier than first year mathematics on most faculties of natural philosophy

>> No.5832505


fug lol wrong thread, I'm a faggot

>> No.5832544

C=O is used as tip, faggot