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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5819091 No.5819091 [Reply] [Original]

Can /sci/ lend any advice on becoming disciplined as fuck?

I know neural pathways form when you form habits, does it work this way for all habits?

Are they destroyed when you stop doing something?

>> No.5819098

Check out cognitive psychology and the topic of extinction.

The answer to your question though is literally force yourself top do whatever. And keep doing it. Just refuse to let yourself quit. Easier said than done, but it is how it happens.

>> No.5819100 [DELETED] 


I get it. You have to master sticking to your word pretty much.

>> No.5819108



I get it. I'ts about learning how to stick to things that you set.

>> No.5819135

some portions of it, yes. I pointed you to extinction and cog because cog is the best modern understanding of conditioning (modern behaviorists are idiots) and extinction is the loss of conditioned responses. Habits are nothing more than conditioned responses.

For somethings you want to deeply ingrain something like that,.others not so much. For this reason, you might want to read up on some of the research into motivation (paying special attention to the difference between intrinsic versus.extrinsic motivation).

And don't let /sci/ bullshit you, there is some damn good science out there on these topics.

>> No.5819151


Try taking meds for ADD

It helped me alot even though I dont have ADD

>> No.5819167

I've found that when I set goals and break them I end up losing confidence in myself. Instead, I don't set goals and agree to live in the moment.

For instance, when I was like 16 I would smoke pot all/every day. I would tell myself "I'll stop tomorrow * next day * next day, etc" and it would completely kill my self confidence. I was consistently letting myself down. It wasn't until I realized that I can't bet on doing anything other than NOW, that I started to fix my excessive habit. Rather than saying "I'll do it now and stop tomorrow" it became "I'll stop now, and do it tomorrow" (eventually leading to me quitting smoking)

>> No.5819184

Dan pink has an interesting TED talk on something kind of similar (more general performance stuff).

That said were you setting stretch goals or what are.considered "good" goals?

>> No.5819193

I think it helps to reflect on your behavior as objectively as you can.

There will always be that part of you that wants to continue with the bad habit or quit doing the good habit. You have to just tell yourself no from the objective standpoint. A lot of people have the perspective of the version of them that is stuck with the bad habit or the version of them that wants to quit doing the good habit. You have to say, "fuck you self, you're going to do this."

>> No.5819211

'Good goals' at first were waiting a day between getting stoned. Then 2 days, then only on weekends, the once a month until it got to the point that the desire was no longer there

>> No.5820066

>"I'll stop now, and do it tomorrow"
I like this one, will follow it myself from now on.

>> No.5820080

>the once a month until it got to the point that the desire was no longer there
well thats just depressing

>> No.5822831
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I suppose you could start with concentration exercises. Though I'm rather skeptical about them, they're interesting to look into none the less.


>> No.5822837

stop fapping

>> No.5822840

I would assume exercising for you means begin fapping again, and meditation is not thinking about sex.

>> No.5822845


How do I not think about sex?

>> No.5822848

Have your penis removed.

>> No.5822849


I don't like this plan.

>> No.5822851

You seemed just fine with it a few threads ago.

>> No.5822852

What if I don't have a penis?

>> No.5822856

Slow down there, you've just blossomed and you've already gone out and gotten a sex change?

>> No.5822857

No, I'm a different poster.

>> No.5822860

I'm sure you are hun ;V

>> No.5822877

Then have your vagina removed. Or uterus. Or ovaries. In fact, just get the whole thing taken out.

>> No.5822883

Think about something else.

Once you're aroused though, I have no fucking clue. Aside from fapping.

>> No.5822909


then there is nothing you can do

boys can just fap erry day and be totally asexual

but girls cant do that. they are always unpredictable horny and this is why girls cant into science.

prove me wrong

>> No.5822935

The trick to being disciplined is to BE disciplined. Your duties and responsibilities (for yourself and others) should be the central focus of your entire life. Visualise clearly what you want and need, and just do it. The concept of not doing what you HAVE to do shouldn't exist in your mind.

You can do this through conditioning. Associate actions with certain thoughts, think positively and actively. Don't think "I shouldn't fail" but think "I will succeed". Your subconscious is extremely important. You have to convince IT to think that what you think is important, IS important. What it perceives as reality, it will do anything to make that happen. If you create a reality for your subconscious where NOT doing what you must do doesn't exist, it will guide you right.

Meditation is excellent. Picture clearly in your mind that you are in total control of yourself, your thoughts, your actions, your wants and need. Count your breaths slowly and systematically and imagine something like breathing in white air which calms you and focuses you, and exhaling black air that poisons you and stops you from maintaining your mental equilibrium. Whenever you need a boost of discipline or control, in any situation, just close your eyes, inhale slowly and imagine that white air going inside you, exhale slowly and imagine any feeling of negativity leave you and say something in your mind like "I am in control" or something that works for you. Focus on this feeling in your meditation and you can call it up whenever.

Set a test goal for yourself, something that isn't ESSENTIAL, but improves your life and teaches you the first steps to responsibility and discipline. I used to be a total fucking lazy slob and my place was SO dirty, and at one point I just...started to clean. First one thing every day, then two things every day, then three things, etc. It literally is a way of life for me now and you can apply that "experience" of discipline anywhere from then on.

>> No.5822949

Be dispassionate, be distant from yourself. Be a judge of your own actions and thoughts and be realistic. If you steer yourself in the way you want, you cant be inhibited by shit that fucks up your ability to correctly judge a situation. It's better to do something out of an intrinsic objective need than out of desire, because the intrinsic need is just that, it will always be required and that doesn't change. But we as humans have different moods, emotions, wants, desires, that change and are constantly affected. If you let yourself be guided by that and you want total discipline, it's simply not going to work.

Focus on being completely neutral, about anything, everything. That itself should be a goal too. Philosophies that teach this include Stoicism, Yoga (not the stretching sporty shit people do, but the PHILOSOPHY) Taoism and Zen.

>> No.5822966

>I know neural pathways form when you form habits, does it work this way for all habits?

no, you do not know this.

/sci/ likes to pretend it knows a lot about sciences like neurology and biology when researchers themselves don't have clear ideas regarding the myriad of variables influencing human behavior, let alone a decent model of the human neural network.

>> No.5822969

If he asked a question you don't need to say he's pretending to know something he doesn't. Instead of attacking why not contribute to his knowledge?

>> No.5822970


I have a model of the human neural network made of legos.
It might not be 100% accurate.

>> No.5822973

But it's accurate enough to fully model simpletons like yourself?

>> No.5822980
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Bromine salts!

>> No.5822985

Don't ask that question.

Just make the urges you get when you think about sex, the negative effects irrelevant for you. Don't hide it away, overpower it instead.

>> No.5822991


You for sure.

>> No.5822993

y-you too!

>> No.5823010
File: 65 KB, 835x543, IMG_20130609_134817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read "The Power of Habit"

>> No.5823095

This diagram is ridiculous, if only because of the example chosen. The reward of physical dependence due to substance abuse can never be "replicated" through a new routine, therefore it's hardly applicable.

Otherwise a good strategy, but not in the case of things like alcoholism.

>> No.5823190

nike's slogan, bitch

>> No.5823194

So if you´re addicted to alcohol the only way to stop it is by starting with heroin?

>> No.5823235

Actually it is possible to substitute alcohol with another non toxic habit, but it doesn't really cure you from the addiction.

>> No.5823276

Go on a medicine that kills your libido.

>> No.5823461

1.Try something.
3.Try that thing again but with a different approach