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5815574 No.5815574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

By what mechanism does subjective experience arise from the brain?

>> No.5815576

inb4 a load of fags come in and claim that they, and no-one else, has subjective experience

>> No.5815581

my love

>> No.5815587


>> No.5815586


>> No.5815591

Divine blessing.

>> No.5815595

the youtube-comment ganglia

>> No.5815605
File: 1.39 MB, 450x450, Rrrf6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5815612

Reality is an IFS?

>> No.5815634

Is that supposed to be a picture of Emiri Kimidori?

>> No.5815697


by your nervous system not being connected to anyone else

'subjective' means your internal sensations

>> No.5816983

because, you are enlightened by your own intelligence

>> No.5817002

what an original troll thread

>> No.5817167

Back to the psychology block you fucking faggot

>> No.5817187

I want to punch EK right in the cheek.

>> No.5817210

actually there is no such thing as objective experience. all sensations pass through the brain, and the instant they do, they generate feelings and emotions. the most objective sensation of all, pain, still has a sensory component and a subjective, personal part.

you cannot separate the inner from the outer world. they are relatively independent, but they function as a whole.

>> No.5817362

You're wrong. There is no such thing as subjective experience.

>> No.5817422



If you taste lima beans and say they taste good, that is a subjective experience.

>> No.5817469

What if I taste lima beans and say it tastes like a lima bean?

>> No.5817486


then I would assume you think they taste to you as they taste to me.
they taste like shit

>> No.5817490


you're using "subjective experience" as a homonym. quit being dicks and say what you actually mean

>> No.5817502


I'm not here to give you remedial English lessons.

>> No.5817510

The experience of taste is actually a good example of something that isn't objective. A item may contain known amounts of the chemicals it contains, but humans have widely variable sensitivities in terms of tasting food. One person may be more sensitive to bitter substances than another, thus altering the experience of taste.

>> No.5817518



I know what you're talking about, but the person that supports objective experiences doesn't

>> No.5817525

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of imaginary numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.5817548


nice copypasta

>> No.5817723

Who or what is "EK"?

>> No.5817728

10/10, how can anyone beliee in math if its just a theory. math is just a Gauss

>> No.5817733

nice job deleting your thread to cover your shame bruv

>> No.5817734
File: 457 KB, 1400x1635, Case%20Cover%20Back%20Outer[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Essentially a robot girl created by aliens to study Haruhi.

>> No.5817815


>> No.5817817


Isn't math just a linear form of explanation of something that already is?

>> No.5817818


is the Mandelbrot already?

>> No.5817823


>> No.5817826 [DELETED] 


>> No.5817824


Mandelbrot set.

Is it already there?

>> No.5817827

no but in order for something to truely know everything about the universe it has to be a fractal embedded in it's relations

>> No.5817828


I think is is. But I'm a Platonist. At least that's what I tell the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses when they come by.

>> No.5817829

you don't tell them to come in and sit down while placing various things around the room to weird them out or convince them you're a hardcore jesus-hating atheist?

>> No.5817835


lol Don't know what that is

But I was under the impression Math is just used as a form of measuring the stability of what already exists.

>> No.5817836


I don't actually hate Jesus. But I think John and Joseph of Arimethena bailed him out, let Barabas get crucifed in his place, and then had to connect a cover story when Peter and James saw him again.

>> No.5817840


connected == concocted

>> No.5817845

naw, heres how i "remember" it:
jesus wore a crown of thorns
and he fucking lugged that big wooden shit
and he got whipped
and he hung there
they never even mentioned his cross was upside down
i'm sure the part about that nice lady was bullshit and i'm sure that deceitful disciple was taking bets from the crowds and mocking him pretending to carry that cross. That nigga died, but he came back. and that's why im better than you.

>> No.5817854


You are not better than me, as I am a scratch golfer.

>> No.5817857

you can't admit to it? even after i put so clearly what you've done? Burn in hell.

>> No.5818440

What is a Haruhi?

>> No.5818557

Infantile cartoon.

>> No.5818651

Does anyone know?