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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5811973 No.5811973 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/.
I'm currently interning at the Ayn Rand Institute. For those of you who don't know it's a capitalistic think tanks that focuses on individual ideals and limits of government.

Anyway I'm in close contact with some scientists here, and I would be more than happy to take questions to ask them. Or if you have any of your own I can try to answer them to the best of my ability.

TL;DR Ayn Rand Institute intern ask me anything

>> No.5811976

Think /pol/ would be more interested and active at this time.

>> No.5811980

have they developed anything interesting?

>> No.5811983

>Ayn Rand institute

Wait really? Ayn Rand's philosophy was like total nonsense.

Do you guys realize that? How do you do your work under the label 'Ayn Rand'?

>> No.5811985

Posted both places. /sci/ is my home board though and there's quite a bit of political debate about sciences here

We're not a research place, the guys here mostly measure the costs of regulations in dollars and how government tends to scew up private progress

>> No.5811989

Well they seem to be an inquisitive bunch.

>> No.5811991

Not really. She's a naive realist in the epistemological sense, but her main focus is in ethics and art.

>> No.5811992

So just like every other economist house? Sounds like a boring place.

>> No.5811993
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holy shit it has never stopped blowing my mind that grown men and women sincerely read and swallow the fantastic shit rand meticulously pinched out of her ass for people as egotistical, sociopathic, and unconcerned with reality as her.

if you're looking for admirers in /sci/ you clearly didn't think things through. scientists like to be grounded in empirical fact, not childish fantasy masquerading as principled philosophical thought.

>> No.5811996


>her main focus is in ethics and art.

Then, what does she have to do with science?

I did a partial read of Atlas shrugged, and then a peer of mine did a read of it entirely and bounced a lot of weird passages off me.

Like, it seems like she had no clear ethical focus. It seems like she was full of passion and gusto but didnt actually have anything coherent to say.

Prove me wrong friend.

>> No.5811997

Is objectivism applicable to relations that are not reflexive?

>> No.5812011

Her books are meant to portray characters as ideal men as she sees them, not as they actually are. It explains a story of individual successes and the consequences of collectivist thoughts.

For better comprehension, I suggest reading the virtue of selfishness

>> No.5812041

not science
not math

>> No.5812044

>ask me anything
So this thread is purely "Look! Look! I'm an acolyte at the altar of capital! Also, democracy is tyrannical!".

Great thread.

>> No.5812057

How do you reconcile the fact that objectivism is an inherently flawed philosophy?

While Ayn Rand is undoubtedly a skilled fiction author her philosophy and economic theories are more akin to science fiction than anything else.

>> No.5812064


>undoubtedly a skilled fiction author

I am filled with doubt

>> No.5812067

Her shit is so depressing, it could make a person suicidal. Oh, wait ...

>> No.5812083

This. She was an ideologue with a personality attractive to certain kinds of people.

But she was not a good writer or a good fiction writer.