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5811336 No.5811336 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/entists, I am wanting to try to get into MIT, but I feel like it is too late, as im out of high school, and I only got C through out my classes, and just wondering if I can still get into MIT after graduating from high school, and if so, how would I go about that?

>> No.5811339

subtle troll?

>> No.5811342

You should try going to a more modest school for undergrad, and work very hard, then maybe you can go to MIT to get your masters.

>> No.5811345


No, when I was in high school I was depressed like most high school students, most of the depression was due to my parents. I just wanted to get out of high school and not care about my grades. But, now I want to do something with my life in engineering. I am in community college at the moment.

>> No.5811346

Just go there, enter in classroom and watch the classes. Who's gonna stop you from doing that?

>> No.5811352

Are you even smart or talented in math, science, technology, or engineering, and have credible people or test scores that can attest to that?

No? No you can't go to MIT.

MIT is for fags anyway.

>> No.5811351


Why take up a spot? All you seem to care about is the prestige or you would've put the effort in high school. There are more deserving students out there that will use a seat at MIT to its full potential.

>> No.5811360

opfag here, nevermind, I will try to apply to university of missouri columbia or Missouri science and technology for my engineering degree, I do live in Missouri. Ok opfag is done here.

>> No.5811375

I mean shit don't sell yourself short... I did poorly in high school out of pure apathy and ended up at a comm college. Got a 4.0 there doing ChemE courses, got an awesome internship at the Department of Energy, got a shitload of money because school was comprised of mostly dumb niggers. Then I transferred to GT ridiculously easy... but this should serve as a final warning. You can fuck up in high school, but college gpa sticks with you whether it's comm college or uni. don't fuck up. also dont go to mit it's for cunts

>> No.5811382

he says he wants credentials, not education.

>> No.5811385

go to another (accredited school), do very well and graduate, then try enrolling.

>> No.5811670

Same thing happens to me. I suck at highschool math and im lazy but im very creative and want to make it into a good college in nanotechnology engineering.

>> No.5811773

Not op I can get into stoony brook, geneseo and probably binghmaton what would be the best approach to trying to transfer into a different University I would love to do cornells and was wondering what i could do freshman and sophmore year to help myslef trying to transfer

>> No.5811781

It's possible, but it won't be easy.
You'll probably need to attend a community college / normal university and then transfer.

>> No.5811802

why do you think you are a special snowflake if you cant even into hs math