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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 28 KB, 640x260, gay640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5810284 No.5810284[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When we finally find the gay gene, will we be able to cure the homos ?

Gene therapy is science

>> No.5810287

homosexuality is a social construct.

>> No.5810288

protip: it's not actually genetic, they just say that to shut up the "gay is a choice you shouldn't have made" people

>> No.5810291

well if its not genetic nor a choice then what causes it ?

>> No.5810295

Go read up on epigenetic.

>> No.5810296

a complicated mix of things including the chemical circumstances of foetal development as well as environmental things like upbringing

>> No.5810306

Imprecision in human sexual systems, in both the objects of attraction and sex selection, which allows a variety of developmental or environmental circumstances to be consequential to instances of homosexuality with a prevalence rate of about 40%.

>> No.5810307

pseudoscience get out pls

>> No.5810308

It can indeed be genetic, resulting in hormone imbalance or some biological jazz. But more often than not it's just a preference stemming from predilections like the prostate massage.

>> No.5810312

Homosexuality is a paraphilia.

>> No.5810321

If the prejudice gets abolished, there's a way to really check how many people are gay or not. If we do that right now, a lot of people like the OP will say erroneously that they're heterossexuals.

>> No.5810322


cellular differentiation. is pseudo-science?


>> No.5810327

> lulz
please leave

>> No.5810329

no, you leave.

>> No.5810335

homosexuality is just the adult version of emos
crying for attention and profitting from the fact that someone of the same sex knows how to please you.

>> No.5810344


getting fucked in the ass is not the sort of attention anybody would want

unless they were gay

>> No.5810347

prostate massage is good

>> No.5810351

>correlating romantics with emos
You're fucked up.

>> No.5810356

correlating victimization with emos

>> No.5810361 [DELETED] 
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You're the victim here. Victim of a stone heart.

>> No.5810364

doesn't bother me.
I can love and be loved. That's not a reason to forget who we are.

>> No.5810367

>forget who we are

>> No.5810389

Probably polygenic, low heritability trait. Even if we could, doesn't mean we should.

>> No.5810396

Why shouldn't we cure the mentally ill?

>> No.5810397

By the time we find the gay gene, there won't be any homosexuals left. With growing social acceptance, they aren't forced into sham marriages and the concomitant act of reproduction. Their genes aren't passed on, and after a few generations, homosexuality becomes a genetic quirk of the past.

>> No.5810404
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The freaky part is if humans weren't so goddamn revolting, we'd have a lot more gay people on our hands.

>> No.5810407


>> No.5810409

Did you just imply that homosexuals aren't mentally ill? If so, elaborate.

>> No.5810410 [DELETED] 

Oh Gods
I'm going to have to tell my wife I'm gay.

>> No.5810411

Didn't you just imply they are? Prove yourself empirically.

>> No.5810423


>inb4 'hurr durr cancer is a social construction'

I was referring to psychology.

>> No.5810422


illness and health is a social construction.

>> No.5810426

illness is just a definition.
The WHO decides what it is supposed to be called.
Just like lobbies wanted.

That doesn't make it less of an illness

>> No.5810428

Even if being homo isn't genetic, it doesn't mean people can choose to be gay. Being blind doesn't have to come from your genes but you can still become blind after you leave the womb, and you can't control not being blind. You can become a homo and not control it.

>> No.5810431

"A mental disorder or psychiatric disorder is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture. Mental disorders are generally defined by a combination of how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives..." - Wikipedia article on mental disorders

Now tell me how this doesn't apply to homosexuality.

>> No.5810436

Tell me how it does.

>> No.5810439

It might apply in some cases, but not all, you agree?

>> No.5810445

unable to procreate

>which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture
This speaks for itself

>Mental disorders are generally defined by a combination of how a person feels, acts, thinks or perceives

And so does this.

>> No.5810447

>not considered part of normal development in a person's culture
>not normal development in a person's culture
>person's culture

you realize that means that illness is culturally defined?

So, it's a social construct.

>> No.5810449

>mental illness is a social construct now

>> No.5810452


now and always anon. Don't forget that.

>> No.5810461

Hormones have staggeringly huge effects on sexually-differentiated brain development in utero. A hormonal imbalance could affect sexual development, producing intermediate or sex-atypical sexualities.

>> No.5810468

Why does it matter?

If people want to be gay, so be it. What does it hurt?

>> No.5810471


OP is disturbed by the existence of gays. And a little aroused.

>> No.5810478

It's not a big deal, OP is a bigger faggot than the topic.

>> No.5810485

Sure is 1930's in here.
Seriously though, why are so many in here hating on gays? Calling homosexuality a mental illness is like calling roller skating illegal.

>> No.5810490

I don't. what..

>> No.5810499

By this definition posting on 4chan is a mental illness aswell.

>> No.5810503

>A mental disorder or psychiatric disorder is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development in a person's culture

Call me when you find the

>foot/armpit/child fetish gene
>lurk 4chan instead of studying gene

>> No.5810510

If homosexuality isn't a ilness then why is it considered a sin ?? stupid faggots

>> No.5810519

2000 years of Christendom can't against thousands of years of homos.

>> No.5810521


>cure the homos ?

>Gene therapy is science

you know nothing of science and genetics you fucking idiot philistine

>> No.5810523


rolling skating is a little gay

>> No.5810528


It's because pol is stuck in 1930 and they spill over here from time to time

>> No.5810546

The day has yet to come when /pol/ makes an intelligent thread on /sci/.
Hell, b, a, g, k, r9k, fit, almost every other popular board as done it.


Not that /pol/ would understand most of it, but there is something to learn.

>> No.5810549
File: 121 KB, 349x379, 1368950583593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw pol thinks changing genes will change how the body works once it has matured, just like they think the present will change if they alter history

>> No.5810556

damn so much liberul butthurt on /sci/
/sci/ and /lit/ confirmed for Demotard infestation

>> No.5810560
File: 86 KB, 961x822, 1369283462468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


keep digging you faggot

>> No.5810563


there is no cure for pedophilia
all you can do is keep them away from children

>> No.5810561
File: 38 KB, 500x667, 1368712484001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you care about the gay gene? I think that curing pedophilia is much more important. At least gays don't harm people. But a pedophile can't have sex legally and even their masturbatory material is illegal, except drawings in some countries.

>> No.5810567

you know that most pedophiles are gay, don't you ?

>> No.5810566


If we had more understanding maybe we could prevent it

>> No.5810570


[citation needed]

>> No.5810575


look ma, I'm posting on the internet and nobody can stop me!

>> No.5810579

You know that most trolls are unemployed, don't you?

>> No.5810582


It might be caused by being molested by a pedophile. Kind of like werewolves and vampires.

>> No.5810580

here you faggot

>> No.5810585


So because more pedophiles are gay, more gays are pedophiles? thanks pol that was enlightening

>> No.5810588

Previous investigations have indicated that the ratio of sex offenders against female children vs. offenders against male children is approximately 2:1

quantification am tricksy

>> No.5810608

If the homoerotic gene was discovered and traceable on human genoma by a simple exam, what's gonna happen when someone without the gene gets caught doing a homossexual act?

>> No.5810610

>Changing a gene somehow alters lifelong mental development.
Only on /pol/.

Someone didn't get his pop culture right.

>> No.5810611


They will be named Andy Dick's replacement on Dancing with the Stars.

>> No.5810613


Vampires are made by being bitten by vampires.

True story.

>> No.5810618

>Changing a gene somehow alters lifelong mental development.
Potentially doable, suppose the genes encoding for slit or robo or netrin in conjunction.
But yes, pol are retards of the highest calibre.

>> No.5810620


>> No.5810621

What's wrong with homosexuality? Luckily I am not on /pol/ so I expect an actual argument and not >muh christian values >degeneracy

>> No.5810626

Dohoho, don't you know, /s4s/ was designed from /sci/

>> No.5810630


OP has distrubing dreams about sucking cock.

>> No.5810631

Ask that on /pol/, prepare to be blown away by the circular logic in lines of 'homosexuals don't fit in because people don't like them and people don't like them because they don't fit in'.

>> No.5810632


because muh bible

>> No.5810652

ever heard of Designer Babies you idiot ?
look it up
In the future we will be able to design traits of our offspring. Think about it .. no more gay gene , no more feminism gene , no more Democrap gene etc.

>> No.5810660

Heh. That is going to be a funny one.

>Hey ms. we just found that your son is going to be gay. Do you want us to cure his gays before he is born?

A: Yes, I'm Hitler and I hate gays, remove rainbow!
B: No, I want him to suffer as a minority and have less chances to find a significant other since he is by definition limited to a smaller part of the population, not to mention painful sex at first.

>> No.5810661

>implying moralfags will ever make designer babies legal

>> No.5810664


>no more gay gene , no more feminism gene , no more Democrap gene etc

Leave this place and dont come back until you can explain the relationships of imaginary numbers, eulers number, trig functions and taylor series.

That should be a bare minimum knowledge to post here and I can tell you lack that

>> No.5810665

Obligatory nature vs nurture post.

>> No.5810668

Math freshman detected.

>> No.5810669


Rich will be able to do it.

>> No.5810670


It's june you dork

>> No.5810671

Isn't it ironic the very same /pol/ muh freedums retards are considering programming an individual to perform a certain expected function?
That of course, if you had a way to do so.

>> No.5810672

But it is.

Suppose we lived in a world where people do not show any signs of senescence as they age. But, they always develop inoperable brain cancer beyond the age of 75 within 5 years with .9999999 probability.

We arguably do not see ordinary senescence (liver spots, deterioration of skin, etc.) as an illness: we consider a senescent person to be in perfect health so long as he is only senescent and nothing more, but we would certainly consider him ill if he developed an inoperable brain tumor.

In this imaginary world we are considering, the situation would be the reverse. Let's say people show signs of senescence past age 50 with probability .000001. These people would certainly be seen as having some illness, but those with brain tumors would arguably not be considered ill, as it is (for this situation) the norm for people to develop inoperable brain tumors.

Health and illness, especially when it comes to mental health and illness, is a matter of social consensus. It's easy to think of cases parallel to the one above to see why this is true.

>> No.5810673

i would only program this individual to be a normal person

>> No.5810674


Give him the normal gene?

>> No.5810677

>wants everyone to be normal


>> No.5810678

>Normality is objective
Isn't it time to admit defeat?
You are still thinking of altering free will.

>> No.5810680

I would remove his assbender gene

>> No.5810682

define "altering free will"

>> No.5810687

>free will

>> No.5810694
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>still believing in determinism as a consequence of physicalism

choose one. what do 'qualia' and 'indeterminacy of quantum phenomena' mean to you?

>> No.5810697
File: 21 KB, 460x441, stupid anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if you meant that second part seriously.

>> No.5810701

The only way you can be sure environmental factors won't intervene is to somehow biologically restrain the person from going that way. In other words, that person is bound to whatever was defined at birth (Though I don't think this is actually possible).

Why not go for the much easier method called "appropiate parenting".

>> No.5810702

The consensus seems to have decided homosexuality is not an illness if we have to lower ourselves to that argument.
/pol/ rednecks are not the majority

>> No.5810711

and what is so immoral about that ??
protip. Nothing

>> No.5810715
File: 468 KB, 400x400, 1362603274847.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying gays are not considered second class citizens at best in most of the world
>implying gay people do not make up 3%-10% of the population
>implying anal doesn't hurt

Carlin means the median there, by the way.

>> No.5810720

But straight couples have anal sex as well.

>> No.5810722

Sucking someones dick and getting your dick sucked isn't painful. Anal sex isn't painful as well when done right.

>> No.5810723

Not as the only choice. C'mon, you know what I mean. I don't think gays are reprobates or don't deserve equal rights, but being gay gives problems straight people have not, just like you can believe for equal rights for women but still accept they are weaker physically in general.

>> No.5810727

>>implying anal doesn't hurt

Captcha: Euclid euqaksh

>> No.5810729

>but still accept they are weaker physically in general

Any proof to that?

>> No.5810734

So that's why the weak thin guy gets his ass handed over by wonym?

>> No.5810737


>> No.5810739
File: 46 KB, 460x441, stupid anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brush up on implications.

>> No.5810745

>can't think in x way
>can't act in x way
So your ideal son is a slave?

>> No.5810748

My ideal son is not a faggot

>> No.5810750

I've fingered myself to a prostate orgasm and it didn't hurt. I've lain turds with a greater diameter than my penis without pain or discomfort. My tangential evidence suggests it would not hurt. Would you care to explain this discrepancy?

>> No.5810752

You certainly are.

>> No.5810755

You don't know me kid.

>> No.5810757

does it turn you on ??

>> No.5810761


calling others 'kid' 'child' etc. is usually as sign that you are young

>> No.5810787

psuedointelectual scum

>> No.5810846


U wot m8?

>> No.5810895
File: 15 KB, 468x350, 5843758348953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caring about other people's sexual preferences

I plan on doing something about all those gays as soon as I become a perfect human being with no faults. Any day now.

>> No.5813009


99% of the people who don't like gays are thinking about getting it in the ass

>> No.5813014

And that is a scientific fact!

>> No.5813016

Nice bump for a shit useless topic OP.

>> No.5813026


You are welcome.

Please don't cry your panties.

>> No.5813033

lol fag

>> No.5813037


Wait... is he Teh Gey?


just kidding.

I really don't care.


>> No.5813046

jesus fucking christ, somebody get a mod from the irc and ban this kid already

>> No.5813077

no. but we can abort them, or possible euthanize them when they become queer toddlers and babies.

>> No.5813084


I have a static IP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5813088

Well good thing it's not mine then now isn't it? you've been smacked soon, and mopped across the floor. It's time to give up or get fucked

>> No.5813095


Are you sure it isn't your IP?

VPN are tricky things.

>> No.5813103

lol, literally the worst analogy I've ever seen or heard

>> No.5813107


skating is pretty gay