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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 5 KB, 222x300, Mensa 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5799792 No.5799792 [Reply] [Original]

I found this mensa test. Now i challenge /sci/ to get the highest score.. Its quite basic: Choose the figure who logically fits the pattern, - this can be both diagonally and vertically. You got 25 min - i used 13 min though - and there is no negative points for wrong answer. Post a picture of your score when finished. Its on Norwegian, although you don't need text because there are no text in the questions.


Mark your age and hit the blue text to start.

>> No.5799795
File: 2 KB, 575x38, Mensa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my (OP) score: 125 IQ

>> No.5799809

Waste of time

>> No.5799818
File: 2 KB, 569x35, mensa 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got 133.

>> No.5799833

How long is this?

>> No.5799855
File: 2 KB, 297x23, whatdoiwin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135, yep. I still think IQ tests are stupid.

>> No.5799861

That's pretty good!
An hour after posting your disbelief, is it then fair to assume you took the test several times to get that score?

>> No.5799864

No that was actually my first go, I don't browse /sci continuously. I just check through the front page occasionally.

>> No.5799871
File: 6 KB, 563x33, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5799880

Woohoo I make it to Mensa.

And I even just guessed the last 3.

>> No.5799882

110 clicking the top right after the first 10

>> No.5799884

We have a winner so far

>> No.5799885


Man, u dumb.

>> No.5799887

At least I didn't cheat, look at the text in:
It doesn't match up to the others.

>> No.5799889

Ops i mean

>> No.5799891

how many questions, getting bored

>> No.5799893


>look at the text in:
>It doesn't match up to the others.

Man, you really dumb. Like really. Well, I guess its to be expected with an IQ of 125.

>> No.5799894

I cropped out the border and my browser has a different default font.

So sue me

>> No.5799896


Dont bother anon, let the dumb do their dumb.

>> No.5799899



>> No.5799898

How many questions are there?

>> No.5799903

Thanks, at 14

>> No.5799906


Man, 95 prosentil is laughable.

You cant even qualify for Mensa with that.

>> No.5799914 [DELETED] 

I'm 17, and I didn't make this thread to brag.

>> No.5799931

133. Had a chat with my roommate though and lost 10 mins so had to guess the last 2

>> No.5799938
File: 8 KB, 588x186, a4e9aa9eab5cc7cdf1e2ef046a24dbdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that's bad

>> No.5799944

I'm going to probably get some incredibly stupid low number.

>> No.5799950

Man i can't decipher Norwegian. I don't care if you don't need text or not, i don't answer things in languages i don't understand. That's how problems start!

>> No.5799955

so far (when i was on sci) 4 people got the max score of 144 and around 20 got 142.

>> No.5799962

at least i think thats the scores, its something in 140, when you get 0, or 1 wrong.

>> No.5799967

133 - 98.6% - black dude

mensa is racist

>> No.5799993
File: 7 KB, 565x162, Mensa 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

138 here too

>> No.5800038
File: 98 KB, 2750x1300, blabla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel pretty stupid, but I couldn't get these right.
Lets call them
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
and the answers
a b c
d e f

>> No.5800050


>> No.5800053

1: from left to right: black + white = black, else white, so it should be B.
2: should be D. the form gets rotated 90 degrees clockwise, then place the resulting shape in the cube and mirror the shapes outline in the outline of the cube. No outline = straight line.
the rest, no fucking clue

>> No.5800057

I never score above 100 on internet IQ tests.
I don't even see the patterns beyond the 10th one from the last, then I panic and guess without even observing it.

>> No.5800060

>Din IQ ble beregnet til 130 tilsvarende 97.7 prosentil
There was one question that I'd figured out the pattern to, but forgot it wasn't timed per question and I saw the timer about to clock over a minute multiple and panicked and hit the wrong one.

I might have gotten a little bit higher if I'd hit that one right but I think panicking should knock a couple points off in its own right.

>> No.5800067 [DELETED] 
File: 73 KB, 1280x1024, goat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5800069

Thanks! I'm pretty sure 8 is f, not sure about 4 and 6, could you explain?

>> No.5800071

OMG im so dumb for not seeing 6.

>> No.5800075

>Din IQ ble beregnet til 131 tilsvarende 98.1 prosentil

Is that good or bad in /sci/ terms?

>> No.5800073

The only pattern in the last question that made any sense to me was "add the upper and left boxes, remove overlaps, rotate once left" but that still didn't leave me with an explanation for the dotted lines.

>> No.5800083 [DELETED] 

pattern goes down rather than across

remove overlaps. At least that's what I thought (i'm >>5800067 so I assume I got at least 1 wrong which could have been that one)

>> No.5800079

1) XOR first 2 coloumns gives thrid: b

2) Rotate coloum 2 90 degrees, change concave to convex and vice versa, gap is straight line: d

3) rotate coloum 2 45 degrees, XOR lines around outside: d

4) no idea

5) Left of line is positive, right of line is negative, add black and white seperatly: c

6) XOR coloumns 1 and 2: f

7) dunno

8) flip row 1 and XOR: f

>> No.5800080

about average. Won't get laughed at, can't sit with the cool kids.

>> No.5800082

Din IQ ble beregnet til 130 tilsvarende 97.7 prosentil

>> No.5800084
File: 2 KB, 588x50, IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good.

>> No.5800086
File: 73 KB, 1280x1024, goat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>community college
140 reporting in, first attempt

>> No.5800087

Goddam hate being in the middle, would rather be laughed at, at least I will get noticed.

>> No.5800088

For 7 there are a circle, a cube and a triangle, then for each figure there is one spliced in two and each half rotated, and one with one half intact and the other rotated.

>> No.5800089
File: 17 KB, 565x159, 138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

138. They kept reusing the same 3 patterns, maybe adding in a rotation. Poorly constructed IQ test.

>> No.5800090

Congrats. Can you explain 4 to me?

>> No.5800092

I was thinking that. I was convinced that the unspliced one had to be the one you chose, just realised it was one of the spliced ones....

>> No.5800093

138 master race.

>> No.5800099

if you mean 4 from >>5800038 then:

blocks above line means add them. blocks below lines means take column 1 from column 2. Answer is C (big block = 3 small block).

Though you can just see row 2 and 3 as inversions of each other (in terms of the pattern of the boxes on the line) and notice the flip in the side of the blocks.

>> No.5800098
File: 109 KB, 638x554, mensa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


same here

>> No.5800100

>master race

>> No.5800103

I'm kidding. Just pointing out that it seems to be the most common score here.

>> No.5800114

From left to right or from top to bottom. Fucking IQ tests

>> No.5800117
File: 5 KB, 618x112, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't get the last one, anyone else get the pattern? I finished in 10mins remaining, but was just looking at the #35 for 10mins, guessed the square pattern I think option 1.

Din IQ ble beregnet til 130 tilsvarende 97.7 prosentil

>> No.5800157

Rows and columns aren't the same bro

>> No.5800158

133 -.-

The last ones really fucked me up. Seemed so easy before that.

>> No.5800166

how many questions are there?
IQ tests are boring

>> No.5800170

how does it calculate the IQ from the number of correct answers? what's the formula?

>> No.5800181

Each is different but usually weighted vs how good others do

>> No.5800188
File: 25 KB, 620x503, Nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was pretty easy

>> No.5800203

>implying you aren't a CC pleb who did it twice after reading answers in this thread

>> No.5800318

>Din IQ ble beregnet til 133 tilsvarende 98.6 prosentil

>> No.5800372

135. Didn't even answer the last 4 questions, since I got stuck on the 4th to last, and was only doing this for the questions and not the number at the end. Seemed like every question used xor or rotations. Though a couple were kinda creative.

>> No.5800990

>this thread

>> No.5801003

>less than subtle bump

>> No.5801120

What's the max score on this test? 35 is the only one I can't figure out, which is weird because I normally get a 145+ on these fluid IQ tests. So either I don't have a 145+ fluid IQ, or I'm having a bad day or this is indeed a poorly constructed IQ test.

>> No.5801122

whats the solution for that pic

>> No.5801129


>> No.5801150

142, 99.8% apparently.

These tests are drivel regardless.

>> No.5801177

This IQ test isn't as well constructed as the famous ripped iqtest.dk. In that test each question gets harder and you get significantly more time. This test is like a rollercoaster: you go from hard to easy and back and you have to race. I had fun making it, though.

>> No.5801227

>implying you have a higher IQ

>> No.5801289

Din IQ ble beregnet til 140 tilsvarende 99.6 prosentil

>> No.5801301
File: 59 KB, 621x474, fjmfhk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

123 on the second time (115 first) withouth reading any answer, my sister was lsitening music and I couldn't concentrate

>> No.5801305

shit. Generally I score anywhere from 126-136. Today I got a 115. One school tested me at 126, different school tested me to be 129. Another mensa test I found a while back showed me a score of 136. I've gotten scores in that range all my life...
Is this test reliable? If it is, is it possible to have an off day where I am at least 9% less intelligent than normal?
I just started trying out noopept... maybe its time to quit

>> No.5801309

lol at all the plebs scoring <140.

>> No.5801312

Would 142 be the max, or 144-145?

>> No.5801318

You obviously aren't nearly as intelligent as you think you are if you waste this much time on horse-shit.

>> No.5801325

@ 115 score. Yes, of course it is possible to have an off day. Your highest score is probably your most reliable one, you usually can score lower than your max score, but not higher. I found this test harder than most other fluid IQ tests. I scored 142 and usually score 145+.

>> No.5801338

>bored, decide to fuck around and take this german test
>important call comes in half way through, start clicking through to get to end.
>still 123
Can you score below 120?

>> No.5801341

135 on this test, usually score in the 150s on the real exams (required for me to stay in the gifted program during elementary and middle school). Really anything over 130 is superfluous as the IQ test is a diagnostic tool used to measure mental deficiency rather than to tell how smart.

>> No.5801353

>on /sci/

pick one

>> No.5801357

Also take into consideration that this is a fluid IQ test. The test you took at your school probably also measured your crystallized intelligence and this probably made your score higher. Neurotypical people normally score higher on the crystallized section. Only ppl with ASD usually are able to score higher on their fluid section.

>> No.5801373

Not like I care or anything

>> No.5801383

You can score higher by lucky guessing.

>> No.5801457

I got bored towards the end and started picking randomly, got 125.

>> No.5801461


>95 prosentil is laughable

The worst part is, no one else knew to correct you

>> No.5801474

So I'm gonna guess you didn't take or didn't finish the test....

Fucking 123... I'm so derp

>> No.5801506
File: 145 KB, 1366x768, 145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I has cometh!

>> No.5801509


Just finished, actually... oh god, it's in Norwegian.

Oh god, I'm also 123

>> No.5801519


Also, 120+ is considered "superior intelligence"

>> No.5801543

But internet explorer

>> No.5801643

Your IQ was calculated to be 128 equivalent 96.9 percentile.

>> No.5801646

and i didnt have time to finish, but this test is bullshit anyway

>> No.5801707

Clearly a lot of /sci/ would qualify for MENSA membership, but is anyone here actually a part of MENSA? Are there any substantial benefits, or is it just a shitty cash grab for people who want to feel smarter than they are?

>> No.5801767 [DELETED] 

125 with 5 guessed answers because a tornado was outside

>> No.5801771 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 599x230, shittyiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggled on the last few. In fact, I couldn't deduce the patterns in the puzzles :(

At age 10, my IQ was tested to be 120, then I was tested again for a score of 110 at age 16.

>> No.5801777

125 with 5 guessed answers because of a tornado outside

>> No.5801791
File: 8 KB, 599x230, shittyiq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I struggled on the last few. In fact, I couldn't deduce the patterns in the last several puzzles

At age 10, my IQ was tested to be 120, then I was tested again for a score of 110 at age 16.

>> No.5801794

>mom bugs me to take the test
>qualify in middle school for gifted
>teacher explains 'you will get extra homework suited to your needs'
>study whatever interests me, misunerstand ideas and correct them as i grow, etc etc

>> No.5801836

128. Whoop-de-fuck.
All the while I was eating, took a piss break, and christmas treed some at the beginning.

IQ is still a shit measurement.

>> No.5801840

Do you realize that most of the people posting here have scored higher than >90/100 people who took the test?

>> No.5801860

You can think? We'll have to beat that out of you with hard work and discipline.

>> No.5801867

Yes. What's your point?

>> No.5801869

It's self-evident.

>> No.5801875

I'm not sure what your point is, either. Are you implying that people are probably lying? Assuming that /sci/ represents an SRS of the population is silly. Or are you saying that 128 is low? If so, you worded it poorly, because an IQ of 128 is well above the 90th percentile.

Or am I missing something entirely?

>> No.5801886

i did it while i was at work so i had to pause and interact with people intermittantly.
by the time time ran out and i hadn't done the last 5 so i definately got those wrong. didn't bother to guess at them either.
scored a 125.

i suppose i could take it again but i've already been tested once on the same test so if i got a higher score i wouldn't be able to tell how much was due my familiarity with the specific questions.

>> No.5801909

Not to some people.

>> No.5801935
File: 2 KB, 580x47, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i will never make significant contributions to academia

Do you lose marks for incorrect answers? I skipped some questions.

>> No.5801950

OP said there are no negative points for wrong answers, so you do loose potential marks for not answering questions.

>> No.5801980

Oh god, it was so painful to my eyes, I ended up skipping two of the questions because I was totally unprepared for that. I kept going crosseyed and finding it painful. The fact that I didn't read the post enough to see that I only had twenty five minutes didn't help either.
Any other sites to take that test with different questions? Seeing as I doubt you are supposed to take the same test twice.

>> No.5802005
File: 10 KB, 607x286, 135 nigs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

135, and I'm depressed so that's +8 pts to my score and I get a 143 making me the smartest person in this thread :3

>> No.5802008


>yeah, not only do I not care but I wasn't even trying and in the middle of it I went to go fuck my dog a few times and read Finnegans wake

Ooooh, don't say you don't care, I know you do

>> No.5802012

Wait, the patterns are only vertical and diagonal, NOT horizontal?

>> No.5802036

Did this a while ago, got 137.

>> No.5802059

125. I always end up doing the same thing and getting fixated on one question and burning out my time. But, 125-130 is what I get on almost every IQ test.

Once I took an online IQ test and got 165 and I won an iPad!! It never came, though. :(

>> No.5802065

What the fuck is the pattern in the 35? Holy shit. Kudos to whomever solved that before the time ran out on their first go-trough.

Anyway, I got 121, but was almost falling asleep doing it. Gonna do it tomorrow; I've been scored officially at about 145 on the Stanford-Binet.

>> No.5802066

Timed? I can't even play Minesweeper unless I cover up the timer.

>> No.5802068


Forgot to mention: The fact that the scores are so high here leads me to believe that this test is particularly flawed.

>> No.5802072

I got 108... I haven't slept in 32 hours, though. Let's try again later. Fuck. I refuse to accept my own mediocrity.

>> No.5802080


This isn't even a real IQ test so calm

>> No.5802094
File: 55 KB, 1356x610, iq resultat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna repost this every time someone on /sci/ calls me a retard.

>> No.5802100

They're all horizontal. Most of the are additive and rotations/flips.

>> No.5802102
File: 368 KB, 1392x2520, iq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please post more online IQ tests.

>> No.5802162

it's not german by the way

>> No.5802165
File: 63 KB, 1356x610, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll just call you a bigger retard for actually using an IQ measurement.

>> No.5802175
File: 53 KB, 741x758, test of literacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish this would be part of every account registration

>> No.5802345

133. I was running under the assumption that the grid was to be taken holistically and not as three rows right up until the end. Shit was kinda fun I guess, but I was expecting something more interesting.

>> No.5802352

>taking IQ tests seriously

>> No.5802403
File: 76 KB, 634x520, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

131 and yet i struggle in many subjects

>> No.5802414

OK. I have a subject I'd like to bring up regarding IQ.

I'm pretty smart, I excel at analytical thinking and logical reasoning. This has made most schoolwork really easy for me, and I have yet not done homework for more than maybe a week after school began, even now as I finish my second year of university (chemistry engineering). I suppose many people on this board joins me in this 'boat'.

I find myself often amazed by the less brightened people and their determination to actually study and work with determination. Occationally I see people achieve as much as me, even though I grasp science better than them.

I've started to accept that being bright in school is probably no great advantage in life, unless you actually are brought some kind of stimulation, to learn to motivate oneself at an early age.

>> No.5802423

i'm scared to take these. what if i'm not a genius.

>> No.5802427

>what if i'm not a genius.

Then you don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.5802441
File: 232 KB, 1869x882, testicle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am drunk and it's after 1 am!

>> No.5802483

I think I got something like 110-120 when I did it a few months ago.

>> No.5802535 [DELETED] 

>be 15
>no option for 14-18
>hence lower score

117 (feelsbadman) with 87.1% correct.


>> No.5802540

First time I did this I spent a bit too much time on some and guessed on the last two just to get it in, got a score of 135. Decided to do it again, but actually spend time thinking about the last two and I guess I got them right since I scored 140 on that second time through.

I'm interested in what questions I must have gotten wrong before, as it seems there must be higher scores possible. Does anyone have a definitive answers list? Is there a gradient of answers that are more or less correct?

>> No.5802561
File: 7 KB, 618x237, aika paska.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have absolutely no eye for patterns.

>> No.5802565


Well, I think it's natural to care what your score is.

This isn't nearly a comprehensive IQ test but it is within some context a metric of intellectual

Of course, people will care because while they might realize this test cannot paint a complete picture of their intelligence/creativity/memory/&c.&c., not to feel left out, we just instinctively feel safer if they do well on it.

Of course, the danger is the score we get back gives us all sorts of feedback about ourselves as we begin to extrapolate within the framework of the mythos built around IQ all sorts of potential meanings from our score.

>> No.5802693

underage b&

>> No.5802695
File: 57 KB, 300x200, seriouslygraphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have mods?

>> No.5803673
File: 42 KB, 676x545, i am smart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too smart for the test

welcome your new overlord, /sci/

>> No.5803950

Hi, I'm the kiddo who got the first max score of 145. (See my "I has cometh!" post.) So, yes, implying that scores above 140 are possible. These tests usually measure until 3 sigma, not 2 2/3 sigma. Check your test for stupid mistakes at the beginning and truly focus on the last two. 34 seems easier than 35; I found it harder. Just try again, I'm not giving you answers. (To make sure this test won't also get ripped.)

>> No.5804661

>125, wohoo
>see the whole thread around that or higher


>> No.5804680

no idea in terms of /sci/ but you are smarter than 98% of the worlds population, so congratz

>> No.5804693
File: 67 KB, 623x608, Boss level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the flying fuck guys ?

>> No.5804696
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, Screenshot_2013-06-02-12-09-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kind of tests mean nothing but are fun to take.

>> No.5804700

That made no sense at all. it wasn't a mathematical representation or a geometric pattern.

>> No.5804707

Reverse the upper row (up-down)
Then add the middle row (white+white=white, black+black=white, black+white=black)

You now have the third row.
(Sorry for bad english)

>> No.5804714

In each column mirror the first figure vertically and construct the interference pattern with the second figure to receive the third. Why do you fail at basic arithmetic? Do you have trouble with negative numbers too?

>> No.5804723
File: 44 KB, 446x400, laughing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tries to appear like a smartass to answer a question after someone already answered
> fail by getting mad and using adhominems
> doesnt even know what interference pattern means.
In mathematics, it's called intersection, not interference you imbecile. interference is a term dedicated to quantum wave propagation.

>> No.5804725

Thank you.

>> No.5804745

>tries to measure e-peen
>gets put to shame by first two posters
>goes all passive-aggressive because is now feeling stupid

you sad fucking fuck.

>> No.5804747

I remember taking this test a few months ago and got 121. It was the first time I took that test, but still it seems to be lower than everyone else when these threads are made.

>tfw retarded

>> No.5804770
File: 39 KB, 693x556, u jelly sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5804773


reptilian detected.

>> No.5804798 [DELETED] 

Well, it could be worse.

>> No.5804802

got 125 by doing the first 20 questions then repeatedly pressing the bottom right from there on

>> No.5804922

131,pretty decent

>> No.5804980

Solutions ~

[A] [B] [C]
[D] [E] [F]

1. C
2. F
3. A
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. E
8. B
9. F
10. D
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. E
15. F
16. E
17. D
18. B
19. E
20. C
21. D
22. A
23. B
24. C
25. D
26. A
27. D
28. E
29. C
30. F
31. A
32. D
33. C
34. C
35. F

Also, in case you're wondering about how it's scored, each question is one point, all weighted the same. The scale is from 9 points correct to 35. For the first two age categories (which I assume covers everyone on 4chan), the scoring is the same. for the last, it is slightly different, and I won't bother posting the point values.

>> No.5804984


9 to 22 correct :

( if(pts=== 9) (return "85 tilsvarende 15.9 prosentil";) if(pts=== 10) (return "90 tilsvarende 25.2 prosentil";) if(pts=== 11) (return "91 tilsvarende 27.4 prosentil";) if(pts=== 12) (return "95 tilsvarende 36.9 prosentil";) if(pts=== 13) (return "97 tilsvarende 42.1 prosentil";) if(pts=== 14) (return "100 tilsvarende 50.0 prosentil";) if(pts=== 15) (return "101 tilsvarende 52. prosentil";) if(pts=== 16) (return "103 tilsvarende 57.9 prosentil";) if(pts=== 17) (return "106 tilsvarende 65.5 prosentil";) if(pts=== 18) (return "108 tilsvarende 70.3 prosentil";) if(pts=== 19) (return "110 tilsvarende 74.8 prosentil";) if(pts=== 20) (return "113 tilsvarende 80.7 prosentil";) if(pts=== 21) (return "115 tilsvarende 84.1 prosentil";) if(pts=== 22) (return "117 tilsvarende 87.1 prosentil";)

>> No.5804985


23 to 35 correct

if(pts=== 23) (return "119 tilsvarende 89.7 prosentil";) if(pts=== 24) (return "121 tilsvarende 91.9 prosentil";) if(pts=== 25) (return "123 tilsvarende 93.7 prosentil";) if(pts=== 26) (return "125 tilsvarende 95.2 prosentil";) if(pts=== 27) (return "128 tilsvarende 96.9 prosentil";) if(pts=== 28) (return "130 tilsvarende 97.7 prosentil";) if(pts=== 29) (return "131 tilsvarende 98.1 prosentil";) if(pts=== 30) (return "133 tilsvarende 98.6 prosentil";) if(pts=== 31) (return "135 tilsvarende 99.0 prosentil";) if(pts=== 32) (return "138 tilsvarende 99.4 prosentil";) if(pts=== 33) {return "140 tilsvarende 99.6 prosentil";) if(pts=== 34) (return "143 tilsvarende 99.8 prosentil"i) if(pts>= 35) (return "145 tilsvarende 99.9 prosentil, eller mer";)

>> No.5805110

Fuck, I'm dumb.

>> No.5805287

HELP NEEDED!!! I just did another IQ test, it's similar to the iqtest.dk.( http://mensa.dk/iqtest/)) I keep scoring 143, but I know 145 is the max. I did it 3 times now and keep getting 143. Would someone please post the answers to the last 5 questions? Also, the answer remains the same (of course), but the letters change (a-h), so you'd have to make a screenshot. Thanks.

>> No.5805296


>tl;dr an IQ of 115 allows you to perform reasonably well at most jobs

>> No.5805305
File: 393 KB, 640x360, Garfield what are you doing.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Equatorial Guinea

>> No.5805406 [DELETED] 

130.. I didn't know how many questions there were so I didn't manage my time properly, the last 4 w4re quick guesses, I'm sure I could have gotten them if I had a few extra minutes. that i needlessly wasted double checking the first answers, can;t control my OCD.

Anyway it's good enough I suppose, this is also the score I was tested as in person, so it's most likely a pretty good test. I got 145 on other BS online "IQ tests"

>> No.5805411

>Mensa practice tests
>not the actual thing
Come on plebs, step up.

>> No.5805417 [DELETED] 

>think you are smarter than most of /sci/..

son the smartest ones are the ones who don't even post their scores

they are out their lurking, concealing their true power levels

also the dumbest ones won't post their results either.

>> No.5805606
File: 48 KB, 816x713, 1358414224928.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


editiing html.....nice.

>> No.5805617

i got a 106

>> No.5805641
File: 2.92 MB, 128x96, taco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hey bobbeh.

>> No.5805770

Burned through it in about six minutes without really trying while cooking. Scored 113. Will return later to actually take the test "for real" when I actually have some free time.

>> No.5808019

lol apparently I'm dumber than the last time I took one of these

was 128
got 118

must be all this fucking 4chan ruining my math skills. and don't say this isn't easier for people who are still up on geometry and the like.

>> No.5808065


110. I literally guessed everything after question 10

>> No.5808176

Din IQ ble beregnet til 119 tilsvarende 89.7 prosentil
I didn't understand some of the later ones

>> No.5808837
File: 19 KB, 1561x694, MENSA NORGES HJEMMETEST_20130604-021150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


feel homoseks

>> No.5808859

Din IQ ble beregnet til 123 tilsvarende 93.7 prosentil

Umm... Is that good, or bad?

>> No.5809003
File: 380 KB, 548x2489, iq_test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5809198

this is pretty out there but ill give #4 a go
flipping the blocks up adds 2 (small) blocks, this is constant in all columns
in column one, flipping down adds nothing
in column two, flipping down adds 1
in column three, flipping down adds 2
If the 4 spaces get filled up then every excess block turns a small block into a big block

I didn't read the thread up until those points, but anyone think im on the right track?

>> No.5809202

>flipping down
>flipping down
>flipping down
woops, change these to just flipping bonus