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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 202 KB, 1070x898, tiers-disciplines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5798330 No.5798330 [Reply] [Original]

So, /sci/, where exactly does genetics fit in on this list?

>> No.5798335

I'd say at least Top Tier, if not God Tier. Same with Biology.

>> No.5798341

Probably top, god tier is all math heavy stuff

>> No.5798345

I don't understand why life sciences and computer studies are above economics.

>> No.5798349
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>> No.5798375

>Theology on the list at all
nigga, are you serious?

>> No.5798377

What do you have against Mechanical Engineering?

>> No.5798401

>engineer better than medicine

top lel

>> No.5798409

muh math

>> No.5798407

people on /sci/ dont consider engineering science and think engineers are stupid, especially civil and mech because those are the two most easily traced back to physics. They think physics is pure and mech and civil are just applied entry level physics and therefore shitty.

basically /sci/ is autistic.

>> No.5798417

genetics >> subset of biology >> subset of life sciences

>> No.5798418

>Shit tier

>> No.5798422

Oh look, it's this ancient troll pic again.

>> No.5798441

>yfw this century life sciences moves up 2 tiers because of genetic engineering used to produce complex polymers with molecular precision

>> No.5798455
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Get on my level

>> No.5798468

Why is medicine God tier? I'd put it mid tier, unless pay is somehow part of the scheme.

>> No.5798472

You forgot to include computer science and biology in the shit tier.

>> No.5798477
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>> No.5798488
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Good catch

>> No.5798490

This made me smile.

Last year I changed major from Astronomy to Computer Science because I decided I liked eating and paying bills.

>> No.5798492

>studying business administration
>low tier


>> No.5798497
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>> No.5798494
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>> No.5798512

Only legit one, saved.

>> No.5798539
File: 22 KB, 256x273, definitelynotatimetravelinggreekphilosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophy and Mathematics are the only acceptable god tier majors on any list. Period.

>> No.5798566

Where do forensics fit in that list?

>> No.5798592

Liberal Art and Music should NEVER be placed at the bottom.
Art studies create the best balanced, wisest and most creative people out there. Though a physicists or mathematicians will display great intelligence, they lack some very important traits.
The friendliest people, the most happy people, the most tolerant people, the most courageous people, the best storytellers and the best teachers I have met in my life were all involved in the arts, NOT academia.

>> No.5798600

You need art and science. This is a symbiosis which is crucial to education.

>> No.5798609

>implying you need to go to college to be educated about art
that's the implicit assumption about liberal arts

>> No.5798615

By your logic, you don't need university to be educated in regard to non-physical science, either. Besides, it simply doesn't work, in practice.

>> No.5798649


Yeah that Van Gogh guy was a real happy camper.

Gauguin too. Art is just filled with happy, stable individuals who don't have mental problems at all..

>> No.5798661 [DELETED] 

Made me happy

I'm still aiming for Astrophysics even though I love music.

>> No.5798659


You don't, actually, you can learn about mathematics and computer programming on your own, of course that's a lot harder without a teacher but learning about art is much easier and requires a lot less effort and practice.

>> No.5798663


No reason you can't enjoy both. Einstein was an enthusiastic violinist in his spare time.

>> No.5798676

It depends on what you're studying. 'Ease' is entirely relative to natural aptitude. I highly doubt that you'd be able to learn to play Ravel's Jeux D'Eau to a concert standard within 15 years. Does that make it harder than maths?

>> No.5798686

Just not true. Getting a doctorate in these subjects is just as much of a bitch. Ever seen the requirements for a D.Mus?

>> No.5798688

As an FRSM-holder, I'm going to call this guy on his bullshit.

>> No.5798693

Erm. I meant the guy to which this person was replying.

>> No.5798703


Learning to play music or make art is difficult. But getting something like a degree in art history is easy.

Music theory I will admit is a difficult subject, and deserves its place as part of the Quadrivium alongside arithmetic, geometry, and astronomy.

>> No.5798706

Good thing I'm a piano teacher, then.

>> No.5798716


There's that word again

>> No.5798726


>implying it isn't easy to just learn about the history of art

It's fucking easy, you just learn what happened why it happened, etc. It's not intellectually challenging.

>> No.5798729

>you just learn what happened and why it happened

Isn't that what a proof is?

>> No.5798739

well everything not listed falls into the shit tier, so probably there

>> No.5798810

Want a challenge? Jump off a cliff and try to survive. Who gives a shit, seriously.

>> No.5798815

>CS mid tier
not elder god tier

>> No.5798825

I agree with this mostly. Move Econ to mid tier, and philosophy to top tier and you have the truth.
Also, maybe consider having theology as a subset of philosophy

>> No.5798828

What tier is microbiology?

It's a bit above the other life sciences, surely.

>> No.5798831

>What tier is microbiology?
>It's a bit above the other life sciences, surely.

Which ones, exactly?

Population genetics?

Seems that most life sciences are pretty intellectually rigorous.

>> No.5798832

I completely agree with this.

I'm not the least bit amazed if people tell me they're studying something like art history.

But if someone tells me they study music at a classical conservatory, then I top my hat to them.

>> No.5798836

No it's not. It's just as easy.

>> No.5798837


econ is a very dif degree than applied math in econ

>> No.5798839

Sure "Philosophy" should be top tier, because the degree hasn't been -entirely- intellectually substituted by physics by now.

>> No.5798861

I mean, it's true. Physics is the more widely accepted method of explaining the universe and all of its phenomena, but philosophy isn't just metaphysics; it's at its most poignant when its explore questions of human conflict, or the human condition. Which, if I might espouse my own opinion is quite outside the jurisdiction of modern physics. If anything, Neuroscience is the field most poised to consume philosophy. But, like with psychology, I'm sure philosophy will just, and has already begun to, approrpiate what pieces of neuroscience and physics necessary to uphold its legitimacy.

>> No.5798872

Mind you, I do -somewhat- respect philosophy for laying the foundations for about every other scientific field, however, the issue is that philosophy as a degree is not a -rational- pursuit anymore.

The philosophy of the universe? Physics does it better.

The philosophy of ethical concerns? Law does it better.

The philosophy of the mind? Psychology/psychiatry does it better.

Philosophy has been effectively substituted, and I wouldn't recommend for anyone to pursue it as a degree, the job prospects are horrendous.

>> No.5798891


Philosophy as a bachelor's degree is actually a very good preparation for law school.

I will concede that anything past that is useless outside of academia.

>> No.5798895

But the beauty of philosophy is that it encompasses all of these subjects and fields them on a common ground.
Besides, I think the real benefit of philosophy is in the fact that it teaches thought, the actual ability to think whether it be creatively, analytically, or aesthetically. Philosophy is inherently interdisciplinary and allows its its students to make connections between literature, mathematics, and any other subject one can think to name. There is a reason philosophy majors consistently rank the highest in overall GRE scores: there subject is the subject of thought.

Now I agree that the job prospects are horrendous, but let's be honest here; is a dedicated philosophy student really concerned about wealth? I think rejection bourgeois values is a prerequisite for Philosophy 101.

>> No.5798897

their subject*

>> No.5798898

Im a lawyer, this
>The philosophy of ethical concerns? Law does it better.

is not true.

>> No.5798920

>ee grad
>2 summers with relevant work
>93% overall average
>top 30 uni

very few call backs, shitty starting salaries.
fuck this degree. pay me 60k starting or fuck urself.

>> No.5798962

>Not top 3.

>> No.5798992

>shitty starting salaries
Probably because they're willing to train you. Take the job fucker and find better ones in a year.

>> No.5798993

>>93% overall average
> 3.72

>> No.5798997


Just so everyone knows, 300k starting is NOT A REALITY. Unless you get your PhD in mathematics, or you were born set up with a banker job by your father Prescott's connections.

Even the baby boomers know this. You have to work your way up to a good salary.

>> No.5798998

... gpa doesnt work like that idiot

>> No.5799001

yeah, I get that. I just wish I was starting at 60k.. not 50k like some of these places are offering.

>> No.5799011


agreeable that is pretty low for an electrical engineer

>> No.5799016

yea, that's what I thought. I'm like 90% sure that entry level EE salary is 60k. anything less is like an insult.

>> No.5799018

Fuck you man, that's more than my family makes in a year.
I'm sorry that you feel entitled to more, but if you haven't noticed, the world is exactly great for new grads, or anyone else for that matter, right now. Honestly though, 50k with a bachelor's? That's not bad.

>> No.5799020

It has nothing to do with the actual number. It's the fact that entry-level EEs should make a certain amount, and these guys aren't willing to meet that number.

>> No.5799023

I was gonna go for physics but I realized I may not have as much passion for it as I thought. Math is interesting and fun but I've always struggled a bit with it and I'm not sure where the job opportunities are.

I'm thinking Computer Engineering would probably be best now as I have been using computers since I was 5 and I've always wondered a lot about processor design and generally want to learn more. Drawbacks are I haven't really done much with coding and I know that knowledge will be important.

>> No.5799030 [DELETED] 

Do you have all the needed skills and be up and running at full speed on the first day?

>> No.5799035
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>not posting the official /sci/ tier list
shiggy dig doo

>> No.5799037

Start now. "buy" visual basic 2010 or some such and just play around and look up tutorials. If you have a good mind for logic, you'll be able to pick it up without an exorbitant amount of difficulty.

>> No.5799039


>im offended because my parents didnt go to school/majored in waste of life tier fields

QQ moar

>> No.5799041

I do philosophy of mathematics (focus on formal lorgic), do I average to mid-tier?

>> No.5799042
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>visual basic 2010

>> No.5799053


that's on the low end, entry level engineering jobs should pay around 60k

It's a lot more than other majors, but we engineers are greedy jews with superiority complexes, so it's all good

>> No.5799074


>computer engineering
>learn VB

Top lel. Learn C, haskell (if you're a math nerd), and a good scripting language.

>> No.5799078

>shit tier

>> No.5799082


>Law School

Your major is truly irrelevant, philosophy majors tend to score higher on the LSAT, but any major will do. Plus if you don't get into a T15, you'll probably never have a decently paying job in law.

>> No.5799084

How difficult is neuroscience?

>> No.5799088

chanarchive [a dot goes here but 4chan's spam filter is fucking retarded] org/4chan/sci/39508/bridging-the-gap-between-statistical-physics-and-neuroscience

Read that thread and tell me how much you understood. Based on your answer I'll tell you how difficult it will be [FOR YOU]

>> No.5799093

yeah, law school is shit nowadays. you're looking at a 60k job unless you're a top end graduate

>> No.5799105


Well, philosophy on its own is kinda meh imo. However, I think every science major should be required to take some sort of introductory metaphysics course, I majored in biotech and I regret not doing so. I had to do all the reading myself, which is hard with all the crap on the internet. With even a little bit of phil/logic/metaphysics under their belt, I bet science majors would be less inclined to "concretize the abstract" and they would be aware of the philosophical assumptions that come along with science. I don't think we'd see as much neo-logical positivism.

>> No.5799383

the philosophy that they taught in universities is a joke, people that think they actually are superior intellectually to the rest of the human beings for having taken a philosophy class have not understand the point of philosophy at all
there is noone more ignorant of philosophy in this world than a philosophy major

>> No.5799391


>> No.5799405

Genetics is part of engineering imo.

>> No.5799410

Why is law on here?

>> No.5799412

in universities they teach philosophy, but philosophy cant be taught, teachers ought to teach how to philosophize, philosophy is an activity, philosophy majors are usually untalented dick heads

>> No.5799418

"how to think" not "what to think"?

>> No.5799433
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>imo in your ass

>science is engineering

>> No.5799434

its a university major?

>> No.5799851

that list itself is bad and OP should feel bad
you cant order a list that isnt good in the first place

>> No.5799857

i study biology, please harass me

>> No.5799872

>Law top tier
>Philosophy shit tear
Do you have a giggle?

>> No.5799886


>god tier

But there are literally no jobs in Chemistry, it should only be high tear.

>> No.5799926
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This thread brought me to tiers.

>> No.5799948


I am Veterinary Medicine.

Does that make me supergod tier?

>> No.5799949

where does software engineering fit in here?

>> No.5799951

>/sci/ falling for obvious troll images
To be honest I have more respect for good vets than I do good doctors.

>> No.5799953

What's wrong with Archaeology?

>> No.5799961

>based vetmed
People are harsh on doctors though. The overwhelming consensus (at my uni at least) is that Medicine/Vet Med are the hardest, followed by law, then Maths/Natural Sciences

>> No.5799977


Thanks to veterinary medicine we have a treatment for cats with Feline Immunodeficiency Virus so far showing positive results which opens up possible leads for improved HIV treatment for people in the future.

So yeah i like you guys.

>> No.5799981

doctors have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the ailments of one species
vets have to have an encyclopedic knowledge of the ailments of every species humans keep as pets

>> No.5799986

cambridge vetmed = GOAT course

prove me wrong

>> No.5799989

>Removing geology.

>> No.5799990


I'd wager it would extend beyond pets too. Are there not any vets that treat animals in the wild or in protected sanctuaries?

>> No.5800004

most vets tend to specialise in small animal (dogs, cats, rabbits etc) farm (pigs, cows, sheep etc) or equine (lots of crossover with farm though). There are zoo vets and vets attached to wildlife parks/reserves but there aren't many and they often specialise in only a few species (though of course they can treat most animals well enough, just not anything super specific).

Alternatively there's all the DEFRA/FSA stuff and public health. Also research/teching and the usual slightly peripheral stuff, though about 80% (off the top of my head, might be a lie) of vets go straight into private practic.

>> No.5800190

Let's revise this shall we?

God tier: Philosophy / Mathematics.

Top tier: Physics / Astronomy / Chemistry.

Mid tier: Engineering / Computer Science / Life Sciences.

Low tier: Medicine / Law / Pharmacology & Toxicology / Kinesiology / Geology / Psychology / Economics / Music / History / English / Political Science / Archaeology.

Shit tier: Business Studies / Women’s Studies / Everything Else Not Listed.

>> No.5800326
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>> No.5800333


What do you mean "does it better"? Take philosophy of the mind. No one is occupied with it except people working with the philosophy of the mind. Same goes for the universe and ethics.

Also, as a law student, >implying law and ethics have anything in common

Step it up, black man

>> No.5800359

>low tier
Enjoy your life expectancy

>> No.5800390
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>> No.5800394

Look at what our educational systems do to us. Pitting us against one another and leading the dumber among us to think a field of study equates with value.

>> No.5800412
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>> No.5801047
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why are you denying the obvious truth /sci/

>> No.5801083


top lel

>> No.5801087

>above engineering and chemistry

>> No.5801095

>visual basic
I needed a good laugh, thanks a bunch.

>> No.5801098

this. mathematics:STEM::philosophy:non-STEM in that doing math or philosophy is like doing mental jumping jacks making you better at STEM or non-STEM.

>> No.5801141


>yfw psychology, sociology, law, urban planning, gerontology and cultural studies (among others) are considered STEM degrees

>> No.5801162


>neuroscience Supreme tier
>Psychology low tier

It's like /sci/ doesn't even know that neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field and psychologists take a big part of it.

>> No.5801175

Art is math you faggets

>> No.5801178

Biology is not life sciences?

>> No.5801199
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God tier Chemistry master race reporting.

I'm still jobless after 6 months of job search.

Kids on /sci/ seems to buying into all those "STEM SHORTAGE!!!" bullshit.

>> No.5801210

No, it isn't. Not by any definition of mathematics.

>> No.5801213

Odds are this is mostly because of a combination of:
>You going to a shit school
>You making no attempt to network or pave your own career path during college
>You not pursuing any meaningful internships

so many people go through the grind of a STEM education and then cry when they graduate and can't find a job despite having done fuck-all throughout college to that end

>> No.5801238


OK kiddo, here's the reality check for you.


>> No.5801251


It's like you haven't even gotten past sophomore year. Keep buying into what the admissions counselors tell you in orientation.

>> No.5801288
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, puella_magi_madoka_magica-06-kyubey-staring[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say those kind of things, it will discourage young women from going into science!

>> No.5801331

I've never understood what's wrong with logical positivism. What's wrong with it?!

>> No.5801335

>except civil and mech
>without which nothing around you would be built

>> No.5801395

>theology higher then geology
>theology not in beyond waste of life tier

>> No.5801407

>Foreign Language and communications on the same tier as womens' studies
I agree they're wastes of money, but at least you can make money with those.
You can't do shit with a degree in womens' studies except write books or teach womens' studies.

>> No.5801414


>> No.5801417
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>people putting Engineering in anything below God Tier

>> No.5801418

>Anything but theology in god-tier

It's like you people have no sense of humor

>> No.5801420

to be fair, languages are terrific and should not be in shit tier
i would put them in mid-tier because of how employable you are if you are multi-lingual

>> No.5801426

Yes, but instead of spending at tens of thousands for a degree in a language, complete with other unrelated requirements, you can just learn the language.

>> No.5801600


It's central claim is not an empirical proposition. Thus, the whole thing is self refuting.

>> No.5801669

math maj philosophy min student here
hows pleb life guys?

>> No.5801693
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I like this board already

>> No.5801703

You tell us, faggot.

>> No.5801894

>Not God tier

>> No.5801942

>Psychology/psychiatry does it better.

Psychology is obsolete

Neuropsychology is where it's at

>> No.5802018

serious question. Dafuq is the difference between comp. sci and comp engineering??? I looked at the curriculums and they're both exactly the same. Am I god or mid tier???

>> No.5802351

computer science, more theoretical, more software base.

computer engineering, more "practical", more hardware base.

If you can't tell the difference, congratulation! you are in dumbass tier.

>> No.5802354
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>> No.5802365
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>> No.5802389

My dad was a vet

>> No.5802393

Then you have ~50% awesome DNA

>> No.5802400

(annoying womyn tripfag whose trip I forgot) go home.

>> No.5802402

>implying I am not male

>> No.5802411
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Because intelligent people get degrees in highly oversaturated fields, because they like the field and are intelligent.

>> No.5802435

Not yet

>> No.5802465

Anyone care to explain why toxicology is an independent subject on this list? Not really bashing, just curious, since in Scandinavia it's incorporated in Medicine/Biology/Chemestry. Same with pharmacology actually.

>> No.5802469

Engineering (genetic engineering included) is a legit god-tier field to be getting into and anybody who disagrees can't see past the throbbing cock of theoretical mathematics stuck down their throat.

Oh, and 0/10 for not putting theology in god tier for the lulz.

>> No.5802472

Go on, back to /tv/.

>> No.5802487

But that's bullshit. Neuropsychology is a branch of psychology.

Of course, I haven't seen a single person who bitches about psychology demonstrate any actual knowledge of the field. It's all "it's useless because I think it's useless!" circular reasoning.

>> No.5802488

why is economics on low tier? at my university economics is more mathematical than chemistry

>> No.5802509

w-w-where does mining engineering go

>> No.5802512

I don't think major is THAT deterministic of value, even though it is often critically important.
A person who does an undergrad in Fine Arts-computer graphics who ends up getting a masters degree in biomedical visualization is probably more useful to society than a chemical engineer who goes on to work at a company that pops out of nowhere, makes cheap protein powder that's contaminated with lead and copper (and probably rat urine), and then disappears before the FDA check it out.

>> No.5802537


I have a bit of smugness in the psychology/neuroscience debate, viewing all that you do as petty squabbles.
My undergrad is EE/BioE/Math and my intended field of study (I'll be in school for a while) is neurological signal processing. It's basically engineering algorithms to extract useful information from imaging (and, in some cases, helping to develop those imagining techniques, though that's usually more in the EE/Physics branch than the EE/Math branch, which is more what I'm in). You may as well call it "computational neuroscience," but I'm an engineering applied statistician, not a biostatistician, like most computational neuroscientists, who are more interested in hypothesis testing than assuming a thing is possible and then working your ass off to achieve it.

Example of NDSP (D for digital): UC-Berkeley used adaptive statistical methods to generate a reference library for fMRI such that a person can watch a set of video footage and have that footage replayed on screen, based on their fMRI scan (note- results not perfect yet)

>> No.5802544

Modelling blood flow with physics while laughing at you trying to 1up on an anonymous board. Stay pleb.

>> No.5802547

>is neurological signal processing. It's basically engineering algorithms to extract useful information from imaging (and, in some cases, helping to develop those imagining techniques
tl;dr - i'm a diploma-tier lab tech.

>> No.5802550

tou must be a pretty shitty chemist then

>> No.5802641

>tl;dr - i'm a diploma-tier lab tech.

How do you think neural prostheses, or, for that matter, a virtual reality, will be engineered? You need signal processing to do anything useful. Most of my undergrad work was the same as an EE doing communication engineering, machine learning, and DSP. What is it you're doing?

>Modelling blood flow with physics while laughing at you trying to 1up on an anonymous board. Stay pleb.
I don't see how either of our mathematical modeling tasks are any less important to the advancement of society. Yours has a lot more immediate applications in medicine.

>> No.5802659

EE here. So much EE type DSP applications in brain shit.

Dunno why these nerds so mad.

>> No.5802661

Double majoring in both God tier and Mid tier disciplines, so Top tier?

>> No.5802681

>a computer is only as fast as its slowest part

>> No.5802683


Well said.

>> No.5802699

Always get a chuckle out of reading that. I don't think i've ever met a happy physicist, chemist or engineer.

They probably realized their career prospects were thrown out the window when someone with 0.8% higher marks than they had got the job. All of the jobs.

>> No.5802753

>implying that marks matter after you get your first job
>implying that your first job is meant to be your career prospect
>implying that engineering grads with, who are courted by employers after only 4 years of college as long as they have over a 2.5 are in the same situation as physics and chem majors, who need at least 6 years of college to be taken seriously
>implying I'm not the someone with the .8% higher marks than everyone else

>> No.5802761


You guys yuropoor?

>> No.5802768

*Pats on the head*

Enjoy your instant noodles and crushing loneliness.

>> No.5802774

>I don't think i've ever met a happy physicist, chemist or engineer.

How many chemists do you know? Because I know a hell of a lot of them, and they're pretty much all active, healthy people who love beer and joking around.

And, no, I'm not talking about chemistry students

>> No.5802780

>How many chemists do you know?
Intimately? 6.

>And, no, I'm not talking about chemistry students.
Well there is, more than likely, the catalyst for our differing perspectives on the subject.

>> No.5802802


I only know two and they're both angsty assholes.

>> No.5802815

Yeah (guy you replied to)
On the other hand, sometimes I wish I would have just studied Mathematics and Mathematical Computer Science, since a lot of the skills from EE won't be put to use. Real DSP, when you get down to it, is pattern recognition/machine learning/artificial intelligence, real analysis and probability, functional analysis, and just good programming to implement it all.
EE certainly guides you toward fourier, probability, and machine learning, but not through the really mathematical perspective that allows you to truly understand it.
But maybe it's because I'm an american and the education I got before going to a university was completely worthless. I mean, there's no reason the first math class you take at a University shouldn't be an advanced linear algebra class.

>> No.5802836

>being friends with autists
Just remember that the mlp fedora brigade think each other are fun people

>> No.5802840

angsty isn't a word
>>>from a chemist

>> No.5802846

yes it is

>> No.5802853

can't use it in scrabble not a word

>> No.5802856

>where exactly does this major fit in on this unimportant list used to le epic troll faggots
>175 posts omitted
>4chan science & math

>> No.5802859

Well played.

>> No.5802862

Question. Does Software Engineering count as God Tier?

>> No.5802866

scrabble bans loads of words and is rarely updated. It's in the dictionary .'. it's a word

>> No.5802874

you got me

>> No.5802879

>Being a professional is replenished at the end of not being a jackass

I like it

>> No.5802889

I don't know if you're implying I'm an autist but my colleagues and I are all closer to normalfags who just really enjoy chemistry.

>> No.5802909

>Always get a chuckle out of reading that. I don't think i've ever met a happy physicist, chemist or engineer.
>They probably realized their career prospects were thrown out the window when someone with 0.8% higher marks than they had got the job. All of the jobs.

I think you're onto something: We're incapable of bullshitting ourselves into believing that we're worth more than what we can do for you.
There is no skill in most lines of work, you just sell yourself and all your bullshit. We don't do that.

>> No.5802968

Why information technology is shit?
Can anyone tell me why.

>> No.5803047

I'd say 1 point + 0.5 points = 1.5 points

>> No.5803074

This needs to be 2x5:

Can Math Cannot Math

God Tier: Math, Physics | Theology, History (of Sci), music
Top Tier: Engineering, Chem, Bio, Stat | Philosophy
Mid Tier: CS | Psych
Low Tier: Econ | Poli-Sci
Shit Tier: Info-tech | X - studies, Art (non-ancient)