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5797020 No.5797020 [Reply] [Original]

Post all your math related jokes.

First person to post "all the good jokes argon, sodium funny lolol" wins a free NaOH enema.

But other science jokes are ok.

>> No.5797023

lotta groaners here

>> No.5797055

The base is under a salt.

>> No.5797063

But the base is a salt. Try NH4 next time.

>> No.5797066

pi are not square
pi are round
knuck knuck

>> No.5797071

Oh no I'm dumb, too!

I mean NH3.

>> No.5797084

how do i cube a pie?

>> No.5797123

i 8 (ate) sum (some) pi (pie)

>> No.5797135

Edit: H2O

>> No.5797134

There was a clumsy chemist.
He isn't here anymore.
'Cause what he thought was H20
Was H2SO4.

>> No.5797149

>we don't serve tachyons in here
>a tachyon walks into a bar

>> No.5797165

An infinite number of mathematicians walks into a bar. the first goes to the bar and asks for a pint of lager. The second asks for half a pint of lager. The third asks for a quarter pint. The bartender says "Wait a minute, I've heard this one before." and pours two pints.

>> No.5797174

A philosopher walks into a bar.
The bartender asks "What can I get you?"
The philsopher responds "A real job."

>> No.5797188

there are 16 types of people in the world
those who understand hexadecimal and F the rest!

>> No.5797189

So a mathematician, a physicist, and an engineer are riding a train through the countryside. They pass a brown cow.
The engineer says: I guess the cows in this part of the country are brown.
The physicist says: Well, all we can really say is that one cow is brown.
The mathematician says: Actually, all we can really say is that one side of one cow is brown.

>> No.5797195

"Sorry, we don't serve drinks faster than the speed of light."
A neutrino walks into a bar.

>> No.5797198


>> No.5797200

What's the integral of 1/cabin with respect to cabin?

>A natural log cabin plus sea!

It's a terrible joke but it still makes me laugh whenever I hear it.

>> No.5797207

>engineers are dumb
>physicists make sense
>mathematicians make sense but are pedants that everybody hates

>> No.5797208

I don't get the sea part

>> No.5797211


>> No.5797212


A log cabin by the sea.

>> No.5797218


>> No.5797253

wanna hear a joke about potassium?


>> No.5797270

these jokes are all horrible.

but then again, you cunts aren't exactly supposed to be good comedians either.

>> No.5797271

What is green and homeomorphic to the open unit interval?
The real lime

>> No.5797285

How to prove that all odd numbers are prime, depending of your field:

Mathematician: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, and 7 is prime. By induction, all the odd integers are prime.

Physicist: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is experimental error, 11 is prime, 13 is prime, 15 is experimental error, 17 is prime, 19 is prime. The empirical evidence is overwhelming.

Engineer: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is a good approximation, 11 is prime...

Architect: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, the engineers will figure out how to make 9 prime, 11 is prime, ...

Lawyer: 3 is prime. That's our precedent case. And it's even backed up by 5 is prime, and 7 is prime…

Accountant: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime; uh, did you really need 9 to be prime? Because I could shift 2 more into this account and you'll have 11 which is prime, ...

Chemist: 3 is prime, 5 is prime... hey, let's publish!

Psychologist: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is latently prime but repressing it, 11 is prime, ...

Quantum field theorist using renormalization: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 9 is...uh, 9/3 is prime, 11 is prime, 13 is prime, 15 is...uh, 15/3 is prime, 17 is prime, 19 is prime...

College Professor: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime. The rest are left as an exercise for the student.

Philosopher: Let p be any prime number larger than 2. Then p is not divisible by 2, so p is odd. QED.

Computer Scientist: 10 is prime, 11 is prime, 101 is prime...

Economist: Assume 9 is prime...

English Major: 2 is prime, 3 is prime, 4 is prime...

Mythbusters: Some people think 4 is prime. We divide it by 2 and it doesn't explode! Therefore all odd numbers are prime. (What do you mean "one data point isn't enough?")

Creationist: Only ungodly Darwinists believe One, that which is Unity, is not prime.

>> No.5797288

Biologist (ethologist): The hypothesis that all odd numbers greater than one are prime has stood up to scrutiny. Experimenters distributing clusters of bananas noted a statistically significant elevation in baboon fatalities when the number of bananas is 3, 5, or 7.

Theologist: God, being omnipotent, can make any number prime if He so chooses.

Meteorologist: 3 is clearly prime. If you add one, it becomes non-prime. If you add one again, it goes back to being prime. We predict that 7 and 9 will be prime.

Climatologist: Ancient mathematical records suggest that 3 was prime. Based on the clear trend of alternating between prime and non-prime, computer simulations extrapolate that 37,541 will be prime.

New Ager: All odd numbers - such as the three eyes, the five fingers, the seven chakras, and the nine orifices - are inseparable from the primal unity.

Biologist (Microbiologist): 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 are all prime so I guess the problem with 9 is just contamination.

>> No.5797295

Except induction isn't enough for a mathematical proof.

>> No.5797346
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1350687355434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The functions are sitting in a bar, chatting (how fast they go to zero at infinity etc.). Suddenly, one cries "Beware! Derivation is coming!" All immediately hide themselves under the tables, only the exponential sits calmly on the chair.

The derivation comes in, sees a function and says "Hey, you don't fear me?"
"No, I'am e to x", says the exponential self-confidently.
"Well" replies the derivation "but who says I differentiate along x?"

>> No.5797348

kill yourself.

but first learn the FTC

>> No.5797370


>> No.5797653

No, fuck off, that joke is 2nd only to e=mc^2 in terms of pop-sci popularity

>> No.5797666

Hey girl! I wish I was your Calculus homework because then I'd be hard, and you would do me on your desk.
Hey girl! I wish I knew your first derivative, so I could lie tangent to your curves.
Hey girl! I wish I knew your second derivative, so I could investigate your concavities.

>> No.5797673

I love this one. I was going to write it before I saw your post.

captcha: muitatin baptism

>> No.5797682

All my particle jokes:

"Sorry, we don't serve particles moving faster than the speed of light."
A neutrino walks into a bar.

A photon checks into a hotel. The receptionist asks if he has any luggage. "No, I'm travelling light."

A neutron walks into a pub, orders a drink from the proton behind the bar and reaches for his wallet.
"For you, there's no charge."
"You positive?"

"Sorry," says the vicar, "we don't allow Higgs Bosons in here."
"But without me, how can you have mass?"

>> No.5797697

>College Professor: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime. The rest are left as an exercise for the student.
>English Major: 2 is prime, 3 is prime, 4 is prime...
>Biologist (Microbiologist): 3, 5, 7, 11 and 13 are all prime so I guess the problem with 9 is just contamination.
Best ones.

>> No.5797754

>Mathematician: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, and 7 is prime. By induction, all the odd integers are prime.
Should have been
>Mathematician: 3 is prime, 5 is prime, 7 is prime, 11 is prime, 13 is prime, ...

>> No.5797764

To cell biologists, multiply and divide are the same.

>> No.5797771

Mathematically speaking, dividing and multiplying real numbers is the same.

>> No.5797796

>mathematically speaking
Thank you. I went my whole life thinking x/2 and x*2 were different.

>> No.5797802

Doctor: I have some bad news and some very bad news.
Patient: Well, might as well give me the bad news first.
Doctor: The lab called with your test results. They said you have 24 hours to live.
Patient: That's terrible! What could be worse?
Doctor: I've been trying to call you since yesterday.

>> No.5797811


>>a boathouse.

Why is that not the punch line?

>> No.5797823

Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson are on a camping trip.

In the middle of the night, Holmes nudges Watson awake, and says, "Watson, look up at the sky and tell me what you see."

"I see millions of stars, my dear Holmes."

"And what do you infer from these stars?"

"Well, a number of things," he says, lighting his pipe:

Astronomically, I observe that there are millions of galaxies and billions of stars and planets.

Astrologically, I observe that Saturn is in Leo.

Horologically, I deduce that the time is approximately a quarter past three.

Meteorologically, I expect that the weather will be fine and clear.

Theologically, I see that God is all-powerful, and man, his creation, small and insignificant.

What about you, Holmes?"

"Watson, you fool. Someone has stolen our tent!"

>> No.5798098

NaOH is not a salt...sodium hydroxide is an acid, commonly known as lye.

>> No.5798101

oops lol

>> No.5798144

>What about you, Holmes?"
>"Watson, you fool. GOD IS DEAD!"

>> No.5798149

pls go

>> No.5798160

>"Sorry, we don't serve particles moving faster than the speed of light."
>A neutrino walks into a bar.
Again, ftl neutrinos? Bitch pls

>> No.5798502

The base is assault.