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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5789047 No.5789047[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is up with these people? Do they actually believe what they're saying or is this some sort of a joke?


And it's not like this is the only video. You've got tons of high ranking officials talking about this shit and thousands of videos of conferences like this one. Personally I feel like this is all a giant prank since, if there are aliens here then why the _fuck_ would they be hiding and collaborating with governments? That's so stupid it hurts my brain. Why would a species that has advanced to the point where they can basically break rules of physics to get here, want to have anything to do with us? They would either destroy us or, you know, ignore us.

Care to elaborate, /sci/? Are all these people wackos or are they actually trying to get some truth across, however unlikely? What the fuck is up with all these talks?

>> No.5789064

An advanced civilization may have advanced ethics that don't allow them to disrupt our fragile minds with their awesomeness

>> No.5789070

To what effect?

>> No.5789073

Are you the evolution panspermia idiot? Take it to /x/ please.
>please watch my youtube video

>> No.5789082
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just thinking about his audience

>> No.5789091

No. And this is a sociological phenomena and therefore falls under the domain of science. You can go hang our with wackos on /x/ yourself if that's your thing.

>> No.5789097

Isn't it just a bit odd that a former Canadian defense minister would say in a conference that we have been repeatedly visited by at least 4 alien species?

>> No.5789102

I can't wait until you spot me. Until then I'll be watching.
See you tomorrow day.

>> No.5789103

There's two issues you have to deal with separately in order to get your head around this.

1. People see stuff in the sky. Is it real? Sometimes. Is it an alien ship? Not likely, but it's not an impossible question to ask.


2. Sometimes, people saw secret aircraft that they thought were from another planet. Turns out, the military wanted to keep them secret, so they spent a lot of time spreading lies and making the UFO question sound crazy.

The result?

1. The scientific community doesn't really want to look seriously at the question, because it's bad for your career and funding opportunities.

2. A lot of confusion between a very small number of interesting UFO cases and many silly, and sometimes fake, and sometimes, military aircraft cases.

The recently-held Citizen Hearing on Disclosure is trying to get congress to begin a serious inquiry to try and separate what was military disinfo from what were real UFO sightings.

Basically, lots of people believe in UFOs, and want more answers about them, but congress won't take the question seriously.

But it's not congress's job to decide what to take 'seriously', it's to listen to, and respond to, a grievance against the government.

60-year-old military secrets don't need to be secret anymore. The cold war is over. If the military and intelligence agencies would come clean about what they were doing, we might be able to explain ALL UFO sightings, or maybe realize that some were legitimate.

And it seems that some people still don't want that transparency.

>> No.5789104
File: 150 KB, 1000x600, Alien Trolling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Canada is full of maple huffers.

>> No.5789113

Be careful about the distinction between Alien UFOS and just UFOS.
If it's a dog on fire flying over your head and you didn't know what is was it still counts as an unidentified flying object.
Yes, I'm being anal about that. Why? Because everything flying you can't identify is a UFO. Doesn't make UFOs 'Alien.'
Anal anal anal.

>> No.5789110

It is common for former politicians to talk nonsense.

>> No.5789111

This makes a lot of sense but it still doesn't exactly clarify the need for all these conferences with high ranking officials speaking as if aliens are already here and have been for a long time. I mean just thinking about it objectively, a ton of effort must be put to maintain all these conferences. Why would anyone even care about it if the truth was so transparent anyway?

>> No.5789114

>aliens millenniums more advanced than us come to earth
>don't want to be seen but get caught by human tech
>want to be seen... but only to mostly crazy rednecks?

>> No.5789115

The point is, he's far from being the only one.

>> No.5789120

The story goes that they are actually collaborating with secret governments. But that's way too shady for my taste. And it sounds ridiculous.

>> No.5789117


How about former Division Chiefs of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA


>> No.5789123

secret governments?

Like, what, exactly? I'm just interested in knowing what a secret government actually is. What even, like. If it's not one of the dozens of "secret" agencies/societies/organizations.

>> No.5789126

lol I watched this video the other day. It's ridiculous. Dude says he now knows there are over 20 different species.

At any rate, the whole disclosure project is all very bizarre. I don't know what to make of it. The FBI also declassified a bunch of documents some years back that were also wtf tier.

>> No.5789127

A secret government is one that operates "underneath" the normal government, pretty much dictating everything that goes on on the surface.

>> No.5789128

Ah, Old Men. Thanks.

>> No.5789130

Are you familiar with the field of Ufology? It's funny because there's so much witness testimony, but witness testimony isn't proof. Two researchers stand out in the field of UFOs: Richard Dolan and Leslie Kean.

Dolan has proven, beyond much doubt, that the military and intelligence communities in the 1950s were deeply interested in the UFO question. Yet, at the same time, saying publicly that there's nothing to UFOs, and they're not interested or studying them.

What does that mean? That someone's lying.

So, the truth isn't so transparent. If you know more about Ufology, you won't trust Steven Greer. His new documentary, Sirius, is full of disinformation.

>> No.5789132

It's like you're saying words but they mean so little it's hard to say you said anything at all.

>> No.5789144

Alright, let's try again.

There are 'open' secrets in the world. Things that many people know are true, and accept, but they don't talk about.

Perfect example was the Oliver North and the Iran-Contra scandal. Lots of people in power *knew* that the CIA was running into the US from Central America, funding rebels, and giving weapons to the Iranians in exchange for hostages.

But they were careful to avoid leaving too much a paper trail. "Plausible deniability". So, when President Reagan was called under oath, and asked if he knew about it, he was able to continually reply "I don't recall".

So, many people knew, but you don't talk about it.

Some people are saying UFOs are like that.

>> No.5789160

Not necessarily. Another term is "shadow government". The CIA has long been a good example.


>> No.5789181

These people seem like wackos to me.

Let's play a game of Occam's razor: if aliens are here, then where are they? Surely in 50 years at least some tangible evidence would surface. So where is it? All "ufologists" really have is a ton of anecdotal evidence. Meaning they really have nothing.

When someone shows me a transistor from an alien ship, I'll believe them. Until then I see them as wishful thinkers with plenty of imagination but nothing to drive that imagination.

>> No.5789198

>Surely in 50 years at least some tangible evidence would surface.
if they've the technology to travel thru the vast intergalactic gulf then they've likely the ability to remain concealed.
As far as they question of why they may have chosen to make contact goes, we can only speculate about their motives.

Regardless, there are invariably aliens. It's a statistical certainty given the size of our universe and its lifespan.

If intergalactic travel is possible, then we must have been visited by them. Surely, they'd be interested to visit other alien life-forms.

>> No.5789200

This is a neat little trick you're trying to pull. By wrapping the idea of "some UFO sightings are military aircraft", you give the whole idea of UFO sightings legitimacy, therefore making the jump to "well maybe someone saw a real alien UFO" more palatable to the viewer.

It's a trick because alien UFOs are still just as an impossibility in your scenario as in the proposal that all UFO sightings are aliens. The idea is bunk.

>> No.5789217

As I said, we can go on speculating about alien life, the level of advancement of their civilization, whether intergalactic travel is possible, their motives for making contact, &c.

But the only relevant question is whether they have the technology to directly contact us.

Everything else stands to reason.

Our universe is large enough, has enough matter and energy that manifest into diverse forms, has rules of logic that allow for complexity on the scale of sentience, and has existed for long enough, that one could consider alien existence almost a statistical certainty.

And relatively speaking, life on Earth has arrived late in the history of our universe.
So not only is there alien life, but there is the real potential for alien life that has existed far longer than life on Earth, and thus alien civilizations far more advanced than human civilization.

And once a civilization has reached the capability to produce technology necessary for intergalactic travel, there are 3 basic things they will want to do:
-secure off-world territory
-secure resources
-exploration and discovery
with respect to the last point on that list, as a sentient living thing, it stands to reason a priority in using technology capable of intergalactic travel would be to seek out other life, especially other civilizations.

So the way I see it, so long as intergalactic travel is possible, all the other factors are just right to produce a high probability, if not a certainty, that alien civilizations have made contact with us already.

And I happen to believe intergalactic travel, by unconventional means of exploiting exotic laws of physics, may be possible.

>> No.5789568

>If intergalactic travel is possible, then we must have been visited by them
This is a stupid assumption. Just think about the odds.

>> No.5789574

>-secure off-world territory
Oh fuck me. Can you even imagine how vast the universe is? Why in the name of the great flying fuck would they come here and not explore the billions of other planets? Sure there are some interesting creatures on this planet, but you make it sound like we're the top attraction. Get off your high cosmic horse.

>> No.5789580

They're demons in disguise, Jesus Christ is coming back SOON and you don't want to face judgement, repent of your sins and Let Jesus into your life
For all have sinned and the wages of Sin is Death

>> No.5789597

i thought about them and decided they were great
>mfw you didn't bother to address the rest of my post

if we find out intergalactic travel view exotic laws of physics is possible, then it is extremely likely that alien civilizations have visited us.

and converse is true as well.
if we find out alien civilizations have visited us, then it is extremely likely intergalactic travel is possible.

>> No.5789606

Ok let me just try to follow up with your argument.

X ... chance that two foreign species would ever meet in the universe in the same place
Y ... chance that two foreign species would ever meet in the universe at the same time

Now P(X) has got to be like a trillion to one, if not less.

Can your primate brain deal with multiplying that number with P(Y) now?

Do you realize how fucking small P(X) * P(Y) is, even conceptually? No, of course you don't. Just try and fucking think about it.

I'm not saying it's completely impossible, but I am saying that it is completely improbable. It's the equivalent of the chance that you will get hit by lighting every Monday for the rest of your life, and survive each hit.

>> No.5789610

they'd want to seek out all unique life forms.
especially those that have achieved some degree of civilization, and of those especially the ones that have broken the off-world barrier and achieved space-travel.

there's a reasonable chance.

we're very unique in that we're so complex.
you won't find this in the vast majority of worlds.

I admit the fact that we haven't picked up any signals suggests we haven't made contact, but it certainly doesn't make it entirely evident.

>> No.5789617

>you won't find this in the vast majority of worlds.
[citation pretty much needed]

>> No.5789618

yes, there is the issue of how civilizations in different galaxies would be able to locate each other.

but the improbability is improved when one considers that perhaps they knew of our existence all along because they seeded our planet with life in the first place.

>> No.5789624

You know, even a single galaxy would be able to host numerous species. Why do you keep referring to intergalactic travel?

>> No.5789634

This, The galaxy is fucking massive. Really fucking massive.

>> No.5789691

If there is a civilization more advanced than ours , that can achieve intergalactic travel, it would certainly also have all the technology required to, lets say for an example (a rather stupid one) turn a small moon into a power plant of sorts, transforming matter into whatever resource they need, or just gobble up asteroids all over for water , minerals etc.
There is no need to take anything from us, because of all the abundance.
If a scientist on an expedition finds about a colony of species of ants that have never been found before , he would not drown them in acid.
He would do his job and record every observation of the ants.
If aliens do find us , they would try to contact us first from very long distance. If they came to us, there is no need at all to keep it secret.
With all the technology and knowledge , why would they manipulate our governments ?
They could install their rule in a matter of hours. If they are friendly , (and they most probably are) if they have emotions , culture , understanding that lead to their technological advancement in the first place , they would put on a fireworks display and greet us politely with the name and goal of their race , and start learning about us (and start learning us too).
If they chose to do so in secret , then , it would be a damn secret . None of all this faggotry.

>> No.5789740

/sci/ really is babbies first into ufos


You and all of your precious academia don't even really understand the basic principles of our universe. You go to university to get a job and have children and fulfill all your primal desires; not to become independent thinkers. It's pathetic.

I'm not saying aliens exist 100%. I'm saying you're retarded for dismissing the issue without even considering it because CONSPIRACY!

>> No.5789747

What are you even talking about?

>> No.5789764
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