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File: 570 KB, 603x603, stephanie-bendixsen-hex-471553.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5786285 No.5786285 [Reply] [Original]

I'm currently 31.

Will the singularity of inter-galaxy exploration feasibly occur in my lifetime, or can I just kill myself now?

>> No.5786309

Humans will maybe make it as far as robotic exploration of Europe and manned landings on Mars.

That's it.

>> No.5786304


Change happens slowly. The only big breakthrough in your lifetime is going to be the internet. Everything else will always be ~50 years away, every year forever..

>> No.5786306

We don't know; stick around and see.

>> No.5786307

If exponential growth in computing power grinds to a halt, there will be no singularity.

Just check on it every year. If it stops growing, kill yourself.

If not, enjoy immortality and rerouting your sensory organs to experience matrix-like cyberuniverses that feel as real as reality and are more vast and beautiful than you can possibly imagine.

>> No.5786310
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Probably not. I'm almost 100% sure that private space tourism will happen though. http://www.virgingalactic.com/

>> No.5786314

It will happen, but you'll be too poor to afford it. I suggest killing yourself now to save time.

Also you'll never have a really attractive girlfriend, just skinny-fat "geek girls" with poor hygiene.

>> No.5786317

5/5 Bretty good.

>> No.5786323
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>> No.5786318

Unless everything gets cheaper and goes the way of the cell phone.

>> No.5786320


>Implying computing power is the hurdle

>Implying we can ever actually accurately map consciousness, let alone isolate and upload it to a computer system

>Implying it wouldn't just make you a clone, and that your original consciousness trapped in your flesh and blood body won't have to face mortality regardless

OP, kill yourself or don't. It's insignificant in the long term. Just know that even if you live for another 40 years, the most exciting revelation will just be another technological advancement that delivers images of naked girls to your lonely bedroom.

>> No.5786326

>we can ever actually accurately map consciousness, let alone isolate and upload it to a computer system
It's not a question of "catching" it or anything. Consciousness isn't an entity. The problem is modeling it.

>> No.5786327


>tfw the "Born Just In Time" slices are always really underwhelming alternatives.

>> No.5786329


And what good is that for my currently skull encased consciousness?

>> No.5786330

>implying you'd need to upload yourself to experience full immersion virtual reality, and couldn't use nanobots to simply shut off your sensory organs and feed in artificial inputs

>implying nanobots developed on back of exponentially growing computational technology wouldn't cure aging and do cellular repair

>> No.5786335

You have to make the transition gradually. Interface with the machine so that your awareness becomes part synthetic and part biological. Once that's accomplished just kill the meat half. Then you have seamless continuity of awareness.

>> No.5786339


>Implying nanobots will ever exist

>Implying Cancer Roombas won't be as fault and unreliable as your average Xbox

No red ring of death. No warranty. Just being deceased.

>> No.5786340


But what about the consciousness still chugging about in the meat half?

Do you just accept that your copied self is going to live on to be happy, while you rot off and die?

>> No.5786342

The notion being that you really want your awareness to become indistinguishably distributed across meat and silicon. That way you might feel something unpleasant when you put the bag full of helium over it's head, and it fades out, but ideally at least the "you" overall keeps going. A bit like lighting one candle with another. If you want to keep the meat running forever then you've got quite a big engineering challenge indeed.

>> No.5786343
File: 35 KB, 604x453, stephanie-bendixsen-hex-468026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Deep space exploration

We will run out of resources before we even exit the solar system



Soft atheists trying to find the same Get Out Of Jail Free Card as delusional religious fundamentalists. It will never happen.

Here, have some more Hex to cheer you up.

>> No.5786349


Yeah, but honestly, that's almost no different from breeding to obtain immortality.

I guess I'd have them do it this way;

>Go in to hospital
>Get put under
>Upload consciousness. Terminate Meat Sack
>Turn on consciousness in virtual environment

>> No.5786354

That worries me more - then there's a clear discontinuity - something wakes up in the virtual environment that's a perfect copy of you, but your continuity ended when they pumped your body full of heart-stoppers.

Without continuity of awareness, what's the point? Someone else is having the fun.

>> No.5786359


Well, that's why I proposed that method of operation.

You go to sleep. Next thing you know you're awake in a virtual environment.

>> No.5786362

you mean a copy in the virtual environment

>> No.5786368


You go to sleep. Agreed. That's the end of you.

<- this blank is your eternal nonexistence

Someone wakes up in a virtual environment that has your memories and motivations and whatnot. He certainly remembers going under on the table. I'm not sure how he's actually you though...

>> No.5786369


You will be aware of that, but it won't feel like that.

Even if you just uploaded and went your separate ways, the uploaded digital copy would feel like he was formerly a meat sack who is now living the good life. It's the meat sack version that has all the heavy baggage to bear.

>> No.5786376


Same consciousness. It's "you". Just unencumbered by the meat sack.

It will just feel like going to sleep and waking up elsewhere.

>> No.5786382

honestly i'd rather smoothly replace neurons with their silicon counterparts, until my entire brain is non-biological.

I think that eliminates the need for uploading and preserves the continuity we associate with conciousness

>> No.5786383

virgin galactic space tourism is like calling a trip to the beach a cruise.

would love to go on that trip, nonetheless

>> No.5786392

> 3rd paragraph

I've got bad news for you, son...

You've already died. Dozens, if not hundreds of times. Molecule by molecule, protein by protein, your neurons have been replaced, the "original you" atomized and pissed and breathed out of your replacement's body.

If you care about future you, you care about people who are merely extremely similar to you. You don't care about your actual atoms. Both your organic and your digital duplicate are extremely similar to you, and down to the software level identical to each other. There is no such thing as an "original" in physics - black box the procedure and there is nothing you can do to determine whether the organic you was grown while the "original you" was digitized through replacement, or the digital you was copied through a scan of the "original you".

Why would that work? I've heard of brains adapting brainmatter for functions they needed to learn, which may be extended to a suitable computer emulator, but I've never heard of existing operations migrating.

At the very least this would cause massive restructuring of the remarkably fragile mental architecture, more drastic than any lobotomy. This, of all proposals, seems by far the most likely to kill those parts of you you care about - your personality and memory.

>> No.5786395

it really isn't that complex

the planet's resources are just being misdirected into cat-toys, sports, fashion, and other mindless pursuits

the question isn't if, it's when. the original question posed by OP being, whether this would happen in the next 50 years or not.

it really is a gem to see guys, who helped apple pile billions, spouting nonsense about the future of technologis that have already passed the proof of concept phase

>> No.5786396

> implying "we" believe reanimation kills people and replaces them with mere copies.

Continuity of consciousness is not necessary for continuity of identity.

>> No.5786409


Appendix butril

>> No.5786410


>> No.5786415
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It seems obvious to me that in time we will be able to completely replicate matter at the atomic scale. What I think is a subject of contention is whether or not "WE" actually exists in our minds.

I thnk a good way to look at it is like cell phone service. you're not the phone, but your sim card helps identify "you" to the service provider.

It's pure speculation, but under this premise, once there is a perfect duplicate of you , it would be you. like cloning a sim card.

I'm probably not going to be able to read this capture, so im snipping it.

next captcha
yooman repofe

>> No.5786417
File: 29 KB, 307x275, butdamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since i dont believe in coincidence, im going to take that as a sign that im right

harmless vernyzed

>> No.5786423

If youre waiting for space travel in your lifetime you are not going to see it .

But , imma waiting for the technological singularity when ill merge with the machines then ill be non-mortal enough . Then ill just waiting for someone to make a fusion reactor .Then put the fusion reactor on the fucking spaceship .
50 years later from that point ill be at the restaurant at the end of the universe sipping the nicest cup coffee in my life .


Should you kill yourselves ?
might as well do it but then you are not going to the restaurant at the end of the universe .

p.s : i should probably write a science fiction book

>> No.5786428

btw who is that broad OP ?

>> No.5786442
File: 383 KB, 484x723, hex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's hex.

>> No.5786446


>> No.5786675

You are definitely not 31. Why are you lying on an anonymous board?