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5774476 No.5774476 [Reply] [Original]


How does this video make you feel?


>> No.5774480


>> No.5774483

man that was pretty entertaining

"I spend saturday through sunday scribbling in lab notebooks because apparently it is an affront to the lab gods if I type out a lab report using a fucking computer"

>> No.5774488
File: 112 KB, 1280x852, FA-18-Hornet-All-weather-Fighter2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one is pretty fucking funny too


>> No.5774497


>> No.5774502

Premeds taking life science classes are the worst. Pure biology majors are second-worst.
>Students doing EMT work are sanctimonious pricks
Oh god, yes.
Though some of the other stuff the Sr premed was saying make him sound like a whiny douche, specifically about how hard studying is and inability to do basic lab work.

>> No.5774505


Tell me more of the douchebag pre med students. I find this hilarious and am not a student either so I haven't experienced these people

>> No.5774510


Pre-med has like a 75% drop rate across the US. I am in that statistic, but only because I could only stand so much biology and didn't want to get to med-school and not have it be my passion. Now that'd would've been a nightmare.

>> No.5774512


I thought only 2% of the applicants are accepted into med school

>> No.5774513

Are there actually "pre-med" majors? I thought it was just what people who planned to go into medical school called themself while taking biology.

>> No.5774517


>not walking around undergrad campus in scrubs and a labcoat with your last name on it, along with businesscards with your title as premed and telling everyone you are going to become an orthopedic surgeon

>> No.5774521

ALL they talk about are GPA, "OMG my classes are so difficult!", and the MCATs.
They take studying too seriously:
>Asking an Engineering student to go hang out:
Nah, can't. Got a couple exams next week and a project to work on this weekend. Maybe next week?
>Asking a premed student to go hang out:
Ugh, don't you know I have to study this weekend? Some of us actually have HARD majors, y'know.

Note, most universities don't have "premed" as a major, so those going that track usually stick with Physiology or straight Biology. So once you get into your core major classes they're gone. But in the pre-major classes like Intro to Bio, Chem/Ochem and Physics (depending on your major, you're rarely going to see a pre-med in a calculus-based physics class) it's just FULL of these douches.

>> No.5774525 [DELETED] 


do 3 years of medical computer science

skip premed and 1st year of medical school

>> No.5774532


Of those who even apply. Most never make it to that stage.

>> No.5774535


English has the highest rate of acceptance into medical school I believe.

Engineering and Philosophy have the highest for law school.

>> No.5774542

>English has the highest rate of acceptance into medical school I believe.
I'd believe it. I think Music's up there too. There are decent pre-med path people out there and they mainly stick to either the humanities while taking the pre-reqs and thus get more time to study. Or they go the specialized biology route (biochem, genetics, cell bio) and really have a knack for it.

>> No.5774554

I fucking hate when people refer to themselves as "pre-med". You're a fucking biology major faggot, there is no fucking PREMED major.

>> No.5774561


No, there's not. But there's not a colloquial major that encompases all of the pre-medical requirements. Biochemistry maybe depending on the track is set.

Do you have a problem with people who say they are pre-law?

>> No.5774573

>If I don't get into med school I'll just become a dentist

This is what my friend told me. Is he delusional?

>> No.5774580

What are you graduating with? Your major is what's on your fucking diploma. I'm pretty sure pre-med students do not graduate with a pre-med degree.

>> No.5774579
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Nah the pre-reqs are the same, GPA requirements are the same at like 3.6 + with good EC's. The DAT is said to be harder than the MCAT because it has a perception ability test (PAT) section that some people suck ass at if they can't visualize shit well

>> No.5774597

BS in Mathematical Finance.

>> No.5774606
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>be a bio major getting minors in math and chem
>tfw putting up with pre med majors

I don't think you fags really understand how stupid they are

>> No.5774608


Oh man I lol'd all that shit directly comes from their mouths. Every now and then there is a cool pre med who knows what he wants but some of those fuckers are just in it for the money

>> No.5774610

Pretty sure that was a rethorical question, bro

>> No.5774612

There's nothing wrong with being in it for the money but being retarded and having trouble with calc I tells me they aren't going to get into med school.

>> No.5774633

way over his head

>> No.5774636

Yeah, I was being cheeky.

That a knock on muh intelligence, bro?

That a

>> No.5774670

Premed is fucking retarded,

Here in Ireland we do undergrad medicine like fucking reasonable people

>> No.5774674


dumb. i don't fucking get it. should we skip the basics and jump straight into metabolic pathways and physiopathology? stufy molecular genetics without even understanding basic mendelian laws?

>> No.5774689

You can take the pre-reqs for med school without having to major in the life sciences. But if you like the life sciences, try not to whine the entire time about "Waaaaah, I don't need to know this because I'm going to be a doctorb!", actually be focused. The teachers don't care, but your classmates do, especially if we're working on a project together.

>> No.5774758
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70% of undergrad med students that I've met are the result of a bullshit high school education system.

>so what course are you doing?
>oh, so why did you choose medicine?
>I want to be a doctor XD
>so you're interested in biology or biochemistry?
>no I hate science, but I have to learn science subjects for medicine
>hmmm, why did you choose medicine then?
>well, ya know, I want to be a doctor and stuff

>> No.5774767

being a med student is overhyped
being a doctor is oberhyped, I'm gonna be one
I wish I was some lonely autist doing programming or designing some bullshit sites while having 5 unrelated tabs opened

>> No.5774770

>started AS biology because doctor

damn being doctor is hard

>> No.5774774

Actually I became a surgeon because I wanted to cut people.
But I can hardly say that when I meet people.

>> No.5774797

I don't hate all pre-meds just the pre-meds who think that studying shit you hate for 10 years to get a prestigious job is going to fix all their problems. Like it's hard as fuck to get into med school, if your not highly motivated, don't even fucking try or at least have a back up plan.

>> No.5774803
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>> No.5774806
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Now that's what I call edgy!

>> No.5774809

And in the UK, for that matter. Graduates returning to uni for medicine get their fees subsidised, too, which is cool.

>> No.5774810

Eh, I work as a deputy headteacher, but I was thinking about going back to uni for medicine. Still pondering it, though.

>> No.5774861

Graduating in 3 days with a BS in Microbiology and a minor in chem. Everyone talks about how hard they study and how they don't have time for anything. That is complete bullshit. The truth is that they only spend a full weekend studying right before a test. They put zero effort into the class otherwise. They then get into their study groups and cram for the test, but really they are just drinking starbucks and gossiping about the people in class. They spend 10 hours in the library but only like 1 hour of that is real studying. and then they wonder why the don't get something and they are getting bad grades on their tests.

Really the amount of time people say the study is a lie to make others think they are better students than they really are. If they would have just studied for like 30 minutes every day after class they would know everything for that class and studying wouldn't seems so bad.

>> No.5774870

There's probably a lot of truth to this. A lot of the med students seem to spend all of their time in the library, but I'm not sure how hard they're actually working. Then again, the UK programme works much differently, the principal difference being that you advance straight to medicine after Year 13. Unless you study medicine at Oxbridge (i.e., you are pretentious and don't care about the quality of teaching in regard to your chosen area), you'll be juggling practicals and written work from you very first year. You'll be working in hospital all throughout years 2-5.

I think English med students work very hard, personally. In regard to other topics, I'm not sure. I did English Lit at undergrad, and even I had to do hours of solid work in the library.

>> No.5774893

>be med student
>more than half of my time is 4chan
>still get decent grades

>> No.5774904

I don't get how anyone can study in groups. I've even tried it.
It is so much more effective to study by yourself

>> No.5774917

They don't; they just pretend to.

>> No.5775076


>> No.5775094

individual schools have a 5-10% acceptance rate. on the whole, about 42,000 people submit applications to US MD schools and about 20,000 get get accepted to US MD schools. i'm not sure what the stats are for US DO schools, although it's probably similar.

>> No.5775099

i graduated with a 3.8 in applied math and organic chemistry was one of the hardest classes i've ever taken. maybe it's just because my professor was a fucking idiot, but none of that shit made sense. shit, i remember the class average for my organic I final was a 35%.

>> No.5775104
File: 49 KB, 615x409, Beetlejuice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw after 59 average on first freshman chem test
>mfw I get 89
>mfw so many premeds' dreams were shattered that day

fucking premeds.

>> No.5775112

Its funny because its true

>> No.5775137

The saddest part is that I've heard premed say that verbatim before.

>> No.5775211

Hey guys. I wanna get into med school for anasthesiology eventually. I'm a math major for undergrad now. Am i stupid for picking that major? I just really like math.

>> No.5775238

Pre-meds everywhere take shit way too seriously (OMG I have no time for anything!!!), and Pre-Med /Biology majors are wasting their time. I was Pre-Med with a major in Psychology (yes, fucking Psych) and a minor in music, 3.85 GPA, got into med school without a whim. Whenever I would tell other pre-meds I was Psych they would snicker and roll their eyes.
>But MUH Biology

Fuck pre-meds. Entitled fucking pricks.

>> No.5775240


No, med schools like unique majors, and math shows logistic and abstract analytical skills other people simply don't have.

>> No.5775246

Med schools don't care about your major, all they care about is your GPA and grades in your premed classes. Your best bet is to take an easy major like Anth or History, which should allow you to rock a >3.75 no sweat before applying to med programs. So unless your math degree is easier than an anth degree, you're probably wasting your time.

>> No.5775270

>american med schools
>allowing you to take anything other than a combination of math, physics, chemistry and biology as a prerequisite
>"hurr durr i took anthropology now i are be doctor"

I seriously don't understand this. Where I live you either take the three sciences plus math or you don't get in, period.
Medicine is a applied fucking science, if you can't into math then how are you ever going to calculate osmolality? How will you understand the conduction system of the heart without a solid grounding in electrophysics? The circulation without grasping pressure, resistance and flow?

>> No.5775278

Because modern-day doctors are glorified lawyers who spent three months reviewing a computer program about how to pass the MCATs and absolutely nothing else medicinally related.

Pharmacists and PAs are the ones who handle the actual medicine these days.

>> No.5775276

You take a set of science classes - organic chem, cell bio, anatomy, physics, etc - as an undergrad and then you relearn everything in med school. You have to take science, but you don't have to major in it.

>> No.5775284

>if you can't into math then how are you ever going to calculate osmolality?
plug the numbers into a calculator
>How will you understand the conduction system of the heart without a solid grounding in electrophysics?
you dont need to understand why it is the way it is, you just need to understand the way it is
>The circulation without grasping pressure, resistance and flow?
plug the pressure, resistance and flow into a calculator

Also, you don't seem to understand how American premed works. You still need to take the combination of math, physics, chemistry and biology. Not a lot of math just calculus, and just entry level physics, but you need chem up to orgo and biochem and quite a few biology classes.
Only thing is, even all the premed classes combined are not nearly enough content to constitute an entire major on their own, and they cover a lot of breadth rather than depth since you do the depth in medical school. So although most premed students are in bio or chem because they already took a bunch of classes, pretty much any major works provided you have room for like 10 electives, and here in the US pretty much everything except engineering gives you room for plenty of electives, so you can take all the premed classes and still have room for most majors pretty easily.

>> No.5775281

But isn't the time you spend on the side taking anthro/psych/music absolutely wasted; you could've learned real science in that time.
Or perhaps the only concern of these people is getting into med school, more so than actually learning...

>> No.5775285

>glorified lawyers

Pls elaborate, sir.

>> No.5775287

>But isn't the time you spend on the side taking anthro/psych/music absolutely wasted; you could've learned real science in that time.
I agree with you. I don't think anyone besides chem and bio majors should be allowed to apply to med school. I'm just telling you how the system works.
>Or perhaps the only concern of these people is getting into med school, more so than actually learning...

>> No.5775289

red tape and insurance, red tape and insurance everywhere

>> No.5775290

>you dont need to understand why it is the way it is, you just need to understand the way it is

You are everything wrong with the world.

>> No.5775294

I didn't mean to offend you. Thanks for taking your time to explain this to me. Quite an interesting situation you have; I'm glad I don't study medicine in the US, to be frank.

>> No.5775296

Pretty much just filled out paperwork about how X test results necessitated Y standardized treatment, anticipating and protecting yourself against lawsuits for when your patient tries to sue you (Which WILL happen. Even if you do everything perfectly and they claim to love you.)

It's a far cry from what it used to be.

>> No.5775298

>implying all knowledge that isnt quote unquote "real science" is absolutely pointless and not worth learning
now I know you are just trolling motherfucker because even people on /sci/ arent that fucking stupid

>> No.5775301

Your major can be whatever, but you need certain biology, chem, biochem, math and physics to be eligible to apply for most.
So essentially to apply you end up doing most of first year sciences and a biology minor almost.

>> No.5775299

That's horrific.
You'd wonder why anyone wants to be a doctor of medicine, but hey: they probably don't know jack shit about what they're throwing themselves into.

>> No.5775304

No problem, I'm not offended. Our medical education program works better than you'd think, and most premeds tend to be science majors because that's where their interests lie, but still... shit's dumb yo.

>> No.5775302

No. I didn't say that.
But for someone who's gonna be a doctor I'd say a firm grasp of math and science is way more valuable than, say, art.

>> No.5775311

Yeah. Are you in medical school yourself?

>> No.5775314

9/10 times they don't want to 'be' that. They just want the title.

>> No.5775321

No, but I study environmental microbio, and the biology track at my uni is heavily focused on medicine. So I know a decent amount about it.

>> No.5775328

meant to respond to you, accidentally responded to myself.

>> No.5775359

Not really.

The chances of a doctor ever actually using any math more advanced than calculus or any advanced physics concepts on the job are basically zero. And to cover all the advanced chem he would use would take another 4 years of school on top of undergrad and med school.

I mean, maybe, if you're really passionate about learning and understanding medical science you might have a point... But very very few doctors are actually passionate about medical science, they do it because they want to help people and make sick people get better. And having a slightly better grasp of the physics going on behind a medical phenomena when you already know the risks, symptoms and treatment options is not going to make you any better of a doctor or help you treat your patients any better. And physics and the context in which you learn those physics is extremely dramatically different from anything medicine-related. It's entirely possible that a doctor might really care about being the best doctor possible, and learn and know everything he ever needs to do so in his entire career in premed and medical school, but just not really care about physics or chemistry beyond what is needed and be really interested in art or anthropology or philosophy or something and get an undergrad major in that.

And in that case your entire argument comes down to "stop liking what I don't like!"

>> No.5775362
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>applied to med school
>didnt get in anywhere
>have to spend another year reapplying
fuck this process made me want to kill myself and I have to do it all over again

>> No.5775367

You don't really need any maths at all unless you go into research and even then not that much. You should know your probabilities though so you won't fuck up when woman who gets positive on mammograph asks what her chance of breast cancer is!

I applied two times, second time I was as close as you can possibly get without actually getting in, I think I was like the 10th best of those who didn't make it, it came down to 1 point on test.

Then I applied to dentistry, got in, and am enjoying the fuck out of it. If you don't give up you will eventually make it bro.

>> No.5775382

Bad MCAT score or low GPA?
Fix the former by poweleveling the MCAT test mats and/or going for a double undergrad major and the later by taking shitty fluff classes to bolster your GPA.

>> No.5775390

Nah I had 95th percentile MCAT and a 3.86
I'm suck at interviewing and "selling myself"

>> No.5775394

american med schools require 1 year of bio, 1 year of general chemistry, 1 year of organic chemistry, and 1 year of physics.

and for fucks sake, you don't need to major in math or science to understand cardiac output or to 'calculate osmolality.'

>> No.5775406

the 'science' you learn in undergrad is a waste of time. how often do you think physicians are going to calculate titration equivalent points, derive the electric field of a spherical conducting shell, synthesize acetaminophen, etc? even undergrad classes on biochem or anatomy are nothign like what you would learn in med school. the fact is that you don't need these classes in undergrad to be a successful med student.

>> No.5775414

Fetishes are edgy now?
Please stop using buzzwords.

>> No.5775440

>ITT: Butthurt

I swear, are all PhDfags this pretentious?

I have honestly encountered this attitude much more often from engineering majors than I have from pre-med people.

>> No.5775441

>Or perhaps the only concern of these people is getting into med school, more so than actually learning...
you might be onto something here.

>> No.5775447

don't blame them. they're autists, they can't help it.

*gets a phd and truly understands science*
*makes $45k/year with no benefits for the rest of his life*

>> No.5777261

>Mfw Pre-med's complain about study
>Tfw 80 hour week residencies + outside work.

>> No.5777293


The underlying theme that people have failed to detect here is that doctors are the most narcissistic occupation alive.

The drive you need to get through med school is only capable through that ego shit

It also explains why they are assholes

>> No.5777512

It's a pun, you putz.

>> No.5777543

I'm a senior premed student and I didn't agree with anything there. It's all pretty damn easy, imo. And doing extracurricular lab work and volunteering? Yeah, fuck that. That's the shit people that don't get good grades do to compensate.

And seriously, organic chemistry is easy. It all makes complete sense. I found freshman general chem much more tedious.

The only biology lab I had that sucked was microbiology, and that was because the professor designed the lab in a way that in order to get a good grade, you have to memorize a half dozen bacteria and what each does on a dozen different media and what those media are composed of, etc etc etc. You know, just memorizing bullshit instead of understanding anything.

>> No.5777545

>going to college to learn and for no other reason.

Yeah, fuck that. I'm not going to college to learn, I'm going to get a good job. Nothing wrong with the love of learning, but I can do that on the internet or in a library. Shit, in half my classes I need to teach myself from the textbook anyway. Only different when you go to college is that you get a degree out of it.

>> No.5777546
File: 21 KB, 300x400, Manny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone here have any experience with Access to Medicine?

I'm just wondering.