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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5773971 No.5773971[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is Pedro Barnet so much smarter than you?

>> No.5773992

Asburges syndrome

>> No.5773994

It's because he couldn't talk, when he was young. Talking slows mental development.

>> No.5773997

Because he can keep his smile even when he knows that I'm banging his mom.

>> No.5774037

because he manages to convince everyone of his "undestanding" while casually neglecting to write proofs, derive, solve problems, etc. using sophisticated mathematics or physics.....

while I could never convince people that I understood the content when I similarly neglected to prove/solve/derive.
he is smart because he is able to convince the massess of sub 100 IQ hordes of "average people" that he is SMERT.

>> No.5774046

Because I can get pussy.

Who's smarter now?

Smug, adolescent fuck.

>> No.5774058

He's smert because Jerzus endowed him with certain unalienable smertypants, which allow him to waste cherios and calculate the vaccum off boxes.
I cannot understand what he says but he disproved Bog Boogs Theory by useing math so he smart.

>> No.5774081


That makes no god damn sense.

Also, fuck his smug, shit-eating grin.

>> No.5774079

Because he struck it lucky due to genetics and his parents probably didn't interfere with his development in an adverse way. It is all luck (or lack thereof.)

>> No.5774084

Pedro Barnet isn't smart enough to avoid suffering a history of sexual and psychological abuse.

lol nrd chk uslf b4 u srk uslf n wat i mn???

>> No.5774089

>That makes no god damn sense.
It does. When the brain starts to develop speaking abilities, other functions of it get neglected.
We'll talk again in 2050 when my children, who won't learn to speak before turning 12, will have solved P=NP and reproven the Big Bang after Barnett disproved it.