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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5770857 No.5770857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, is reincarnation plausible?

>> No.5770863
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>> No.5770877

Why would it be?

>> No.5770884

To reincarnate what

>> No.5770900

Not only plausible, but possible.

You see, when you die, you rot and turn to dust. You have no "soul" that flies around to magically inhabit a new host. HOWEVER, because of the fact that we are all inextricably linked, you will inhabit a new sentient entity somewhere in the universe. You will be "born" as something else, because to say that you will "experience nothingness" when you are dead is paradoxical and makes no sense. Think of it like this: consciousness is a bubble. It is possible to split the bubble into smaller bubbles and it is possible to pop bubbles, but because of the fact that there is still a membrane to be shared, the bubbles exist. You are a bubble and when you die, your bubble will pop.. but surely there will be new bubbles that form. Fear not death and enjoy your bubbly journey!

>> No.5770901


There is no objective evidence what so ever that it happens. As such, no.

>> No.5770910

Consider the following: There have been hundreds of billions of people (conscious, self-aware entities) who have lived and died. The odds that you should be one of those who has died and is currently "experiencing the nothingness of death" is far higher than the odds of you being alive right now, so clearly something is amiss.

>> No.5770916



>> No.5770917

The job of science is to quantify observable phenomena.. no more and no less. You are talking about an event that is inherently unobservable, so science has nothing to say in the matter. As such, anyone who throws in a definitive assertion in the matter is simply guessing.

>> No.5770920

Define consciousness.

>> No.5770924

Isn't the number of living people in the world constantly getting larger?

Isn't this proof that reincarnation isn't possible.

>> No.5770923


That thing that makes you feel like a living self-conscious being.

>> No.5770925


Well.. your printer isn't conscious and you are. What are the differences between you and your printer? I'll give you some time to work that out.

>> No.5770926

That's not a proper definition. What are its observable effects?

>> No.5770930

dat word in its own definition

>> No.5770928




In the strict sense that one soul floats to one new body, sure, reincarnation seems unlikely. That's why the bubble analogy makes sense. :DD

>> No.5770929

>and you are

How so? What observation suggests this?

>> No.5770931


It isn't bigger than all the people that ever lived.

Also, there are other living self-conscious beings.

>> No.5770937

>ITT: /sci/ fails babby tier philosophy
There is no objective evidence that you have free will. And yet you can choose to lift your arm up or leave it resting on your desk.

>> No.5770940
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We got here once already. What's to say this all doesn't happen again, exactly the same way?

>> No.5770942
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>> No.5770943

i.e. something not physical that capnnot be proven.

>> No.5770945

I have evidence. I won't show it to you though.

>> No.5770950

Ok /sci/ riddle me this: how do you explain all the young children that remember their past lives in excrutiating detail?

Just one example, there are literally tons of them:


No evidence? Or ignorance in spite of good evidence?

>> No.5770957

But you don't choose to do it, you do it as a result of chemical interaction in your brain. So no free will for anyone.

>> No.5770958


This is all bullshit. You just morph your theory until you get something cool that you can sound pretentious with.

Classic teapot between mars and earth theory.

>> No.5770959

Mental illness is not an evidence

>> No.5770960

Right, as soon as you simplify everything so that it fits into your materialistic box.

Your reasoning is exactly what's wrong with your reasoning. Recursive nonsense.

>> No.5770961


>> No.5770965


>> No.5770967

But there isn't any evidence of anything existing outside of that materialistic box

>> No.5770970
File: 44 KB, 576x713, philosofaggotry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't understand the scientific method

Why are philosophy majors so ignorant?

>> No.5770971

In your opinion, is science about opinions?

In your opinion, is this thread about science and math?

In your opinion, how old is the OP?

>> No.5770974

Just take my previous example. There is no physical evidence of free will. And yet we're conversing freely.

Your argument stands on very shaky ground. It's just sad that you're not able to see it.

>> No.5770977

By the way, I'm studying computer science. I study philosophy as hobby.

>> No.5770982

>killing the messenger and not the message

>> No.5770984

In the sense that the universe is constantly recycling itself into new compositions of matter and energy, some conscious, some not, yes.
Not in the sense that your essence is reborn.
When you die, you're reincarnated as gases, decomposers, that then become higher organisms as their energy is ingested and transferred into their being.
There is not eternal soul, that's just you're fear of death getting in the way and wishing for you to go on when there is no reason to.

>> No.5770979

If you want to believe in untestable nonsense without evidence, do it on >>>/x/. /sci/ is for the discussion of science and math.

>> No.5770987

Oh wow, that's pretty much the only major less intellectually demanding than philosophy.

>> No.5770988

Oh yeah. You won this argument. You got me good. Any other brilliant advice, doctor?

>> No.5770985

It is. Imagine after the end of our universe it restarts again, every atom of matter that formed your brain can be rearranged in different ways in the new universe, this will give you the possibility that you're reincarnated in a plant, an animal, a rock or anything that is composed of matter. You won't notice it, though, since you would require a brain. This explains why we can't remember anything from when we were not born yet. You may feel you only live once, but you're actually coming to life many times through the millenia. It's just like travelling in time!

>> No.5770986


you are the one that asserts we are conversing "freely". that doesn't make it true. if op hadn't posted, we wouldn't be conversing, and if 4chan didn't exist, op wouldn't have posted, and without the internet, 4chan wouldn't exist. It seems to me like causality is why we are talking, not because we wished this conversation into existence

>> No.5770991

Causality doesn't imply free will. Rocks float around all the time, but they can't choose if they want to float towards the left or towards the right. Sentient beings can.

>> No.5770996

There are no "sentient" beings. Your spiritualism hogwash has no observable effects and no scientific basis. All biological organisms obey the laws of physics.

>> No.5770993

Way to reply to "by the way" you mook.

>> No.5771001

moot really needs to rename /sci/ - science and math to /sph/ - stoner philosophy

>> No.5770997

(cont.) Because there is no true division between what the observer and the universe it witness, just a reimagination of itself to perceive itself in this point in time. The idea of an eternal soul implies there is something separate from the physical universe, when there is not, and, in my opinion, is a much more comforting fact: that I am no outsider thrust into the world, simply something that comes out of it.

>> No.5771004

I don't know what a "mook" is and the "by the way" part was the only statement in your post. It isn't my fault that you can't express yourself properly.

>> No.5771006

Ok whatever. Enjoy your materialistic utopia. Meanwhile I'll be here thinking about my thoughts about my thoughts about my thoughts.

>> No.5771009

Sounds like a vicious cycle that leads nowhere but how far you think it does, in my opinion.

>> No.5771007

But "sph" already stands for "small penis humiliation".

>> No.5771012

>implying I care

Go ahead and waste your time with quisquilious twaddle but don't bother /sci/.

>> No.5771014

>quisquilious twaddle

>> No.5771017

Sure you'll be reincarnated in hell! Or heaven of course.

>> No.5771018

If you're not stupid it tells you that you're not your thoughts. But this is 134deep347sci so I'll leave it at that.

I don't care if you care or not. I just think your argument is shaky and repetitive. I have presented 3 examples supporting my argument and all you have done is repeat a single dull argument of causality which in your world somehow implies materialism. Your worldview is a dogmatic one. That's what I'm saying. What are _you_ saying?

>> No.5771020

>I have presented 3 examples supporting my argument

No, you didn't. You made baseless assertions without evidence. Apply Hitchens' razor.

>> No.5771021

If that's what you think, sure. I think I am my thoughts in the same way I think I am my body, or even the ground I'm standing on. I place no division, unless it's for social intercourse.

I don't think you're as enlightened as you think you are.

>> No.5771023

Apply Hickam's dictum.

>> No.5771024

The problem is that you are implying we are somehow free from the laws of physics. So you will have to present evidences that we are if you want to convince me.

>> No.5771026

Never said I am. But I sure do think about these things.

Let's just agree to disagree. I forgot what we're even arguing about.

>> No.5771031

You don't have to outright say when it's obvious in the way you string sentences together, which carries an air of "these people aren't as spiritual as me, I must enlighten them" for... whatever purpose you think there is to do so.

>> No.5771032

No, I'm implying that people should get their heads out of each others butts and smell the air. We never knew everything and to assume that now somehow we magically know everything and can make ridiculous assumptions such as "there is reincarnation" or "there is no reincarnation" is foolish, ignorant, and completely self-absorbed. The correct answer is: "we don't know". The bad news is that almost no one understands this and chooses to instead cling on to some form of a worldview, not realizing they're just acting like sheep.

Think about deep things freely, but don't be so foolish as to make assumptions. Then you become a self-righteous ass and you spread your ass-ness whereever you go.

>> No.5771035

That's peoples' tendency to... um, over-hype the joke of enlightenment, like it's big and important or something, and something you MUST attain or something bad may happen if you don't.

>> No.5771036

Stop this faul projection you're doing. I never implied anything like that. I'm a scientist by heart and I love the logical side of things. But I for one don't just ignore the psychological side of things and I don't assume to have all answers. If that makes me spiritual, so be it. But you're just making things up on spot.

>> No.5771037

had me laughing aloud

>> No.5771038

>people should get their heads out of each others butts and smell the air.
>foolish, ignorant, and completely self-absorbed
>not realizing they're just acting like sheep.
>Then you become a self-righteous ass and you spread your ass-ness whereever you go

>But you're just making things up on spot.

Ehhhh, not entirely.

>> No.5771041

because we are totally speaking i a medical context
>correct my fellow M.D.'s?

>> No.5771043

This is becoming some kind of atheist vs theist argument.
But if the universe can work well without something, why should we hypothetise its existence ?

>> No.5771044

Did you even read my posts or did you just copy/paste lines out and pretend it makes sense?

What I was saying was very clear, and the only correct answer to OP's question: "we don't know".

Whoever says otherwise is arguably a self-righteous ass, yes.

>> No.5771046

>why should we hypothetise its existence?
Not the same guy.

That kind of gets into the idea of "Why should we contemplate anything?" it does only so much good/has as much purpose as humans want it to.

>> No.5771049


ohhhhh i see what you mean now! Its kind of like, we don't know unicorns do or don't exist with 100.00000000000000% certainty, so we should just say 'we don't know if unicorns exist' and all be enlightened like you, amirite?

or maybe you should just accept the scientific method, ockams razor, rational thought, etc

>> No.5771051

Jeez, you're so aggressive, and it's just backing you up further into a corner that you have to claw at everyone to compensate.

I'm saying you carry the same air as you accuse other people of having.

Nobody thinks their shit don't stink, as it were.

>> No.5771053

Which makes you... a hypocrite, right. It's whatever, so is everyone, but damn, accept it.

>> No.5771057

When has scientific method ever worked for philosophically profound questins?

I dare you to answer the following questions in a scientific, rigorous manner:

Who are we?
Where do we come from and where are we going?
What is consiousness?
What are emotions?
Why do we dream?
Why do we accept love and resent hate?
Why does the grass grow?

Again with projection. I'm just going to quit posting unless someone actually makes a good case for me to respond back.

>> No.5771060

Well, okay. I'm going to let you stew in your own ball of frustration until you wake up to the fact that you're own mentality is proving counterproductive to whatever you're trying to accomplish here.

>> No.5771063

Probably true and the first thing I agree with in this thread.

>> No.5771076

This is a science board. This is not the place to discuss hackneyed philosophy mumbo jumbo,.

>> No.5771078

Is that what you always do when confronted with an argument? Throw a subtle tantrum?

>> No.5771085

You didn't present any argument. You are intentionally posting off-topic content. When I come to /sci/, I want to see science and math and not retarded philososhit. Get the fuck out.

>> No.5771086

No, he's kind of right. You're presenting arguments that can not be answered scientifically, and therefore, have no place on this board.

>I dare you to answer the following questions in a scientific, rigorous manner:

It's a matter of appropriate location, not of intellectual competency.

>> No.5771092

> When I come to /sci/, I want to see science and math and not retarded philososhit.
Well go cry somewhere, what can I tell you. This is a free board and until I'm banned from it I'm going to post whatever I want on it, regardless if you like it or not. There's a "-" button at the top left corner of every thread, try using it.

Well you see that's just it isn't it. You're just derailing my entire argument, or you're not even thinking about what my point is. What I'm saying is simply this:

1. We don't know everything (we actually know fairly little)
2. Science is a tool that gets the job done, it's not your saviour so stop clinging to it like a tick

>> No.5771091

Though the manner in which he came at you is a bit inappropriate, as if all philosophy is mumbo jumbo, when in reality almost every facet of our mental existence is a form of philosophy.

It's just not science, but hey, neither is painting.

>> No.5771099

>neither is painting.

Unlike philosophy painting at least can have intellectual quality.

>> No.5771107

lel xD AM I EDGEy OR WUT??

>> No.5771108

I'm a scientist and yes it's definitely plausible

>> No.5771111

Assuming you're OP, you started a thread that isn't scientific, and can't be proved or disproved through scientific means.
Just because something isn't scientific, it doesn't make it stupid or not worth contemplating about. Personal morality or existential thought isn't something that can easily be found out through the scientific method, so it doesn't belong here.

That's it. It doesn't belong here, in the same way I wouldn't post video games on /lit/ trying to make the argument that video games are a form of literature. It belongs on video games, and you can make the argument there.

>> No.5771112
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>we actually know fairly little


>> No.5771110


>> No.5771117
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Go color this, you dumb child.

>> No.5771123

I'm not OP. I'm simply advocating thinking about things rather than accepting whatever your favorite dogma happens to be.

>> No.5771121

You're very bitter about your social inadequacy and falsely perceived intellectual prowess, aren't you?

>> No.5771122

Why do you feel so mad? Is everything ok in your life?

>> No.5771126
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, laughinghoofballers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saging with an image on a board that crawls along at 1MPH

>> No.5771129

And I totally agree, man, but there's a time to appropriately address it. Plenty of other people who visit /sci/ don't just visit /sci/.

>> No.5771127


I am rightfully annoyed by anti-intellectual shitposting on my science and math board.

You are promoting anti-intellectual bullshit on /sci/. GTFO the fuck out.

>> No.5771131

Is this you with your engineering boyfriend? Do you even lift?

>> No.5771133


We are modern descendants of apes following a long evolutionary line of life forms that started in the water with fish-like creatures

where do we come from? female humans give birth to more humans

where are we going? when we die the component parts of our bodies (atoms, molecules, elements, etc) will break down and eventually become fertilizer for some plants to grow in or something as the universe is constantly recycling

what is conciousness? a made up term for the illusion of being a separate ego

what are emotions? your brain and body interacting

why do we dream? because our brains stay awake at night and do stuff

why do we accept love and resent hate? what the fuck kind of question is that?

why does the grass grow? according to the laws of physics...clorophyll takes in sunlight and converts to energy, water and nutrients are also required, so animals that eat grass can survive, etc.

i dont see the point of these questions. They all have extremely simple answers. Just because theres no magical mystery behind them doesn't mean you shouldn't accept that the world is the way it is

>> No.5771135

So that's a yes, you are bitter about your social inadequacy and falsely perceived intellectual prowess.

Okay, keep saging like it makes you look like anything other than a raging neckbeard with no friends.

>> No.5771138
File: 327 KB, 495x498, jerry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>GTFO the fuck out
>get the fuck out the fuck out

>> No.5771139

Obviously not, there are no boys on /sci/.

>> No.5771144

Your projection is hilarious. Is this what you consider insulting? It tells us more about your person than about mine.

>> No.5771147

Thanks for actually answering, it's an interesting read. But you really didn't answer anything, did you? How do your answers help me understand myself?

And before you even start answering, know that whatever you answer is wrong. It is philosophically unsound.

Let me give you an example in the form of thought experiment. We have person A and person B. Person A spends his entire life studying pain and at the end of his life, he knows (rationally) absolutely everything there is to know about pain, but he or she has never experienced it. Person B is hit in the head with the stone. Who has the better understanding of what pain is?

>> No.5771151

>But you really didn't answer anything
What do you expect? You asked irrelevant and pointless philosophy questions.

>know that whatever you answer is wrong
And this is why philososhit is retarded. Will you please shut the fuck up now?

>> No.5771150

You don't see how this is going both ways, with both parties only thinking they're in the right, do you?

>> No.5771155
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The big difference is that I am right and you are wrong.

>> No.5771158

And that's where you become a poor troll.

>> No.5771164

I am not "trolling". Everything I said ITT is correct. lrn2science and take your philosophy claptrap somewhere else. It isn't my problem that you are lacking rhetorical skills as well as logical reasoning.

>> No.5771163

Not the same guy.
>It is philosophically unsound.
Why aren't the questions themselves scientifically unsound?

Don't both just have separate, but fundamentally equal understanding of pain?

>> No.5771167

Yes, keep mustering up your rage like anyone gives a shit. I'll keep deigning you with responses.

>> No.5771165

philosophically* unsound

>> No.5771170

Don't waste your time. I'm sure you have important philosophical questions to think about (huehuehue). You shouldn't be on /sci/ right now.

>> No.5771171


But I am, and may just stay solely to cause you much more delicious frustration.

>> No.5771174

>I are le e/b/in master trole

How old are you? 12?

>> No.5771175

>rhetorical skills
>logical reasoning
>both a result of philosophical ponderings.



>> No.5771176

Why do you feel the need to shout obscenities at random anons? You literally contributed nothing with your post, you just made yourself angry. Me, I'm feeling peachy and ready for debate. You're obviously here just to show-off your self-righteousness.

No, they don't have equal understanding of pain. Person A knows everything there is to know about pain because he/she has studied it. But Person B has first-hand experience with pain. So if I'm ever wondering about pain, I'd give my money on Person B.

>> No.5771172

My apologies. I answered your questions as briefly as i could while being scientifically accurate. Was there some part you did not understand? My point is that any question can and should be approached with a skeptical, scientific, and rational approach, from "is reincarnation possible" to "is there a magic teapot in between earth and the moon" to "why does the grass grow". All of those questions, and all of the questions you can ask do have an answer that is simple and agreeable with current scientific understanding. what those answers mean to you, how (or if) you understand them is irrelevant.

So again, I answered all of your questions. Saying "you didnt really answer anything" is false because I answered everything you asked. How my answers (which would be consistent if you were to ask anyone who had information on such topics) help you understand yourself is entirely irrelevant.

>> No.5771177

And a half, mister man. Calm yourself.

>> No.5771182

>You literally contributed nothing
I guess for a philososhit debate that's a pretty big contribution.

>> No.5771183
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>Meanwhile I'll be here thinking about my thoughts about my thoughts about my thoughts.

"A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts. So he loses touch with reality, and lives in a world of illusion."

Get your head out of your ass.

>> No.5771184

also, I will not take part in your imaginary thought game. I am concerned with what exists, what is falsifiable, and what can be observed. what does that even have to do with the topic at hand?

>> No.5771190

This man knows his Watts.
All of you must follow suit.

>> No.5771186

I suppose, but that isn't always such sound reasoning. What Person B has is more a subjective interpretation of pain, subject its own biases, and possibly even faulty coping mechanisms. (assuming the pain was not just physical) Whereas Person A has a more objective, second-hand understanding, and would be more appropriate to your situation if you were trying to understand pain, since if you went to person B, you would have a secondhand experience as well.

>> No.5771187

What I meant by "you didnt really answer anything" is that your answers, whether relevant or not, povided me useful yet dry facts, and I am nowhere closer to uncovering the truth of my existence.

What I was trying to convey is that answering philosophically profound questions with science is much like trying to fix your car by shouting at it. You feel like you're doing something, but there is no effect.

>> No.5771188



>> No.5771195
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>> No.5771193

Keep trying.

>> No.5771199

>All philosophies in of themselves.

>> No.5771197
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>this thread survives but when I ask if consciousness is discrete it gets 404'd

>> No.5771202

It was a metaphor.

>> No.5771206

>And before you even start answering, know that whatever you answer is wrong.

Good to know how your mind works.

>> No.5771210
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>> No.5771207


>> No.5771213

>I'm insecure and uncertain with my outlook on the world and am not sure why.

>> No.5771215
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>> No.5771216

If you say so.

>> No.5771218

i understand your analogy. However you have to understand that the "truth of your existence" isn't some magical answer. you got squeezed out of a vagina, your purpose is to consume and reproduce, and you will die eventually. thats really all there is to it and if it doesn't make you feel speshul and warm and fuzzy.....sorry bro don't know what to tell u

>> No.5771219
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>> No.5771220

You do realize it was a figure of speech, right?

>> No.5771221

"I can't understand it with my dogmatic worldview, therefore it's useless!"

>> No.5771222

ITT: young man discovers solipsism and thinks he's breaking ground

>> No.5771223

>infinitesimal cartoon

>> No.5771231
File: 30 KB, 358x361, laughing girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me what's the starting salary for philosophers.

>> No.5771227

Then why do I feel love? And hate? Surely if I was only a robot like you seem to imply, I would have no need for these things. Why do I think about thinking?

Oh, and another little nugget of entertainment: why can't we recreate intelligence? Isn't that just a tad strange? I'm just saying.

Before someone accusses me of spreading dualism, you should just think these questions through. Because if you can't see how deep they go then you're really missing out on something big.

>> No.5771234

>PhD in Philosophy
>Teach at any university I want
>800k starting

>> No.5771236
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>> No.5771242

Back to /r/atheism please

>> No.5771243
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>young man

>> No.5771250

Back to r/fuckingphilosophy please.

>> No.5771251

>caring about salary and not man's internal struggle
Stay pleb.

>> No.5771256


>> No.5771258

>caring about childish crap like qualia
>not caring about science and math

What are you doing on /sci/?

>> No.5771261

>i'm so kewl and logical xDD
Do you have a fedora too?

>> No.5771266

simple answers. fair enough

now , humans are made of atoms, why atoms exists? who put them in here?

>> No.5771263

I study science and math with great passion. But unlike you, I'm able to expand my mind on a purely philosophical level as well.

>> No.5771270

No, fedora sucks. Debian is best linux.

>> No.5771273

Its possible because your atoms get recycled, but the many things using the elements of you dead body wont be "you". So in the hurr durr consciousness way no its not possible, but in the materialistic way, yes.

>> No.5771275

Well, we have to look at the implications behind the questions, first off.
>Why do atoms exists?
Does there have to be a "Why?"
>Who put them in here?
Well, that implies there was intent, someone placing them, and that "here," being the universe is actually a definable area.

To you fucks who think we have defined the size and shape of the universe, shut the fuck up, we haven't yet,

>> No.5771276

There is no intellectual merit in toddler level trash like "muh qualia" and "muh free will". Grow the fuck up.

>> No.5771281

So let me get this straight. You tell me to grow up and in the same breath you casually insult me, implying your own worldviews are somehow superior to mine in every way? Can you be any more self-righteous?

Oh yeah and saging doesn't work on /sci/. Lurk more.

>> No.5771282
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>> No.5771287

>are somehow superior to mine in every way?
Factually they are.

>saging doesn't work on /sci/.
It does. I'm doing it right now.

>> No.5771291

I find it amusing how many scientists say they are uninterested in philosophy while employing some kind of rigid epistemology. Some of them don't even understand the basis of science.

>> No.5771290

Oh then please mr. brilliant, present me your glorious facts. I'm all ears.

>> No.5771292


>> No.5771299

no , no have to be a why, or an intent.

is just a simple question, that we cant asume the answer is "just because".

>> No.5771300

The scientific method is the only epistemology we need to know. Irrelevant metaphysics garbage is unnecessary and superfluous.

>> No.5771298

You sure do have all the answers. Maybe you should write a book?

>> No.5771303

You need to define it properly

>> No.5771308

But we also have to look at the purpose of certain questions, like a loaded question being one where you're damned if you do or don't answer, and based upon unsound, usually biased, premises.

>> No.5771306

Yes, science has all the answers. Stay mad, philososhit. Your edgy hipster degree is useless.

>> No.5771312

Science may have some answers but who has the questions?

>> No.5771313

It has been done. Your stupid "hurr we cannot know nuthin" is not a valid objection.

>> No.5771314

>I'm all tears

>> No.5771309

So you enjoy limiting yourself and reducing your potential as a human? Doesn't seem very wise.

>> No.5771319

That's not what I said though is it?

How do you 'know' things?

>> No.5771317

I didn't ask if science has all the answers. I mockingly implied you seem to have all the answers.

Let me make this simple for you - you respond with a witty one-liner again and I simply ignore you. How's that for a deal?

>> No.5771322

But most of you /sci/fags hate certain sciences like psychology.

Is it because you don't like being called asspies?

>> No.5771323

You talk science and math or you get the fuck out. How's that for a deal? Philososhit is not welcome on /sci/.

>> No.5771324

He doesn't. He just puts faith in what he has been told.

>> No.5771329

you fall for this troll.

This is the third thread I've seen this faggot, is always like this "muh scientific method", "muh observable shit" "go to /x".

dont waste your time.

>> No.5771332

I suspect it's because the mean age of /sci/ducks is around 16. It's like reading my former self. But I grew up, I'm sure they will too.

>> No.5771340

Knowledge is information physically stored in the brain. lrn2neuroscience


I guess so. Most of /sci/ has no idea what psychology is. Ironically the same cretins take bullshit like MBTI serious.

>> No.5771337
File: 252 KB, 511x428, 1367178954831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw deep down you hold the smallest hope that the "consciousness" part of you is reused in the same manner that your constituent atoms will be

I'll never admit it though.

>> No.5771338

Yeah, I know. I'm ignoring him from now on though. And he makes it easy since he sages every post.

>> No.5771341

Research near death experiences for shits and giggles

>> No.5771343

You don't like science? Then stay away from /sci/.

>feel maymay spam
Go back to your containment board.

>> No.5771345

>Knowledge is information physically stored in the brain.
How do you know this is how information is stored in yours? How do you know you even have a brain?

>> No.5771350

Ok I give up
It's like trying to get colourblind people to see red and green as distinct

But I will be back some day, and mark my words I will make you aware of how much you trust your senses

>> No.5771351

Because science. Seriously, stop posting infantile blubbering and finish high school.

>> No.5771352

shut up faget

>> No.5771354

Thank you, how constructive

>> No.5771356
File: 163 KB, 512x425, 1327020739174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me, 18
>all alone in my room
>smoke a hit salvia 60x extract
>smoke another hit
>still nothing
>put the pipe down
>strange sound comes from left
>now the sound is everything
>purpleblue aliens appear
>they stab me with pure energy through and through with a circular motion
>fall deeper into the void
>patterns, talking patterns everywhere
>direct experience of the underlying matrix of reality
>giant alien entity tells me all the secrets of life
>i now believe in reincarnation
>gain incredible passion for science
>never do drugs again

>> No.5771353

>Go back to your containment board.
but anon

this IS my containment board.

>> No.5771360

/sci/ is the science and math board. Post science and math or GTFO.

>> No.5771362

Why do you insult people? Does that science rely on you gaining knowledge via your senses? How can you trust them?

>> No.5771363
File: 102 KB, 289x226, 1358192221386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm going to stay here shitposting

and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.5771368

>How can you trust them?
Because I do not have any neurological conditions affecting their function.

>> No.5771365

bitch nigga u stupid shut up

>> No.5771369
File: 53 KB, 300x300, everyonegettingmad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I support this because I really dislike the sage she-troll.

>> No.5771371

How do you know? Were you tested?

>> No.5771372

How do you know?

Inb4 circular logic

>> No.5771373

>Because I do not have any neurological conditions affecting their function.

No, wait


>> No.5771380

Your emotional bias is more important to you than scientific facts? How immature!

I have been tested by a professional. What's next? Are you gonna say neurology is flawed?

>infantile spam

>> No.5771381

>I have been tested by a professional.
How did he provide you with your results?

>> No.5771383

>Alpha mode activate.



>Alpha mode deactivate.

>> No.5771384

everyone here gay n dumb
go away
the girl sounds like a ugly cunt that isn't smart as she thinks she is
and the guys sound like bitchy shemale twats.

>> No.5771387
File: 36 KB, 500x389, 500px-HA_HA_HA,_OH_WOW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5771386

And the professional? Was he also tested? And the person who tested him?
You see the problem yet?

>> No.5771392


>> No.5771390
File: 67 KB, 181x201, 1366994478947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

point at this man

point at this man and laugh

>> No.5771396


That's not alpha. That's beta as fuck. If you weren't a basement dwelling virgin, you'd know that.

>You see the problem yet?
Yeah, I see. The problem is that you're a pseudo-intellectual kid and think you're deep for questioning the scientific method. How about you grow up and educate yourself?

>> No.5771394
File: 128 KB, 308x296, 1318719899183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a girl

>> No.5771398

bitch u dumb
shut up

>> No.5771399
File: 28 KB, 1095x859, 1366157337581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You perceived the results of a neurological examination through your senses, which you have not demonstrated are reliable.

>> No.5771402

It's true, they dont, they orientate the correct sequence and put it into play, the only fact thats dissuading their ability to be exact is the need for reinterpretation, so effectively you all just dissed yourself by the nature of considering using terms inadequate... that or you're so advanced you're pathetically stupid

>> No.5771400
File: 143 KB, 543x295, 1323023336989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one does not know when she's been trolled to the maximum. Stay mad.

>> No.5771401

>grow up

Great response, you must be very proud

>> No.5771405

The result was that they are reliable.

>infantile cartoon

You should take my advice.

>> No.5771406

You know what's funniest about you, she-troll? It's the fact by shitposting in this kind of threads, you're actually indirectly bumping it to the top. Because for every shitty reply you make, there are 10 anons out there that will take you on it. So if you truly wanted this thread to die as soon as possible you would know that the way to do this is not to fucking sage but to fucking shut your whore mouth.

>> No.5771407

As of now, there is insufficient data to suggest the existence of the human soul or the independence of a part of the human person from material death, so there is nothing suggesting reincarnation is plausible


>> No.5771408
File: 59 KB, 216x197, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5771409
File: 15 KB, 311x408, kramer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bugs Bunny

>> No.5771413


>> No.5771411

>The result was that they are reliable.
You're begging the question.

>> No.5771412


>> No.5771416
File: 80 KB, 480x480, top kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like pic related.

>> No.5771418

And here we can observe the native neckbeard in it's typical habitat when presented with a female observer

Let's continue to observe, and see if the fallback function of the creature of 'tits-or-gtfo' will need to be enacted

>> No.5771417
File: 132 KB, 287x271, getafix1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bravo, sir. Bravo.

>> No.5771420

Go hug a stingray, shit for brains.

>> No.5771421

Cartoons are for children. I hope you know 4chan is 18+.

You are ignorant of science.

Nice way of repeating the very first post ITT.

No, thanks. I prefer to discuss science and math. /adv/ is a containment board for feel shitposters.

>> No.5771422
File: 9 KB, 245x206, 9798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5771426

>a constant available function is an absolute function

>> No.5771423

u jus mad cuz no one wants u stanky puss

>> No.5771424

>You are ignorant of science.
And you are ignorant of basic human decency. Fuck off.

>> No.5771429

>Cartoons are for children
Is a claim with philosophical bases.

u still a dum-dum bitchzilla

>> No.5771430

>You are ignorant of science.
How? Please objectively verify that your senses are reliable. Until you do that we can safely assume you are psychotic and delusional.

>> No.5771435

No, we can assume that anyway. One could do a psychoanalysis based on her posts and it would be paintfully obvious.

>> No.5771433
File: 20 KB, 288x271, BugsMad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seinfeld is like 60 and he still enjoys Bugs Bunny. Screw you and your stereotypes.

>> No.5771434

no u

>> No.5771439
File: 28 KB, 1095x859, 13661573375812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are only perceiving the results of said psychoanalysis through your senses, which you have not demonstrated are reliable.

>> No.5771441

>which you have not demonstrated are reliable
I'm not supercunt, but can you read the words I just typed on the screens?

>> No.5771443

No, just stating facts.

Go ahead and diagnose me. Might be fun to see you failing at psychiatry.

>appeal to authority

Nice pseudoscience you got there. And I highly doubt you even know its contents.

>> No.5771444

>I cant poke myself with them
The fact that one can alter their own senses is proof of our function over them, this along side the Cerebral Cortex being the one issuing the commands gives you the ability to call yourself and everything around you a Lie.

The fact being that that is true, relativity as it is by the time something experiences something it is long gone and truly is a Lie, now the point being that it's not a matter of the senses, it's a matter of you dont exist at all and you want to think you do.

Would you like me to counter argue this using the material supplied in it? Or is the truth to scary for Miss Dijective

>> No.5771445

opinions = facts
bitch u so ugly it makes me want to shit on your face

>> No.5771446
File: 107 KB, 802x1001, Jerryseinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seinfeld is an authority? Authority on what? Laughter?

>> No.5771449

Because you can't stand behind 'simplest objectivity' even when you argue for it.

Bravo. Bravo.

>> No.5771450

Yeah, she's really digging her own hole right now. It's kind of painful to watch but considering how bad of a troll she has been for the last few months, I'd say she deserves it.

>> No.5771451
File: 28 KB, 1095x859, 13661573375813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why should I trust anything you've written?

>Go ahead and diagnose me. Might be fun to see you failing at psychiatry.
Not my burden of proof. I asked you to prove your sanity.

>> No.5771453

Because you've just articulated an adequate response based on the conceptual models you derived from their composition, and vice versa.

>> No.5771454

I'm 25 and I still enjoy Bugs Bunny. Appeal to myself?

>> No.5771457

cuz physical light being wavelengths beamed into yo brain, becomin' observashuns, and then interpretations, and responses.

>> No.5771460

>everything around you a Lie.
Lie groups and Lie algebras are cute but not eveything can be described with them.


top kek

By default I am sane unless a professional diagnoses me.

Not your blog. Go be a manchild somewhere else.

>> No.5771461

muh wavelengths

>> No.5771462

forgot my sage

>> No.5771465

>by default I am sane unless a professional diagnoses me
dis bitch jus went full retard

>> No.5771466

Ey yo

This lady is either trolling you all or earnestly trying to engage in a discussion about solipsism

Well, solipsism is all well and good as a viewpoint on life, but if you want to engage in scientific discussion, it can't really be part of it - science by nature requires a number of assumptions to be made, many of which are very agreeable to most people. Solipsism is an interesting point of view that strips away many assumptions until one is left with one's own subjective viewpoint. Naturally, solipsism and investigation into the nature of existence through scientific method do not co-exist comfortably. If you want to investigate with scientific method, assumptions will have to be made - whether or not you are willing to make those assumptions is up to you.

>> No.5771470

stfu, no one asked you about ya bullshit

>> No.5771472


Solipsism belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.5771473
File: 29 KB, 1095x859, 13661573375814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it mean for something to be adequate?

>By default
Why would you assume anything without evidence?

>unless a professional diagnoses me
How would you obtain the results of the diagnosis?

>> No.5771474
File: 54 KB, 270x313, Bugs-Bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not your blog.
Same goes for you, sugar.

>Go be a manchild somewhere else.
Oh so watching Bugs Bunny immediately makes me a man-child? I suppose all the animators at Disney are man-children as well? Heck I guess everyone who enjoys any form of art is a man-child as well?

Seriously, I don't even care what you're on about but you sound like an adolescent teenager that is overly angry at the world. I like Bugs Bunny, now fuck off. Go rub your vagina or do something productive for a change.

>> No.5771471

Philosophic materialism is the most horseshit concept I have ever seen.

Scientists regularly use non-material concepts. Math.

There is no matter or energy behind math; numbers are not material. Yet scientists accept its existence every time they solve an equation.

To accept materialism is to reject math.

>> No.5771477

I agree. You sir are a gentleman and a scholar. Unlike those other barbarians in this thread.

>> No.5771478

A chemical interaction in my brain caused by the orders of "me". Whatever "me" is.

>> No.5771479

It's rather vague, but I think we can infer some sense of rationality to it by neither of us responding to the other with incoherent garble.

"Hi, how was your day?"
"das moon es of cheese, no bueno?"

>> No.5771480

>not based on logic, in other words philosophy, because of the fact of math

>> No.5771481

True. Eventually, in an infinite timeline, I will be alive again an infinite number of times, in an infinite number of ways, and I will be myself again infinite times.

>> No.5771488

I really enjoy this thread. Nothing beats watching so-called scientists sweat and argue with one another over simple philosophical constructs.

>> No.5771483

This is the 4th time you are using that smiley face. >>>/global/rules/13

>Why would you assume anything without evidence?
I don't.

>How would you obtain the results of the diagnosis?
By means of auditory or visual perception.

>I suppose all the animators at Disney are man-children as well?

>Heck I guess everyone who enjoys any form of art is a man-child as well?
Childish scribblings are not art.

Logic is math and not philosophy. Philosofags only use a dumbed down version of logic and even that's too hard for them.

>> No.5771484

Holy shit, where do these new masses came from? I've never seen such a pathetic trolling of a sage-not-a-boy.

>> No.5771496

Maybe you should try drawing animation once.

>> No.5771498

>Logic is math and not philosophy
Logic stems from philosophy. Please go back to kindergarten.

>> No.5771499

Could you name non-infantile cartoons? Otherwise calling cartoons infantile is redundant.

>> No.5771503
File: 8 KB, 183x275, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lie groups and Lie algebras are cute but not eveything can be described with them.
Err... deary it's known as constant further function, Lie & Truth are irrelevant, you really need to brush up

>> No.5771504

>I love to watch on high from my ivory tower, proud in the knowledge that I am King Shit of Turd Mountain. I just thought that I'd let you all know this, for I am so majestic and beautiful

>> No.5771506

Anything on comedy central after 9, with the exception of southpark

>> No.5771505

Why should I trust in something vague?

>This is the 4th time you are using that smiley face. >>>/global/rules/13
How do you know that rule exists?

>I don't.
You assume your sanity without evidence.

>By means of auditory or visual perception.
Which are derived through your senses, which you have not demonstrated are reliable.

>Philosofags only use a dumbed down version of logic and even that's too hard for them.
How do you chose which logic to use?

>> No.5771515

>arbitrary distinctions

>> No.5771517

Humans evolved from monkeys. Do you think we should behave like monkeys? Well maybe YOU do so, but us civilized people know that appeal to tradition is a fallacy.

>is redundant.
No, it's a figure of speech. Hendiadys.

>How do you know that rule exists?
Because I read it. I just linked to it, you illiterate plebeian.

>You assume your sanity without evidence.
Ockam's razor.

>which you have not demonstrated are reliable.
As a professional confirmed, they are reliable.

>How do you chose which logic to use?
Depending on context.

>> No.5771520

Thanks for making my argument so poetic.

>> No.5771526

>blah blah blah my vagina is squishy and smells of fish and I need to vent on /sci/
Are you done yet?

>> No.5771528

>Because I read it. I just linked to it, you illiterate plebeian.
How can you trust your vision?

>Ockam's razor
Doesn't apply. There is only one assumption. You are either sane or not.

>As a professional confirmed, they are reliable.
You're begging the question.

>Depending on context.
How do you determine the context?

>> No.5771529

I don't think it means what you think it means.