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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5769429 No.5769429 [Reply] [Original]

How many /sci/entists out there 'struggled' in math relative to one's other studies and eventually became proficient at it?

Math was always one of my weaker areas and it garnered my first B, but not I love it and am a mathematical finance major over from biochemistry.

>> No.5769435


Please forgive the picture. I'm on a laptop with XP right now and I thought it was a different one.

>> No.5769440

I dropped out of highschool at 16 and i'm in my second year of a stats major now, gonna take it to PhD if i can

so fucking easy

>> No.5769456

Yeah OP I struggled with math and I am doing a science major, got fine after time

>> No.5769458

You need to have some basic understanding of math to do science. Though some sciences have different demands, where different types of math are more used. Some are not as math-heavy. But you do need math everywhere.

>> No.5769464


Why is calculus such a deal breaker for so many students?

>> No.5769469
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When in doubt, use the panda picture. Panda related

>> No.5769520


Because it's different from arithmetic/ basic math stuff.

>> No.5769559

Yeah I used to hate math in high school because I had no interest in it, and so I wasn't very good at it. Then I learned calculus and I began to love mathematics because of it's applications to physics. As I learned more advanced math while studying physics (linear algebra, functional analysis, differential geometry, etc), I became much better at math because these subjects were incredibly interesting for me and their applications to physics were mind-blowing.

>> No.5769579

Up until junior year in highschool I was only *okay* at math, I didn't understand it intuitively and if I wanted to get an A I had to work comparatively hard. Taking precalc though sort of sewed together all the fragments of algebra, geometry, and other aspects of math. Then the next year calculus just sort of made sense, and now I'd definitely consider myself good at math

>> No.5769581

Newton learned Geometry for the first time in college. This wasn't the norm.

>> No.5769606

I had a pretty hard time with math starting with trig and proceeding onward through calc 1, 2, and 3
The main problem for me is how math is taught.
~99% of the class time/textbook space is spent talk about the math, showing the proof of the math, giving definitions of the new words, showing some graphs, etc
and then only ~1% is devoted to actually showing you how to do it, which is the only part where you can actually learn the material.
so you spend the vast majority of your time trying to filter out and skip over all that useless filler, and it is insanely distracting.

>> No.5769633

Some guy named Albert Einstein had trouble with his math. He had a friend who helped him with the math in his special and general relativity theories. It ain't what you know, it's who you know.