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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5754501 No.5754501 [Reply] [Original]

has anyone watched this putrid crap?

it's trollan me pretty hard right now

>> No.5754504

Summarize please.

>> No.5754506

I started it once but didn't make it all the way through.

>> No.5754507

Why would you intentionally watch it, knowing that you're going to get mad and butthurt? Couldn't you do something productive, or at least beneficial?

>> No.5754508

>science and religion both have it right!
i'm only 20 minutes in

>> No.5754509


Turn back! Before it's too late!

>> No.5754515

i can't, i want to see the part where everyone getting interviewed loses their jobs

>> No.5754520

ive watched it 2 times now, it still amazes me, it has layers upon layers of bullshit that would take a career in filmography to completely analyze.

>> No.5754526

being productive 100% of the time

>> No.5754528

Same here. I started watching it and caught cognitive mistake after mistake after.... At some point, I realized they were deliberate. Nobody can make that many logical errors and not be aware of it.

I then sat back and watched the rest of it purely for the lols.

>> No.5754532

from wikipedia,
>Bleep was conceived and its production funded by William Arntz, who co-directed the film along with Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente: all three were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment
>all three were students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment
>Ramtha's School of Enlightenment
>School of Enlightenment
why the bleep didn't i read the wiki page first

>> No.5754535

I think it's pretty accurate.

>> No.5754536


>> No.5754537

>using theta as an o
>possibly using omega as a w
>using sigma as an e
>using pi as an n
we obviously don't know greek letters

>> No.5754541
File: 314 KB, 620x696, ghettophysics10122010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

another movie from William Arntz.

>> No.5754547

the deaf woman is kind of a qt3.1412 tho

>> No.5754551
File: 36 KB, 720x720, ohgodhowdidthishappeniamnotgoodwithlathe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A much more amusing piece:

No watching it a bit at a time, mind you.

>> No.5754556

>a bunch of math superimposed on a blue cosmic background
>that stylized title
>face of a woman looking upwards like she is inspired or something
>little negro boy pretending he is a plane
>several basketballs floating around him
>science and spirituality come together ect
Even the title is hilariously bad.

>> No.5754555

on leyer 3 this movie is actually about a woman struggling with her depression and related mental disorders until she starts hallucinating shit like the negro boy untill she eventually loses all touch with reality.

>> No.5754561

> golden mean

stopped watching there

>> No.5754563

SS is definitely the best, Thrive is my no 2, then bleep.

I still want to write a game in the SS universe, you play the time-traveling jew who saves Atlantis from the male martins trying to tap into the global consciousness grid to do the Lucifer experiment and force humanity into the next stage of awareness. you fight them with crystals and can set auras by meditating. your skill tree is based on the flower of life, and you can switch between different frequencies to shift to different dimensions as you play to solve puzzles.

>> No.5754566

dont, its awesome.


he isn't making that up, its in the movie.

>> No.5754575

Stopped at
>the earth is alive, like an organism

>> No.5754578
File: 67 KB, 462x348, neckbeardRejoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my goodness yes.

>> No.5754588

All these crackpots have more initiative then me to make animations and movies. Kind of makes me feel like an asshole.

>> No.5754593

she can be kind of a dick to Amanda sometimes

>> No.5754602

Searching for truth takes time, if you skip that step and go straight to making the movie it's a lot quicker.

>> No.5754639

Is the Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life fiction or a thought experiment or something like that? Where is he getting this shit from?

>> No.5754670

My chemistry teacher in high school showed us bleep, unironically, as an explanation of quantum mechanics. AFAIK, he still does.

>In college now.
>Studying computer science, quantum computation

>> No.5754752

Thoth told him so.

Well, some guy claiming to be channelling Thoth wrote a book saying so, and that's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.5755004

Oh god, my Physics teacher showed it to us too. He has a PhD for fucks sake.

>> No.5755390
File: 72 KB, 698x658, 1365907737597.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5755421

Nobody believes this right?

>> No.5755422

When I was 10 my dad was really into pseudoscience, we still have several Tarot card books, astrology, a crystal ball (I am seriously not joking) and The Secret. I remember watching this film and not understanding how they reached these conclusions. I did believe it for a while (I was into science at the time, but I was just begining my adventure, and so far nothing really contradicted anything that I learned). I never spouted anything the video said as truth, but I sorta accepted it was. It wasn't until I was in high school that I started realizing that it was completely wrong. My dad now knows that those things were wrong and he legitimately interested in real science, and not a hippy's perception of it.

>> No.5755426

Found this quote from a review of it: "Suddenly people who were talking about subatomic particles are alluding to alternate universes and cosmic forces, all of which can be harnessed in the interest of making Ms. Matlin's character feel better about her thighs."[


>> No.5755437

Reminds me of Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver's dimension shifting puzzles.