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File: 7 KB, 200x258, 200px-Chernobyl_Disaster[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5753877 No.5753877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Don't worry, nuclear power is safe, this will never happen again

>> No.5753880

It is and it hasn't.

>> No.5753884
File: 37 KB, 550x369, 117706-004-CCA0764D[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, there's never been a nuclear accident since Chernobyl. Keep preaching the truth.

>> No.5753889
File: 54 KB, 519x410, Nagasaki-a-bomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfectly safe.

>> No.5753894
File: 28 KB, 600x367, Fukushima-Daiichi-reactor-3-explosion-images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, just look at these photos of a perfectly safe nuclear reactor in routine operation.

>> No.5753896


>Implying tsunami's flooding your building constitutes "routine operation"


>> No.5753898

Yeah, whoever heard of a Tsunami hitting Japan?

>> No.5753901

>he thinks graphite fires are still possible
Go home, fearmonger

>> No.5753905
File: 8 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Completely natural.

>> No.5753907
File: 85 KB, 500x642, 37302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gen III+-IV reactor versus old shit designed in the 1960's.

Passive safety measures.

Also, Fukushima was caused by negligence on the part of the company more than natural disasters or technological faults.

It was a six-month independent investigation, the first of its kind with wide-ranging subpoena powers in Japan's constitutional history, which held public hearings with former Prime Minister Naoto Kan and Tokyo Electric Power Co's former president Masataka Shimizu, who gave conflicting accounts of the disaster response.[202] The commission chairman, Kiyoshi Kurokawa, declared with respect to the Fukushima nuclear incident: "It was a profoundly man-made disaster — that could and should have been foreseen and prevented."[203][204] "Across the board, the commission found ignorance and arrogance unforgivable for anyone or any organization that deals with nuclear power," the NAIIC report said.[205] The report outlines errors and willful negligence at the plant before the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami on 11 March 2011 and a flawed response in the hours, days and weeks that followed. It also offers recommendations and encourages Japan's Diet to "thoroughly debate and deliberate" the suggestions.[206]

>> No.5753908
File: 13 KB, 300x219, 300px-US_AEC_SL-1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super duper, it's just that you can get lethal meltdowns without graphite fires.

Go home, kiddo, you're ill educated. Come back when you recognize nuclear power for what it is, a lethal, uncontrollable monster.

>> No.5753910

Nice hindsight.

>> No.5753913


>> No.5753916

The TMI meltdown was caused by the employees panicking and overriding the installed systems.

>> No.5753918

Not hindsight, they knew in advance it would fuck up if they didn't prepare for a tsunami of that intensity.

>> No.5753919

>tu quoque
Anyone who's read half a Wikipedia page knows there's nothing lethal about partial meltdowns.

>> No.5753923

Yes, and I'm sure that almost every person who's ever caused a death by driving would have known they could have avoided it by braking sooner.

>> No.5753927

>Not lethal
I'm sure the deaths of all people within a mile of SL-1 during the meltdown were just co-incidences.

>> No.5753934
File: 767 KB, 320x210, 1319877213173.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't worry, vehicles are safe. This will never happen again.

>> No.5753945
File: 1.98 MB, 342x263, 1319689481725.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry, stairs are safe. This will never happen again.

>> No.5753946

Get with the times. You think we don't learn from mistakes or something?

>> No.5753951
File: 44 KB, 400x330, 1336251508299.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't worry, the internet is safe. OP will never happen again.

>> No.5753954

And new mistakes take their place. We must just accept that this technology is too dangerous to safely control, the risks far too grave.

>> No.5753960

Bullshit. You're a horrible troll.

>> No.5753963

>don't worry, the internet is safe. no one will ever feed the trolls again.

>> No.5753987

Here's an interesting conspiracy article about radiation.


>> No.5754010

>uncontrollable monster

this will become clear after the next 'event'
when the self-calmers' illusions collapse

"Sooner or later, in any foolproof system,
the fools are going to exceed the proofs!"

>> No.5754032

No, they'll never learn. They're too invested and would rather pollute the entire world than admit their wrong.

>> No.5754041


And Chernobyl was caused by the wrong shift performing a risky experiment on a dangerous model of reactor, without the proper supervisory personnel being present to oversee the operation. And it was exacerbated by the fact that the plants at Chernobyl didn't have the same sort of containment structures that non-Soviet plants have - it was basically a conventional power plant building with a nuclear reactor inside, which is crazy. Anyhow, no reactors of its type remain in service, because the graphite cores are known to be problematic.


That's a fancy way of saying "three people". SL-1 was in the middle of nowhere, and occurred in the infancy of nuclear power.

>> No.5754050

When chernobyl went critical everyone in the world lost the right to argue in favor of nuclear power.

>> No.5754054

>We must just accept that this technology is too dangerous to safely control, the risks far too grave.

You could say that about literally every technology. Accidents and death are the inevitable consequences of anything done on an industrial scale.

>> No.5754065

but most don't turn the earth into a radioactive nightmare of death

>> No.5754071

a lot do things on the same scale.

>> No.5754075

>but most don't turn the earth into a radioactive nightmare of death

You may be exaggerating just a tiny little bit.

Consider the consequences and death toll resulting from nuclear power to, for instance, hydroelectric power (dams bursting) or coal (deaths from asthma and heart disease, mining disasters). Or how about space exploration, aviation or the automobile? If you consider one more emotionally loaded than the other because it's subjectively more scary, that's your problem...

>> No.5754088

>they'll never learn

but the japanese people did learn
and so did the germans

imagine the next event will be in the USofA
and leave you with a huge sacrifice zone

the human psyche does not work in a linear fashion

>> No.5754095

>Declares nuclear power unsafe.
>Provides no other reasonable method of generating power instead.

Sure, we'll stop using nuclear power just as soon as you persuade 10-15% of the world's population to go back to living in pre-industrial conditions. A percentage sure to grow as oil, gas and coal become harder and harder to extract.

>> No.5754101

Wind, hydro and solar combined with increased efficiency (do more things like making light bulbs illegal)

>> No.5754103

>persuade 10-15% of the world's population to go back to living in pre-industrial conditions

right, certainly you can expect fewer people to die as a result of that

>> No.5754105


...but how many people die as a result of hydroelectric power?


Oh shit, looks like it's A LOT more dangerous than nuclear!

>> No.5754110

But you won't die if you return to the area. But, yo already knew that, you're just banking on fooling the population to push your agenda.