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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5751751 No.5751751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/
Where does consciousness exist in the brain? What is your favorite theory? If identified, do you think there will come a point where it could be transferred?

>> No.5751755

What do you mean? What are its observable effects?

>> No.5751760

Sure, that, but I mean more hypothetically- does it exist as a chemical reaction in the brain, or is it just something our brain fools us into thinking exists as some kind of organizational tool of other higher thinking functions?

>> No.5751764

Consciousness *is* the brain, you nut.
You can't transfer the mind because that would involve measuring every quantum state that composes your meat-computer at one instant in time. Sounds a little dangerous.

>> No.5751765

Does WHAT exist? As long as you don't name its observable effects we cannot understand what you're talking about?

>> No.5751767

Your first sentence doesn't make sense. Why would you rename the brain by using spiritualist vocabulary? It's much easier and commonly accepted to call it by its name "brain".

>> No.5751773

Well how else do I get across to OP?
Go take a walk.

>> No.5751779

Get what across? OP is a 0/10 troll who thinks it's funny to post /x/ shit on /sci/. As if we didn't have 20 of these threads every fucking day.

>> No.5751780

So the entire brain is consciousness? I get what you're saying, I don't want to equate the idea of consciousness with "soul" I mean self awareness.

>> No.5751785

The brain is just the brain, a physical organ. It does neither require nor imply any kind of metaphysical or spiritual entities/phenomena. I asked you to name testable effects. You failed or refused to do so. Please keep that nonsense in >>>/x/

>> No.5751787

You are the worst cancer on Earth, deluded tryhard.

>> No.5751788

Your question is unscientific. Dualism is unscientific. Please learn the scientific method and keep untestable nonsense claims on >>>/x/

>> No.5751786

Not a troll, just a highschool dropout who's trying to understand the concept of self from a scientific standpoint.

>> No.5751789

I like this hypothesis:


>> No.5751797

I defined it as self awareness. I was not aware that the concept of consciousness was a purely spiritual one, I apparently just don't have the right word for it. What I mean is the "you" filter that all stimuli goes through.

>> No.5751794

Unless we can start pulling bits of brain matter out of your head and still have you have a sense of "I", yeah.

>> No.5751795

>infantile insults

>> No.5751799

What do you mean? What are the observable effects of an "awareness"?

>> No.5751807

Sage Boy is


Look out!

>> No.5751813
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>> No.5751817

The brain is material but the mind is not.

>> No.5751818

What does that mean? How can it be observed? Can you show it to me?

>> No.5751814

The individuals interpretation of combination of cognitive and emotional stimuli.

>> No.5751826


>> No.5751833

Also, something interesting if you're more concerned with conscious presence:


>> No.5751838

If I see an object, I not only see that object as its physical form, but also as how it relates to me- I know, I'm doing a shitty job of explaining this.

>> No.5751839
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Consciousness is the ability to form meta-representations. It allows us to see ourselves as a distinct agent in an environment.

I don't see it being localized in any special brain region.

>> No.5751842

Awesome! Thanks.

>> No.5751845

What are you talking about? How can this be observed or tested? Sounds like empty metaphysical drivel.

>> No.5751847
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>Sounds like

>> No.5751850

It is a combination of emotional and cognitive response, is what think he's saying. Being that both of those can be tested, I don't see how it is metaphysical.

>> No.5751854

Emotional and cognitive responses are biologically explicable. What does this have to do with the claim of a magical non-interacting soul/consciousness?

>> No.5751856
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A fruit fly sees an apple. The light emitted by the apple leads to an representation of the apple in the nervous system of the fly.

Higher evolved creatures, like humans, can go one step further and take this representation and mentally create an abstraction of it, a meta-representation, which can be manipulated, altered, combined with other ideas, etc.

This is the foundation of cognition and the processes known as "consciousness" and "self-awareness".

>> No.5751863

Can soulless people collapse the wave function?

>> No.5751861

This is simple algorithmic processing in the brain and has nothing to do with metaphysical or spiritual phenomena. The brain is a biological computer. No magic is needed to explain its purely physical functions. Please keep spiritualist nonsense to >>>/x/

>> No.5751862

I thought the words "consciousness" and "sentience" were interchangeable.

>> No.5751870

They are and they both don't belong on a science board. Dualism and spiritualism belong on >>>/x/. Science deals with testable and observable phenomena.

>> No.5751871

Sure, because all you need is a photon.

>> No.5751887

Sentience can be tested, though.

"Sentience quotient” (SQ), is the relationship between the estimated information processing rate (measured in bits per second) of each individual processing unit, the weight or size of a single unit, and the total number of processing units.

>> No.5751885
File: 24 KB, 852x480, Dr-Jonathan-Crane-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-26905952-852-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did I talk about metaphysical or spiritual phenoma?
Just because you believe consciousness to be something metaphysical doesn't mean it is.

Neuroscience and psychology actually accept the concept of consciousness. You would've known all that if you had taken 3 minutes on google or wikipedia instead of spouting the same mindless /sci/-slurs over and over again.

Aside from that, I'm a supporter of the brain as a biological computer. I don't see any contradiction with this paradigm and my definition of consciousness.

>> No.5751892

You are using spiritualist vocabulary for the sole purpose of using spiritualist vocabulary. It isn't needed. It has no explanatory power, adds nothing of information and has no testable or observable effects. Science has its own terminology and your childish drivel won't change science or the scientific method.

That's nonsense.

>> No.5751901

No, that's Robert Freitas.

So you consider self awareness psuedoscience?

>> No.5751904

Untestable nonsense claims without evidence and without explanatory power are pseudoscience and incompatible with the scientific method.

>> No.5751908
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Consciousness being part of spiritualist vocabulary does not mean that it can't also be part of scientific vocabulary. Ever heard of homonyms? They may use the same word, but in different contexts and different connotations.
It tires me, always having to explain simple semantics.

>> No.5751912

To anyone who is confused, this is Sage Boy.
Sage Boy always acts like this.
When cornered, Sage Boy flatly asserts without evidence that what you just said "is nonsense" or that "you're being silly."

Rumor has it that Sage Boy has a crush on a dead man.

>> No.5751914

It is not part of scientific terminology. It does not refer to any meaningful scientifically observable concept.

>> No.5751919

Well, at least Sage Boy brings me joy, for some reason, I laugh at the comments he makes and the responses from other anons.

>> No.5751921

lel, I missed your retardedness. Good to see you are still doing this shit.

>> No.5751924

So the sense of individual doesn't exist and is nontestable.





>> No.5751925

I am not a boy and unlike you I do not make baseless assertions. I explained everything I said. Please learn the scientific method.

>> No.5751927

Prefrontal cortex. It can't be transfered.

>> No.5751929

Stay golden, Sage Boy.

>> No.5751930

Nice pseudoscience you got there. Those are very good examples of how results of neuroscience get abused by /x/tards who are jumping to unjustified conclusions not backed up by the observational data.

>> No.5751931
File: 25 KB, 852x480, Dr-Jonathan-Crane-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-26905967-852-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Google.Scholar on "consciousness":
About 2.220.000 Results (0,06 Sec.)

Try again. You have reached a point were you might just want to change your view of the topic instead of finding more and more ways to justify your initial belief. Don't be afraid to learn, my friend.

>> No.5751936

>pseudoscience publications and publications refuting pseudoscience

Try google scholar "ghost". About 1,030,000 results (0.04 sec).

>> No.5751939

There was no explanation other than "lalala i cant hear you you're stupid everything I didn't think of myself is metaphysical"




What sources do you find credible?

>> No.5751942

>What sources do you find credible?
Nothing source is credible for Sage Boy.

>> No.5751947

Dudes, are you still replying to consciousness guy?

Never change, /sci/.

>> No.5751949

Sorry, brain fart.

>> No.5751950

The source does not matter as long as the actual article is pseudoscience. Deal with it. Science does not waste its time with spiritualism.

>> No.5751959

How can there be research if it has no testable or observable effects? Do you think science researched non-interacting ghosts? Please learn the scientific method. Science requires observational evidence.

>> No.5751952
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Which does not change the fact that there is research on consciousness. Why won't you believe people who are actually experts in the relevant fields?

>> No.5751965

I'm curious as to your definition of science.
Also, if reputable places posted psuedoscientific articles, they would no longer be reputable.

Your arguments seem awfully religious.

>> No.5751968

Science means application of the scientific method. If journals allow publication of metaphysics and spiritualism, they cannot be taken serious.

>> No.5751970
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>> No.5751972
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I'm very much aware of the scientific method. But there are also limits to it. Qualia cannot be tested with the scientific method. But still no one would doubt that there it exists.

>> No.5751978

Can you show me a qualia? No? Into the trash it goes. And back to >>>/x/ you go.

>> No.5751977

The articles posted all involve the results of tests based on the scientific method. Serious question, if Harvard, Yale, or Scientific American articles cannot be taken seriously, what sources do you suggest?

>> No.5751989

The conclusions are not justified by the data. That's pseudoscience. No empirical data justifies metaphysical or spiritual conclusions.

>> No.5751997
File: 27 KB, 852x480, Dr-Crane-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-24368893-852-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Psychophysics tried to quantify qualia.


>> No.5751998

The scientific method-

1. Observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena.

2. Formulation of an hypothesis to explain the phenomena. In physics, the hypothesis often takes the form of a causal mechanism or a mathematical relation.

3. Use of the hypothesis to predict the existence of other phenomena, or to predict quantitatively the results of new observations.

4. Performance of experimental tests of the predictions by several independent experimenters and properly performed experiments.

So, what part of the scientific method did


fail to follow?

>> No.5751999

time for some popcorn, it's just started to get good

>> No.5752006

Your link does not support your nonsensical claim.

He jumps to unjustified conclusions. His garbage is not testable

>> No.5752016


"Christof Koch is chief scientific officer at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, Washington, and professor of biology and engineering at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California."


Yep. You know more than he does.

>> No.5752019

Incredible, good show, Sage Boy.

>> No.5752023

His reputation does not protect him from criticism. Just because he is a professor, he is not allowed to start publishing pseudoscience.

>> No.5752027

My personal favourite theory is the one that states the consciousness to exist in the 4th or 5th dimension. The brain does not know the consciousness exists there, as there are no senses based in that dimension, but those who reach enlightenment have made their consciousnesses aware of the dimension in which they exist, possibly via detecting the forces exerted through that dimension alone.

>> No.5752029

I did not claim that his reputation protects him from criticism. So, criticize him. Be more specific than "His garbage is not testable."

>> No.5752030
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The just-noticable-difference threshold was estimated by subjective responses. How is this not qualia-related?

Also, back to the initial topic: Consciousness is a term used in neuroscience and psychology. Its use in spiritualism is of no importance or interest to these disciplines.

Maybe this will give you some more insight:

>> No.5752033

>Be more specific than "His garbage is not testable."
There is no need to be more precise. His garbage is not testable. Period. Non-interacting spirits without physical effects have no place in science.

Please show me a qualia. How can it be observed?

>is a term used in neuroscience and psychology
It isn't. Science avoids spiritualist vocabulary.

>> No.5752037

My favourite is that consciousness in quantum magic that we can't test right now because U CANT EVEN NO NUTHIN.

>> No.5752041
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I am a psychologist, if you didn't already know by now. I think I might have a slightly better understanding of what my field of research is about than you. And as I have said several times before. It is not a spiritualist word.

>> No.5752042

>How can it be observed?

>> No.5752048

Appealing to your own authority doesn't make you more credible. As a "psychologist" you should know that. What you said is still objectively wrong. You cannot argue against facts.

I have to repeat my question. How can it be observed? Your link does not answer the question.

>> No.5752055

+ 78 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

Geez, SB, nice record.

>> No.5752063
File: 31 KB, 852x480, Dr-Jonathan-Crane-3-dr-jonathan-crane-scarecrow-26905922-852-480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How am I wrong in saying that consciousness is a topic that is researched by psychology and neuroscience?

>> No.5752061

Sage Boy, do you observe anything?

>yfw you realize a really smart AI might act like Sage Boy because it doesn't walk around in the real world and have eyes and ears and experience things at all

>> No.5752069

Wow, could you be more new? Fuck off, summerfag.

>> No.5752072

Science can only research observable phenomena. Something without observable effects cannot be subject of science. I already explained this. Please stop trolling.

>> No.5752079
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>Please stop trolling.

Aaaaand I'm out. Anyone still interested in the topic is encouraged to watch the interview I posted here: >>5752030

>> No.5752080

You don't have any experience?

>> No.5752084

He doesn't. I asked him this before.

>> No.5752082



>> No.5752085


>> No.5752087

He doesn't have any right to assume everyone else doesn't.

>> No.5752090

>Aaaaand I'm out.
Great. We won't miss your pseudoscience trolling.

What does that mean? If you mean perception, then yes. If you mean qualia magic, then no.

Hitchens' razor.

>> No.5752089

I told him that too and he answered that we're all the same as him.

>> No.5752093

ITT: Sage Boy is an advanced trolling AI developed by a master troll programmer, and it's running on an IBM supercomputer

>> No.5752102

He's committing an inductive fallacy.

> If you mean perception, then yes.
What's perception?

>Hitchens' razor.
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." doesn't really tell you what evidence is. You also appear to be committing a category mistake. Software does not have physical and chemical attributes, yet somehow you used it to type this.

>> No.5752111

>Software does not have physical and chemical attributes, yet somehow you used it to type this.


>> No.5752112

>inductive fallacy.
No, just Hitchens' razor. Without evidence there's no reason to believe in baseless claims.

>What's perception?
Visual, auditory, olfactory etc. Whatever a human can perceive.

>doesn't really tell you what evidence is
We all know what evidence means.

>Software does not have physical and chemical attributes
Yes, it does. Software is physically encoded on storage devices.

>> No.5752117
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Hitchen's razor is asserted without evidence.

>> No.5752118

Riddle me this: How do you not get bored during the time you sleep, if your brain doesn't enter a "less conscious" state?

>> No.5752119

The question makes no sense.

>> No.5752121

>Without evidence there's no reason to believe in baseless claims.
Anecdotal evidence is a form of evidence too.

>Visual, auditory, olfactory etc.
Those are senses, yes. It doesn't tell me what perception is.

>Whatever a human can perceive
You're defining perception using the word perception?

>We all know what evidence means.
I don't, feel free to tell me.

>Software is physically encoded on storage devices.
A textbox isn't physical, it's an abstract concept that nevertheless still exists.

>> No.5752126

>Anecdotal evidence is a form of evidence too.

>Those are senses, yes. It doesn't tell me what perception is.
Perception is the physical mechanism of senses.

>You're defining perception using the word perception?
I don't define anything. You know what perception means.

>I don't, feel free to tell me.
How about you take a science class?

>A textbox isn't physical, it's an abstract concept that nevertheless still exists.
It is observable.

>> No.5752127

How long you sleep a night? Probably more than 6 hours. That's a long time of doing nothing. How do you manage to not get bored?

>> No.5752132

Why not?

>Perception is the physical mechanism of senses.
What physical mechanism?

>I don't define anything. You know what perception means.
I don't. Tell me please.

>How about you take a science class?
I've taken many. They don't at all discuss epistemological topics.

>It is observable.
What are its observable effects?

>> No.5752135

>A textbox isn't physical, it's an abstract concept that nevertheless still exists.

A textbox is a series of lightwaves which are picked up and arranged and processed by your eyes.

Is energy non-physical now?

>> No.5752137

>A textbox is a series of lightwaves which are picked up and arranged and processed by your eyes.
Those are lightwaves and can be explained without magic. How do they prove the existence of a magical "textbox"?

>> No.5752147

Electronic pulses or visual stimuli.

Pick your choice.

>> No.5752148

4 or 5 hours. Who cares?

>Why not?
Because evidence needs to be objectively verifiable.

>What physical mechanism?

>I don't. Tell me please.

>I've taken many. They don't at all discuss epistemological topics.
Look up what the scientific method is.

>What are its observable effects?
It can be perceived visually. See >>5752135

>> No.5752157

>4 or 5 hours. Who cares?
Nice job avoiding the main part of the question. How do you manage to lay still for 4 hours, in the same spot, without getting bored?

>> No.5752160

>4 or 5 hours. Who cares?
Just go to bed, Sage Boy.

>> No.5752163

Your question makes no sense. What does "bored" mean?

>> No.5752167

Oh, that's great. I expected you to reply with "that's a strawman!" or "red herring!"

You do not know what boredom is? You've never been bored? Are you some kind of mutant?

>> No.5752171

>Electronic pulses or visual stimuli
Those are both completely physical phenomena and have nothing to do with a textbox.

>Because evidence needs to be objectively verifiable.
Says who?

Please explain it to me.

>Look up what the scientific method is.
I know what it is. Scientific evidence isn't the only kind of evidence, and the scientific method isn't the only set of methodological rules used by scientists. Scientism tells us nothing about what measurement is.

>It can be perceived visually.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_mistake..

>> No.5752173

>Are you some kind of mutant?

Except for my high intelligence and my high attractiveness I'm pretty normal.

>> No.5752176
File: 344 KB, 385x448, seriously.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Except for my high intelligence and my high attractiveness

>> No.5752177

Holy shit I lol'd.

>> No.5752181

That is not something an attractive nor normal person would say.

>> No.5752182

>Says who?

>Please explain it to me.
Do your homework alone.

>Scientific evidence isn't the only kind of evidence
/sci/ is a science and math board. On /sci/ scientific evidence and mathematical proofs are the only accepted kind of evidence.

>the scientific method isn't the only set of methodological rules used by scientists
Yes, it is.

>> No.5752184

>Those are both completely physical phenomena and have nothing to do with a textbox.

So you're saying that the complex chemical functions that make up you nor the energy transference that occurs throughout your body have nothing to do with your own physicality?

>> No.5752190


>Do your homework alone.
It's not homework, rather an honest, simple question. Are you avoiding it because you don't know the answer?

>/sci/ is a science and math board. On /sci/ scientific evidence and mathematical proofs are the only accepted kind of evidence.
Okay. What's scientific evidence?

>Yes, it is.
Prove it.

>So you're saying that the complex chemical functions that make up you nor the energy transference that occurs throughout your body have nothing to do with your own physicality?
No, you're misunderstanding my argument. I think you should just read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_mistake..

>> No.5752203

>No, you're misunderstanding my argument. I think you should just read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category_mistake..

No, I'm not. You have asserted, for the purpose of metaphor and simile, that a text-box is non-physical. That's incorrect. You have been shown multiple times that that's incorrect. I suggest you rephrase your argument in a way that doesn't contain incorrect statements.

>> No.5752200

In the scientific method.

>It's not homework, rather an honest, simple question.
I am not here to give you a lecture on things you should have learned in high school.

>Okay. What's scientific evidence?
You should know that. Lurk more.

>Prove it.
The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.5752215

>In the scientific method.
Where in the scientific method? Where did Hitchen ever claim to limit evidence in the way you're describing?

>I am not here to give you a lecture on things you should have learned in high school.
>You should know that. Lurk more.
I'm not here to listen to you invent clever ways of avoiding the question.

>The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.
You can't shift the burden of proof.

>for the purpose of metaphor and simile
I don't think you know what those words mean.

>That's incorrect.

>You have been shown multiple times that that's incorrect.
Where? You haven't shown anything.

>I suggest you rephrase your argument in a way that doesn't contain incorrect statements
Nothing I've said is incorrect.

>> No.5752221

>Where did Hitchen ever claim to limit evidence in the way you're describing?
Hitchens doesn't limit evidence, he dismisses bullshit claims which have no evidence at all.

>I'm not here to listen to you invent clever ways of avoiding the question.
Cool story. You're free to leave. We won't miss you.

>You can't shift the burden of proof.
I can shift the burden of proof pretty hard.

>> No.5752226

>Hitchens doesn't limit evidence, he dismisses bullshit claims which have no evidence at all.
You're misunderstanding me. Evidence in the way you describe isn't the only form of evidence.

>Cool story. You're free to leave. We won't miss you.
Who is "we"?

>I can shift the burden of proof pretty hard.
So you enjoy appealing to ignorance?

>> No.5752227

>Nothing I've said is incorrect.
>a textbox is an abstract idea
>software isn't physical

>Why? [is that incorrect]

And for something like the third time I will explain elementary computer science and how pulses of different electronic frequencies comprise everything that you are seeing on screen now.

>> No.5752229

>Evidence in the way you describe isn't the only form of evidence.
In science only objectively observable evidence is acceptable.

>Who is "we"?

>So you enjoy appealing to ignorance?

>> No.5752236

>I will explain elementary computer science
You're not explaining elementary computer science at all. You're spouting pure gibberish.

>how pulses of different electronic frequencies comprise everything that you are seeing on screen now
Those are physical entities and not a magical textbox.

>In science only objectively observable evidence is acceptable.
What's objectively observable evidence? How do you know that Hitchen was referring to only this when he said "evidence"?

You speak for an entire board on 4chan? Are you moot?

So why do you do it?

>> No.5752237

/sci/ here. Quit fooling yourself.

>> No.5752245

Hitchen should obviously be Hitchens.

>> No.5752248

>You're spouting pure gibberish.

You're the one who can't understand how GUI's are made and you're telling me I'm spouting pure gibberish.

A text box is not the thing on screen for the last fucking time, it is, and only is, the specific pulse variations occurring in the circuitry.

>> No.5752252

>What's objectively observable evidence?

>How do you know that Hitchen was referring to only this when he said "evidence"?
Because Hitchens was a scientist.

>You speak for an entire board on 4chan?
This is a science board and I'm explaining science to you.

>So why do you do it?
I don't.

>> No.5752255


Wouldn't thought be a metaphysical concept based on your argument?

>> No.5752257


/b/-tard confired


>> No.5752258

"Thought" is a name for the algorithmic processing that takes place in the brain.

>> No.5752263

But you can't quantify thought, evidence of thought is just as subjective as sentience, and it isn't observable; what is the difference between the two?

>> No.5752268

The algorithmic processing can be observed in a brain scan.

>> No.5752269

What's measurement?

>Because Hitchens was a scientist.
That's not a sufficient criterion. Hitchens is an educated individual, he wouldn't confuse evidence with scientific evidence.

>This is a science board and I'm explaining science to you.
You haven't explained anything.

>I don't.
You did in >>5752200.

>> No.5752264 [DELETED] 

What's measurement?

>Because Hitchens was a scientist.
That's not a sufficient criteria. Hitchens is an educated individual, he wouldn't confuse evidence with scientific evidence.

>This is a science board and I'm explaining science to you.
You haven't explained anything.

>I don't.
You did in >>5752200.

>> No.5752275

>What's measurement?

>he wouldn't confuse evidence with scientific evidence.
Scientific evidence and mathematical proofs are the only acceptable kind of evidence.

>You did in

>> No.5752280

Please explain. I want to learn.

>Scientific evidence and mathematical proofs are the only acceptable kind of evidence.
Please prove that this applies to Hitchens. I also can't really know what you mean, as you haven't given me a clear definition of scientific evidence.

>The proof is left as an exercise to the reader.

>> No.5752282


"As the different brain regions go off-line, a slow wave of electrical activity, which operates at a much-slower frequency than during wakefulness, starts to oscillate. “It’s slow, and it develops right at the point where the person loses consciousness,” says Purdon. “It’s much larger, an order of magnitude larger, than if you look at the same rhythm when someone is awake.”

These wave patterns restrict neuron activity so that cells can only fire for short periods of time. “[The new wave pattern] silenc[es the neurons] and only allow[s] them to be activated for brief periodic intervals,” Purdon says, “It’s not so much that the brain is per se, ‘shut off.’ It’s in some pattern that is incompatible with consciousness.”

The incompatibility essentially prevents different parts of the brain from communicating with each other, much like people speaking different languages have trouble conversing with one another. Although specific regions can show short periods of coherent firing patterns similar to those that govern normal waking states, the new oscillation pattern keeps them out of synch with each other so they can’t connect or share information."

>> No.5752457

This thread is the definition of autism.
I guess that's why I bumped it!

>> No.5752467

Consciousness is likely produced by a combination of a Global Workspace operating in the cortical regions as well as recurrent cortico-thalamic resonance circuits.

>> No.5752469

>Where does time keeping reside in a clock?
>Where does printing reside in a printer?
>Where does driving reside within a car?

>> No.5752473


>where do voices reside in a radio

>> No.5752476

where does sage reside within a boy?

>> No.5752477

Where does it!? I am dying to know!

>> No.5752613

>Where does consciousness exist in the brain?
In the brain lol.

>What is your favorite theory?
None lol.

>If identified, do you think there will come a point where it could be transferred?
No, lol.

>> No.5752619

>infantile cartoon

>> No.5752628

It's an image reaction, sage boy.

>> No.5752654

I imagine in the next decade or so we will create an AI that is self-aware, and we will find the answer in the code. That answer will likely be consciousness is an illusion of free will created by the brain to give us a sense of "self" to use as a frame of reference when making decisions.

>> No.5752665

how do you know you aren't bored.
you ever notice how being bored often leads to sleeping?

as for OP, the only thing I've really read on consiousness would be from Daniel Dennett.

I think consiousness is more a synergistic product of various functions of the brain.

its the gestalt function of the brain.

>> No.5752678
File: 6 KB, 198x198, 1343067828075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it summer already?

>> No.5752697

It's only starting.