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File: 188 KB, 1154x370, With Jews you lose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5751606 No.5751606 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on dipshits who know nothing about science having an opinion on science nonetheless?

And even worse, that their opinion actually matters in academia?

>> No.5751628

I think seeking out the very stupidest adherents of a political ideology you don't like is an activity more fit for >>>/pol/ .

>> No.5751627
File: 45 KB, 195x179, 1364293345262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather not have these obligatory sociology classes and similar bullshit. I don't see the point of it.

The vast majority of people actually have these classes for their major. When that actually sunk in with me, i realized just how fucked our university system is.

Like "white racism 101" or "transsexual oppression studies". And these people have influence over harder sciences as well. Like the whore in the OP, or people who get offended when genetics touches the subject of innate racial or sexual differences. Not because they're "wrong", but because it doesn't rhyme with their ideology.

>> No.5751630

>their opinion actually matters


>> No.5751966

...which is also ignorant given air is a fluid and gases are better described than both solids and liquids. This is a great example of people using a silly analogy to propagate misinformation.

>> No.5752003

The first blurb makes no sense as well...that means any other scientific constant in any equation privileges itself over other quantities with the same units. Why does using the appropriate value to describe a phenomena imply a preference for that value in the first place?

>> No.5752007

except she happens to be very influential and highly regarded in the field. She's not just some. Dipshit posting on facebook.

>> No.5752024
File: 1.72 MB, 1600x1288, Knights_of_the_Old_Republic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman in OP will never get serious market penetration. She likes the linguistic rigor and forceful rhetoric needed to appeal to the common persons desire to be lead through a meaningful, viral narrative that probes and sinks deeply into their mind.

A simple but eloquently crafted message, that reams through all of the soft, supple defenses of the mind.

Give her the message.

>> No.5752026

>highly regarded
she's a decrepit hag who had her ass handed to her by Sokal more than fifteen years ago

>the field
philosophy, right? looks like you're on the wrong board

>> No.5752050

Is this one of those you rage you lose threads? If do, I have lost

>> No.5752060

That woman is a crank, and anyone who knows physics will get that immediately as soon as they see those quotes. If she had said something that sounded slightly reasonable while still actually being bullshit, then we'd have lost hundreds of hours arguing. But in this case it's not a problem.

If there's a field where a crank can say nonsense and not be immediately excluded, well, that field was diseased to begin with (*ahem*philosophy*ahem*), so nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5752066

As mentioned by someone else, look up the Sokal affair. This silly shit has already polarized the humanities.

All these types of psuedo-intellectuals are doing is creating feel-good nonsense that has a market, however niche it may be.

Dawkins/Tyson/Sagan/Burke have had a lot wider reach to more meaningful people than this.

>> No.5752122

ITT: People who feel utterly worthless need someone to bash.