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5746630 No.5746630 [Reply] [Original]

Should we impose health warnings upon fast food packaging like cigarettes?

>> No.5746631

No, we should let people take responsibility for their own lives.

>> No.5746633


I eat fast food everyday and only weigh 150lb.

>> No.5746637


Fast food isnt detrimental to your health.

Furthermore it will unfairly affect the businesses because unlike cigarettes, you need an unspoiled appetite to consume their products.

>> No.5746639


You'll be a fatass in a few years.

>> No.5746642

But that approach obviously is not working.

>> No.5746645

Warnings are fine, putting pictures of dead people on cigarette boxes is unnecessary scare tactics.

Calories in, calories out

>> No.5746647

>Fast food isnt detrimental to your health

GMA defence force

>> No.5746651

But it works, the world isn't filled with enlightened people who know what's best for them.

We need to scare people from eating this crap on a regular basis.

>> No.5746653

This, anyone with any brains (even very little) knows that smoking and/or eating poorly can kill you. The only reason these "warning labels" exist is because people don't like take responsibility for their fucking actions.

>> No.5746654


They arent.

They pass all food and safety regulations, if they didnt you could be a rich man in America.

The health problems associated with fast food is not the food itself but often related to the over consumption of it, i.e. the problem is the consumer.

Fast food business just make good enough products that people tend to over consume but the foods are not by themselves addictive or causal to that effect.

>> No.5746659

>Calories in, calories out

Yes, and in a few years he won't have a teenage metabolism.

>> No.5746661

What about child advertising, happy meals, toys and the like.

>> No.5746662

Does anyone really think that the health effects of smoking and eating everything are a mystery to people? Chances are, if you're going to smoke, you know it's bad for you and are doing it anyway because you like to smoke.

>> No.5746664

>anything that it's legal to sell as food must be good for you

>> No.5746672


What about.


Not my case.

>> No.5746674

>Not my case.

Then you don't have one...?

>> No.5746680

Yes people know smoking is "bad". But do they know why it is bad? Do people actually understand why consuming sugar without proper exercise is bad.

>> No.5746681

>Bawwww other people are doing things I don't like / aren't listening to me!

The approach would work far more if people were responsible for the costs that they incur themselves.

>> No.5746684


This isnt a board for learning English comprehension but I'll help you out:

Something does not have to be good for you in order not for it to be detrimental(this word means: harmful) to your health.

>> No.5746685

>require cars to have highly graphic images of fatal car accidents painted on them, same for bikes
>require all alcohol to have images of rape and alcohol related diseases
>all fast food has images of obese people and their diseases
>smokes have images of smoking related diseases
>doctors are tattooed with images of doctor related mistakes
>pets must wear tailor made shirts showing images of brutal animal attacks
>ISPs must include warnings of graphic content available on the internet
>knives and scissors must show graphic accidents involving cutlery
>pencils must have warnings about what speech is not protected
>televisions and game systems have warnings for violence they can show people
>shoes must have graphic warnings of fatal running injuries

>> No.5746689

A traditional hamburger is pretty much as close as you can get to a complete and nutritious meal with that few ingredients. It has bread, meat, some lettuce, a tomato, couple of pickles and cheese. Pretty sure one could go with nothing but hamburgers for quite long before the malnutrition hits.

The problems arise from mainly two things, the lesser problem is overt use of cheese and dressings in the hamburger itself that brings the fat portition up without adding too much other stuff.
The greater evil are the fries and drinks, these are typically consumed with your hamburgers and contain pretty much nothnig but sugar, fat and salt.

The problems stack up when someone uses fast food too much, resulting in great oversupply of mainly fat and salt. It's not so much the foods problem, more the consumers problem.
Fast food can be perfectly healthy thing to eat in moderation, particularry in local and small shops where there might not be fries and soft drinks added.

>> No.5746692

People are dying from obiesity. They are suffering the costs, yet only realise the true bredth of their actions after the consequences are dire.

>> No.5746694

>Those comparisons
You don't understand much do you

>> No.5746698

>A traditional hamburger is pretty much as close as you can get to a complete and nutritious meal with that few ingredients.

I love hamburgers, but that's a pretty silly statement.

>> No.5746699
File: 21 KB, 390x294, you deserve this, fat fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Health is not an issue of individuals, it's an issue of medics and the state.

People are too dumb to take care of themselves, we are the ones that have to wipe their asses when the moment comes, otherwise we wouldn't have hospitals or social security.

Also, wouldn't a better image for the food label would be pic?

>> No.5746700

People are quite bad at valuing time and valuing money and expences that come in the future.
People are quite willing to pay less now and more later even if they were worse of had they just frontloaded the costs.
People are stupid like that, that is just the way we humans think.

>> No.5746701

There's nothing intrinsically wrong with fast food itself. A hamburger is a a balanced source of calories. The problem is that it has become normal to eat a pile of fried potatoes and a bucket of soda + dessert with that hamburger.

Snack food is worse. Snack food doesn't have an fiber or protein in it. It's very easy to just gobble down a whole back of chips and not even feel very full. It's easy to eat a whole pack of oreos if you aren't paying attention or exercising any self control.

>> No.5746705

Who cares? No one is responsible for the costs or actions of the individual except the individual themselves.

What if some moron attends a university for an arts degree, and later realizes taking out $100,000 in student loans for that was fucking stupid? Does coming to the realization that it was stupid after release him from the costs? Of course not.

>> No.5746706

>people caring about their brains
Always better to use comparisons people can understand: Smoking makes you impotent, fat makes you unable to see you dick and see pussy etc. etc.

>> No.5746710

>people are too dumb to take care of themselves
>I know, YOU pay for it!

>> No.5746708

Have been eating it for over 13 years without any problems.

Just because some nut job spent every single waking moment jamming food down his pie-hole and 'mystifyingly' became fat after a month doesn't mean the food is bad for you.

>> No.5746709

Yes but we all know fast food packaging will never have graphic warnings.

>> No.5746707

You fucking faggot.

>> No.5746711

Would you sustain people who make poor decisions with your own purse? If not, why are you putting the burden of caring for them on everyone else's purse?

If they are too dumb to take care of themselves, why on Earth do you want to sustain them? You're only going to create a society of total undesirables by incentivizing what is naturally bad behavior.

>> No.5746713

This seems more like a /pol/ issue than /sci/.

>> No.5746714

Fast food isn't toxic or poisonous when taken in moderation.

Smoke is even in small amounts.

>> No.5746717

Smoke creates addiction, food is only a dependence.

It's like if you have diabetes and you have to take insulin, you depend on the drug, but you're not addicted to it. Smoke creates addiction and i don't remember if dependence too, but addiction is enough to kill you.

>> No.5746719
File: 66 KB, 450x502, I'm a fat fuck swimming in pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-but fat fucks can have pussy too!

>> No.5746720


No because those are compound problems related to obesity and only tangentially related to the consumption of fast food.

You can eat fast food in moderation, not be obese, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

>> No.5746721

>nothing about jewish conspiracies

nope, not a /pol/ issue

>> No.5746724
File: 144 KB, 705x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I blame crab people also republicans.

>> No.5746725


I don't see what's the problem here, are you bothered if you look an sketch of a bleeding brain while eating? We're not forbidding food, we're just making you aware if you keep eating it you will get one of those one day.

Do people stop smoking after seeing a picture of dead lungs?

>> No.5746727

Not caring for the poor or the dumb will alwasy cost you more in the long run, this is the basic premise of the society.

Starving person will steal, locking him up in jail for the rest of his life will be more expencive than byuing him food for the couple of months it takes him to find a new job.
Providing education makes less people stay unemployed, and costs less than providing social security.
Providing psychological help for people costs less than paying the police to patroll the streets agains the violent lunatics.
Etc. etc

It's pretty much always cheaper to society and by proxy, individuals to pay for preemptive care than damage repair.

>> No.5746728

I'm sure they'll find a way to insert a jew conspiracy.

>> No.5746730

You can certainly smoke in moderation and remain healthy. Nicotine has been shown to be beneficial in very small amounts. Hell, 2-3 cigs a day along with regular exercise and a good diet isn't going to drop you at 40.

The problem is obviously addition. Cigarettes are physically addicting as well as psychologically addicting. I'd argue the same is true to a lesser extent about fast food. I mean, it's fast, it's cheap, and it tastes alright. So many people are too lazy to cook and want a hot meal after being at work.

>> No.5746731


I would be bothered. And no, that is not an eventual outcome of eating fast food by itself- it is the eventual outcome of an unhealthy lifestyle one factor of which could be the over consumption of fast food but not merely the consumption of fast food.

Furthermore it will unfairly affect the businesses because unlike cigarettes, you need an unspoiled appetite to consume their products.

>> No.5746734

Jews using fat food to keep goyim docile and fat so they are unable to think or rebel against the system.
Naturally jewish media and governent wont impose limitations and discouragements to this practise

Done and done
I /pol/ already?

>> No.5746736

Nicotine may be beneficial but I bet tar, arsenic, benzene, cadmium, lead, polonium and cyanide aren't.

>> No.5746737

>Yes, and in a few years he won't have a teenage metabolism.

Teenagers like you aren't supposed to be on 4chan in first place. Take your stupid desire to change the world elsewhere.

>The health problems associated with fast food is not the food itself but often related to the over consumption of it, i.e. the problem is the consumer.

This. If you want to exterminate the glutenous fat scourge wrongfully referred to as people, then pass laws making it illegal to sell or give food to anyone over 200lb. They require bar tender to stop serving drinks after a certain point, restaurants should also have the right/mandate to refuse all fat people.

I had enough of the p.c. crap of it's not their fault if they have no self control and fells so good to stop. If I said it's not my fault that I shot up a preschool because the arm manufactures make the bullets just too irresistible fun not to shoot into kid's skulls, you wouldn't say to not charge me and ban bullets would you?

>> No.5746740

>caring about burger business
>being bothered by a drawing
>implying people mantain healthy lifestyles
>implying the propaganda wouldn't be aimed to the fat fucks of 'murica and yurop

Do you have a self steem low enough to include yourself in the fat fucks? If you know you have a healthy lifestyle you can dismiss the label and eat your shit.

>> No.5746743


Cigarettes contain chemicals which cause addiction, fast food doesnt.

Cigarette smoke is harmful to your body even in small doses, fast food isnt. There is no way to prevent this harm by moderation- each time you inhale you do yourself harm. Whether you do yourself harm little by little or all at once you are still poisoning your body with each intake.

>> No.5746745

Perfectly. You just summed up the conclusion of their thread.

>> No.5746747


I wouldnt say no to charging you, but banning bullets is a different issue altogether.

As youve said with fast food, your lack of self control does not represent the fact that bullets are bad or that everybody has no self control.

I would however put warning labels on explosives and ammunition, which is currently the case, because unlike fast food they are very much harmful to your health even when taken in small doses.

>> No.5746748

Yes and so is huffing on a car exhaust. People should know that inhaling fucking smoke is bad for you.

>> No.5746749

Meh, it's all about moderation. Though I guess a method of getting pure nicotine would be the most beneficial, like a patch or maybe ecigs if those turn out to be safe enough.

There are different kinds of addiction bro. Yeah, I know cigarettes are pretty fucking bad for you and they are addictive, but shit nigga, you seriously going to sit there and tell me fast food isn't bad for you? Shit it's fucking awful for you. It's all salt, preservatives, and fats. Any combo is probably 1/3 to over 1/2 of your daily calories.

>> No.5746751

Or, you leave them alone and let them perish through their own choices?

Why would you assert yourselves in a transaction between two individuals and deprive them both of the freedom of contract? Especially if the person who weighs over 200 pounds is more than capable of paying for his own costs.

Not to mention it would be an injustice to food sellers and they would completely ignore your laws, making them ineffectual. It's like you don't understand that wherever statism has been rife, so has criminal activity. England in the 17th Century was a nation of pirates, smugglers, and bribers, and also a nation of high taxes, tariffs, mercantilism, and other restrictions. When, in the 18th Century, they completely overhauled the state and became lassiez-faire, nearly overnight it became a society of upright men and incorruptible civil servants.

It's like you're 12 and don't understand anything.
>Hurr we can actually fix things through force

>> No.5746752

200 is pushing it, there may be healthy people above that weight. I find 250-300 to be more considerate.

>> No.5746753

Indeed, this is why we should move to electric cars or hydrogen cars.

>I've always wanted to wear a gas mask in public

>> No.5746758

Fat fucks, smokers, drug addicts, etc, all cost us money. If they can't pay their medical bills because they are poor or don't have insurance, the costs fall onto us. If their insurance has to pay out a bunch to keep them alive we have to pay higher premiums.

Now with Obamacare in the US, everyone has to have health insurance. How do you think insurance companies feel about having to cover the 60+% of obese americans?

>> No.5746757


If a combo is 1/3 your recommended daily intake, then if you eat nothing but fast food take no more than 3 a day.

If a combo is 1/2 your recommended daily intake, then if you eat nothing but fast food take no more than 2 a day.

None of the ingredients of fast food directly cause you harm. If they did, you could be a very rich man in America.

>> No.5746761

>If they did, you could be a very rich man in America.

What the fuck does this mean?

>> No.5746762

>The problem is that it has become normal to eat a pile of fried potatoes

Fuck off, I eat some form of fried potatoes every other day and am perfectly healthy, The only foods that are bad for you are those sold as "heath foods" made from god knows what shit.

>I don't see what's the problem here, are you bothered if you look an sketch of a bleeding brain while eating? We're not forbidding food, we're just making you aware if you keep eating it you will get one of those one day.
>you will get one of those one day.

How the fuck does eating potatoes, chicken, cheese, and ground beef guaranteed to lead to cerebral hemorrhages? Care to link to a medical journal first to back up your claims?

>> No.5746763

Well, why did they even chose the health business if they were looking for profit? Why not just stick with selling drugs or fast food?

>> No.5746764

The dude in "Supersize Me" ate nothing but McDonalds for a month and was in bad sorts after a month.

>tfw you realize quite a few Fatclaps have lived like that for fucking years

>> No.5746765


There are laws, particularly in America, which strongly safe guard consumer interests. If you can prove that fast food has directly caused you harm by fault of the producer, you can sue for millions.

>> No.5746768

Sue sue sue sue

>> No.5746769

>Fat fucks, smokers, drug addicts, etc, all cost us money. If they can't pay their medical bills because they are poor or don't have insurance, the costs fall onto us
And why is that? Because of the state. Why don't you just dismantle the order of things where the costs of others are placed on the shoulders of others?

>If their insurance has to pay out a bunch to keep them alive we have to pay higher premiums.
You negotiate the terms of your insurance contract with your insurance company. If you do business with an insurance company that chooses 1. to cover those people at risk of health problems and 2. to offset the costs of covering these people by raising premiums, that is entirely your problem, independent of any state mandates that force them to do either of two things.

>> No.5746771

Because where there is a niche, a lifeform will fill it. Where there is demand, there will arise an enterprise to satisfy the demand. Insurance is a very useful tool, and has always been and will always be much in demand, and therefore people have come to provide it in the same way other people have come to provide paper, apples, tyres, and so on.

>> No.5746772


I watched that. He over exceeded his recommended daily intake each day. You can do the same with conventionally regarded "healthy" food and still suffer the same.

>> No.5746773


Uh, no you can't. It's not illegal to sell things that are bad for you. (Nor should it be.)

>> No.5746774

I just got done eating a Big Mac and smoking a cigarette.

>> No.5746777

Civil suits don't deal with things that're illegal; those are criminal proceedings. Civil suits deal with extralegal disputes, such as with contracts, or damages incurred through the course of lawful activity. (Accidentally dropping and breaking something someone else owns, for example.)

>> No.5746778

Prepare for hate.

>> No.5746779

>why did they even chose the health business if they were looking for profit

Because it's fucking easy to make a huge profit on insurance in Fatclapistan. Call up your local hospital and ask how much for some procedure, cash, no insurance. They don't have any fucking idea. Insurance companies tell them how much procedures should cost based on maximizing the profit margins of the insurance company.

Insurance companies are not your friend. They don't want you to get sick, because that costs them money.

I would pay to see someone become unhealthy by eating too many fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

>> No.5746781

>Why don't you just dismantle the order of things where the costs of others are placed on the shoulders of others?

Because then everything would cost a lot more and be less efficient.

>> No.5746782


The issue is not that the food has actually caused you harm, the case to be made if such an instance occurred would be in misrepresentation.

Its not illegal to sell products that are harmful to the consumer, but it is illegal not to state it on the packaging.

>> No.5746783

>Dude eats fat
>Dude is average american, doesn't exercise
>Unused fat is stored
>Liver starts to fail
>Fat is swimmin in the blood
>Fat sticks to vessels inside brain
>Dude gets an aneurism
>Aneurism explodes
>Artery is not irrigating brain anymore
>Brain dies
>Dude stops functioning.

>Inb4 hurr prublem is moderashun
>Implying the average american has enough willpower to moderate their shit eating and do exercise

>> No.5746785

Costing more for the people who consume them as opposed to costing the people who don't consume them? Truly atrocious.

>Less efficient.
Don't be daft.

>> No.5746789
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>> No.5746791

>Its not illegal to sell products that are harmful to the consumer, but it is illegal not to state it on the packaging.

No, that's not illegal either. It's illegal to misrepresent something, but selling a cheeseburger without specifically saying it'll clog your arteries is not misrepresentation, because it's a fucking cheeseburger and everyone knows that.

>> No.5746792

>They don't want you to get sick, because that costs them money.
Indeed! You are betting them money that you will fall ill, and they are betting you money that you will not fall ill. If you fall ill, they lose; they have every incentive to keep their clients healthy and free of injury.

>Insurance companies are not your friend.
I don't see how you can draw this conclusion. They provide a service to me that I desire and by the nature of their business are compelled into encouraging things beneficial to me.

>> No.5746795

>Costing more for the people who consume them as opposed to costing the people who don't consume them?

No, costing more for everyone. lrn2economics

>> No.5746796
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>fast food isn't bad for you?
You need to define what is "bad for you"

>t's all salt, preservatives, and fats.
So are many other products as well, worse yet they sell things like oil and sal in stores, those thing must be super bad right? (see first point) What separates bacon, or sugar bag you get from store from fast food? Both will kill you if you only eat it or eat 5 pounds a day, neither will kill, nor hamr you in any way given correct portions.

>Any combo is probably 1/3 to over 1/2 of your daily calories.
Now i would have a problem if it were over 100% or it were undocumented or they wouldn't tell you if you asked, that would bad, i see no problem in large meals. A large stake with potatoes and salad might be 1/2 of you calories, does that make it bad, what about the family meal, is that bad? Pick related

Again, the way i see it, the only way fast food is bad is if you overconsume it, and that is not inherently the problem of the manufacturer as long as proper info is provided on request. Sure it could be much more healthier, but not being optimally healthy isn't exactly a fitting definition to "being bad for you"

Now things listed here
Are inherently bad for you and there are really no explanation why any product designed for human consumption should have these. Stick arsenic to hamburgers adn it is bad for you, dip it in fat and it's just not good for you, and not being good for you isn't a crime, much like quilty unless proven innocent isn't a proper way to hand out justice. See the difference?

>> No.5746803

>Doesn't understand TNSTAAFL
>Probably has never heard of Friedman
>tells me to learn economics
top lel

>> No.5746807


Its not misrepresentation because it doesnt clog your arteries.

If a food product would directly cause you harm, it should have a consumer warning label.

For example if its hot enough to scald you, it should say so on the package. Not including that label makes you liable for damages.

>> No.5746808

>Why would you assert yourselves in a transaction between two individuals and deprive them both of the freedom of contract? Especially if the person who weighs over 200 pounds is more than capable of paying for his own costs.

Because the fat fuck is hogging up the food supply, raising food prices, and indirectly killing people in poverty by starvation; not to mention partially causing future wars over dwindling resources. The world would be a much better place if we exterminated all the overly obese people in it.

>> No.5746814

So everyone is arguing whether fast food is absolutely bad for you or relatively bad.

Why don't just stick the CVA picture with a message that says: EAT FOODS WITH THIS LABEL MORE THAN ONCE A WEEK AND THIS WILL HAPPEN TO YOU. That way people will get the moderation issue.

>> No.5746817

Human selection is imprecise and prone to catastrophic failure. Natural selection is infallible.

>> No.5746819

>hasn't heard of economies of scale
>doesn't understand the concept of insurance
>thinks he understands economics because he read a robert heinlein book
>is an edgy teenage libertarian
>doesn't even know what being a libertarian means

>> No.5746821

>The dude in "Supersize Me" ate nothing but McDonalds for a month and was in bad sorts after a month.

No, the dude jammed the food down his throat 18 hours a day. Even if he just threw up, he immediately would start to jam more food down his mouth.

That movie is meaningless and only retarded 'merikkkan would buy into that kind of blatant fear tactics.

>> No.5746825

>Its not misrepresentation because it doesnt clog your arteries.

Yes it does, dummy. And that's allowed. Newsflash: some food is unhealthy. It's not the government's job to make sure you keep to a good diet.

>> No.5746827


Because that label isnt true.

>> No.5746828

Spoken like a true collectivist nigger.

It's time to kill everyone that thinks like you.

>> No.5746833


>>everyone who disagrees
>on internet
>still statist
>agorism ftw

This, take it to >>>/pol/

>> No.5746837




>> No.5746839

>They provide a service to me that I desire

But that's the kicker. Why do you desire health insurance? Because otherwise you would face serious financial trouble should you fall ill (unless you are a multi-millionaire). But why is that the case? Why does medicine cost so much? Obviously doctors and nurses are in high demand, and it takes a lot of time, money, and hard work to become a doctor or nurse.

So what incentive does a health insurance company have to pay all of your medical bills? If you get really sick or injured, it's going to cost the insurance company a lot more than what you've paid them to get you back on your feet. So the insurance companies tell the hospital how much procedures should cost. Yeah that exam, $200. A night's stay! Oy vey, $1000!!

They are determined to max out your deductible to squeeze every penny they can from you.

And then if you don't have insurance, well you'll be paying what the insurance companies think you should be paying for those procedures. Seriously, I invite you to call around to hospitals and doctor's offices. Ask how much for an exam or shots without insurance. I guarantee they'll put you on hold to go look it up.

>> No.5746843


/pol/ is not for politics. It's a shit filter for all the other boards.

>> No.5746853

This is exactly why it sucks
If you don't take /pol/ threads to /pol/ then naturally it is filled with shit
Much like /sci/ is filled with homework and /pol/ threads. Because people are lazy/stupid/can't google

>> No.5746854


We are on a board dedicated to science, anon.

The consumption of cheeseburgers does not directly cause the clogging of your arteries.

If you stick to your recommended daily intake, you can eat a cheese burger everyday and not clog your arteries.

>> No.5746857

>doctors and nurses are in high demand
Are they?
Holy shit, big pay and demand. I gotta run away from this shitty country and become a work in the land of the free.

>> No.5746861


>> No.5746863
File: 372 KB, 1024x683, 1278934943678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you

I eat what I want

>> No.5746864

>people still thinking dietary fat intake equals body fat

>> No.5746867

This is true for the average american.

If you're a well educated civilian you don't need the labels, but dumb people does. Please, be more considerate about dumb people.

>> No.5746868

I am hungry, fuck you nigger.

>> No.5746871

Is that a sandwich with chicken both being the filler and the bread?
What do you even call that

>> No.5746873

>If you don't take /pol/ threads to /pol/ then naturally it is filled with shit
>Much like /sci/ is filled with homework and /pol/ threads.
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the truth ...

>> No.5746874
File: 473 KB, 892x603, 1360994734528.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best food ever discovered by man.

>> No.5746877

Get out of here, you fucking hippy

Then educate yourself. Ironic shitposting/ignorance is still shitposting/ignorance.

>> No.5746882

>The consumption of cheeseburgers does not directly cause the clogging of your arteries.

>red meat
>whole fat dairy
>processed bread

all top sources of LDL

>> No.5746883

A dish of fried chicken.

>> No.5746889
File: 216 KB, 600x400, 1361043537625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A double down sandwich.

It's fucking delicious.

>> No.5746891

But muh $600 bottle of le water!

>> No.5746894


No, just basic biology.

>> No.5746896


Nobody said that.

>> No.5746899

biochemistry actually.

>responding to dumb people

>> No.5746904


A healthy lipid intake does not magically cause your arteries to clog.

You can maintain a healthy lipid intake even while consuming foods rich in lipids.

>> No.5746932


It's not about scaring people.

People will get desensitized to pictures of fat or dead guys, that's not much of an obstacle, even less so printing the number of calories.

It will not make a significant difference.

The best solution is to give people the resources to make healthy choices.

That means give people alternatives to unhealthy foods they can afford. This will mean altering subsidies on produce industry.

Secondly, food can be chemically addictive just like tobacco or alcohol or some illicit drugs or medications. There has to be an effort to rid industry, one way or another, of this approach to formulate foods to be addictive.

Really, there's no solution that does not require heavy government intervention.

>> No.5746940

>That means give people alternatives to unhealthy foods they can afford.
The issue isn't the price, it's the time/effort needed to put in to make food. It's well worth the pay off, but that's the only legit excuse you can make anymore.

>> No.5746941

>Secondly, food can be chemically addictive just like tobacco or alcohol or some illicit drugs or medications. There has to be an effort to rid industry, one way or another, of this approach to formulate foods to be addictive.

I can get that done for you right now anon.

Close your eyes. When you next open them, there will be no addictive chemicals in fast food.

>> No.5746947

Yes /thread

>> No.5746960

>ITT: agorists vs statists
>aka politics

>> No.5747002

I think it would be a good idea. With that being said, I'm sure it will go right over the heads of some people (e.g people who are cocky with food because of their metabolism [me]).

>> No.5747011

So just so you know, your metabolism is not "faster" or better than any other normal human being (unless you have thyroidproblems or pryder willis syndrome). You just eat less than you think.

>> No.5747022

Really? It is true that I'm a small eater, but the food I eat is ridiculously unhealthy. Fast food once a week, Chocolate Bavarian once a week, things like that. It all adds up, and yet I'm still skinny.

>> No.5747035

For liponeogenesis and lipolyisis purposes (being fat or skinny) your micronutrient intake almost does not matter. The energy balance equation, energy in -energy out is all that matters in a practical way. Of course, macronutrients have different metabolical pathways but the net amount of weight gained or lost is still completely dependant on your total energy intake. This is basic physics that broscience has destroyed.

source: /fit/izen and /sci/entist poster, also www.bodyrecomposition.com

>> No.5747043

Also there are metabolic syndromes like insulin sensitivity and insulin resistance, which are not present on normal individuals, eveno though they are common, unlike thyroid problems.

>> No.5747055

Well there you go then. Thanks for that!

>> No.5747073

Yes because tax is high enough already paying for the medical treatment of all you fatassholes. Go run a 5k or at least a 7 min mile you pitiful excuse of a human.

>> No.5747079

Obesity is a disease.

The fast food industrial complex lured me in as a child and got me hooked at a young age.

Little did I know at the time that by the time I reached 25 years old, I would be 450Lbs with no job, no gf and living in my parent's basement.

McDonalds and company are responsible for ruining my life.

>> No.5747955

wow, so many people lost touch with there own bodies.
>i eat fast food all the time and i am 150lb
your body sees food as information, the higher quality info it gets the better it can perform. 300M cells replaced every minute and your saying it doesnt matter what you use to build them ?

>> No.5747959

I think we should impose a sense of personal responsibility on people. There seems to be a decline in the amount of personal responsibility in the developed world.

>> No.5747963


Considering cells have biochemical pathways to manufacture anything it needs from whatever it has on hand, yeah it really doesn't matter. Malnutrition is pretty overt and incredibly difficult to have in the first world. Most of our food (even crap food) is enriched by the government specifically so we get our essential nutrients. Even our water is enriched for public health (fluorine, electrolytes, phosphorus).

What are you thinking?

>> No.5747971

i thinking that most people are not well (1 in 2 cancer rate) and food is not sold by nutritional value its usually sold by the kg. which favours higher yielding crops over more nutritious.
> Most of our food (even crap food) is enriched by the government specifically so we get our essential nutrients
if the government had our health in mind we would all be fucking athletes

>> No.5747991

this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84otsNRkbDg

>> No.5748003


>our health in mind we would all be fucking athletes

Yeah, because the FDA isn't a thing. In fact, the FDA is responsible for making people into athletes...

>most people are not well (1 in 2 cancer rate)

A century ago the average life expectancy was 31. Today it's 67. If our lack of nutrition is killing us then why are we living twice as long? You notice a lot of people dying of cancer because they're living long enough to actually get it.

>which favours higher yielding crops over more nutritious

American corn (maize) naturally has no tryptophan in it. Alone, it is incapable of supporting a population's dietary requirements without supplement. Modern corn is genetically altered so that it has tryptophan, as well as a crystal protein to prevent pests from eating it. Increasing crop yield is not synonymous with decreasing nutrition; you can do both at the same time.

>> No.5748016

>Considering cells have biochemical pathways to manufacture anything it needs from whatever it has on hand, yeah it really doesn't matter
go live of cardboard
>Yeah, because the FDA isn't a thing
So that would make the people in the FDA the healthiest on the planet and superior role models for health ?
>You notice a lot of people dying of cancer because they're living long enough to actually get it.
Old age =/= cancer
>American corn (maize) naturally has no tryptophan in it. Alone, it is incapable of supporting a population's dietary requirements without supplement
so you just keep on altering corn till people can live of it ? we have everything we need right now, we need to alter the approach
>A century ago the average life expectancy was 31

>> No.5748038
File: 108 KB, 500x622, 4-hour_body.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this being /sci/ have you experimented on yourself with regards to diet and health ? I changed to a paleo style diet 8 months ago where i basically eat meat and veg three times a day 6 days a week and take 1 day of to eat all the food i have been craving that week, and usually end up feeling rubbish, making a note and never eating those foods again.

>tfw lost 4-5% body fat
>tfw having teenage metabolism again
Pic realted.

>> No.5748039


>go live of cardboard

Even bacteria would need a source of nitrogen compounds to produce amino acids which wouldn't come from cellulose. However, given that we can subsist off of both plants or animals entirely, I think we're actually pretty versatile.


That's exactly my point. The FDA isn't trying to make the healthiest people on the planet, it's trying to keep us from being UNhealthy. It's a different thing.


0.000029% suffer from childhood cancer. How is that even remotely an environmental effect? 2-3% suffer from mental retardation.


The genetic alterations were performed by Native Americans through selective breeding (not the crystal protein, that was science) so that it could support a populations nutritional requirements. We don't have everything we need right now because feeding 6 billion people takes a lot of food. It isn't only about money you know.

>> No.5748047

>That's exactly my point. The FDA isn't trying to make the healthiest people on the planet, it's trying to keep us from being UNhealthy. It's a different thing.

The difference between living of pills and supplements and living of whole foods. Which is why i said we need to alter the aproach and study healthy people to be healthy. fuck man its not hard to see the quality of materials used to build something has an effect on that something as a whole.

I dont really know what you were getting at with the childhood cancer thing but wouldnt the diet of the mother have a lot to do with it(enviornment be the womb) most mothers see pregnancy as a time to let loose and eat what ever. and in some cases ending up building an inferior product

>> No.5748054


>study healthy people to be healthy

We did that. We found the chemicals that healthy people require and put them into pill or supplement form. There are no quality of materials when you're talking about molecules. A molecule is a molecule is a molecule. Learn a little bit about biochemistry.

>> No.5748058

iam ausfag by the way isnt FDA that company with the revolving door to monsanto ? >>5748054
>Learn a little bit about biochemistry.
Why? i dont need to know how a car works to drive it. id trust millions of years of life driven evolution over hundreds of years of money driven science.

>> No.5748075

I am out anon, goodluck trying not to be unhealthy

>> No.5748117


I'll smoke a cigarette for you anon.


The FDA is an agency in the US executive department, it's not a company. They've got pretty stringent protocols on what they evaluate so if it's FDA approved, I'm pretty sure it's healthy. Or at least, isn't poisonous...

But you're not trying to drive a car, you're trying to tune it up so it runs like a formula 1 and you keep claiming that the color of the paint job makes a difference (because red cars go faster...)

>> No.5748166

>Why? i dont need to know how a car works to drive it. id trust millions of years of life driven evolution over hundreds of years of money driven science.

Your analogy makes this unclear so I'll ask directly : Are you proposing a naturalistic fallacy? Cause that's what it looks like.

>> No.5748228

Yeah, its a pretty good idea. I doubt it would work with most people though, similar to those on cigarette packets.
I mean if you're already as fat as the person protrayed on your Big Mac, then it isn't going to bother you. God forbid if you're fatter, it would give the impression that eating fast food would help you lose weight...

>> No.5748257

I don't know any obese people, because I don't make friends with stupid people. Not my problem. Not my responsibility.

>> No.5748262

>They've got pretty stringent protocols on what they evaluate so if it's FDA approved, I'm pretty sure it's healthy. Or at least, isn't poisonous...

You'd be surprised. A number of drugs have gotten FDA approval for use, only to be found years later to be dangerous or simply useless.

>> No.5748271

>can extract nicotine from cigarettes
>can synthesize reversible MAO-A inhibotors and irreversible MAO-B inhibitors
>not one company in the entire world is allowed to put these together and let me buy them
Yeah, it's smokers who have the health problem, not the government having a science problem.

>> No.5748280

Of course. Both tobbacco and fast food are deterimental to public health. If nothing else, for consistency sake, put warnings on both, or on neither.

>> No.5748311

Why limit it to fast food and cigarettes?

How about warning labels on alcohol? What about warning labels on beds indicating that a sedentary lifestyle is just as dangerous as any of the above? How about warning labels on cars indicating that they are hazardous in their release of greenhouse gases and are toxic for the planet? Let's put the sedentary warnings on video games, facebook, 4chan, and all computers? Let's not forget the warning labels on cell phones (and most of the above) that they are all rather addictive.

Let's take it one step further, put warning labels on all food in the supermarkets. Bread is full of white flour, for example, and that can lead to diabetes. Red meat is full of fat, and can make you fat. Cereals are over-sugared and can lead to diabetes.

Yeah, let's waste our time putting warning labels on crap instead of, you know, educating motherfuckers about the ills of society...

>> No.5748315

Also, what does this have to do with science? Isn't this a philosophical question, or a political one, at best?

>> No.5748325


well that's too fucking bad for those people, at least their shitty willpower genes won't sneak into a proper gene pool as easily.

>> No.5749689

fine, but why do my tax dollars pay for your fatass getting more food because your too fat to work? also why should I pay for your medical bills when you are forced to get bypasses and whatnot, at least smokers have the decency to die.

>> No.5749704

If you want a science website go look elsewhere. You already know the amount of shitposting and off topic threads in 4chan, why are you still participating in these threads if you hate them so much?

>> No.5749749

I would assume so. They tell you it's bad every year in P.E.

>> No.5749755

>and you keep claiming that the color of the paint job makes a difference (because red cars go faster...)

No i claimed the windscreen wipers did(hurr durr)... and was definitely not talking about quality of fuel. harder to relate seeing as tho the fuel doesnt rebuild the car.

>naturalistic fallacy

no. self experimentation to prove not just be told what works. so that you can enjoy fucking junk food if you want to, but also understand that good whole foods are important to build a strong bowdeh!