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5744005 No.5744005 [Reply] [Original]

Einstein said that, Time & Space cannot exists without one another. Big bang says, time didn't exist before the big bang. So the Primordial ball referred in the Big Bang theory didn't had any space inside it ??

If primordial ball had space in it, then where did the time go ??

Is this a flaw in big bang theory ??

Or Am I missing something ??


>> No.5744011

If there was a primordial singularity it had no spatial dimensions either. The big bang does not require a primordial singularity.

>> No.5744884


The BBT says that all energy was condensed into one place, to the point of near if not infinite density, thus no space, thus if everything is in one place, then according to what you say, there is also no time. And the BANG part, since there is no time, could happen spontaneously at any given "moment", so it does agree with the hypothesis that the Bang happened at "random".

>> No.5746604

youre a fucking idiot

>> No.5746624

infantile cartoon

>> No.5746629
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>The BBT says
This guy?

>> No.5746643

>infantile cartoon
Giant fag.
Now, who else wants to play to state obvious things?

Seriously, this is not a formal paper. The question is serious and the topic interesting, chill the fuck out.

>> No.5746650

Space and time are products of the Big Bang. Neither existed before it. Questions like "When?" and "Where?" are nonsense.

>> No.5746666
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It doesn't even make sense to say "before the Big Bang," in the same way that it doesn't make sense to talk about what's north of the North Pole.

Actually, the North Pole analogy is a good one. What is the horizontal diameter of the Earth at the North Pole (assuming north is up)? It's 0, right? But that spot still exists, and the diameter gets bigger as you go south. Same way that space-time gets bigger as you get farther from the Big Bang.

>> No.5746679

>primordial ball


>> No.5746690


>where did the time go ??

It didnt exist.

Time as we perceive it "began" with the big bang.

Thats more or less the jist of "A Brief History of Time" by Stephen Hawking.

>> No.5746733

no otaku gf with whom you drink beer watching harems and then watch a hentai and then haveironic sex that includes imitation of anime faces and acts? sad...

>> No.5746799
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>tfw infantile cartoon deleted

>> No.5746805

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