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5741326 No.5741326 [Reply] [Original]

I dont know where to put this question, but i suppose this would be the correct place.

Would you consider psychology as a science?

>> No.5741339

>Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors.
This should be the end of the thread but I'm sure it isn't, because /sci/ always has a bunch of ass-hats that know better than an encyclopedia.

>> No.5741340

a social science, but /sci/ tends to think that social science isn't really science.

>> No.5741342

I wouldn't call it a science by itself, it's a part ob biology and after that a part of medicine.

>> No.5741346
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>implying anyone could justifiably say it isn't

>> No.5741348

It follows the scientific method. It's more of a science than economics.

>> No.5741350

>science by itself, it's a part ob biology
>implying biology isn't part of chemistry
>implying chemistry isn't part of physics
>implying physics isn't maths

hurr durr science is maths

>> No.5741352
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I thought wikipedia was full of shit, because i was reading the spanish version, and it says that psychology is a science, so i thought, is this real life?

But the english version, is more assertive.

>> No.5741357

Neurology/neuroscience is the psychology of the future

>> No.5741364

psychology : neuroscience :: computer programming : electrical engineering

That's like saying that electrical engineering is the computer programming of the future. It doesn't make any sense. Maybe an amalgamation of the two will eventually take over, but I seriously doubt that either will be replaced or annulled.

>> No.5741369

Just on the off chance that you might not be a troll (the topic is introduced daily now) here is some information.
The American Psychological Association contains 54 divisions.
APA divisions (http://www.apa.org/about/division/index.aspx))
Division 1 – General Psychology
Division 2 – Teaching of Psychology
Division 3 – Experimental Psychology
Division 4 – (vacant) More info
Division 5 – Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics
Division 6 – Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology
Division 7 – Developmental Psychology
Division 8 – Personality and Social Psychology
Division 9 – Psychological Study of Social Issues
Division 10 – Psychology and the Arts
Division 11 – (vacant) More info
Division 12 – Clinical Psychology
Division 13 – Consulting Psychology
Division 14 – Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Division 15 – Educational Psychology
Division 16 – School Psychology
Division 17 – Counseling Psychology
Division 18 – Psychologists in Public Service
Division 19 – Military Psychology
Division 20 – Adult Development and Aging
Division 21 – Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology
Division 22 – Rehabilitation Psychology
Division 23 – Consumer Psychology
Division 24 – Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Division 25 – Behavior Analysis
Division 26 – History of Psychology
Division 27 – Community Psychology
Division 28 – Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse
Division 29 – Psychotherapy
Division 30 – Psychological Hypnosis
Division 31 – State, Provincial, and Territorial Psychological Association Affairs
Division 32 – Humanistic Psychology
Division 33 – Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities
Division 34 – Population and Environmental Psychology
Division 35 – Psychology of Women
Division 36 – Psychology of Religion
Division 38 – Health Psychology
Division 39 – Psychoanalysis

>> No.5741372

Division 40 – Clinical Neuropsychology
Division 41 – Psychology-Law
Division 42 – Psychologists in Independent Practice
Division 43 – Family Psychology
Division 44 – Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Issues
Division 45 – Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues
Division 46 – Media Psychology
Division 47 – Exercise and Sports Psychology
Division 48 – Peace Psychology
Division 49 – Group Psychology and Group Psychotherapy
Division 50 – Addictions
Division 51 – Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity
Division 52 – International Psychology
Division 53 – Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Division 54 – Pediatric Psychology
Division 55 – Pharmacotherapy
Division 56 - Trauma Psychology

Future Divisions
• Society for Technology and Psychology
• Entertainment Psychology
• Division of Financial Psychology
• Implementation Science in Psychology

>> No.5741373

Not really, some branches of psychology follow the scientific method, but others dont, and sometimes they even disprove themselves, because they lack a core theory proved, is like saying that we have.


Physics cant into science, because it lacks core theorie, like saying that there is not force of gravity.

Mechanical, does prove some valid points, but cant unify his proven theory with physics, because there is a lack of theory proven core in physics,

So basically, that some branches have some scientific studies proven, doesnt make the whole psychology a science.

>> No.5741377


What does this mean?

>> No.5741382

Those are the divisions or branches of psychology. When people discuss something they should have some idea of what it is they are discussing. Many people incorrectly assume that psychology only involves a couch and Freudian knowledge. This list clearly indicates otherwise.


>> No.5741389

Sure, i know there are a lot of branches of psychology, i dont know them all, but i know the most important ones, and wether is a science of not, is what i want to know.

Wha does people think?, do they think that psychology is science?, if they think this, why do they think we should consider psychology as a science following the rules to call it a science.

>> No.5741406

This line of questioning makes no sense. Psychology is a science regardless of what some people may think. People can think that you are a troll but, that may or may not be true.

>> No.5741416
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>psychology of women

seriously? seeing that most samples in psychological studies contain only women, "psychology of men" would be branch with much more of a justification.

>> No.5741431

Division 51 – Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity

>> No.5741446
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Division 39 – Psychoanalysis

>> No.5741494


>> No.5741500
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>> No.5741513
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What does that have to do with the field of psychology?

>> No.5741723

As computers get better and more intelligent (leading up to and past the singularity), odds are that computer science and neuroscience will merge into one beautiful science. I don't know where that would leave psychology, but it's definitely a bright future of consolidation of fields of science. :?

>> No.5741744

computational neuroscience exists

>> No.5743390

Psychology is in the middle of it all and has been since at least the 1950's. http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rit/geo/Miller.pdf

>> No.5743441

and from the history to the present and future



>> No.5744200


>> No.5744258

Psychology is a joke. It doesn't prove any of its points, ergo it is scientifically incorrect. Studying it is as worthwhile as studying theoritical physics, philosophy and linguistics.

>> No.5744268

In addition to the use of psychological experiments to gain basic knowledge about behavior and cognition, psychological researchers routinely use sophisticated mathematics, from statistical analyses to behavioral genetics modeling, computer simulations of complex phenomena, and predictive mathematical models (Anderson, Anderson, Ferris, Fincham, & Jung, 2009; Brainerd, Reyna, & Howe, 2009; Busemeyer & Diederich, 2002; Dilkina, McClelland, & Plaut, 2008; Kahneman, 2003). Psychological modeling requires an understanding of mathematics, technology, and scientific facts. Within social psychology, new techniques can disentangle how the behaviors of one person influences others in a group, how the group affects each individual, and how unique forces that develop through interaction over time shape the actions and coordination of each person in a group (Kashy & Kenny, 2000). Psychology, combined with statistics and quantitative modeling, also contributes directly to applied mathematics. For example, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was introduced by Karl Joreskog (1971) in a psychology journal and is now widely used in engineering, sociology, and economics.

>> No.5744278

I think there is more science in psychology than in economics, for example, although psychology does have similar problems with predictibility of complex phenomena.

Psychology's predictive power is rather limited to those patterns in behaviour that are already stable (because of their physical constraints, such as sexual dimorphism, or because of making measurements in a controlled, homogenised environment).

>> No.5744283

Psychology is the basic science of behavior. Psychology uses the scientific method to conduct both laboratory and field experiments in order to test hypotheses that lead to creation of unique knowledge about human behavior. Psychological science has used state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation since its inception. The discipline currently employs diverse methodologies, such as fMRI, electromyographs, robots, virtual reality, psychophysical techniques, animal modeling, and behavioral analysis, to achieve empirical and theoretical advances. Psychology thus offers unique scientific insights into a range of phenomena:

>> No.5744286

Utilizing science doesn't make it less pseudoscience at all. All your points untill now, assuming you are the one who posted the 50+ fields of science are either vague or pointless, and the sources, albeit legitimate, aren't proving anything in particular. This is a science&math board, you don't belong here.

>> No.5744290


>> No.5744308

Wow, I have always wanted to meet someone that was smarter than the staff of Johns Hopkins University. Judging from this job announcement, they think psychology is a science:

Interventional Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty Positions
The Department of Neurology of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is seeking to fill 1 to 3 faculty positions in the Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology Group. Appropriate candidates should have a Ph.D. or an M.D./Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, or a comparable empirical discipline

>> No.5744309

Adding to that;
Science's goal is to create reasonable explanations (theories) to describe reality – theories that rely, not on feelings or passions, but on evidence. Psychology relies on feelings alone. It only belongs in science when it uses proven evidence provided by neuroscience.

>> No.5744318

Oh, gosh...and you know more than the VA about what a science is according to this job announcement
Clinical Psychologist/Researcher
Salary: $ 96,867.00 - 125,926.00
Employer: National Center for PTSD, Dissemination & Training Division, Department of Veterans Affairs
Discipline: Academic / Research

>> No.5744324

Those are the 54 divisions of PSYCHOLOGY and you recognized them as SCIENCE!

>> No.5744341

Neuroscience and neuropsychology don't equal psychology. You are clearly missing the point, that very arguement of yours supports my opinion.

>> No.5744347

You should read this. . http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~rit/geo/Miller.pdf

>> No.5744352

Here is an excerpt:

The birth of cognitive science
By 1960 it was clear that something interdisciplinary was
happening. At Harvard we called it cognitive studies, at
Carnegie-Mellon they called in information-processing
psychology, and at La Jolla they called it cognitive science.
What you called it didn’t really matter until 1976, when
the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation became interested.
The Sloan Foundation had just completed a highly
successful program of support for a new field called
‘neuroscience’ and two vice-presidents of the Foundation,
Steve White and Al Singer, were thinking that the next
step would be to bridge the gap between brain and mind.
They needed some way to refer to this next step and they
selected ‘cognitive science.’ They created a Sloan Special
Program in Cognitive Science in order to explore the

>> No.5744355

after you have read that section, look again at the ad from John Hopkins (pasted below) they seem to agree that the terms are virtually interchangable

Interventional Cognitive Neuroscience Faculty Positions
The Department of Neurology of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is seeking to fill 1 to 3 faculty positions in the Cognitive Neurology/Neuropsychology Group. Appropriate candidates should have a Ph.D. or an M.D./Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience, or a comparable empirical discipline

>> No.5744357

And by the way, a different point of view on a particular subject doesn't make you smarter or dumber than the debating person. It just makes you a person with a different opinion. That's as far as your first sentence is concerned. The rest are undoubtedly correct.

>> No.5744362

Ok, you want to say that you disagree with the collected wisdom of John Hopkins but, you still want to think you are smart. You can do that. Nothing stopping you.

>> No.5744369

Well by definition it is a science, but that doesn't mean I have a respect for the current scientific community in the field.

Current major topics are:

Untested(but not untrue) - evolutionary psychology
Clusterfuck of conflicting opinions - intelligence testing
Completely irrelevant in every way - personality typing

Though I suppose every scientific field has its problems to work out, the current academic community doesn't seem that serious to me.

It might have something to do with the fact that psychology is one of the most popular majors in the world (probably because it's one of the easiest)

>> No.5744377

Thanks for the CtrlC/CtrlV.

How does that address my point on predictive power?

>> No.5744380

Yes and no.
Behaviorism, cognitive science, psych and neuroscience, and MOST clinical psych is.

But there's a lot of bullshit. Psychodynamic, Jungian, Adlerian, neo-Freudian shit that permeates within degree mills. Most of these ideas are essentially "applied postmodernism".

Otherwise known as: steaming piles of horse shit.

"Anyone who wants to know the human psyche will learn next to nothing from experimental psychology. He would be better advised to abandon exact science, put away his scholar's gown, bid farewell to his study, and wander with human heart through the world. There, in the horrors of prisons, lunatic asylums and hospitals, in drab suburban pubs, in brothels and gambling-hells, in the salons of the elegant, the Stock Exchanges, socialist meetings, churches, revivalist gatherings and ecstatic sects, through love and hate, through the experience of passion in every form in his own body, he would reap richer stores of knowledge than text-books a foot thick could give him, and he will know how to doctor the sick with a real knowledge of the human soul."

Yup, that's Carl Jung.
This quote should make any good scientist vomit a little in his/her mouth.

>> No.5744387

Carl Jung died 51 years ago.

Empirical Studies in Psychoanalysis

>> No.5744392

Which branch do you think is easy? Have you taken the 715 level of statistics?

>> No.5744400

I don't know what the 715 level is, but I have taken a graduate level statistics class.

Most psychology curriculums don't include advanced statistics at the undergrad level, so I'm not sure I see your point

>> No.5744406

I am not discussing undergrad, I am discussing the Ph.D. level of science.

>> No.5744409

Psychology does not license at the bachelors level

>> No.5744424


In my post I was referring to undergraduate majors being easy. It is currently the fourth most popular undergrad major in the U.S.

And to be fair, I'm sure there are many hard working psychologists who learn about scientific and numerical methods. I didn't claim otherwise.

>> No.5744429

Ok, thank you. I am a Ph.D. student. I don't really relate to undergrad. My world is neuropsych and I use SPSS daily. It is upsetting when someone says that what is done at this level is not science because it most assuredly is. Fluffs do not make it to this level. And a person with a BS or MS is NEVER a Psychologist. They may be a psych associate or something but, not psychologist.

>> No.5744431

I invite you to actually read through the citations, particularly the meta-analyses.

You really *should* be unimpressed.

>> No.5744435

tripfag? you are right, I am unimpressed

>> No.5744445


It follows the scientific method nowadays, but at its start it did not. They are, by definition, doing science; the field is ostensibly inconclusive and poorly controlled however.

Perhaps in another 100 years it will show some improvement.

Not to be reductionist, but neuroscience is far more important and has actually given us usable information.

>> No.5744449

Before you criticize me for having a trip- which I admit is irrelevant presently, and I should remove it- you should actually review the study methodology of the "empirical" evidence you presented.

>> No.5744452

>implying that neuroscience, neuropsychology, neurology, and cognitive neuroscience are not often interchangeable, this means that he knows more that the staff of John Hopkins Department of Neurology
see above

>> No.5744453

I have the same objections to psychology and societal sciences that Feynman had with respect to political science.

Yes, you need only adhere to the scientific method but you must also be knowledgeable of the uncertainty in your measurements. The weaker sciences lack the ability to do this well.

Archaeology and linguistics are examples of good societal sciences. They aren't all bad.

>> No.5744456

I am not going to defend one branch of a 54 branch field of science to you especially when it isn't my branch

>> No.5744462


Who cares? We're asking if psychology is rigorous enough to be considered a strong science; one who's experiments are easily reproducible.

Things like the Stanford prison experiment are not strongly reproducible; and psychologists seldom have a good notion of where the uncertainty in their measurements are coming from.

>> No.5744459

This makes no sense. see above

>> No.5744464

Psychology is the basic science of behavior. Psychology uses the scientific method to conduct both laboratory and field experiments in order to test hypotheses that lead to creation of unique knowledge about human behavior. Psychological science has used state-of-the-art scientific instrumentation since its inception. The discipline currently employs diverse methodologies, such as fMRI, electromyographs, robots, virtual reality, psychophysical techniques, animal modeling, and behavioral analysis, to achieve empirical and theoretical advances. Psychology thus offers unique scientific insights into a range of phenomena:

>> No.5744467


Good to see you're working hard, still, that doesn't matter.

Psychology makes poor and often unfalsifiable predictions. Some of its subsets are better than others.

>> No.5744468

I say no just because i know it will piss some people off, analyze me.

>> No.5744469

>54 branch field of science
You say this like it actually matters.

Look, I'm no enemy to psychology or psychologists in general. A great deal of them work under the strict rigors of science.

The problem is that some schools of thought are only around because they are golden cows. That's it. Psychoanalysis sort of edges the curb with regards to it and everyone should regard the study with a HEALTHY skepticism.

The idea behind it being "empirically" justifiable is also a little silly because the outcomes are often glorified surveys or self-reports. These aren't useless, but they are appropriately regarded as the weakest form of evidence for good reason.

I do appreciate psychologists and think that there is plenty of evidence to suggest that inpatient and clinical psychologists serve a valuable role in the healthcare setting.

>> No.5744471

Go see a professional clinical psychologist

>> No.5744473

Those are the divisions or branches of psychology. When people discuss something they should have some idea of what it is they are discussing. Many people incorrectly assume that psychology only involves a couch and Freudian knowledge. This list clearly indicates otherwise. Although I am not in the psychodynamic field I do know many of them and have a healthy respect for what they do.

>> No.5744474

>psychoanalysis compared to modern psychology
It's like reminded neuroscientists they used to measure head bumps.

>> No.5744475


My feelings exactly.

Look, psychology guys, we're not looking down on you at all. We're not saying it isn't an important science to be developed.

We're just saying that psychologists have a lot to overcome to legitimize the field better.

>> No.5744477

not OP, but actually ive meet a grad student in linguistics and he blew me away. he was reconstructing proto languages from modern dialects and was using some pretty rigors maths from informational entropy. When you get past the bullshit social constructionist stuff its rather beautiful, especially the algorithms use in quantitative homology. but, yes, there are bullshiters.

>> No.5744478

..and I don't mean this in a mean way, there are different branches of psychology and for testing you want a clinical psychologist unless you had a TBI or memory loss and then you want a clinical neuropsychologist.

>> No.5744479
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No it doesnt, some part of psychology use the scientific method, but psychology per se is not a science.
Because the fact that some branches rely in scientific evidence, doesnt mean that all psychology does this.
And if psychology allows some branches to be non-scientific, then it makes psychology pseudoscience.
Because osmosis doesnt work here, not because.
biopsychology is scientific, then it meas that social psychology and clinica psychology are scientific.
psychology lacks a core theory proven scientific by the use of empirical evidence, hence is not a science.

If you go for physics you see physics has a core, and if you go and work in mechanics,materials,polymer,etc.

You will find, that they always go back to physics and they are proven by evidence and by unifiyng theory of physics.

But psychology even contradict itself, some branches show that other branches dont work or fail, and you cant connect all of them, that is not science, at least for me, it doesnt fall there.

And that is just talking about core scientific theory, if we talk about empiric evidence, that most psychology fail, we would talk all day.

Also a man can never be objective with another man, that cannont happen, hence psychology will never be objective, it could reach a high grade, but science is about being as objective as it can.

And finishing with this, psychology is not considered a science by anyone who have a brain, even important psychologys know that is not a science.

If you go to a doctor and he fails in some treatment, the doctor get sued.

If you are an engineer and build a brige, and this fails, you get into problems for not using science correctly, and if is a problem, well as theories in science are falsifiables, then it gets modified to the point of fixing it.

If you are a psychologist, and fail with a person, you get no problems, because it is known that the psychologist doesnt charge with the responsability, you charge with the resposability.

>> No.5744480


I very much like the linguists. The physics folk seem to rub together well with the linguistics folk.

>> No.5744485

In addition to the use of psychological experiments to gain basic knowledge about behavior and cognition, psychological researchers routinely use sophisticated mathematics, from statistical analyses to behavioral genetics modeling, computer simulations of complex phenomena, and predictive mathematical models (Anderson, Anderson, Ferris, Fincham, & Jung, 2009; Brainerd, Reyna, & Howe, 2009; Busemeyer & Diederich, 2002; Dilkina, McClelland, & Plaut, 2008; Kahneman, 2003). Psychological modeling requires an understanding of mathematics, technology, and scientific facts. Within social psychology, new techniques can disentangle how the behaviors of one person influences others in a group, how the group affects each individual, and how unique forces that develop through interaction over time shape the actions and coordination of each person in a group (Kashy & Kenny, 2000). Psychology, combined with statistics and quantitative modeling, also contributes directly to applied mathematics. For example, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was introduced by Karl Joreskog (1971) in a psychology journal and is now widely used in engineering, sociology, and economics.

>> No.5744486
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>> No.5744491

I'm actually fine, but thanks anyway.

>> No.5744493

>You will find, that they always go back to physics and they are proven by evidence and by unifiyng theory of physics.

... You don't prove things in ANY science. Physics doesn't have proofs; it has theory and experiments done under the knowledge of uncertainties.

The core of physics changes often. For instance, we know classical kinematics is a special case of SR. We know that classical mechanics is a special case of quantum mechanics.

In physics, we don't have a core thing that everything branches out from and who knows if we ever will.

>> No.5744496

ok, sorry

>> No.5744501

Right, the job of science is to disprove things....and considering that the task of psychology is to examine the most complex organism, we have much disproving to do.

>> No.5744503

Would "Financial Psychology" be similar to Behavioral Economics?

>> No.5744504

We have four forces, does the mechanical engineering,indutrial engineering,etc say that gravity works different?

Because some of the branches of psychology do this, they contradict itself, and so, if psychology want to reach the science point, it needs to leave this branches out, because, is like physics accepting astrology as a branch, hence physics is not a science.

>> No.5744510

Is this proved as empirical evidence?
Show me that, i want to see that they prove that core theory by using the scientific method, and that is falsifiable theory, that rely in the evindence.

>> No.5744513


We don't know that we have only four forces. We think so, but we don't know.

Yes, mechanical engineers do say gravity works differently. They use Newtonian gravity, physicists have cause to use general relativity.

I agree psychology is self-contradictory, but physics doesn't prove things. No science proves things.

Proof is an element of mathematics.

>> No.5744516

Explain how it's pseudoscience when it uses statistical analysis and controlled tests to reach its conclusions.

>> No.5744518

Ok, that is a proposed branch. It will be a new division. At that time they will have a branch website and you can check it out.

>> No.5744519



Science deals with models and evidence.
Mathematics deals with propositions and proofs.

>> No.5744523

Personality typing? I thought mainstream psychology abandoned that years ago.

>> No.5744525

See, you are agreeing with me.
We dont know that we have only four forces, that is a falsifiable theory.
Think that psychology lacks, psychology invent theories, that doesnt get experimented with empirical evidence, and they just use this until other person say the contry, and even then some people keep using the false theory.

>> No.5744535

Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics is concerned with promoting high standards in both research and practical application of program evaluation, measurement, statistics, assessment and qualitative methods. Division members can also opt for membership in three different sections: assessment; qualitative methods; and evaluation, measurement and statistics.

>> No.5744537

Is just traduction mistake.

Yeah, there is not proof in science, they deal with models and evidence.

Show me the evidence of the core theory of psychology.

>> No.5744545

Do you think we are studying a unicellular organism?
Division 6: Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology members are devoted to studying the biology of behavior. Their focus is on behavior and its relation to perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, and emotion. Behavioral neuroscientists study the brain in relation to behavior, its evolution, functions, abnormalities, and repair, as well as its interactions with the immune system, cardiovascular system, and energy regulation systems. Comparative psychologists study the behavior of humans and other animals, with a special eye on similarities and differences that may shed light on evolutionary and developmental processes.

>> No.5744548

What is this?

>> No.5744551

You don't know? It is one of the 54 branches of psychology.

>> No.5744555

Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology promotes the development and application of psychological principles, knowledge, and research to improve technology, consumer products, energy systems, communication and information, transportation, decision making, work settings and living environments. The goal is safer, more effective, and more reliable systems through an improved understanding of the user's requirements. The division hosts a mid-year symposium, typically in the Washington, D.C. area in March. The division offers a mentorship program for students and new professionals (whether in academia, government, or industry positions). The division recognizes career contributions through the George E. Briggs Dissertation Award, the Earl A. Alluisi Award for Early Career Contributions, and the Franklin C. Taylor Award for Outstanding Career contributions to the field. Members receive the Division 21 Newsletter, the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, and membership on an email list and website that hosts discussions and job information.

>> No.5744554


Yeah, I do agree with you.

There are some good experiments that have been done in psychology though, they are just few and far between and the ones that are the least conclusive (like the Stanford prison shit) are the ones that get the ink for some reason.

It is a poor science, and as I said in >>5744467
it often has falsifiability issues.

>> No.5744561

At some point, you will realize that none of these sciences exist in isolation. If you mapped out the entire field of science, you would find psychology smack in the middle.

>> No.5744568

Division 40: Society for Clinical Neuropsychology provides a scientific and professional forum for individuals interested in the study of the relationships between the brain and human behavior. As such, Division 40 promotes interdisciplinary interaction among various interest areas including physiological cognitive, developmental, clinical rehabilitation, school, forensic and health psychology. The exchange of ideas in facilitated by the Division's encouragement of scientific research, education and practice. Members receive (twice a year) the Society for Clinical Neuropsychology, Newsletter 40, in which pertinent divisional issues and information are published. In addition, the Division presents student awards for distinguished scientific research at the APA annual convention.

>> No.5744564

You fail to understand me, i said that there are branches that are scientifical, but that doesnt make psychology science.

Lets say there are 55 branches of psychology, and 1 of them, is not scientifical, this makes the psychology fail, and is not a science anymore, until this branch deal completely with evidence, or psychology stop considering this as a branch.

Would you believe physics as science, if one of his branches would be astrology?

Why do you compare Neuroscience with psychology?

I have know a lot of neuroscience that when they hear someone asking them about the "mind", they just say "no.jpg", is brain, not mind.

>> No.5744570


Chemistry is the central science. It is the most interdisciplinary of the sciences.

>> No.5744571

Division 6: Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology members are devoted to studying the biology of behavior. Their focus is on behavior and its relation to perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, and emotion. Behavioral neuroscientists study the brain in relation to behavior, its evolution, functions, abnormalities, and repair, as well as its interactions with the immune system, cardiovascular system, and energy regulation systems. Comparative psychologists study the behavior of humans and other animals, with a special eye on similarities and differences that may shed light on evolutionary and developmental processes.

>> No.5744575


Division 28: The Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse promotes teaching, research, and dissemination of information regarding the effects of drugs on behavior.

The Division was formed in 1967 to provide a home within APA for psychologists interested in the behavioral effects of psychoactive or central nervous system medicine, drugs and chemicals. Our research often combines the methods of psychology and pharmacology to study the interaction of behavior, drugs, and other environmental factors in animals and humans. It is conducted in laboratory, clinical, and community settings.

The Division addresses issues related to animal research, neurobehavioral toxicology, psychopharmacology training programs, development of new treatments for drug addiction, and public policy related to medication regulation and substance abuse.

>> No.5744579

Division 55: American Society for the Advancement of Pharmacotherapy (ASAP) was created to enhance psychological treatments combined with psychopharmacological medications. It promotes the public interest by working for the establishment of high quality statutory and regulatory standards for psychological care. The Division encourages the collaborative practice of psychological and pharmacological treatments with other health professions. It seeks funding for training in psychopharmacology and pharmacotherapy from private and public sources, e.g., federal Graduate Medical Education programs. It facilitates increased access to improved mental health services in federal and state demonstration projects using psychologists trained in psychopharmacology.

>> No.5744601


WTF are you trying to show anyways?

Do you know how many specialized fields of physics there are? It's fucking ridiculous. It's hard to even put a number on.

>> No.5744604

When people discuss something they should have some idea of what it is they are discussing. Many people incorrectly assume that psychology only involves a couch and Freudian knowledge. That is incorrect.

Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors.

>> No.5744608
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Leave him, he is just like a religios man.

Just saying a lot of shit, without backing up what he says, he just think, that because 10-12 of the 55 branches of psychology are scientific, then all psychology is science.

Also people like him, always say is a science, because it works with neuroscience or pharmacology, but they fail to understand that working with science, doesnt mean they are a science itself.

astrology works with astrophysics or astronomy sometimes, but that doesnt make it a science.

>> No.5744610


Nobody is denying that. The science is ineffective.

Nobody is saying psychology is just Freud and sitting on a couch.

We are aware of what arXiv is.

>> No.5744619

There are two dangers in declaring psychology to NOT be a science.

1. It abandons the scientific method in studying human behavior.
2. It suggests human behavior is unworthy of being studied.

>> No.5744621
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You damn right, is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study.


We are here discusing, whether is considered or not a science, and is what im trying to say.

Im not saying psychology is shit, and it doesnt serve his purpose.

I study psychology as an interest, not because is my carreer but i like social psychology and academic psychology, but psychology is not a science, and people keep thinking that.

>> No.5744626

Psychologists can prescribe medication in two states and in Guam. Two more states are in the process of passing legislation to allow psychologists to prescribe.

>> No.5744628
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Psychological modeling requires an understanding of mathematics, technology, and scientific facts. Within social psychology, new techniques can disentangle how the behaviors of one person influences others in a group, how the group affects each individual, and how unique forces that develop through interaction over time shape the actions and coordination of each person in a group

>> No.5744629
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There are two dangers in declaring religion to be false.

1. People cant go into heave
2. People cant behave with morality because there is not god that will punish them for being mean.

>> No.5744633

What does that have to do with my statement?

>> No.5744634
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no one from that division here

>> No.5744635

>There are two dangers in declaring psychology to NOT be a science.
>1. It abandons the scientific method in studying human behavior.
>2. It suggests human behavior is unworthy of being studied.

You understand there is a difference between saying:
A) Currently, psychology is not scientific,
B) Human behavior cannot and will never be studied scientifically,


>> No.5744637
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Psychologist medicating doesnt mean they are a science, thats a poor argument.

Also, do you know that if a psychologist fuck you up, he is not responsible, for that, and you charge with the fault?
If a medic fuck you up, he gets sued.
If a engineer fuck up a plane, he get into problems.
If a psychologist fuck you up, he aint got nothing to worry about.

Why is that?, because if psychology would be a science, it could realy totally in his theories, making someone who fail in this field being responsible.

>> No.5744640

Yes, A & B are BOTH false

Division 5: Evaluation, Measurement and Statistics is concerned with promoting high standards in both research and practical application of program evaluation, measurement, statistics, assessment and qualitative methods. Division members can also opt for membership in three different sections: assessment; qualitative methods; and evaluation, measurement and statistics.

>> No.5744644


Division 28: The Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse promotes teaching, research, and dissemination of information regarding the effects of drugs on behavior.

The Division was formed in 1967 to provide a home within APA for psychologists interested in the behavioral effects of psychoactive or central nervous system medicine, drugs and chemicals. Our research often combines the methods of psychology and pharmacology to study the interaction of behavior, drugs, and other environmental factors in animals and humans. It is conducted in laboratory, clinical, and community settings.

The Division addresses issues related to animal research, neurobehavioral toxicology, psychopharmacology training programs, development of new treatments for drug addiction, and public policy related to medication regulation and substance abuse.

>> No.5744647

Division 25: Behavior Analysis promotes basic research, both animal and human, in the experimental analysis of behavior; it encourages the application of the results of such research to human affairs, and cooperates with other disciplines whose interests overlap with those of the Division.

>> No.5744662
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We were joking right?

There are two dangers in declaring psychology to NOT be a science.

1. It abandons the scientific method in studying human behavior.
2. It suggests human behavior is unworthy of being studied.

1.Psychology study human behavior, but that doenst mean there are not other science that do this in a more scientific way, neurology or neuroscience is doing this, and if there is not a field or discipline that study human behavior, doenst mean in the future there is not going to be one.

2.Not, it doesnt, it just say that if psychology doest stop using unscientifical theories, then it should be leave to die,there could be another disciplines in the future that would study human behavior.

You are just saying nonsenses.

Hence this.


>> No.5744669

Incorrect. If you hold psychology to the standard of the scientific method you filter out all the unscientific bullshit that ends up in psychiatry which is what I think is 90% of the confusion of most people who think psychiatry is the same as psychology.

Human behavior IS being studied scientifically every day. To deny psychology is a science assumes what psychologists study is unscientific and therefore unworthy of your attention.

So which is it?

>> No.5744670

Division 6: Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology members are devoted to studying the biology of behavior. Their focus is on behavior and its relation to perception, learning, memory, cognition, motivation, and emotion. Behavioral neuroscientists study the brain in relation to behavior, its evolution, functions, abnormalities, and repair, as well as its interactions with the immune system, cardiovascular system, and energy regulation systems. Comparative psychologists study the behavior of humans and other animals, with a special eye on similarities and differences that may shed light on evolutionary and developmental processes.

Division 40: Society for Clinical Neuropsychology provides a scientific and professional forum for individuals interested in the study of the relationships between the brain and human behavior. As such, Division 40 promotes interdisciplinary interaction among various interest areas including physiological cognitive, developmental, clinical rehabilitation, school, forensic and health psychology.

>> No.5744674
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mfw he just used the word UNSCIENTIFICAL

>> No.5744677


Adhering to the scientific method does not make you a successful scientist. You can call it a science, but anything that follows the method is a science.

When someone tells you it "isn't a science," what they really mean to say is, "it makes poor predictions in comparison to other fields."

It's trying to be a good science, but when the science is half-assed, they make outlandish and or unfalsifiable statements.

>> No.5744679

I dont really like english, i just know a little because is teached in school, if you think, my english is a problem.

We could in spanish, but this would be fair, because i would be using my main language, and you would be using, as we are doing right now, what about if we use other language, i can do russian and portugues.

What do you choose?

>> No.5744680

Psychology, combined with statistics and quantitative modeling, also contributes directly to applied mathematics. For example, Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was introduced by Karl Joreskog (1971) in a psychology journal and is now widely used in engineering, sociology, and economics.

>> No.5744683

>implying that he is the only person who speaks more than one language
Geh Raus

>> No.5744687

I know little german, i would like to study that in the future, but i kinda like more russian because is badass.

>> No.5744686


Karl Joreskog was a mathematician... Applying math to psychology.

Psychology gives nothing back to the quantitative sciences, it uses them as a tool.

Come on dude, even you know that was a retarded thing to do.

That's like saying biology contributed to mathematics because a mathematician helped compute the structure of DNA.

>> No.5744688

Division 27: Society for Community Research and Action: Division of Community Psychology encourages the development of theory, research, and practice relevant to the reciprocal relationships between individuals and the social system which constitute the community context. The Division supports 23 regional groups promoting communication among community psychologists in six U.S. regions, Canada, Western Europe, and the South Pacific. The Division hosts a three day biennial conference and has formed interest groups in the areas of international community psychology, rural psychology, aging, applied settings, and children and youth (prevention issues).

>> No.5744689

Russian is not badass, I have colleagues who speak Russian, they are neuroscientists too...it seems to attract those who have languages

>> No.5744690
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You do realize, that you sound like a religius person, saying pieces of the bible, without actually saying something coherent?

Are you a psychologys?

>> No.5744695

Division 52: International Psychology seeks to develop a psychological science and practice that is contextually informed, culturally inclusive, serves the public interest and promotes global perspectives within and outside of APA. The Division of International Psychology represents the interest of all psychologists who foster international connections among psychologists, engage in multicultural research or practice, apply psychological principles to the development of public policy or are otherwise concerned with individual and group consequences of global events.

>> No.5744698

When someone asks an original question or one that cannot be answered with a branch definition, I answer it.

>> No.5744702

I tend to ignore the questions I have already answered a couple of times....if this thread it tl:dr for you then I do not feel compelled to rehash it all for your benefit. Just common sense

>> No.5744704

oh and here, for you
Division 45: Society for the Psychological Study of Ethnic Minority Issues encourages research on ethnic minority issues and the application of psychological knowledge to ethnic minority issues. The division promotes public welfare through research and encourages professional relationships among psychologists who share these concerns and interests. Membership includes a subscription to the peer-reviewed quarterly journal Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology and the division newsletter, Focus, which is published two to three times per year.

>> No.5744709

>To deny psychology is a science assumes what psychologists study is unscientific and therefore unworthy of your attention.
No no no. Science is a method, not a property of the object of study.
To give you maybe a concrete example of what I mean, think of alchemy and chemistry, say... They both study the same thing, but one is scientific, the other isn't.

If I deny alchemy to be unscientific that doesn't mean that whatever alchemy studies cannot be studied scientifically;and in any case it doesn't make any sense to call its object of study "scientific" or not, per se.

>> No.5744721

Psychology uses the scientific method. It is science.

>> No.5744743
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I would consider experimental psychology a science. maybe even social psychology. it deals with theories and experiments in the same way. It's just a lot more difficult to "prove" anything. at best, you get a name for something that tends to happen a lot in human thinking like "the hindsight bias".

if you're talking about psychiatry or counseling, absolutely not. definitely not a science.

>> No.5744762

54 branches of psychology and you know of two of them. Congratulations, you are ahead of the pack. For the rest see above unless it is tl;dr and in that case I'm done.

>> No.5744768
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sorry if my vagueness rustled your jimmies. no, i don't know all the 54 labels of the different things people study with psychology, and i don't even consider myself to be well-learned in psychology. I only proposed that i considered those to be science as well as probably more.

and yeah, i did read the rest of the thread. kind of startles me it was my comment that you decided to post about.

>> No.5744775
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No jimmies prob here. been dealin with trolls too much. Have responded to many tonight. Glad you read it. Same discussion over and over. Best to ya.

>> No.5744779

You know how the Royal Society in London started by putting a spider in a circle of powdered unicorn horn and waited to see if it would leave?

Psychology got started with lobotomies. There is some fascinating research going on,but there are also old traditions and beliefs that die hard (see: electroshock therapy).

Apparently, people in this thread believe hurr durr psychology is about feelings not a real science and are unaware/ignoring the fact that those feelings are produced by measurable electrochemical reactions in your brain

>> No.5744778

>Would you consider psychology as a science?
the part that takes into account neuroscientific studies, YES
the other part that's about electroshock lobotomy treatments, hypnosis, Freud and philosophy, NO

the moral of the story: if you want to learn about how the brain works just go with NEUROSCIENCE (you'd have to have a good background in biology)

>> No.5744835

Maybe I shouldn't mention it but I will anyway. There is only one science. Physics, chemistry, psychology and whatever else are only branches of science.

>> No.5745008

Linguistics can be 100% true because it is a system created by mankind. Studying them however is a complete waste of time.

>> No.5746581

This is for those same fools who are now trolling another thread....PSYCHOLOGY=SCIENCE
If you don't like it, then respond to something else...TROLLS

>> No.5746589

some of it no.
Falsifiability denotes a science.

>> No.5746593

Whats important is not what psychology is but instead what is science? by wikipedia definition

Science (from Latin scientia, meaning "knowledge") is a systematic enterprise that builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.[1][2] In an older and closely related meaning, "science" also refers to a body of knowledge itself, of the type that can be rationally explained and reliably applied.

I think psychology atleast falls into the second definition

>> No.5746615

It isn't one of the Natural Sciences, it Doesn't adhere fundamentally to scientific method in all areas and all ways and last but most importantly:


Fucking calculus is in it or it's not science, it's bloody cocktail party philosophy. in all seriousness though it's confused by the archaic root of the word, to do with "knowing", any collected body of knowledge can be "a science", but it's not *Science*

plus, look:

Astronomy: Science

Astrology: Malarky

>> No.5746644

so psychonomy: science
psychology: malarky

>> No.5746658
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...Is there Calculus in it?