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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5731936 No.5731936 [Reply] [Original]

how does one obtain more intelligence?

also, anyone have a link to that Raven's Progressive Matrices IQ test? I wanna try it out again...

>> No.5731954

Study and practice.
There is no shortcut to suddenly becoming intelligent.

>> No.5731963

>durr hurr generic obvious advice

no shit. What specifically can we do to improve specific cognitive functions?

>> No.5731964

Drugs, learning on drugs.

>> No.5731969

Not just going over old stuff, new stuff, new stuff on drugs imparts some solid fallout

>> No.5731974


If you don't want generic, obvious advice then don't ask generic, obvious questions. Be more specific if you want to target the answers you're after, not after we've played pin the tail on the donkey with your original post.

>> No.5731980

You can't really become more "intelligent" lol you can gain more information but your intelligence is something given at birth and varying degrees too

>> No.5731983


That's really all there is to it. It's like asking how one becomes a good piano player. There are not some magical words that I can utter, rendering you more intelligent. Go read some philosophy, study some physics, and do some math. Make it a habit and it will become second nature; studying math or reading Frege into the morning will become easier


>> No.5732021

Well I would say your intelligence comes from the connections in your brain, so is there a drug that helps grow them?

>> No.5732035

I think you can cultivate your intelligence level. I get better at IQ tests the more I do them just like anything else I practice at.

>> No.5732336

You can't.

>> No.5732348

Chris Langan one of the highest IQ's and he's still dumb as fuck, so don't worry if yours isn't that high
> Feynman had 125 or something

>> No.5733146

exactly, so why do we take IQ so seriously? Why do psychologists push their correlational data as "scientific proof"?

>> No.5733177


Do they? It was my understanding that IQ tests are pretty much irrelevant now.

>> No.5733189

you have to smoke weed and look at the stars

>> No.5733222

the stars are in our heads

#420 #blazeit #yolo

>> No.5733239

well psychologists do believe that there is a one single factor that results in human intelligence- the g factor, which IQ tests attempt to measure how high your g is.

alternate theories like Howard Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligence are rejected by mainstream psychology. They maintain that there is only one source of 'intelligence' which some people have more of and some people less.

>> No.5733265

Do math exercises, start at any level you can do, and then go up from there.

>> No.5733279

Meditation. Lots of breath meditation.

>> No.5733287

The advent of the Cesarian section (c-section for short) will either genetically allow for narrower birth canals or for larger craniums (at birth). Double edged sword.
It's also possible to create a series of catches (outside of your skull) for when you're being stupid (that you made when you were being smart). That way you reduce cognitive dissonance and reduce calculation times.

Proper exercise provides a huge host of benefits (try body by science). The less energy you spend on movement, immune system functions, digestion, etc, the more energy you can spend on sitting on your ass and thinking (with improved blood flow).

Finally, as with any athlete, you have to have a skill that you want to hone. The more you think a certain way, the better you'll be at it. The reason that so many cars look the same is because of wind-tunnel optimization. Brain structures are probably not different.

>> No.5733288

What kind of drugs? Any time I am high on something that isn't a stimulant I fucking forget everything. Unless its some non STEM stuff that is easier when high.

>> No.5733480

I want to say that our level of intelligence is unalterable. Now, I do think people can be sharper or duller based on certain experiences. I don't want to call that a change in intelligence. Rather, it is a change in... the utilization of one's intelligence. There will always be a maximum.

Now, is there a way to change that maximum? To change one's level of intelligence? Probably so, using some biomedical technology. Somehow increasing brainmass, the number of neurons, glial cells, whatever the heck. I'm no neuroscientist.
We first have to figure out how the brain processes information. The PHYSICAL process. Then we have to figure out how to speed up that process.

>> No.5733517


>Why do psychologists push their correlational data as "scientific proof"?

They seek legitimacy and respect despite the fact IQ has been somewhat bastardize from its original concept.

What was once based on maturity and age has now been turned into some "power level" bullshit.

>> No.5733519

Please keep /x/ out of /sci/.