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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5729098 No.5729098 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/, i'm going to see Neil degrasse Tyson lecture tonight, and there will likely be a Q & A after the lecture. My question to you is, what the fuck should I ask him? Drop some good astro questions up in here mo'fuckas!

>> No.5729105

bump, I know you guys have something

>> No.5729106

Ask him to share a bowl with you. Then you'll get real deep answers.

>> No.5729111

What would happen if a sun made of ice collided with a sun made of lava?

>> No.5729117 [DELETED] 
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call him a house-nigger

>> No.5729125

I actually am kind of curious how he feels about the legalization of marijuana.

>> No.5729137

Ask him if he feels euphoric.

>> No.5729245

Ask him if he feels enlightened by his own intelligence.

>> No.5729247

>go to see him live
>hopefully i can get a question in after (I actually made a thread on /sci/ asking, you fuckers were of no help and i went to /fit.)
>lecture ends
>random fucking old guy in the audience yells out "QUASARS!!!!"
>makes niel explain them
>a massive fucking line appears out of thin air
>all questions that can be answered in a high school astronomy text book

I was going to ask him something personal since i already know the general basics of cosmology and astronomy.

I was going to ask him what his favorite song to dance to is.

someone made the point that he probably gets tired of answering all these dumb questions, might as well give him something he'll enjoy answering.

Have fun m8.

Protip: His lectures are literally just him repeating everything from his youtube videos + bonus content

>> No.5729276
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>> No.5729275


>> No.5729299

Ask him what he thinks about seikon no qwaser

>> No.5729319

Please, one of these.

>> No.5729329

He was on Joe Rogan I'm sure it came up

I didn't watch it because I imagine it's a cringe fest

>> No.5729737


>> No.5729851

Ask him why there aren't any transitional forms in the fossil records

>> No.5729869

Ask him if he's in this moment euphoric, not because of some phony god's blessing, but if he's enlightened by his own intelligence.

>> No.5729943

Ask him how he became the poor man's Michio Kaku.

>> No.5729958

Ask him to fill in the missing letter. People who can't science. N_GGERS?

>> No.5729960

Ask him why he didn't into a God-tier science.

>> No.5729966

Faels at trol
faels at internets
faels at gaems
faels at lyfe

my verdict: buttfrustrated

>> No.5729989

Say "phone god".

>> No.5729993
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>> No.5729994


Please do this OP. Your inspirational words will likely move him to becoming your friend.

And make sure to record it too, so that we may see his reaction to such noble sentiment.

>> No.5730002

ask him why he sold out

>> No.5730008

Ask him why he doesnt just focus on pure Math.

>> No.5730022

Ask him about comets bringing water and possible bacteria to moons and planets, like shoe-levy 9

>> No.5730049

Ask him if a super massive black holes mass could become so large that it would collapse on itself.

Maybe there is a cycle of sorts. The big bang occurs, super massive black holes form, galaxies form around said supermassive black holes. Galaxies eventually condense adding to the mass of their associated super massive black holes. All the super massive black holes in the universe eventually condense with one another, then at this point once all the matter in the universe forms a super massive black hole this universal super massive black hole collapses on itself. Then forming a singularity that causes a new big bang.

>> No.5730105
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>Ask him if a super massive black holes mass could become so large that it would collapse on itself.

>> No.5730144

If the universe was once a singularity whos to a black hole can't collapse to be as dense as the universe at the big bang.

>> No.5730159

>Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.5730160

Ask him how it feels to only be famous because he's a nigger and to not have any respect from his peers

>> No.5730163
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Ask him if anti-matter having a negative effect on gravity could possibly be used for space travel in the future.

>> No.5730179

ask him what he thinks will be the next breakthrough

>> No.5730200

Ask him if they faked the moon landing and show him some related youtube videos.

>> No.5730297

Sagan had a lot more work published than I would have thought