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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 332 KB, 1350x1209, 28007204_rat[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5727012 No.5727012 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/ I heard a scratching sound in my room coming from the ceiling. I know that the room behind the wall in front of me goes a little bit higher ceiling-wise, so I went in to check on my room mates. I woke them up. Apparently they were not generating this noise.

I return to my room. The noise is still there. Coming most certainly from the ceiling. I take my metal water bottle and tap the ceiling the way you would tap something with a hammer and the noise stopped, like a robber a dead in his tracks. I think I have a fucking rat infestation, and I have no idea how rats work, or how soon I ought to evacuate my dorm, but since I don't plan on sleeping in my dorm, (once this thread is done, if it doesn't help me, than I'm going to sleep in my car) I feel safe enough, as long as I'm awake. People can run faster than rats, right?

Again newfag. The dean's asleep and there's no assisstants or any shit I can talk to. What the fuck do I do? Besides transfer to a new college, obviously.

>> No.5727026

You in Harvard? They have some old ass dorms.

Anyway rats are a lot less trouble than roaches over the short term. Just keep important shit off the floor and be advised that those little fuckers can chew through almost anything.

>> No.5727061
File: 1.15 MB, 2832x2128, Silver_nitrate_stains[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks. I will keep this in mind. Any advice on haggling hotel rooms for the rest of the year, and you got me set, man.

>> No.5727085

Your being a little bitch

>> No.5727089

Now is the ideal excuse to turn your room into a floating sky fortress.

>> No.5727098

What do you mean? Blow it up into a giant mushroom cloud? If I'm interpreting this literally it sounds impractical. I sincerely don't know what you mean.

>> No.5727102


>> No.5727111

Suspend important things from hooks installed in the walls or ceiling.

>> No.5727115

Done before the thread started.

>> No.5727118

Everything's in my car, except this computer, but it doesn't belong to me, so I'm gonna leave it behind.

>> No.5727120

>PROTIP: OP is making the noise from the future to annoy himself back in time because in the future he thinks his past self is the rat that originally made the noise

>> No.5727123

If you're trolling

If you're serious

>> No.5727130

/sci/ - Rat Infestations

Try /an/

>> No.5727134

dat run-on sentence.

>PROTIP: OP is making the noise from the future.

>He is doing this to annoy his earlier self, because in the future he thinks his past self is the rat that originally made the noise

Why would OP think he was a rat? Wouldn't OP think he would remember being a rat?

>> No.5727140
File: 81 KB, 600x600, The_Yes_Guy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Time travel
>If you're serious.

>> No.5727144

I so don't understand this.

>> No.5727150

From the future OP's point of view, he doesn't know who or what he is annoying for sure but he thinks he is annoying that damn rat that made a noise before. But the sounds that the future OP is making to annoy the rat are flowing back in time and annoying OP's past self instead. You are overthinking it, it's okay.

>> No.5727153

>Time travel causing itself to happen.
I call bullshit.

>> No.5727156

>I call bullshit on time travel... on one condition.

Are fucking me OP?

>> No.5727157

No, the rats are secretly the cause of the time travel. They are causing the time travel in order to annoy OP by causing him to annoy himself. Because that's pretty annoying.

>> No.5727161

This is fascinating bullshit.
Write a book, please.

>> No.5727165

do you have some kind of horrible rat phobia, OP? I owned mice and rats as a kid, they arent that bad.

As for advice, i can only suggest google.

>> No.5727167

I assume your rats were defanged.

>> No.5727173

Got trees around your building? If so, probably spring squirrels. The spaces in a buildings floors and walls are just one big hollow tree to a squirrel.

>> No.5727178



Look the fuck out, nobel-tier research coming through

>> No.5727181

Are squirrels deadly?

>> No.5727182

>Dismisses a source that contains multiple more trusted sources.

Oh wow. You're edgy.

>> No.5727184


>> No.5727192


>takes a bunch of aggregated sources composed by some blogger for a website that revolves around ranking lists and sensational "top 5" shit.

Your mind is like a steel trap, one that is rusted shut.

>> No.5727197


>> No.5727201


>tells someone to do their own research
>implying that research would include anything from cracked.com

It's like telling someone go to learn their own facts when they tell you the world isn't flat.

>> No.5727203

>Implying I wasn't agreeing with you and making fun of the original cracked link.

>> No.5727204

no this guy is right. cracked has very entertainingly bullshit science articles. They do research like a high school kid does research: they skim google scholar until they find one article that conforms to their opinion, then summarize it.

Not that im tryna hate, i love cracked. I just try and take it with a big ass grain of salt

>> No.5727205

Have they actually gotten anything wrong?

>> No.5727207


>implying i'm not being overly defensive because I can't tell who is who and feel it's better to carpet bomb the thread

>> No.5727209

This kind of shit wouldn't happen if we were all trip fags.

>> No.5727210
File: 177 KB, 600x400, 1336949792794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5727211

Mocking an idea without bothering to discredit it.

>> No.5727216

ive seen rats in my dorm before.

It doesnt bother me because im a filthy monkey.

>> No.5727217

don't they poison any food they touch?

>> No.5727218

nah im pretty alright, actually.

>> No.5727219

So the ending to Zombieland was bullshit?

>> No.5727221

Add an I'D system but don't use trips. Trips lead to identity and sense making overuling scientific inquiry. I mean identity in the psychological sense not the literal one.

>> No.5727225

>Trips lead to identity and sense making overuling scientific inquiry. I mean identity in the psychological sense not the literal one.

How about Moot gives us a randomly generated name that can't be copied? Basically the ID system, only more memorable. It's completely different for each new thread you join, but it makes conversations easier to follow, and samefags easier to spot.

>sense making overuling scientific inquiry.
