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File: 10 KB, 240x355, whiteboard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5725635 No.5725635 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a whiteboard?

>> No.5725645

I do.

>> No.5725654


>> No.5725652

I'm in the process of getting one

>> No.5725653 [DELETED] 

>implying I don't

>> No.5725650

don't have a lab coat either

>> No.5725651

because you can just use a plastic notebook sleeve

>> No.5725657

le bbt lelelelel
fuck off
paper is good enough

>> No.5725655


>> No.5725660

Cause I live in an environment where computers have touch screens and I'm not a poorfag...

>> No.5725662

grid paper specifically
it's god tier
grid paper>white board

>> No.5725680


>sitting is good form
>standing and pacing around the room jotting stuff down increasing blood flow oxygenating the brain is bad.

>> No.5725681

>not using windows.

>> No.5725686

i can't fucking write on a board
my arms just can't do it

maybe like, a white board laid down flat
like, a table i can write on
i'd like that

>> No.5725694
File: 1020 KB, 142x124, 1367435640035.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't

>> No.5725688


god tier nash

>> No.5725702

Have a whiteboard, could do with a stand or easel thing... buy me one

>> No.5725707


White boards are good because you can reorganize stuff very easily. Writing on paper with a pencil leaves a mess when you want to tweak the same diagram over and over again.

You may ask, why not just draw it over again on another page or why not just draw it right the first time. The issue with these is that sometimes you'll find yourself dealing with really complex diagrams and you'll want to refactor parts of it at a time while leaving the rest untouched. Many times you have no idea how the structure will turn out from the get go and as you refactor things you'll find the structure changing in unexpected ways.

I've found whiteboards invaluable for programming, design, database design, and a bunch of other applied stuff. I'm actually in pure math though and to be honest I haven't found them as useful in the field unless I need to explain something to someone else (in which case they are again invaluable). That's not to say that there aren't times when whiteboards aren't useful. Geometry, Graph Theory, any of those seem easier to work with on a whiteboard. For example if you're doing group theory with graph theory and you're given a set with the intent of finding generators (again, more applied) then the cayley diagrams of any generators you choose can change and vary a lot. Isomorphisms, normal subgroups, etc.. all of those are also easier to approach on a whiteboard.

>> No.5725712


are you the guy that can only ejaculate lying on his stomach

>> No.5725713


That's trendfag. It's also what that retarded 12 year old aspie kid does. The one who says he's disproved relativity and believes the bible is real.

>> No.5725714

>what is rubber?

>> No.5725721


whiteboards are excellent for brainstorming. you don't fucking write essays on it, that's retarded. you write a formula or a draw a diagram, then step back, and consider what the fuck you just did and where you could go from that.

but you don't understand that, because you're a lawnmower.

>> No.5725720

how is that trendfag? It's just as effective as using a whiteboard.

>> No.5725723

>what is having to redraw sections of a diagram 30+ times while working on it.

>> No.5725727

As in the only reason people do it is because they saw John Nash in that movie doing it and thought he was a genius. If John Nash had drawn his math on the tiles in the shower then you'd have idiots doing that too.

>> No.5725733
File: 31 KB, 460x276, eraserhead460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw someone insults some by calling them an aspie when the mathematician they we're referring to was himself autistic.

>> No.5725731

god you're a fucking retard.

>> No.5725737

how much money do you guys think expo makes? they have a fucking monopoly on dry erase shit

>> No.5725741

John Nash was not autistic, he was schizophrenic. He still is in fact, he just has it under control.


>> No.5725740

i rather use a piece of paper, and do the same thing hunched over it
i think you guys just find a whiteboard more comfy than that, i respect that
but i don't find it comfy

>> No.5725745

Do black people prefer whiteboards or blackboards?

>> No.5725759

manic schizophrenics have been writing on pretty much any usable surface since public education. glass is smooth and fecal matter/chalk/dry erase sticks to it.

don't hate people for what they are.

>> No.5725760

Oh yeah, my bad.

>> No.5725763

*php hp ph sss hpp sssss*

>> No.5725811

I don't think he actually even wrote on glass. There were a ton of discrepancies between the movie and John Nash's real life. The different women he'd been with were combined into one wife, the estranged son, the many bouts of craziness, etc.. Even the game theory argument in the movie is retarded.

His schizophrenia in general had a very different nature, for example it made him believe that everyone who was wearing a red tie was actually a communist agent.

The movie is well, just a movie.

>> No.5725833


Op : blackboard > whiteboard

>> No.5725841

Those are just messy.

>> No.5725849

This, and I hate the feeling chalk leaves on my hands. Also, I get eczema.

>> No.5725866

yeah, but they're so fucking classy.
and markers smell like solvents.

>> No.5725868

that feel when I have to write out a schedule for the day, study schedules, and workout schedules on paper or whiteboard to be productive and not stressed out

Is this OCD, or is this normal? I feel disorganized, and lost when I dont have day schedule and I just waste time

>> No.5725873

If by classy you mean dusty, then sir I think we agree.
Also, you're not supposed to sniff the markers.

>> No.5725876

I had a greyboard once. I had no use for it so I put it on the wall of my lab. When I left the lab I left it there.

>> No.5725880


How are they classy? The noise, the smell, the texture, the powder that goes everywhere.

When I think of blackboards the only thing I can think of is scratching it with my fingernails, making that awful noise, feeling the chalk in my fingers, and having the smell of chalk everywhere.

>> No.5725878

why would i want to erase every time i write something

>> No.5725897

I don't, but volatile solvents can fill the whole room no problemo. A little dust is okay, just prop the windows open.

Also, chalk makes that satisfying "ckssschh" noise.

>> No.5725906
File: 6 KB, 199x253, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5725936
File: 489 KB, 500x366, tumblr_m87uy9NNud1qzt7j5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw dat ckssschh

>> No.5725941

>blood curdling noise

>> No.5725953
File: 7 KB, 354x260, nails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5725966
File: 81 KB, 474x692, AAAAHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You son of a bitch!

>> No.5725980
File: 75 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2013-05-01 at 17.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because a 3x10' space on my wall is painted with whiteboard paint instead

any questions shoot. no i probably wouldn't do it again.

>> No.5726000


why wouldn't you do it again, and did you use rust oleoum or some other shit?

>> No.5726011

yeah i used rustoleum.

staetdler markers are very stubborn to erase on this board...and staedtler is a decent brand right?

in general most marks would not erase w/o serious elbow grease. we e-mailed rustoleum and they suggested using a mr clean wipe. works quite well (don't even need to wet it) now but it was annoying at first.

also you really have to sand the wall thoroughly under the area where you're going to apply--i did not do this and i feel it lead to some of the erasing troubles.

may have misspoke saying i would never do it again, but i would for sure not recommend rustoleum brand. the massive amount of space is quite nice though.

>> No.5726024

What the hell is whiteboard paint and where can I get some. Also how much did this cost and how well does it work?

>> No.5726031

you can buy it at Lowes. You can also mix gray paint with grout (I think it does the same thing).

>> No.5726035

you apply two coats to a surface and then you are able to write on it with dry erase markers as if it were a whiteboard

for remarks

you can get rustoleum for 35 bucks at home depot, but my experience was not optimal. i would recommend sanding the surface thoroughly if you use rustoleum and/or shopping around for another brand. check reviews on amazon, stuff like that.

>> No.5726033

oh nevermind, that's blackboard paint. I misread the post. I've never heard of whiteboard paint.

>> No.5726045

I remember there being whiteboard wallpaper, it wasn't actually wallpaper.
More like thick, wide tape and it was expensive. But it was pretty cool though.

>> No.5727214

Go to Lowes or Home Depot and buy plain white wallboard in the shower section. Hang it on the wall with liquid nails if you don't plan on moving it later. 4ft x 8 ft costs 10 bucks.

>> No.5727245

I have two in my dorm room.

No joke. Used the hell out of them during undergrad.

>> No.5727252

>, i respect that

>le bbt lelelelel
>fuck off

So your harsh response was just a bigoted comment, common to you tripfags who love to attract attention?

>> No.5727276

>implying there isn't one hanging on my wall right now.

>> No.5727300
File: 47 KB, 500x641, 500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It must be classy as fuck, unfortunately there's not enough free space for it because of lab equipment, glassware and books.

>> No.5727307

large mirror works just as well

>> No.5727312

considering it's a mirror, it does not in all cases. does the cool factor outweigh these special cases? probably.

>> No.5727320


occasionally it's hard to read something at an angle depending on what's being reflected but it's not worth buying a whiteboard

>> No.5727345

I want a studio apartment so I can have a wall-mirror covered with equations to impress girls with when I take them ba- nevermind.

>> No.5727342

Is that second one the sound of chicken frying up?

>> No.5727349

I don't have a whiteboard because affirmative action

>> No.5727351
File: 1.05 MB, 320x240, Ie17FZ6.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a paper and pencil in my house.

Also, I'm not a John-Nash-Hipster-Wannabe faggot.

>> No.5727352

If you already have a mirror big enough to serve as a whiteboard in your room, then you need to check yoself.

>> No.5727357

I have an ipad.

>> No.5727365
File: 40 KB, 468x327, 5583645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's tar and feather him!!

>> No.5727369


the closet has sliding doors that are big mirrors, I didn't intentionally buy a big mirror.

>> No.5728320
