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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 59 KB, 979x925, science quiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5724020 No.5724020 [Reply] [Original]

If you can't get 13/13 on this thing, please leave this board and never come back.


>> No.5724033

There needs to be a few more obscure general science questions in there, they're not hard enough to get a good picture of it.

>> No.5724055

Which gas makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere?

only 20 percent of people on average could answer that

what the fuck, is science education really this fucking terrible in the US

>> No.5724051

Only 7% of people were able to get them all correct. The mean number likely lies in the 7-8 out of 12 range, meaning most people missed quite a few questions.

The sad thing is, the questions in that poll actually are hard for most Americans.

And if you want something sadder, look at the amount of people who got the question about atoms and electrons right.

>> No.5724062

>butthurt yuropoors

>> No.5724063

Hey now, I answered all of them and I'm undergoing science education in the US. Granted my school is accelerated, but it's not all bad.

>> No.5724069
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 1367348964139s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got a 9/13 mathematician reporting in

>> No.5724071


im actually american, I guess the way I worded that was not the greatest

>> No.5724074
File: 14 KB, 430x490, 1264795388471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's the door!

>> No.5724076


cherry picking dude, something is wrong when the majority of people cant answer simple science questions like does the earth revolve around the sun or the other way around

>> No.5724082

Doesn't change the fact that only 50% of people who have been to college knew whether an electron is bigger than an atom or not.

>> No.5724090

Yeah, point taken. Just pointing out that only most of it is shit, not all of it.

>> No.5724093

They don't teach that in art, political science, or gender studies.

>> No.5724110

I'm kinda surprised actually considering I'm a highschool dropout with just about no physical science education

>> No.5724114


Had no idea what fracking translates to.

>> No.5724117

12/13...missed the last one on fracking, never heard that

>> No.5724118
File: 105 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_2013-05-01-02-46-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one is the only question I got wrong.

>> No.5724129

Fracking is relatively new and it is also widely used in North America. Not sure how widely used it is on other continents.
It might be more of a social/cultural question. Like asking lithuanian immigrants questions about American football and deeming them stupid because they don't know.

>> No.5724139

13/13 and I'm a liberal arts major who is much more /lit/ than /sci/

>> No.5724148

Well to be fair the quiz is by Americans for Americans so this is somewhat to be expected.

>> No.5724150

My guess is that fracking was thrown in there to separate people who remember all this shit from school from people who actively follow science news

>> No.5724185

LOL 20% of people didn't know the gas which makes up the atmostphere. Probably they were the 20% of the atmostphere which is oxygen, of course they're gonna vote for themselves.

>> No.5724190

Well, given that you need to study QFT to even know what the "size" of a particle is, that's not really a surprise.

>> No.5724194

Huh? You don't need to know that to know a part of an atom is smaller than an atom.

>> No.5724195

Electron is part of an atom, therefore it's smaller. Simple

>> No.5724197

When I think of the "size" of an atom I think of the size of its electron cloud, so if I didn't know QFT I'd probably say that electrons and atoms are by definition the same size.

>> No.5724200

You're reading that wrong. 20% of people polled DO know what the atmosphere is made of. That means 80% of the people got that question wrong.

>> No.5724202
File: 35 KB, 1032x434, sdssds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goofed on the atmosphere question, but what the fuck is the point of the last one? Sorry Im not a gas miner.

>> No.5724203

Because it's general science knowledge?

13/13 Here, New Zealand Education is fairly high level

>> No.5724205

Are you really saying that you think an electron could be the same size as an atom made out of electrons, protons and maybe neutrons? And you need QFT to know this isn't so?


>> No.5724206


Not all that surprising, I haven't used that shit since 8th grade science class.

>> No.5724210

Then you are, by definition, dumb.

>> No.5724209


>general science knowledge

Its a specific term for a specific trade. I literally have not heard that word (in that context) in my entire life

>> No.5724211

I missed the atmosphere one because I flew through it. I'm staying so go fuck yourself.

>> No.5724216

Finfag here, 12/13, wrong about fracking. Wife got it right though, but would've also been 12/13 if we hadn't discussed atmosphere last week.

>> No.5724217

> feeling entitled to ignorance
OP was right. You don't belong here.

From your comment it's pretty clear you didn't even google it to see why people think it is/ought to be common knowledge. FYI, fracking tends to poison the ground water supply and pollute the environment, but it's a profitable for of gas mining, so it's common in the US.

>> No.5724220

I don't know how I know it
if not it's a process of elimination
it couldn't be anything else

>> No.5724221


Oh, and never heard about fracking.

>> No.5724222
File: 37 KB, 400x552, 234370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, those retarded questions! What is this I don't even... I knew all this at age 13, most of it at 10, so do my classmates. Sound waves for lasers? But everyone knows it's light. Electron size? But don't your parents explain the atom to you when you're a kid? Please, tell me this quize is a joke.

>> No.5724224


>implying I give a shit

I study things I find interesting, and natural gas mining isn't one of them. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5724245

Missed the air and fracking one. The air one was me being retarded, and the fracking one was me not watching the news. I was going into this thinking.
>Oh god, I'm probably going to come out looking retarded
but most of the questions were very easy.

I'm rather glad this one was almost universally known.
>Which is the better way to determine whether a new drug is effective in treating a disease?

>> No.5724251

13/13 bitch please tier

>> No.5724256

If you can't answer these questions you need to get out of the country

>> No.5724259

which one... all of them?

13/13 here. This reminds me of those "has science gone too far" ads.

>> No.5724260

>Not knowing about fracking
>Science majors and people who hang out on a science board don't keep up with science news

>> No.5724267

>people who hang out on the fucking science board of 4chan don't keep up with current socially relevant events


>> No.5724282

It say "You scored better than 93% of the public and the same as 7%."
But it say only 31% of college graduates know the air is mostly nitrogen? Come on. 80% N2, 19% O2, the rest 1%. About 390ppm CO2. Who doesn't know this stuff.
I'd tell you what I think about CO2 causing global warming but I don't want to troll now.

>> No.5724299

>31% of college graduates know the air is mostly nitrogen
You're underestimating people stupidity. There're art, social "sciences", economy and the like students who just don't want to know that (not all, of course) as it's useless and uninteresting. Yes, we can say "WTF? you breath it, it surrounds you!" but these people are just... impenetrable, let's say.

>19% O2
always though it's 20,5% (for pyro chemistry calculations)

>390ppm CO2
Honestly did't know the exact number.

>I'd tell you what I think about CO2 causing global warming but I don't want to troll now.
The very same thing, m8.

>> No.5724304


13/13 middle school science at best.

>> No.5724306

13/13, easy. The only one I even batted an eye at was the chemical reaction one (nails rusting). Still knew it, it just threw me for a fraction of a second.

>> No.5724311

Fucking slammed through it, however, paused at the use of the word "Millions" on the continents questions. Otherwise, 13/13. Was that even serious?

>> No.5724312

>Science and MATH board

>> No.5724314


>> No.5724315

>always though it's 20,5% (for pyro chemistry calculations)
You are probably right. Haven't used that info for a long time. Seems to me I remember hearing a couple different sets of numbers, like 79%N, 20%O and 1%. I'm not sure how exact they are.
>The very same thing, m8.
True, but you should have seen the size of the rant I deleted before posting.

>> No.5724318

Shutup, this is a tricky question unless you've been specifically warned against the common misconception.

Read the goddamn news every once in a while, plebs.

There is nothing special about your country or your education system. Keep telling yourself there is if that somehow validates you.

>> No.5724323

Look at the results for "female" for every question, like a little over half know that lasers don't work by focusing sound and that an electron is smaller than an atom

makes me feel bad being a girl

>> No.5724325

13/13. The only one that made me think for a second was the fracking question. Only got that one by intution, I hadn't heard of that term for it before.

>> No.5724326

I tried the political science one for shits and giggles

I didn't know which state allowed gay marriage, I don't know why this is considered important to know for news.

>> No.5724332


The guy clearly said he has no idea what it TRANSLATES to. Might be he doesn't take his news in English... moron.

>> No.5724338

all these plens

>> No.5724345

one of the most missed question was the one about lasers focusing sound waves. how can people be that stupid? jesus christ

>> No.5724347


I guess the nitrogren question was basically trivia, but if you live in the US you should know what frackling is, seeing how its saving the economy.

>> No.5724350

If you don't know what "fracking" is, leave this board, says op. he owns this shit, knows all, and doesn't afraid of anything.

While I think op is a fucking goon, this was fairly easy from my perspective. That being said, if this was about politics, or something to that effect, I might not do too well.

>> No.5724351

I got 5 of my friends to try this and the lowest score was 12/13
My friend group is "93%" or NZ Education is doing something right

And there's quite a lot that's special compared to the US

>> No.5724353
File: 43 KB, 1047x446, 67856856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High school dropout.

Fucking nitrogen.

>> No.5724357


>> No.5724361

the hardest question was " Are you male or female?"

>> No.5724363

and how does that affect op's " leave THIS board" statement?

>> No.5724387



>> No.5724401

12/13 didnt know what frackling is...btw this shit is easy as fuck

>> No.5724415

13/13 master race reporting in

I'd say it's acceptable to get the fracking question wrong, and to make one mistake. But anything below 11/13 is laughable.

>> No.5724427
File: 255 KB, 1600x986, Boosh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitches (and blokes) don't know 'bout mah Nitrogen.

>> No.5724439

13/13 master race checking in

No but seriously, I can't believe that puts in the 93rd percentile...

>> No.5724449
File: 130 KB, 1048x712, sciandtechscore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This stuff was easy. I only had to stop and think about two of the questions, and only for about 10 seconds.

>> No.5724452

I had to cheat 'cause I did not know what 'Fracking' was, but I don't see how that specific piece of trivia can make someone a better scientist. More of the questions should be like the one essentially asking 'do we perform control experiments?' and 'is all radiation man-made?' (<-- to weed out the fox news watchers).

I will not, however, be leaving this board. Sorry. :/

>> No.5724453


Well the last question was to weed out those who can't be bothered following science news, so, sorry, you don't get a pass.

You accepted the challenge and you failed. Get out.

>> No.5724454
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, plebtier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I got 13/13 but the quiz was worded terribly, and I'd contest the correctness of some of the answers

>> No.5724462


I'm very sorry, but I DO follow science news, and that question IS mindless trivia. When you can write me a code that would calculate the electronic structure of nitrogen ANYWHERE (assuming the absence of external fields) and not merely tell me its percentage composition in OUR atmosphere, then you get to tell me which science boards I'm allowed in.

>> No.5724468


that's not possible you fucking pleb

now leave like you said you would or i'll report you

>> No.5724469

Somebody is butt devastated.

>> No.5724474


>that's not possible you fucking pleb
I REALLY do hope you're joking.

>now leave like you said you would or i'll report you
lol nop

>> No.5724477

most people have never heard of fracking

>> No.5724478

Is this a joke? Most of this is common knowledge by grade 9 or 10 if you aren't braindead.

>> No.5724480


what filthy plebs never watched BSG?

>> No.5724482


nitrogen is diatomic, so each atom you draw will automatically be in another field; it's impossible for them to exist in a fieldless space

also, what is the "anywhere" you are referring to?

the electron structure is going to be the same whether it's up in the atmosphere or out in space or anywhere else

>> No.5724486
File: 11 KB, 475x382, 1-On-MSNBC-Opinion-Dominates-Reporting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except fox actually has a whole page dedicated to covering fracking while msnbc, cnn etc dont cover it

also you should check out this link:http://www.forbes.com/sites/jeffbercovici/2013/03/18/pew-study-finds-msnbc-the-most-opinionated-cable-news-channel-by-far/

which is where i sourced the pic to the left

>> No.5724487


Filthy pleb reporting in - as a child and young adult, I was too busy teaching myself advanced mathematics and non-classical physics. I would have done it later on in life, but opening safes, fucking bitches and inventing quantum electrodynamics all seemed like better ways to spend my time.

This is my excuse for not knowing about your precious fracking.

>> No.5724491


"invented QED"

you should be dead by now, if that was true

>> No.5724494

>your precious fracking

my fucking god, i didnt know people could be this dumb

fracking is an extremely damaging way of getting oil
>What Is Fracking and Why Should It Be Banned?

Fracking is short for hydraulic fracturing. It’s an extremely water-intensive process where millions of gallons of fluid – typically a mix of water, sand, and chemicals, including ones known to cause cancer – are injected underground at high pressure to fracture the rock surrounding an oil or gas well. This fracking releases extra oil and/or gas from the rock, so it can flow into the well.

But the process of fracking introduces additional industrial activity into communities beyond the well. Clearing land to build new access roads and new well sites, drilling and encasing the well, fracking the well and generating the waste, trucking in heavy equipment and materials and trucking out the vast amounts of toxic waste — all of these steps contribute to air and water pollution risks and devaluation of land that is turning our communities into sacrifice zones. Fracking threatens the air we breathe, the water we drink, the communities we love and the climate on which we all depend. That’s why over 250 communities in the U.S. have passed resolutions to stop fracking, and why Vermont, France and Bulgaria have stopped it.


>> No.5724496
File: 136 KB, 960x727, FrackingInfographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is what it looks like

>> No.5724498


EXTERNAL fields. read the damn post. (i.e. no magnetic or electric fields)

Anywhere, as in, once you know the ground electronic configuration of Nitrogen, you know it anywhere...

>> No.5724507


an excited state isn't a place, it's a state of being, a thing

please get your shit straight

also, it can't be solved analytically so it's not something i find interesting anyways

>> No.5724506

so something a child could do...

got it

>> No.5724514


also, if you ignore the fields created by the individual atoms themselves, then it's not going to be a useful model

so don't try to backpeddle your semantics bullshit when you clearly have no idea what you're doing

tl:dr I've had to find numerical solutions to the time independent schrodinger equation using a computer

>> No.5724512

It's funny how the largest gap in the number of correct answers between genders is in the question about lasers.

Boys really like them lasers.

>> No.5724520

Stopped reading there.
Retarded hippy shit.
If you're getting your DRINKING water from aquifers without any kind of filtration then you're an idiot

>> No.5724524


I was actually very specific about what I said. I did not say 'ignore the fields created by the individual atoms'. I did not say that at all.

I said


I was very specific about what I said and just because you can drive gaussian, doesn't mean you know shit about electronic structure theory. Sit down, boy.

>> No.5724525

its an infographic, its meant to appeal to people, i just used it to show what fracking looks like, already explained what it was above

>> No.5724528


I'm actually not joking at this point - I really think you should sit down with a dictionary, any book on introductory non-relativistic quantum mechanics then a good book on electronic structure theory. Good luck, I guess?

>> No.5724530


except that i probably know more than you do, and unlike you, i can also find time dependent solutions with external fields. not that i'm interested in that simple shit anyways

what would be impressive is if you showed me a computer algorithm that calculated an arbitrarily large number of solutions to n different excitations of nitrogen with k different external fields

>> No.5724531
File: 69 KB, 1185x504, my score.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There ya go ..

>> No.5724529
File: 40 KB, 537x416, 1365383810938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait what the fuck

"gas producing rock formation"?

rocks produce oil?

>> No.5724533

if you faggots are so smart then whats the answer to this?

>> No.5724535


my problem is that you said "anywhere" when you actually meant any excited state

the excited states are not places, they're things

>> No.5724538


there's no answer because "this question" is not grammatically correct, so we don't know what's actually being asked

>> No.5724539


also, i can't take your advice, because you failed a gradeschool level science quiz and shouldn't even be on this board, let alone pretend you know anything about quantum mechanics

>> No.5724540

NO - I didn't

I meant anywhere as in any place. I.e. "If I know the ground electronic structure of nitrogen on earth, I know what it would be on the moon, and on mars, because the ground electronic configuration is just the configuration with the lowest energy". You don't get very far in EST if you don't know what an excited state is.

I have read my initial question and where I emphasised words and all subsequent posts. There is no ambiguity.

>> No.5724546


then you're just a huge fucking idiot, because the electron configuration of the ground state only depends on whether there's external fields. if there's no external fields, the code for it on the moon is going to the same as on earth as it is anywhere else it can exist

>> No.5724548

>not grammatically correct
what do you mean ?
it's clear as the sun. i admit i 'm far from remembering probabilities but it's clear.

>> No.5724553

wimmin mate

not even once

>> No.5724556


are you trolling?

the question essentially reads

"if you choose an answer, what is the chance you'll be right?"

prepositions aren't allowed to change the meaning of a sentence; they can only give more detail

>> No.5724561


I've decided you're beneath me. If you can't read a fucking sentence, I don't see the point in holding an argument with you.

Yes, in my last post, I forgot to say 'in the absense of external fields', but I did, in my first post, say 'ANYWHERE, IN THE ABSENCE OF EXTERNAL FIELDS'. This conversation about semantics is because of YOUR inability to READ.

Pick up a dictionary, then a book on quantum mechanics, then a book on electronic structure theory and maybe I'll consider your opinion worth a damn. On a more serious note, you will NEVER make it as a scientist if you cannot.fucking.read.

>> No.5724565

>are you female

insta 0/13.

>> No.5724571

>"if you choose an answer, what is the chance you'll be right?"
dafaq is this ? the question is from the other thread >>>5724008

>> No.5724576

13/13, but I have to admit I guessed the last one. Never heard of fracking.

>> No.5724574

the one on the pic is nonsense, but the essential one is valid

>> No.5724578


yes, and if you remove the prepositional phrases from the statement, you're left with what i said, which is not grammatically correct, and on top of that, it's ambiguous. anyone that creates an answer is interpreting what they think it means instead of what follows logically from the statement

>> No.5724581

They all have wavefunctions that extend to infinity, so it makes sense to say they're the same size.
How would you define the radius of an electron?

>> No.5724583

i guess this goes to show any idiot can be competent if they read a lot of books

>> No.5724585

gotchur point .

>> No.5724584


>implying that's a bad thing

>> No.5724589


i read your statement

you said anywhere

i said your'e retarded if you think the physical location of the atom matters

you said that's not what you were talking about
i said you were still retarded

you posted twice asking me to read a dictionary and a book about QM, implying I haven't already

I hope you're not this guy >>5724581

because if you are, then you are completely misinformed about QM and should stop reading and pretending you know anything about it

If instead you're actually confused about what QM should be interpreted as, I'd be happy to inform you

>> No.5724588

>how does i into probability
>how does i into wave functions
>being this literal
>being this autistic
That's right, I invoke the 'you're an autist' just for you.

>> No.5724596

10/10, would be trolled again.

>> No.5724597

>women outscore men in questions regarding antibiotics and blind trials


>> No.5724601 [DELETED] 

This test is fucking retarded. "Hurr durr electrons are smaller than atoms." No, they fucking aren't. Electrons are not small balls orbiting the nucleus. That's a wrong and oversimplified picture for 8 year olds. Whoever designed that test doesn't know shit about quantum mechanics.

>> No.5724609

>Electrons are not small balls orbiting the nucleus
who said so ?
treating them all as particles is not precise but not wrong though that's how we developed and still developing our understanding of the atomic science
but the test generally the test is too easy to be used for a poll.

>> No.5724608

Electron are bigger than atoms. Got it!

>> No.5724610 [DELETED] 

Why did you post a test for elementary school children?

>> No.5724611

the electron is lower in an organizational chart, an electron and other things make up an atom, an atom does not make up an electron

its oversimplified but not outright wrong

>> No.5724612


if you're not talking about a semi-classical model, then the question can't even be asked, but since it was, you have to assume they're talking about the bohr model or something similar and answer accordingly

>> No.5724614

>butthurt that he didn't score 13/13

>> No.5724613 [DELETED] 


If you can't solve at least 7 of them, please leave the board and never come back.

>> No.5724618


someone didn't get 13/13

>> No.5724619 [DELETED] 

No, fuck you. I'm purposefully answering wrong because I'm edgy.

>> No.5724623

Where can I read about lasers focusing sound waves? As someone who has never learned anything about lasers at any point in his life, this is new information to me.

>> No.5724624


that's not what the question asked

just go to wikipedia and type in "laser"

>> No.5724625

>not getting a 13/13 stoned
I'm not even a /sci/entist for fuck's sake, I just thought this was shit everyone knew, like how light worked or why gravity do what gravity do.
I'm beginning to think I'm one of the smartest people where I live, which is scary because I'm not even that smart.

>> No.5724628 [DELETED] 

Why are you proud of having the knowledge of an average 8 year old?

>> No.5724631


we don't know anything about gravity, so for you to say that it's assumed knowledge at any level of education is arrogant at best

>> No.5724640

>misses point entirely
If you say so friend

>> No.5724658 [DELETED] 

What point? He didn't make any point other than "look at me, I'm so smart for having passed 3rd grade".

>> No.5724869
File: 79 KB, 500x375, 7179377510_55b7244b82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol butthurt detected. Haha its funny how mad people are getting because they got the fracking question wrong. I learnt that in year 11 chemistry and it's been on the news before.

Just accept that you didn't know that question and then move on with your life, instead of whining about the test itself

>> No.5724875
File: 11 KB, 320x272, 1298633767244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please, inflate your e-penis more. Lol it's funny how mad you are about that fracking question that your have to justify your life by fabricating false achievements. You are insecure and possibly derange. Get off the internet pls.

>> No.5724878

What's the point in knowing some useless trivia? There was some chemistry, biology, and earth science in there as well. Which aside from being fucking boring, are completely irrelevant to what I do.

>> No.5724884

13/13 1st year genetics phd student here.
thank god.

>> No.5724886

>What's the point in knowing some useless trivia? There was some chemistry, biology, and earth science in there as well. Which aside from being fucking boring, are completely irrelevant to what I do.

Low score detected.

>> No.5724894
File: 46 KB, 667x679, 5645468548645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We say [eu]-rr-ooh-pah, not "yuwop". You began using that spelling after the 'murrica jokes started because you felt you needed a name to insult Europa with and thought to just copy the already ongoing murrica joke. Congratulation, you're making fun of your own accent.

US having a debt of $16.805 trillion at this exact moment

Without referring to a PIGS country (I would just name countries that are faring very well like Germany, Denmark, Norway, etc..), but as a whole -which is what you seem to suggest in your post-, how exactly how we poorer than you again?

>> No.5724895

>Low score detected.
No I got everything right. Still don't know why knowing some random factoids is a good thing. (better yet, I don't understand why not knowing them is a bad thing)

>> No.5724898


Well that was easy and how the fuck haven't you heard of fracking, however

What gas do most scientists believe causes temperatures in the atmosphere to rise?
>as if its not HALF and there isn't a giant discussion going on whether this is as true

Which is an example of a chemical reaction?
>implying going from one state to another or disolving cannot be seen as rates of reaction..

pfff are americans this stupid?

>> No.5724903
File: 89 KB, 379x593, 1366925147506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Females are more right than men on one question

>> No.5724901

12/13. gonna go cut myself now for not knowing what fracking was

>> No.5724904


Shirley you're joking. That was all grade school stuff.

>> No.5724907


How about Europeons?

Feel better?

>> No.5724914

Christ, this is sad...
Where the hell do you think you are right now?

>> No.5724917

You are an embarrassment

>> No.5724918

>the questions in that poll actually are hard for most Americans who took that poll

>> No.5724921

About half of that in total. Plus, yours has been steeply rising.since at least 1970 (seriously, you can hold a ruler next to it), while the debt of pretty much all European countries fluxuates around a value lower than the one it is on now ergo recession.

>> No.5724922
File: 19 KB, 582x240, 1364583888265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Muh continent is better than yours because [insert logical faculty here]

Kindly leave the premises, uncivilized barbarians.

>> No.5724924

>But it say only 31% of college graduates know the air is mostly nitrogen?
That lumps together all age groups, including all the 50+ people who haven't taken a science course since the 70s.

More interesting would be the 18-29 set of college graduates.

>> No.5724927 [DELETED] 

what you believe with 100% certainty in that CO2 is the main cause of global warning...

stay ill-informed bro

>> No.5724931

Its not just CO2 dumbass

>> No.5724929

>>as if its not HALF and there isn't a giant discussion going on whether this is as true
Nearly all scientists with expertise in climate science agree that human emissions are the primary driver of climate change.

Cry harder.

>> No.5724933


no, that's what the media wants you to believe

most people don't believe in it because modeling the entire earth's climate involves too many variables

>> No.5724936

>no, that's what the media wants you to believe
No, that's a conclusion based on the primary science literature.

>most people don't believe in it because modeling the entire earth's climate involves too many variables
I really hope I shouldn't have to tell you why "what most people believe" isn't a good standard of evidence.

>> No.5724943

>no, that's what the media wants you to believe
Probably the dumbest statement ever. When will people stop saying this?

>> No.5724946


Nothing to see here folks just another troll

>> No.5724945

>no, that's what the media wants you to believe
Wrong. Over 97% of experts in climate science attribute global warming to human actions.


>most people don't believe in it because modeling the entire earth's climate involves too many variables
That's absolutely retarded.

>> No.5724952

13/13, and I'm only a pharmacy student

although i guessed on that last one, since what the hell is fracking.

>> No.5724948

12/13, never heard of fracking.

>> No.5724956


>> No.5724962


They started it. They called us fat.

>> No.5724975

Messed up the electron one because im probably dislexic and get confused by semantics when reading shit

>> No.5724977


hydraulic fracturing ... they use water to force sand and shit into gas bearing rock formations to release the gas.

>> No.5724989

get 13/13. easy as fuck.
but i'm bio major, you'll still ask me to leave this board

>> No.5724992

How is that? The only thing bio majors ever get a "hard time" for is being on the verge of hard-soft science.
That's hardly so bad.

>> No.5724996

>all the while posting on an American board
Well, okay, I see you're real proud of yourself.

That's what matters, right?

>> No.5725012
File: 107 KB, 613x459, 1366547753201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>people will become addicted to antibiotics

>nanotechnology is the study of very cold things

>> No.5725015

13/13 Here

What I think is more telling is how the women consistently pull down the average.

Why do we allow them to vote again?

>> No.5725016

I don't have anything against the US and I never said that I did. I use loads of stuff from all over the world, including the US. I do, however, hate people who say completely retarded stuff like "yuropoor".

>> No.5725023


So what is like to be me?

>> No.5725026
File: 139 KB, 680x524, you only had to remember.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that 23% of respondents only got 5 questions or less correct.

>> No.5725035

>I had to cheat 'cause I did not know what 'Fracking' was, but I don't see how that specific piece of trivia can make someone a better scientist.

Who said it would?

>> No.5725038


Got the Nitrogen/Hydrogen question wrong. I knew oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen made up most of our air, but wasn't sure whether nitrogen or hydrogen were larger amount.

>> No.5725050


>> No.5725057

>I knew oxygen/nitrogen/hydrogen made up most of our air

That's not true. There is very, very little hydrogen in the air.

.000055% according to Wikipedia.

>> No.5725064

I got 12/13

Misread the question about electrons because of rushing.

>> No.5725065
File: 11 KB, 160x160, 1302984299763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wasn't sure whether nitrogen or hydrogen were larger amount

>> No.5725068

Hydrogen is light enough that it can escape Earth's gravity with ease. Also why we have little helium in the atmosphere.

>> No.5725072

> you scored better than 93% of the public
terrible, all of this is either
> I have passed 9th grade
> I have watched the news in the last three years

>> No.5725077

Why has no one answered this?

Seriously. Look at the women's scores.

>> No.5725086


-2 because it's so obvious.

>> No.5725089


they are more savvy in terms of health care.

without them you'd be committing involuntary genocide.

>> No.5725090

Explain. I'd love to hear the reason for this.

>> No.5725131
File: 35 KB, 1249x585, 1st percentile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Which of these is a major concern about the overuse of antibiotics?

You answered "People will become addicted to antibiotics"

The correct answer is "It can lead to antibiotic-resistant bacteria"

total: 77%
men: 72%
women: 81%


Which is the better way to determine whether a new drug is effective in treating a disease? If a scientist has a group of 1,000 volunteers with the disease to study, should she...

You answered "Give the drug to all of them and see how many get better"

The correct answer is "Give the drug to half of them but not to the other half, and compare how many in each group get better"

total: 75%


this is a shitty study with only 1000 participants, but it might indicate that women might actually be better suited as healthcare professionals, which would also make sense, considering the female role in primates and early societies.

>> No.5725139

I think the case can be made that they are more apt to see a doctor when they or a child gets the sniffles.

Meanwhile men will absolutely refuse to go to the doctor.

Outside of that, my point was that they shouldn't be allowed to vote, not getting rid of them on the whole.

If someone can't grasp the basic concept of earth science then what gives them the delusion that they can weigh in on matters of socioeconomic and international importance?

>> No.5725141


>that they shouldn't be allowed to vote

Let's have a Referendum on that.

>> No.5725147

Yes, I thought the male/female difference is pretty shocking.

>> No.5725148

>my point was that they shouldn't be allowed to vote,

No, your point was to make a shitty troll, then you got mad when nobody took the bait the first time.

>> No.5725150

Hydrogen and nitrogen,,, with whom I share one board, oh god...

>> No.5725151

You may see it as a troll post. But look at it like this.

We don't allow felons to vote. But yet we allow a percentage of the population who think that lasers are made with sound waves and electrons are larger than atoms.

In what world does that make sense?

>> No.5725157
File: 20 KB, 331x314, 1333805267700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw someone says H2 or O2
>mfw they light a match and the whole world is set ablaze

13/13 2ez

>> No.5725156
File: 13 KB, 410x211, Gender diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your autism.

>> No.5725161

>Yes, I thought the male/female difference is pretty shocking.

average male score: 66
average female score: 59

Not a very dramatic difference at all. Age and education made a much bigger difference.

>> No.5725165
File: 39 KB, 823x316, muh 13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

College grad, waiting on apps from med schools. This isn't an intellectual endeavor though, just common knowledge.

>if I had gotten 12 I'd have already killed myself

>> No.5725163


I bet Thomas Jefferson didn't know lasers aren't made with sound waves.

>> No.5725166

>In what world does that make sense?

...this one?

According to this survey, age makes a bigger difference than gender. So really, by your logic, we shouldn't let anyone over 30 vote.

>> No.5725167
File: 1.79 MB, 416x234, 1367206435905.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they do score lower.

The reasons why is open for creative non-fiction by gender studies, psychology and sociology majors.


>> No.5725168

He had a penis and helped build a nation. Chances are he knew about the world around him.

Hell he was even ahead of his time by even choosing to embrace racial equality by fucking his slavegirls.

>> No.5725173


Pick two.

>> No.5725170

>trying to slip psychology in there

Not so fast, autist. Psychology is science.

>> No.5725175


I'll split the difference with you. We don't let anybody vote who can't ace this test.

>> No.5725183

Fair point. I was a psychology major, got 13/13.

>> No.5725193
File: 456 KB, 568x568, Wizard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I too am in agreement with this measure.

>> No.5725199

>implying electron has size

>> No.5725205

Has mass...

>> No.5725214
File: 5 KB, 414x133, sorry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sorry... I always forget this. Got 12/13

>> No.5725217

For the same reason economics is not a science either?

>> No.5725218

Btw, english is not my native

>> No.5725237
File: 264 KB, 2000x1333, 1366472543807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


is this hydrogen shit some new type of trollage?

>> No.5725243

fuckin' hydrogen, man

>> No.5725262


>whats fracking?

>humans disregard for their own planet

>> No.5725268

Is there any proof that fracking is harmful?

>> No.5725274


couple of minor earthquakes

>> No.5725288
File: 20 KB, 183x232, 1366558623854.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's plenty of evidence to suggest the opposite



>> No.5725290

It generates a lot of runoff water that isn't very pleasant. Among other things.

>> No.5725291

>tfw got the atmosphere question wrong

>> No.5725308


fuck you, it smells bad.

>> No.5725314

If we didn't do things because it smells bad, then I would have a very limited sex life.

>> No.5725317
File: 11 KB, 187x204, 1366558654972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I live in Texas they started a huge fracking operation awhile back, it smells like shit. But Texas already smelled like shit before, who can tell the difference?

>> No.5725320


given an abundance of subjective experience altering hormones, not everything smells bad all the time.

ever tried being a biological organism? it's pretty cool.

>> No.5725322

Anal sex means poop. And poop typically smells like poop, except when it smells like peanuts.

>> No.5725325


not the fracking question

>> No.5725334

Not butthurt, just stating a fact, faggot.

>> No.5725338


if scat is your thing, then that's your thing.

but have you ever heard of enemas, bro?

if you take a shit first and then shower properly while fingering yourself a little therein, you normally won't get much fecal matter on the dong either.

>> No.5725344

I'm just a homosex who likes a bit of surprise lovemaking. You take the good with the bad.

>> No.5725346

13/13 fuck yeah

I am a primary school science teacher so I should bloody know them all

>> No.5725349

Only 20% of of the questionees knew that nitrogen made up most of our atmosphere?
Damn people are stupid..

>> No.5725376

I am scared of how many took this test and missed as much as they did. We haven't made any changes in the percentages yet.

I would never have known of fracking if I didn't hear about it from people in my dorm. They never went over it in school.

>> No.5725387

> we haven't made any changes in the percentages yet
3/13 detected, are you fucking dumb

>> No.5725385

The average female is considerably more stupid than the average male. As so many times proven by LEGIT SCIENCE.

Why is it considered misogynist to dare saying it out loud again?

>> No.5725392

good site for math lovers

>> No.5725398

But I don't wanna leave :/

You answered 12 of 13 questions correctly.

>> No.5725412


"I'm not misogynistic, I just think women are inferior."

Have fun.

>> No.5725411
File: 109 KB, 406x364, 1363191317630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw males score significantly higher than females

>> No.5725430

How the fuck did some people every question wrong.

0 and 1; 1%. Man muricans are so fuckin retarded, I hope N. Korea nukes the shit out of you fat pig fucks. Asia and Europa is master continent.

Even God hates you because you couldn't even get the 2 option answers right, that's how terrible your luck is.

>> No.5725426

I love how the science board confuses scientific fact with opinion.

>> No.5725433
File: 76 KB, 1024x725, 5526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I failed you /sci/ leaving forever.

>> No.5725444



ask me anything

i said I was an 18 year old postgraduate male.

>> No.5725445

Assuming the program is logical, it will take percentages from everyone who took it. In that case, if enough of /sci/ shows up, there should be a decent amount of higher scores assuming the people here actually know about science. In that case, I was expecting to be in the top 8-9% at least instead of the top 7%.

gtfo 11/13

>> No.5725447


>explicitly says it doesn't
>this nigger thinks it will anyways

>> No.5725452


>thinks savvy test is iq test
>this nigger's wondering why MySQL hasn't won the touring challenge.

>> No.5725448

It says on the goddamn page that your scores are reflected against the original participants and not registered for the percentages.

Learn to read. Goddamn.

>> No.5725450
File: 127 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2013-05-01 at 3.18.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore my 20 or so tabs, ok?

>> No.5725453

First go and kill your family.
Second kill anyone directly related to your mother and father.
Next kill your grandparents if there not already dead.
Fourth kill any indirect relatives
Finally kill yourself or as you murcians prefer to go out with style, go and do a school shooting rampage.

You will of contributed something useful to human civilization, by saving feedstock for more worthy beings, and reducing your oversized carbon footprint.

>> No.5725455

I think the tests needs at least 10 more question

Add in some basic maths question too

>> No.5725462
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But I could understand how people can incorrectly some of these questions...

>> No.5725463
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>> No.5725469


Words are tricky.

>> No.5725472

In my defense I'm half asleep. That just shows how stupidly easy that test was and why it makes me lose more hope in humanity. I hope they just took their samples outside of churches.

>> No.5725476




>> No.5725477

>I'm sleepy so it's okay I was wrong.
>This has no bearing on my own intellect.
>I sure hope they didn't sample the people outside churches. I mean, they are stupid, am I right guise?

>> No.5725499
File: 11 KB, 640x372, pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many suncreens protect against some form of infrared too, but you only choose one answer. If you get 13/13 it confirms you're a pleb.

>> No.5725518
File: 30 KB, 400x280, jesus-christ-e1306820709483-400x280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>some form of infrared

what am I reading

>> No.5725526

>some form of infrared
Mad, because you scored with a false answer? Mad, because you're a pleb?

>> No.5725523
File: 32 KB, 982x744, fuckingembarrassing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fucking embarrassment.

Not my results, but how they stack up against others who took the test.

God damn it, 'Murrica.

>> No.5725535


zinc oxide: http://origin-ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0009250913000183-gr9.jpg
tit oxide: http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0926337301003356-gr1.gif

notice that shorter wavelengths mean higher frequencies in case you are the ultragiganigapleb.

>> No.5725536


Are there any other tests like this?

>> No.5725546

Are we getting mad because patrician answers are scored wrong? I liked question 12.

>"most scientists believe"

And it's not even right - none of the gases CAUSE atmospheric temperatures to rise. That's the sun. The CO2 is only keeping the temperature trapped.

How are people missing THREE, let alone one question on this?

>> No.5725553
File: 49 KB, 1026x623, 346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never finished highschool. I got lucky on the question regarding fracking because I work with natural gas.

>> No.5725555


you have a thermostat that regulates your room temperature and keeps it steady

you turn up the dial on the thermostat

you cause the thermostat to alter the room temperature

your oven causes room warming.

>> No.5725556

Breakdown's actually pretty helpful if you were pat-material. Lowest scores are on atom>electron, lasers=/=sound, and the main element in our atmosphere.

>> No.5725563

What the fuck are you talking about? Good job recognizing causes of temperature change.

>> No.5725572

I'm fucking seventeen and I got 12/13, I was torn between coal and natural gas, and I picked wrong. Regardless, this shit ain't hard at all

>> No.5725578

I imagine the coal people are actually fighting hard to keep fracking out of Pennsylvania, considering they're the OTHER big energy source dug up around there. That or the coal companies are adopting it into their practices; I don't know how well the tech overlaps.

>> No.5725583

>You scored better than 93% of the public and the same as 7%.
i h8 that feel. i know it's just le bell curve but fuck humans are annoying.

>> No.5725587

Maybe they just enjoy drinking water in PA. They're peculiar folk, I know.

>> No.5725590

Fuck you op I'm not leaving this board because I messed up on the nitrogen question.

I mess around with math and computers not fucking atmospheric chemistry.

>> No.5725599

The fuck? Fracking is in A-Level Chemistry

>> No.5725600

>Fuck you op I'm not leaving this board because I messed up on the nitrogen question.



>> No.5725601

It's pretty logical to assume it's natural gas when comparing the possible solutions. Otherwise, I wouldn't have known it.
But I bet a lot of mistakes were made by non-english-speakers who didn't know the correct english terms.

>> No.5725604

I bet you answered Oxygen. Hehehehe.

>> No.5725615
File: 17 KB, 184x274, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading the questions and answers

The test is wrong. The most obvious is the statement about the future (continental drift).

Nobody can know the future. If you think you do, then you are wrong. You can guess the future, not know it.
Asking if things are true or false... yeah, wrong too.

>> No.5725614 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 1140x440, master race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CS master race reporting in. we dont need boring science shit bcaus were top salary experts

>> No.5725623

Don't feel bad. I fucked up on an even dumber one.
I said X-rays. When I saw I had a 12/13 I thought to myself "what? How is that even possible?" Until I went over my answers and saw my mistake. I haven't cringed that hard for something I did myself in a long while.

>> No.5725626

The only thing I remember from elementary was drawing the state bird and getting told to not skip ahead of the class.

>> No.5725639


Implying it hasn't been several years since I was in highschool.

I have no applicable reason to remember that. But don't think I'm not feeling like a fool for missing it.


Actually I said hydrogen like an idiot.

>> No.5725643

Science is about making predictions about future outcomes. Since it is a test on scientific knowledge, knowing what the currently accepted predictions are should come into play.

>> No.5725664

it's a joke/"trol XD"..
Please don't respond.

>> No.5725672

I lived in PA for years of my life, in the past and recently. Nothing wrong with the water in the cities or the rural areas. They recently requested permission to survey my mother's land. It's not like I haven't been keeping abreast with the events.

Besides, are you suggesting all the coal mines AREN'T damaging the water tables of PA? Or do you think it's more likely the introduction of an abundant, "clean" energy in the middle of a public vilification and antagonistic President might be making coal companies worried for their future?

>> No.5725669
File: 26 KB, 617x475, 251110_281395771966933_867133540_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. It's about putting previous measurements together in tidy way. If you over-suppose that way of encompassing measurements will stay mostly the same in the future, you can say you can predict. But there's no reason for that, you can not trust that and make science the same.

The fact that people get overwhelmed when that stuff matches measurements not done at the time someone presents that way of encompassing (say, an equation, a theory), and that makes people give it more credit, doesn't mean it is how things should be.

>> No.5725674

You don't need highschool to get 13/13

>> No.5725685
File: 26 KB, 400x343, rman2042l_musiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's no joke, even if it's called like that. Are you not familiar with epistemology?. To me, what you did was trolling, I mean, it's obvious in any critical epistemoligical way.

>> No.5725690

>Not really.

You don't think science is about making predictions? A hypothesis that can't be used to make a prediction isn't testable.

>> No.5725691

Please leave this board.

>> No.5725697
File: 92 KB, 382x257, coal ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great, NOW I find the picture.

>> No.5725700

I was talking about fracking.

>> No.5725718

Then you were off-topic and pedantic.

>> No.5725726

> off-topic
The post I responded to said,
> I imagine the coal people are actually fighting hard to keep fracking out of Pennsylvania, considering they're the OTHER big energy source dug up around there.
So if by specifically referencing a post and responding to its words is "off-topic" then, sir, I accept the charge, and will continued to post "off-topic."

>> No.5725749
File: 43 KB, 500x400, 059-In-science-we-trust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I don't think so. What's worse, you can't prove that sciencei is about making predictions. The fact is that the universe, or nature, or whatever anyone means by that, can behave in whichever way it 'wants' or does. For example, gravitational pull can change it sign whenever it 'wants'. Let's suppose that for half a second, all gravity forces change sign to minus (now, gravity 'repels' matter), and goes back.
What would happen then? Well, the previous theories about gravity would fail to encompass that. But would that be realliy a problem? Who could know that gravity would make such a thing? No one, because you can't predict it. Would that part of science be wrong? Of course not. It encompassed previous measurements greatly.

On the other hand, the fact that you didn't happen to see gravity changing sign so far ('all my life and in the records I trust it has been experienced that things fall down') doesn't make the future behave just as you hope. It's just a hope, it doesn't make it a fact.

I will right after you do, then. We are both under the same grounds.

>> No.5725768

yeah i found this funny

>> No.5725770

i dont know what fracking is

>> No.5725781

fuck you.
science is about making observations and predicting what will happen in the furture based on that.
i stopped reading your shit post after you said that the universe was alive

>> No.5725805

Science, contextually, is the natural sciences which is the application of the scientific method to natural phenomena. Since the scientific method is designed to test strong, predictive statements, a failure to have predictive statements is failure to adhere to the scientific method which, by definition, makes the practice no longer science.

>> No.5725843
File: 10 KB, 221x228, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Fuck you"? Really? On the same grounds as you are, I already stated that science is not about that. So we are at an impass, until you convince me the other way. I already put forward a thought experiment about the mattter, explaining my views more in depth. What do you have to say about the thought situation I proposed?
Remember that that kind of situations happened, not in the 'switching' fashion, but more in that 'i didn't see that coming' fashion, like the good ole Black Body Radiation.

I didn't say the universe was 'alive'... poor reading of yours. The quotes are there for a reason.
(ANYWAY, now reading afterwards, yes, the universe is alive, at least in part... remember that we are inside it)

What I don't really understand is why would you get so upset as to get to ad hominem fallacies!

>> No.5725884
File: 85 KB, 387x467, statistical-joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The so called 'scientific method' is part of certain (NOT ALL) epistemological views, and still much questioned about modern (and old) views. So, I can not adhere to having such thing as a 'scientific method', and still be on topic on science.

On the other hand, you can design something to do some task, but fail at designing it. You can design a can opener that doesn't work. It happens all the time. That's what I'm saying about that view of science. It would be really cool and awesome to predict, that's why there are people working as 'fortune tellers' for a living -even if what they say is bollocks-.

But if you think philosophically about the subject, it's pretty obvious you can't predict anything, and that's exactly the base to debunk such 'fortune tellers'. As I said, the universe can behave, change (or whatever verb you like) in any way. It isn't bounded by scientific descriptional laws that describe part of such behaviours -ones which are measurable-.

Only by adding the hypothesis 'I trust that this previous behaviour will repeat mostly the same in the future' to the rest of the hypothesis (say, a scientific theory) you can arrive to a 'prediction'. But it would be unwise, because you can't have any evidence to back up such new hypothesis: you can't know the future nor measure it, at the present, because you don't know it. I think the problem is called the 'REGULARITY' hypothesis.

You can only bet on future measurements. That's a great tool, betting. But that's not predicting, it's guessing. And it's all cool. So getting a bet right is like winning the lottery, people trust you more on that, but that's as much as there is.

>> No.5725927
File: 2 KB, 126x94, 1253298053424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which gas makes up most of the Earth's atmosphere?
>20% got it right

>> No.5725952

You should be interested in fracking. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U01EK76Sy4A

>> No.5725984

I got question 2 wrong......
I thought it was a trick question related to the wave function? *facefloor*

>> No.5725994

The filters in homes with wells were never designed to remove large amounts of methane.

>> No.5726115

1/10 made me reply

>> No.5726168

12/13 (didn't know the meaning of "fracking", so I just took a guess)

so long /sci/, it's been a pleasure :(

>> No.5726367


I live in the most heavily fracked county in Pennsylvania, I've never felt and earthquake and I drink tap water.

>> No.5727139

I'm a genius. I knew it!