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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5714200 No.5714200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'd go on /x/ but I'd prefer to discuss this topic with people who are not delusional. I do not believe all the things on /x/ are automatically bullshit but at least 90% of it is just people writing stories and people wanting to believe probably.

What are your opinions on Aliens, angels, or demons? Do you think there is any proof they exist? Are you firmly of the opinion any spirituality or that type of thing is bullshit and that's that? Or are you open to the idea it may exist? Or do you think it does exist?

I am sure Aliens exist. I don't see how it's possible some things were built in ancient times unless some secrets of physics were lost over the years. And how some themes appear in every ancient culture almost around the world. And the fact, if we exist, why is it so hard to believe another type of being with sentient thought exists too?

I don't believe in spirituality currently, but I am open to the possibility. Is there any proof at all or evidence that demons, angels, or spirits in general exist or any of the sort? Angels/Demons referring to malevolent/benevolent spirits not something from the bible. Not necessarily anything from any religious book or organized religion, due to the fact those were made to control people.

But, just anything.

a few hundred years ago electricity and such things such as the internet, or etc... were a completely foreign and many technological advancements today were beyond comprehension.

So...why is it impossible some of those things yet, we simply have not developed the tech to test for/see yet?

>> No.5714208
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>> No.5714231

You're probably one of those pseudo-intellectual dicks that posts faulty philosophy to Facebook because you know the bitches eat that shit up, aren't you?

>> No.5714236

Angels are particles and demons are neutrino bodies

>> No.5714237

No, wait, this is gay.

>> No.5714240

Why does /sci/ get so hostile about this topic?

>> No.5714241

>exist by probability of life in universe, no evidence however of their existence
>existence is not testable, nor is there any evidence
OP's post:
>'i can't explain it, thus aliens/angels'

>> No.5714245

Op's Post:
>Furthermore, why haven't we come up with the technology to prove what I decided five minutes ago?!

>> No.5714261

Angels and demons are made up by christian believers. They were invented by some pope to scare the non-believers and possibly convert them. Previous bibles and writings never mention something like that.
Aliens most likely exist but definitely not on our planet. The speed of light limit can't allow them to travel to our planet. Moving faster than the speed of light breaks causation. In other words it's impossible for them to get to earth even if they've began their journey before a million years. (suggesting that neighboring stars are lifeless)
Gods are invented by humans to explain phenomena that they don't understand. Be it the god of thunder, the god of time or the god that created the universe.

sage for not science and don't you dare bump this shit thread

>> No.5714278

But particles have been proven to move faster than the speed of light.

>> No.5714282
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>faster than light
10 points if you understand the term 'rest mass'

>> No.5714284

Hey buddy. Hold my hand. We're going to do something call "rational thinking" and "skepticism."
Scary I know, but take a deep breath, it'll be okay.
You see, humans are full of flaws and cognitive fallacies, we much easily believe something than disbelieve, we only look for evidence for things we support for, we're really bad at estimating probability and tons more.
When you say "I am sure Aliens exist. I don't see how it's possible some things were built in ancient times unless some secrets of physics were lost over the years" You're absolutely dead wrong. That sentence is filled with incorrect assumptions and feelings. But that's okay, you're human, it's easy to watch Ancient Aliens once or twice and go "hmm, that kind of makes sense."
First, because you can't see "how it's possible" can't lead you to making those ridiculous and grandiose assumptions. Many people can see it's possible to build those things just fine. There are primary documents that have hiring of people to build the pyramids in egypt. Engineers understand that the basic premise and construction of pyramids, although complex, require no highly advanced technology and so on. But you don't hear about that, you don't look for information that counteracts your world view. Of course not. But you should. That's called "being skeptical." You should consciously look for opposing view points and their credibility. Did you know that until recently no one had thought about ancient aliens? It's a modern phenomenon. Crazy right.

I'm done writing.

>> No.5714287


Cancer 1
Hitchens 0

>> No.5714293

if you are referring to the FTL neutrinos detected by the OPERA researchers, it was a timing error
if you're referring to tachyons they're strictly theoretical, have never been observed and contradict causality

no short, NO!

>> No.5714294


Ware's muh Tachyons?

>> No.5714398

9.5/10, new copypasta for me:

Hey buddy. Hold my hand. We're going to do something call "rational thinking" and "skepticism."
Scary I know, but take a deep breath, it'll be okay.
You see, humans are full of flaws and cognitive fallacies, we much easily believe something than disbelieve, we only look for evidence for things we support for, we're really bad at estimating probability and tons more.
When you say [...] you're absolutely dead wrong. Your statement is filled with incorrect assumptions and feelings. But that's okay, you're human, it's easy to read some rubbish once or twice and go "hmm, that kind of makes sense."
First, because you can't see "how it's wrong" can't lead you to making those ridiculous and grandiose assumptions. Many people can understand why this is complete nonsense just fine. But you don't hear about that, you don't look for information that counteracts your world view. Of course not. But you should. That's called "being skeptical." You should consciously look for opposing view points and their credibility.
Crazy right.

>> No.5714417

nice, thanks

>> No.5714504

Didn't the astronauts who landed on the moon claim there was an extraterrestrial vehicle alongside them but they said nothing till after to avoid being called back?

And Buzz Aldrin claims there is a Monolith on mars moon?

>> No.5714523

And how does probability imply existence?

>> No.5714521

>>exist by probability of life in universe

What is the probability of life in the universe (excluding earth)?

>> No.5714529

33.34%, it's more or less a game of luck

>> No.5714530


It is. Do you want what's behind door number three?

Or would you like a new 100 dollar bill?

>> No.5714589

am i banned yet?

>> No.5714612


>I don't see how it's possible some things were built in ancient times

Slaves. Lots and lots of slaves.

>> No.5714635

According to cuantum mechanics everything is possible. If cats can be dead and alive at the same time, I don't see a reason why aliens and demons shouldn't exist.

>> No.5714653

Bad troll. I give you a Rasputin/10

>> No.5714665

Rasputin was pretty awesome

>> No.5714675

fuck off with your rap battle shit.

>> No.5714676


Science does not comment on the supernatural.

>> No.5714709
File: 55 KB, 550x391, Einstein-Godel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gödel thought angels and demons existed

>> No.5714780

I don't want to seem like an asshole, but frankly, anyone who believes that aliens don't exist anywhere in the universe and we're the only ones out here, is stupid. The universe is composed of hundreds of quadrillions of planets—maybe even more. If you think Earth is the only one that supports life then you are truly ignorant.

>> No.5714782

Show me an alien. Without evidence they are just as non-existent as unicorns or fairies. Your childish emotional attachment to your kindergarten level fantasies doesn't make them less retarded. Please grow up and learn some science and math.

>> No.5714786

>Science does not comment on the supernatural.
Science should get out of the comfortable zone every now and then. Maybe then we will change the term "demon" for a much more realistic one.

>> No.5714791

>the universe is huuuuuuuuge, therefore EVERYTHING MUST OF HAPPENED

The real numbers are infinite. How many of them have the value 3?

>> No.5714792

Many people have seen aliens, and then government has covered up evidence of their existence. Do the research yourself.

>> No.5714810

Ah, yes, the wonderful government conspiracy that allows the lack of evidence to be evidence.

>> No.5714826
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>Implying this comparison is valid
>implying it hasn't been confirmed already that life is more possible than we initially thought.
>Implying there are not billions of planets with similar or better conditions than earth.
>implying the conditions of earth are required for these beings to survive.
>implying extraterrestrial life would mean intelligent extraterrestrial life.
>implying we can't make hypotheses before an experiment because that would be philosophee

>> No.5714827

There are thousands of UFO sightings every year. No, not just vague lights in the distance, some people (who were non believers at first) actually see them clearly, performing movements that human aircraft can't do. So are these thousands of people all crazy schizophrenics, even the respected scientists?

>> No.5714824

The US government is terrible at covering things up. I mean look at their track record, they suck at secrecy.
You'll feel like an idiot when documents get declassified in 50 years and there's still nothing to do with aliens.

>> No.5714836

>implying the comparison wasn't valid
>implying you're not grasping at straws
>implying you aren't trying to cover up your lack of evidence
>implying you understand probability
>implying your fallacious pseudo-argumetns aren't based on non sequiturs and appeals to emotion
>implying you understand science
>implying "muh childish fantasies" is more convincing than the lack of scientific evidence

>> No.5714837

That's a false dichotomy. Are the "respected scientists" experts in what human aircraft can do? Why should, say, someone who specializes in pharmaceuticals have any more credibility in what aircraft can do than a kid who works in McDonald's?

>> No.5714843

>Science should get out of the comfortable zone every now and then.

The fact that you would say something so asinine only indicates that you don't even fucking know what science is.

Science deals with empirical evidence observed from natural phenomena.

The idea that you can observe or experiment on something that is supernatural (something that is literally beyond what is natural or unexplainable by natural law or phenomena) is absurd. The very act of observing something you claim to be "supernatural" would make whatever phenomena you were observing natural, since you were able to observe it in the first place.

Supernatural = beyond reality and observation.
Natural = observable reality.

Fuck off back to /x/.

>> No.5714848
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>it is possible, therefore IT MUST OF HAPPENED

>> No.5714850

Any sane person with an ounce of rational thought knows how human aircraft with current technology can fly. Airplanes fly in a straight line. Helicopters, however, can hover and maneuver like airplanes cannot. However, no human craft can travel in a straight line at 500 mph and then go in the opposite direction in 2 seconds, and make bizarre movements that would be impossible with our technology.

>> No.5714864

Nuh-uh! Because ... uhm ... quantum theory! CHECKMATE!!

>> No.5714867

It is not valid. The conditions of life are not that specific. In fact, they are much more diverse and there are even some microorganisms OF EARTH able to survive in space so why not on other planets? The possibility of life outside earth has been mathemathically proven, do some research. By possibility it does not mean that it actually IS, but that it is an option we can not deny for now.

You grasp my straw.

>> No.5714871

>it is possible, but still fuck it! PICS OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN

I'm not claiming it's possible, but that it is likely.

>> No.5714876

What is your probability measure? Can you write down the math?

>> No.5714873

You still have no evidence. Appeal to possibility is a retarded fallacy and you know it. You could use the exact same non-argument when talking about the existence of ghosts, unicorns or demons and it would be just as valid, i.e. not valid at all. Please grow up.

>> No.5714881

Not piloted craft. But drones can do interesting things. Why do you assume everything being observed has to adhere to what's commonly seen? Experimental craft are tested all the time. How do you know people are seeing craft? I've seen plenty of videos of ghostly "orbs" that were very clearly dust particles or bugs, it's just that the people claiming it was paranormal weren't experienced photographers to recognize that. People could be making similar mistakes with your supposed UFOs.

>> No.5714895

>some microorganisms OF EARTH able to survive in space
>space is not earth.
>surviving in space, very harsh conditions.
>not the evidence that life can exist outside earth.

>> No.5714897

He didn't make any argument. I called him out for his use of retarded fallacies.

>> No.5714894

>attacking the person instead of the argument

you shouldn't talk about straws

>> No.5714901

Supposed UFOs?

>> No.5714906

see this
life from earth outside earth confirmed.

>> No.5714909

>life from earth

That's not what we were talking about. Please learn to read.

>> No.5714911

Well, I guess of course it's a UFO if we don't know what it is. What I should have said was "supposed alien craft."

>> No.5714928


Please tell me about your probability measure. You're jumping to unjustified conclusions.

>> No.5714926

You really want me to think for you, don't you?

Life from earth outside earth confirms that life can survive in the outer space.
If life can survive in outer space, with these deadly conditions, then life can exist in not so harsh conditions.
If life can exist in not so harsh conditions, then life on other planets is not only possible but likely.
Some biologists claim that life may be naturally generated under certain conditions. Do we know it yet? No. Should we stop investigating? No.
There you go.

>> No.5714937

Do you believe in unicorns? I mean they are definitely possible. And considering how the universe is huuuuuuuuuge, they are even very LIKELY.

>> No.5714941

Brilliant! You've established that life probably exists somewhere else in the universe. Terrific. I doubt there are many people who would disagree with that. Now the real question: how technologically advanced are they and could they be visiting us? Ah, those would be much MUCH more difficult. The possibility of life existing elsewhere is NOT the same thing as them visiting us.

>> No.5714945

No, I'm a scientist.

>> No.5714942

Dammit are you one of those creationists?

>> No.5714947


By what probability measure? Please stop talking out of your ass.

>> No.5714954

You disappoint me....I thought you would be open-minded.

>> No.5714951

>Math or it didn't happen.
I don't know. The previous mathematical explanations about life outside earth were low, but it has been recently said that they were WRONG because muh biology experiments. Math is only right when we consider all factors, if new values are added then the results change greatly.

I guess the discussion is over for me since I can't find the math of the experiments I read about. Who was right or wrong? We will eventually know

>> No.5714956

Seriously? Is this your argument? You get called out for your retarded fallacies and your response is to denigrate and malign the person who refuted your nonsense? You are truly anti-intellectual cancer.

>> No.5714961

You call me retarded for believing in extraterrestrials?

>> No.5714963

>The possibility of life existing elsewhere is NOT the same thing as them visiting us.
Absolutely. I don't think it's possible.

>> No.5714964

>By what probability measure?
By the logical "probability measure" that simple Earth organisms can exist in conditions far more harsh than any present on Earth... by the "probability measure" that simple organic compounds are abundant throughout the universe... by the "probability measure" that exoplanets are known to exist within habitable zones of other stars.

Just because life can exist in extremely harsh conditions does not mean that that life is intelligent though.

>> No.5714960

I am open-minded. You on the other hand are dogmatic. You keep believing in things without evidence and you want to force these believes onto others.

>> No.5714966

42, obviously. But you're right, since I don't have a probability measure it must mean aliens have come to earth and are probing our butts. In fact, one's probing your butt right now with 200% probability.

>> No.5714967

Thanks for admitting that your statement about "probability" was baseless and nothing but an expression of wishful thinking.

>> No.5714972

Yes, I do. Believing in things without evidence is retarded. Do you believe in fairies and ghosts as well?

>> No.5714978

>By the logical "probability measure"
That's not how math works.

Do you agree with the following?

A probability space is a triple <span class="math">\left(\Omega , \mathcal{A} , P\right)[/spoiler] with <span class="math">\Omega [/spoiler] being a set, <span class="math">\mathcal{A}[/spoiler] a <span class="math">\sigma[/spoiler]-algebra on <span class="math">\Omega[/spoiler] and <span class="math">P[/spoiler] a probability measure on <span class="math">\mathcal{A}[/spoiler]?

>> No.5714977

>Thanks for admitting that your statement about "probability" was baseless
While also proving that math can be wrong if we don't consider the rest of the factors.

>> No.5714979

You're like the Europeans in the Middle Ages. They believed the earth was flat. It was, right? If it was round then we would fall off. Anyone who disagreed with this was executed. I'm not trying to force my beliefs on you, but calling me retarded for believing in aliens is ignorant and uncalled for.

>> No.5714980

>math is wrong

0/10, too obvious

>> No.5714983

Calling you a retard is very called for. You are promoting a belief which you cannot back up with evidence. "What if" and "I want to believe" are not valid arguments in the scientific context. This is a science board. Scientific theories are based on factual observations. >>>/x/ is the right board for you.

>> No.5714989

Let's state it like this:
the calculations are ALWAYS right.
what they imply is not, since sometimes there are missing variables which are not taken into account.
>being this dense

>> No.5714990

What calculations? You didn't present any calculations.

>> No.5714991

Scientist and mathematicians have calculated that there is a 99% certainty that life exists somewhere else in the universe. There are hundreds of quadrillions of planets, if not 1000x more, and you think NONE of them support life, not even bacterial, except for earth?? I hope you're trolling, for if people like you still exist in today's society then there really is no hope for humanity. What's the point of exploring space if there's nothing to see? Lets just stay confined to earth and stay ignorant......

>> No.5714995

>Scientist and mathematicians have calculated that there is a 99% certainty

No, they didn't. You're making up nonsense.

>> No.5714997

So unless we have an example of alien life in hand it's meaningless to discuss or even look for alien life (since the worth of something is so dependent on proof)? I guess we should tell all those idiots looking at exoplanets to stop wasting everyone's time and money. Actually, they shouldn't have bothered looking for those planets until they'd already found one.

>> No.5714998

This is common misconception. Most classical civilizations accepted the earth was spherical very early on after aristotles death.
Textbooks from the middle ages confirm that the general consensus among the scientific community was that the earth was a sphere.
Another common misconception is that columbus thought the earth was flat, he did not.

>> No.5714999

Measure theory is overly complex shit only needed to work around the problems introduced by working in a theory of infinite sets that gives rise to "unmeasurable sets" that nobody can give an example of.

>> No.5715000

Drake Equation?

>> No.5715001
File: 119 KB, 1062x642, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/x/ does really get uppity when told that the boogeymen aren't real

>> No.5715002

>Measure theory is overly complex shit
What's your problem? Is is too hard for you, babby?

>"unmeasurable sets" that nobody can give an example of.

Please come back when you graduated high school.

>> No.5715012

I could only find the previous calculations. The ones which stated that life outside earth was highly unlikely.

These calculations, however, were wrong since there have been several discoveries in biology that show that there are much more factors to be used.

I just stated that what math implies is not always right and proved it. It's like trying to understand physics with Descartes' findings. We have moved on, we just don't know where.

>> No.5715010


>implying you understand the Drake Equation
>implying we have enough data to begin to do an honest calculation of the equation

>are people really this dumb?
>Do they just look at a bunch of symbols accompanied by an assertive statement "therefore 100% garble chance" and then accept it as fact?
>where is my cyanide pill?

>> No.5715011

>axiom of choice

>> No.5715020

>Posting a shooped pictures
Cmon bro, you dont really believe that image right?

>> No.5715016

>What's your problem?
Show us an infinite set.

>> No.5715018

>lurking on /x/

>> No.5715019

The drake equation is a probabilistic argument. Not an equation in the sense that actual scientists would use.
It is an estimate to the probability of the number of radio capable intelligent civilizations in the milky way.
It does not take into account the rest of the universe.
Nor do we have any reliable data regarding the variables in that so called equation.
It's a pseudo-equation. a gess

>> No.5715022


jus LIK e(VIL)ution.

>> No.5715026

Scared of reading fiction mate?
It's okay, it'll rot your brain - stay away.

>> No.5715028

It is not an argument at all, just pure anti-mathematical bullshit. This Drake person doesn't understand probability theory.

>> No.5715033

They did. Google it.

>> No.5715031

You're fucking arguing, based on some sort of deluded mathematical concepts, that life cannot exist in the entire fucking universe beyond Earth. That is literally what you are saying. The people you are arguing against aren't even saying anything about intelligent aliens visiting Earth, or any such nonsense. Stop being such an incredible sperg and fuck off.

>> No.5715036

>that life cannot exist in the entire fucking universe beyond Earth
No, that's not what I'm saying. Thanks for showing that you're illiterate. Did you drop out of kindergarten? I agree that life on other planets is possible. Nothing more can be said. Talking about it being "probable" or "likely" is retarded and anti-intellectual and only proves your failure of understanding basic probability theory.

>> No.5715038

At no point have i said that life cannot exist elsewhere in the universe.
I just pointed out that the drake equation is not an equation.

>> No.5715040

>I am sure Aliens exist.
Learn the difference between the statements of 'exist' and 'have or do visit Earth.'
It's a vast distinction that is very important.

>a few hundred years ago electricity and such things such as the internet, or etc... were a completely foreign and many technological advancements today were beyond comprehension.
But we can never be nearly as ignorant as we were in the past. It is simply not possible for those large differences and massive jumps to happen any more.

>So...why is it impossible some of those things yet, we simply have not developed the tech to test for/see yet?
We can only move toward better understanding; being MORE accurate about the world and its limits.
Most of what we know is going to be very close to true, because we constantly investigate and criticize it.
Do not assume that we will eventually be able to do things that we believe today are totally impossible -- almost every single aspect of the impossible will be proven right.
Only small parts will be corrected, ever.

>> No.5715042

>the axiom of choice guarantees the existence of a subset of [0, 1] containing exactly one representative out of each element of R/Q. A set formed this way is called a Vitali set
I repeat: "unmeasurable sets" that nobody can give an example of

>> No.5715044

It certainly is an equation, but it is fucking meaningless and does not prove anything.

>> No.5715049

You were right about all of it, up until you said it was a guess.
It is nothing remotely like a guess.
A guess is made absent of data of information -- the entire point of the Drake estimate is to avoid that.

Please, NEVER equate 'guess' with 'estimate.'

>> No.5715056

>Talking about it being "probable" or "likely"
Holy fuck, could you be any more of an autist.

>> No.5715050

An not Lebesgue measurable set can be constructed without the axiom of choice.


>> No.5715051

It's actually a bit of both. It's a guesstimate.

>> No.5715052

>gesstimate(tm) by /x/

>> No.5715058

It isn't my fault that you are too coginitively impaired to understand mathematical terminology.

>> No.5715061

>It certainly is an equation, but it is fucking meaningless and does not prove anything.

What does it 'equate'?
It is supposed to provide an estimate; it does NOT show two values equal to one another.
('Equation' does not just means there are calculations in it.)

And, of course it doesn't prove anything -- proof is an ENTIRELY different process, in this case having nothing to do with mathematics or values of estimation.

>> No.5715065

>axiom of infinity

>> No.5715066

Would the word "possibly" appease your incredibly ass-holish shit-picking nature? Jesus fuck, get a life.

>> No.5715070

look at all these semantic faggots

>> No.5715071

>What does it 'equate'?

The LHS and the RHS. Syntactically it is an equation. As I said it is meannigless and in the context of probability is even invalid.

>It is supposed to provide an estimate
It fails to do so. Any estimate given by that equation would be wrong.

>And, of course it doesn't prove anything
I was not the person who posted it claiming it was a proof.

>> No.5715075

No need to be upset. I corrected your abuse of terminology.

>> No.5715080

>An not Lebesgue measurable set can be constructed without the axiom of choice.
No it can't, as explained by the page you linked.

>> No.5715082

No, you're just shit picking for the sake of being a little bitch. You knew full well what was meant, and if you didn't then you really are autistic and I feel bad for you.

>> No.5715088

If people use terminology incorrectly, I will correct them. That's how it's done in science and math.

>> No.5715095
File: 45 KB, 632x511, fbsadsonic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hero science needs, but not the hero /sci/ deserves. Stay strong and evar vigilant.

>> No.5715097

If deities don't exist, then who created the sets? Checkmate, noncognitivists.

>> No.5715098


>> No.5715099

Sorry, but this isn't some fucking review board. We're not publishing a goddamn article here. Get over yourself.

>> No.5715103

This is a science and math board. Feel free to leave if you don't like these topics.

>> No.5715105

The drake equation is true..

The only thing you can contest is the assumption is makes (number of earth like planets, number of earth like planets with life, etc).

>> No.5715109

I like the topics fine. I don't like raging autists who shit pick over semantics such as yourself.

>> No.5715111

>The drake equation is true..

No, it isn't. It is a collection of garbage meant to syntactically resemble an equation. To any person who knows something about probability it is obvious that the equation is flawed.

>> No.5715116

In what way is it flawed?

>> No.5715117

>Believe string theory
>Don't believe in intelligent life somewhere among the infinite number of galaxies

this place

>> No.5715118

If you don't see it, there's no point in explaining because you definitely lack the education. Please take an introduction to probability theory.

>> No.5715124

>believing in the existence of mystical creatures without evidence
>dismissing established and consistent theories with lots of evidence


>> No.5715126

It's not even that... just someone getting a stick up their ass over the use of words such as "likely", "probable" and "possible"...

>> No.5715130

"Possible" is fine, but "likely" and "probable" imply a estimation of probability. Using these words as emotional expressions of wishful thinking is degenerate.

>> No.5715131

>If you don't see it, there's no point in explaining

You are making a massive error here:
if you want to make a justified statement about the flaw,
say something to suggest the flaw.

saying it's flawed and giving NOTHING AT ALL is just a completely empty statement, of no value or substance.

>> No.5715132

Do you know what a probability space is?

>> No.5715135


Yes, _I_ do, but I wasn't making the statement.
I also wasn't the person you were writing to.

I know how _I_ would criticize the Drake -- but _you_ were the one writing.

>> No.5715134

Who ever said anything about using these words as emotional expressions? People use these words almost interchangeably all the fucking time. You're just shit picking over these words and pissing off everyone without even trying to actively correct their word usage.

>> No.5715138

>People use these words almost interchangeably

And that's not how these words are to be used. "Likely" and "probably" are supposed to refer to an estimate of probability, not to a childish expression of "I want to believe".

>> No.5715144

>People use these words almost interchangeably all the fucking time.

They do, but that is a massive mistake, revealed as soon as you start discussing any topic.
I agree with you that discussion can use colloquial terms here, but some colloquial terms are just plain wrong.

Using wrong terms fouls up the conversation right away; they need to be avoided.

>> No.5715142

I am not his high school teacher. I am not obliged to explain fundamental concepts to him.

>> No.5715147

>And that's not how these words are to be used.
We're not editing a Master's thesis here you cunt.
This isn't being written up for Nature.

>"Likely" and "probably" are supposed to refer to an estimate of probability,
>not to a childish expression of "I want to believe".
You're putting words in people's mouths now. Congratulations.

Keep being a complete dick.

>> No.5715149

This is a science and math board. Keep your colloquial abuse of terminology to whatever pleb board you came from.

>> No.5715152


No, but that's not the point:
You wanted to express something; I know because you tried to write it.
But your statement is entirely empty, meaningless, and without value if you do not suggest what is wrong.

It's like someone telling you your favorite movie is 'stupid and awful' -- without hearing if they have seen it, or what they thought was awful or stupid in it, the statement has no value.
You have to get more information before their statement can have any value.

It is not about 'not his teacher' -- because communication -IS- about being expressing to the other person something you want them to know.
It's unavoidable.

>> No.5715153

>pleb board
>posting on 4chan
where do you think we are.jpg

So then why be so anti-constructive?

>> No.5715154

Mere observation.

No one has believed the Earth was round since Classical Greece you ass.

>> No.5715157

redacting 'being'

>> No.5715158

It is not my fault that he doesn't understand babby math. I will not waste my time writing an explanation he won't understand because he is lacking knowledge of the basics.

>> No.5715161

the only funny thing to ever happen on futurama

>> No.5715162

Holy fucking shit. Autist confirmed.

Look here, it's this simple. (And you can still do it while being a dick to somebody)
"Saying something is 'probable' or 'likely' is not the same thing as being 'possible'. If you said 'possible' I would agree with you." <insert "lrn2probability theory" remark here>

It's not my problem that you are genetically influenced to be anti-social or anti-constructive. I shouldn't have to waste my time teaching you etiquette.

>> No.5715167

>You're like the Europeans in the Middle Ages. They believed the earth was flat. It was, right?
Your understanding of the statement is completely wrong.
At that time, the statement applied only locally -- overall, the ground is flat.
If they considered astronomy, they knew that there was a scale on which that was not true -- they just didn't conceive it like we do.

>If it was round then we would fall off. Anyone who disagreed with this was executed.
Anyone who ran around being an ass and denouncing the statements of the local law, the State, or the common belief system was punished -- but not just because of that statement, ever.

>> No.5715166

>"Saying something is 'probable' or 'likely' is not the same thing as being 'possible'. If you said 'possible' I would agree with you." <insert "lrn2probability theory" remark here>

That's what I said at least thrice ITT. Thanks for showing off your illiteracy. Never read a book?

>> No.5715169

That picture is terribly silly.
>Officials found the corpses relatively untouched by any sort of animal
Just look at the picture
>stench was unbearable, this is somehow strange
What do you expect in a place where they literally leave corpses in the open air until they're nothing but bleached bones?
>Several feet of blood
Considering that nobody examined the pit very closely this is just speculation. Could have been a mixture of fluids such as water [rain] or even that the pit wasn't as deep as they assumed.
>Rest of the story
/x/ doing what /x/ does

>> No.5715172

>Autist confirmed.
Advising: You'll never win if you keep this crap up.
Any stupid reference to things common only to 4chan just make you look stupid in here.
"Babby's first' and 'can not into' and 'autist' and all other such insipid references lower your credibility, a lot.

>> No.5715174

No, you didn't. Not until someone pointed out that you aren't explaining yourself and being a massive dick, and just throwing probability theory in people's faces. Never leave your room to socialize with anyone ever?

>> No.5715181

Why do you blame me for your illiteracy? You are too stupid/uneducated to understand my posts. That's YOUR fault, not mine. You shouldn't insult me, you should insult yourself.

>> No.5715182

Almost certainly exist.
Almost certainly haven't visited us or even know we exist.
Almost certainly will never meet us or know we exist.

>> No.5715199

>Almost certainly

Please stop abusing vocabulary of probability theory, you cancerous piece of shit.

>> No.5715203

Thanks for your lucid contribution. I'll take your heartfelt, inspired comments into consideration next time I'm scratching a particularly annoying pimple.

>> No.5715209

You should probably just leave.

Make a different thread about probability so you can discuss such vocabulary with people who give a shit, because nobody else in here does, or at least, not nearly as much as you.

>> No.5715217
File: 50 KB, 500x647, 1367068900827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The description of that photo is a complete lie. Although it has probably been mentioned already.

>> No.5715215

What a pointless post. Please keep your butthurt to yourself.

This is a science and math board. Your anti-intellectualism is not welcome.

>> No.5715218

>What a pointless post. Please keep your butthurt to yourself.

>> No.5715428

Came over here from the internet just to tell you, you're a dumbass

>> No.5715436

I'm a "dumbass" because YOU can't into science? Cool story.

>> No.5715439

>Show me an alien.
Move to the Mexico-US border

>> No.5715461


>> No.5715468

Copy pasta from /pol/ alien thread

>> No.5715471

Nope. I've typed it on my own and I've never been to your ledditor role playing board.

>> No.5715479

>Without evidence they are just as non-existent as unicorns or fairies.

>> No.5715483

Hitchens' razor. Do you deny rationality and science? Please go back to >>>/x/

>> No.5715487

Unicorns and faries lack theoretical evidence.

>Hitchens' razor
Not a proof or refutation.

>> No.5715490

>Unicorns and faries lack theoretical evidence.

So do aliens.

>> No.5715498

An absence of evidence =/= evidence of absence.

>> No.5715503

You are lucky that thread in /pol/ on 4chan (/pol/ - What is the "Black Knight" satellite? ) 404'd you lying faggot, or I would have given you a screenshot.

>> No.5715504

Absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Did you fail to understand modus tollens?

>> No.5715501

No, aliens are allowed by chemistry. Unicorns and fairies aren't.

>> No.5715508

Someone copypasted my post for reposting on /pol/? Why?

>> No.5715509

Now someone will say something about a teapot.

>> No.5715510

arguing from ignorance

>> No.5715512

Nobody cares about that tripfag.

>can't into logic

>> No.5715515

You cannot prove that you exist, and yet you do.

>> No.5715518

>can't into the type of a predicate

>> No.5715522


>> No.5715521

cogito ergo sum

>> No.5715526

why? please prove Descartes wrong.

>> No.5715525

I see no tripcodes it is you who is the faggot

>> No.5715529

So a rock does not exist?

>> No.5715532

There are known knowns and there are known unknowns!

>> No.5715535

Descartes was a dualist. Therefore he was wrong.

>> No.5715536

You have not proven that you think

>> No.5715544

no, it's a figment of my imagination.
argumentum ad hominem
why do I need to prove that to my hallucination?

>> No.5715545

>Before telescopes existed
>There are no planets beyond Saturn because I see no evidence of them.
And yet the outer planets exist. Explain, faggot.

>> No.5715547

>Nobody cares about that tripfag.
who said anything about a tripfag, idiot?

>> No.5715549

We had a shitposting tripfag going by the name of "teapot". Lurk more, newfaf.

>> No.5715550

>Descartes was a dualist. Therefore he was wrong.
>argumentum ad hominem

>> No.5715554

>somebody says the word "teapot", referencing the teapot orbiting Mars example
>thinks he was referencing some tripfag named "teapot" that nobody gives a shit about
Get out.

>> No.5715557

When I made the original post>>5715509
I was referring to Russell's Teapot

>> No.5715559

Someone is wrong because of a particular worldview they have? That's attacking the person, not the argument they make.

>> No.5715560

And hence unknown unknowns

>> No.5715563

Said world view is known to be retarded and disproved.

>> No.5715569

Then why has it been falsified by neuroscience? Checkmate.

>> No.5715566

Dualism is unfalsifiable.

>> No.5715567

That's not attacking the person, that's attacking his argument, since it's the argument he tried to defend, but which we know to be unfalsifiable.

I don't think you know what ad hominem means.

>> No.5715571

Thus, cannot be scientifically proved, thus wrong.

>> No.5715573

It hasn't. Has neuroscience found qualia? Are you mentally challenged?

>> No.5715575

More arguments from ignorance. It's like I'm really on reddit.

>> No.5715574

>Has neuroscience found qualia?

Of course it hasn't because they don't exist. Checkmate.

>> No.5715597

>More arguments from ignorance.
you keep using that word.jpg

>> No.5715596

Let's all take a wonderful trip to /x/

>> No.5715623

>chemistry cant into horses with horns
in what world a horse with a horn is something impossible biologically?

>> No.5715633

>An argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam or "appeal to ignorance" (where "ignorance" stands for: "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is an inference that a proposition P is false from the fact that P is not proved to be true or known to be true.

>> No.5715638

>The horn itself and the substance it was made of was called alicorn, and it was believed that the horn holds magical and medicinal properties.

>> No.5715639

>Argument from ignorance

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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"Absence of evidence" redirects here, also see Evidence of absence and Argument from silence
John Locke (1632- 1704) who introduced the term Argumentum ad Ignorantiam.[1]
An argument from ignorance, also known as argumentum ad ignorantiam or "appeal to ignorance" (where "ignorance" stands for: "lack of evidence to the contrary"), is an inference that a proposition P is false from the fact that P is not proved to be true or known to be true.[2][1] Arguments from ignorance are based on the absence of evidence and may fail because the lack of evidence for P does not prove P to be false.[3][4]

As an example scenario is of a man sitting in a warehouse with a tin roof and when he hears no sound of raindrops, he assumes that it is not raining, without looking outside for any evidence of rain.[5] Here ignorance about a particular form of evidence for rain (the noise) is used to assume a lack of rain; but the conclusion may fail if it is raining so softly that no noise is heard by the man.[5]

The statement "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence" has been used in fields such as epistemology, medical research, archeology and criminalistics, where it is taken as an axiom that the lack of evidence that a person was present at a scene does not imply that they were not there.[6][7][8][9]

>> No.5715643

>medicinal properties in a living thing
dear god, what a crazy idea

>> No.5715645

Cool argument, dude


> falsified by neuroscience

>Thus, cannot be scientifically proved, thus wrong.

I guess you don't know what wrong, falsified, or disproved means. Are you like 15?

>> No.5715653


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For other uses, see Idiot (disambiguation) and The Idiot (disambiguation).
An idiot, dolt, or dullard is a mentally deficient person, or someone who acts in a self-defeating or significantly counterproductive way. Archaically the word mome has also been used. The similar terms moron, imbecile, and cretin have all gained specialized meanings in modern times. An idiot is said to be idiotic, and to suffer from idiocy. A dunce is an idiot who is specifically incapable of learning. An idiot differs from a fool (who is unwise) and an ignoramus (who is uneducated/an ignorant), neither of which refers to someone with low intelligence.

>> No.5715655

>magical and medicinal
>logical conjunction

>> No.5715657

So now you're going to insult me? Go back to /b/.

>> No.5715658

Ah, the Dawkins approach
>You're losing! Tell him he's retarded!

>> No.5715656


He references an article that shows why that term is appropriate for this. Showing that he understands the term wasn't the point.

>> No.5715717

Can you to prove him wrong?

>> No.5715732

Depends how evolved or technologically advanced they are. Also, how much time they have had.

>> No.5715759

Because people dont like getting out of their comfort zones, and the subject of alien visitation tends to send people over board, for some reason.

>> No.5715775

There is something on Phobos that looks like a monolith, but it could and most likely is just be a rock.

But the whole conspiracy about Phobos, aliens, and a Russian probe is for the most part, one of the most interesting and disturbing out there, considering theres actually meat to it.

>> No.5715805

Or just, you know, because it's ridiculous and has been debunked many times over.

>> No.5715809

Fuck people like you.

Let me say something right now. About 5% of "ufos" sightings/reports are by definition, ufos. We truly dont know what that 5% is. Its a long stretch, but with that little stat, the possibility of alien visitation is possible and not deniable. Close minded, easily frustrated fucks like you rape the whole subject over. Wanna know why you do? Heres why:

People like you criticize people that have anything to do with the subject to hell. You ruin any scientific lives they have. You make them outcast. Obviously, no real scientist wants that. Any scientist that wants to come out and say "Hey, there might be more to this," will be fucking ripped apart. Anybody that wants to study video/photos/reports cant come out with a actual report that hints at the possibility of aliens without being scrutinized to hell and back. People that want to legitimately come out in any kind of support to the subject cant, because assholes like you will ruin them.

Want to know what that does? Not having scientist/good reports come out leave the door open for the retards. People like david icke (the guy that made up the reptilian conspiracy theory) fill in the gap made by you, and then they fuck the subject over even more. This is where you get the shit like abductions, alien bases on earth and the dark side of the moon, ect.

People like you are are making a small scientific dark age. There is meat to this, and if you ignorant fucks keep closed you will never get the evidence you want.

>> No.5715821

Here we go again.

>> No.5715829


>dat 5% percent of sightings
>dat actual report by scientist and government officials, not nutters

Debunked what?

>> No.5715835

Let me see if I grasp your logic here...

So because we don't know what it is... we need to buy in to the ludicrous possibility that it's an alien visitor? The proposal only raises more questions than it answers. I'm sorry, but vidoes can be faked or edited. Photos can be cropped and doctored. Reports can be completely fabricated. Ask any psychologist, or cop for that matter, about the reliability of eye witness testimony. Come to me with some real physical evidence before I entertain that fucking notion.

/x/ is that way --->

>> No.5715868

>Not having scientist/good reports come out leave the door open for the retards.
What the fuck do you consider a "good report" or a good "scientist" in this matter? Someone who comes out and says "I'm not saying it's aliens, but..."? Would that satisfy your fantastical thinking? Sorry if the reality of things is too dull for your delusional mind.

>People like david icke ... fill in the gap made by you, and then they fuck the subject over even more.
Isn't what you're doing essentially filling in the gaps?

Jesus tap-dancing Christ.

>> No.5715878

Probability is equal to 0 or 1. It is currently impossible to say.

With a sample size of 1 case where life has been observed in the universe, its impossible to say whether or not life can exist elsewhere.

>> No.5715883

>Immediately afterward, a French weekly news and leisure magazine called VSD referred to it as an "official report", though technically this wasn't the case since COMETA was the work of a private, non-profit, ufological study group.
Sure seems credible to me brosef.

>> No.5715891
File: 19 KB, 600x450, 131106162910-Rockman_beyond_mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really believe that? You really believe that all photos, videos, and reports have been fakes? Would you care to explain the Belgian UFO wave then? Would you care to explain the radiation at so called landing sights? Would you care to explain why the Mexican army has dispatched jets to chase so called ufos, and end up releasing the chase videos? Would you PLEASE explain the Battle of Los Angeles? Would you care to the explain the 5% of sightings that are truly ufos as claimed by the COMETA report, and give evidence to why none of said encounters are by extraterrestrials?

Please, enlighten me, you ignorant ass. You people are bringing the lack of evidence on yourselves. Only by opening your minds and being more accepting will you get what you want. Until then, go fuck yourself and keep your mouth shut.

>> No.5715896

>hurr wat r similar condishunz
>With a sample size of 1 case where life has been observed in the universe, its impossible to say whether or not life can exist elsewhere.
sentence looks pretty unique to me. A sample size of 1 almost. It is certainly possible to say it whether not not it can exist elsewhere. Protip - it can.

>> No.5715900

Photos. Check.
Videos. Check.
Reports. Check.
Radiation. Check.
Army jets. Check.
Sightings. Check.
Absence of evidence of everything aforementioned. Check.

>> No.5715901

>i can't explain it, thus aliens

>> No.5715905

we /x/ now

>> No.5715915 [DELETED] 

Being a egotistical, closed minded, retard: Check.

>> No.5715927

>ad hominem

>> No.5715932
File: 104 KB, 624x354, oh_wait_you&#039;re_serious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You really believe that all photos, videos, and reports have been fakes?
I didn't say all of them have been "faked". No doubt most of them were taken without any dubious intention of the photographer, doesn't change the fact that they are completely explainable in mundane terms that require no extra terrestrial intervention.

>Belgian UFO wave, radiation at "landing sites", Mexican army jets chasing UFOs, Battle of Los Angeles, COMETA report

Not everything you read on the internet is true broheim. Keep being mad though. Your delusional conspiracy theory bullshit makes me giggle.

Come back with real physical evidence that isn't some poor quality resolution photo/video, that isn't an eye witness account, or can't be explained by mundane, well understood phenomena. Maybe then I'll believe you.

>> No.5715937

>Being a egotistical, closed minded, retard: Check.
Yet you are the one claiming with some certainty that it really is aliums, making you the one who is closed minded. Also egotistical, since you seem to think of yourself as having some sort of special knowledge that is being "suppressed by da evil gubment cover up". I suppose retard to boot, since you actually believe this tripe. I'll bet you'll buy anything you see in a commercial too.

>> No.5715941

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4dDqrbyUrm8 (footage of Mexican UFO incident)

>being to lazy to search anything up

Also, before you start screaming that its wikipedia, take use of the sources.

>> No.5715949

You mean sources that state that these were not UFOs?

>> No.5715952

Some report by froggys employed by a known ufologist group who claim that US govt. is covering up existence of aliums in UFO sightings reports. Nice appeal to authority, but no.

>Battle of Los Angeles
Easily explainable as a false alarm triggered by a weather balloon, or some such nonsense, as described in the wiki link. But I guess that explanation isn't fanciful enough for your addled mind.

>Belgian UFO wave
There's a triangle thing in the sky that we don't know what it is. It's in our airspace and it's not responding. Scramble some jets to intercept. Pictures we have of it are of poor quality. No physical evidence. Only eye witness reports remain. Must be aliums.

>Mexican UFO incident
See above.

Try harder, nutjob.

>> No.5715956

Actually let me amend that after watching more of the Mexican footage:

>Mexican UFO incident
It's a fucking comet or meteorite breaking up as it enters Earth's atmosphere.

Jesus fuck, be more gullible.

>> No.5716018
File: 176 KB, 1024x830, loonney.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i was abducted by aliens when i was 12 years old. Had many scaring of tissue and health problems since then. even found a implant in my arm.

However, I never told anyone about that night for fear of losing my job.

It kinda a double standard, that people can say they heard the voice of God and be perfectly fine in high ranking positions but the minute someone mentions alien abductions it is off to the lunnybin with them

>> No.5716026

Yeah, people who say that they've heard the voice of God are on the same level of craziness.

>> No.5716023

>citation needed

>> No.5716046

>Battle of los angeles
What you are trying to tell me is that of the thousands of rounds shot at the "weather balloon", not a single one took the balloon down? Jesus, if that is true, I dont know how the US beat Japan in WW2.

>Belgian UFO wave
Did you even read up on it? I know that the pic is fake, but disregard that one thing, and realize some 13,000 people saw strange things for months on end. When that many people report the same thing for months, its not exactly completely useless.

>Mexican UFO incidend
Source it was a comet or meteorite?

>> No.5716065

>Did you even read up on it? I know that the pic is fake, but disregard that one thing, and realize some 13,000 people saw strange things for months on end. When that many people report the same thing for months, its not exactly completely useless.
Much more people believe in ghosts, god, qualia, unicorns, consciousness, devil, dreams, angels, tulpas and other non-scientific non-existent bullshit.
>Source it was a comet or meteorite?
Source it were aliens? He probably doesn't have a source that it was meteorite but it sounds more plausible for any sane person.

>> No.5716069

>Come back with physical evidence
>Doesn't understand how the internets work

>> No.5716089
File: 1.09 MB, 213x210, are you fucking serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Belgian UFO wave
Are you serious? Are you for fucking real? What the fuck does that have to do with this? People actually saw something, and considering a massive amount saw the same thing for months, it says something that something actually happened, aliens or not.
>Mexican UFO Incident
FYI, meteorites streak across the sky. They dont show up as dots of light. They have "tails". I am not sure if the same goes for comets.

>> No.5716113

Wow dude you're deluded you actually put consciousness there? How about that thing called Air or Gravity stops working, simply because you think its fantasy shit (because it can't be proven because you think non-existent fantasy shit because it's to close to being intangible). The utter levels or retardation is absolutely immense with this one.