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5705292 No.5705292 [Reply] [Original]

>Not backing up 5 years worth of PhD work even once.

>> No.5705299

Have a little compassion OP

>> No.5705300

Well, he is doing chemistry, so what do you expect?

>> No.5705320

This guy, presumably, wants to be a scientist and he still don't have proper data backup discipline?

>> No.5705331
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>always pointing out mistakes
>never offering solutions to problems at hand

I despise such behavior.

>> No.5705348

hey remember those economists that published a fucking erroneous result that dictated united states economic policy, if not worldwide economic policy, for like three years, because they used fucking Excel

>> No.5705358

>hard science

>> No.5705371

National backup day was like a few weeks ago. What the fuck.

>> No.5705373


His blatant idiocy and lack of data management may make 5 years of his life a waste of time. It didn't dawn on him to backup his PhD work ONCE?!?

>> No.5705386

deserves it, someone so fucking careless with such a massive investment of time and effort does not belong in employment anywhere at the PhD level.

>> No.5705391

I feel like this is a ruse to kick the guys ass and get his laptop back

>> No.5705399
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>says he's pay 1000 USD

>AFTER this he says the price is negotiable

What the fuck man? That's not how you bargain?

>> No.5705420

Perhaps it's just a clever ruse to track down the thief?

>> No.5705431

wtf do you even do at that point

>> No.5705447

backing some important things up

>> No.5705452
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Jesus christ, poor guy..

I'm beginning to think that using a cloud isn't that bad of an idea after all.

>> No.5705465

I wonder what the probability of data loss is on a site like dropbox.

>> No.5705480

It's probably pretty good, since you would always have a copy of the last version in the dropbox(orwhatever)folder on your own computer.

The biggest concern is safety. They can pretty much do what they want with your data so if that's a concern you might want to rethink using a cloud.

>> No.5705482

back it up on dropbox, box, icloud, mega, as many cloud storage resources that you can.

>> No.5705485

oh and then buy an SD card, external harddrive, and you can even by a CD-R to save your shit onto. Keep that shit in different places, and update each every few months

>> No.5705510
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>PLEASE contact me and I would appreciate it so so much!!!
>btw i'm a girl =3

>> No.5705517


>> No.5705538


>> No.5705539

Imagine some random person claiming to be the thief in order to demand sex. Too bad this would never work because of
> rape

>> No.5705574

>tfw in math
>no files just thousands of papers everywhere, none of which have anything useful written on them

>> No.5705591

>implying "battlecrooper" means anything to me

>> No.5705606

My point was that it sounds incredibly guy-y.

>> No.5705612

And keep a hard copy

>> No.5705639

The simple solution to this is encryption. Using a key that only you know, and preferably using software written by someone other than the cloud storage company.

>> No.5705648


You mean, you're not already familiar with SVN?

>> No.5705647

I hope the guy is a bulky mother fucker who will break the jaw of the thief the moment he knows his identity and spits in his eyes before calling the police for robbery.

>> No.5705657


Because you're a human being? You realize it's not impossible to both feel sorry for somebody and think they did a very stupid thing?

>> No.5705661

>any method


>> No.5705666

>implying autists are humans
They don't feel proper emotions. They're souless.

>> No.5705665

I dont believe it, this is clearly a trap to get the guy who stole the computer to contact the owner. When I was in college, my Russian roomate had his bag with his laptop and notes in it stolen and did something similar. All he had to do was find out the name of the person and when he found the name, it was really easy to track him (the theif was another student, so all he needed was to find where he would be at what time). Sure enough when he approached the fucker, he was using the laptop he stole. My room mate did not hesitate to beat the little shit

>> No.5705864

Well, at least it won't get stolen.

>> No.5705873

>this is clearly a trap to get the guy who stole the computer to contact the owner.

It's so obvious it's not even funny. The worst part is, the thief will probably fall for it.

>> No.5705875

>email him
>tell him to make a dead drop of the cash
>go pick it up at night

It's not that hard

>> No.5705881

people who go around boosting laptops out of rooms usually aren't calculating enough to set up identity protection schemes like that.

But really, as other people have pointed out...is this basically a Spanish Prisoner con? That's amazing

>> No.5705910

>blaming the victim for the crime

>> No.5705929

We're not blaming him for the crime. We're blaming him for being a stupid sack of shit who spends 5 years working on something with no backup. The theft is immaterial and might as well be a hard drive failure (something that typically happens after 3 years, so in this case, YES, the fucker was even asking for it.)

>> No.5706081
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>> No.5706103
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>tfw I'm a Rutgers student, found a think-pad and instantly formatted it.

>> No.5706116

He should be able to recover his thesis from memory. If not, his adviser should have some semi-complete version somewhere in the trash.

Also repeating data collection is great for finding you fucked up your whole thesis before being horrible mocked/yelled at the defense and forced to restart from the beginning again or drop out.

>> No.5706117

>using D drives for anything other than porn!

>> No.5706125

You erased his thesis!

>> No.5706144

He or she sounds extremely desperate. I feel bad for them.

>> No.5706145
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>> No.5706146 [DELETED] 

What if Josef stole it?

>> No.5706247

>fuck with his data
>return the laptop


>> No.5707932

You stole my laptop
You can keep it
Plus here's $1000

Beta as fuck

>> No.5707942

When I'm working on something serious like that I back up every time I make a significant change

>> No.5707973

I don' think he's getting it back, if the thief hasn't already formatted the drives or sold the laptop it would be amazing. Otherwise they probably stole it to get the thesis for themselves in the first place.

>> No.5707990

It's obvious a honeypot trick.

>> No.5708002

give me back my laptop and i'll zuck ya dick

>> No.5708046
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might be relevant