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5697974 No.5697974 [Reply] [Original]

I study English lit but all I wanted to do was math.

Do you feel these 'soft' sciences are somehow below 'hard' sciences? I sure feel like it, it's my second semester here and all I've done is smoking weed.

>> No.5697980

No such thing as soft sciences, I study Laws and there is a really dumb interest in appealing to the scientific communities when the nature of the discipline is so different and the objective is completely relative.

Fuck social sciences, and specially fuck pseudo disciplines like sociology, anthropology and psychology.

>> No.5697981

>English major
>"all I've done is smoking weed."

It sure shows.

>> No.5697987

>fuck pseudo disciplines like sociology, anthropology and psychology.

Sir, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on including anthropology. It's a legit 'hard' science. It studies humans based on scientific facts, not 'discipline' as you've put it.

That sentence is semantically, and grammatically correct.

Oh, what do I know. I've never even read a fucking book in English.

>> No.5697995

Its not, their hypothesis are barely testable (falsifiable) and are based on teremendous amounts of prejudice and bias. Antrhopology is history of the human being (its past cultures) and thus it suffers from all the methodological flaws of history (a serious discipline, yet not scientific). For starters, it is ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE to deal directly with the subject of study, as you were not born on the cultural time-space. You cannot directly or indirectly observe anything you with to speak about, you can only take fragments of the past that barely constitute evidence and conjecture on the MINDS of the people living on the past, fuck me what an unserious discipline.

>> No.5698005


There's genetic, medical and linguistics which all three fall under anthropology, and only people who are lazy as English lit students choose the cultural one --- as it only includes going to Africa or SE Asia and write shit while the locals bring you food.

Medical and genetic anthropology are hard sciences, and the only decent degree a liberal arts major can achieve.

>> No.5698010

Medical and genetical anthropology are BIOLOGY.

End of discussion.

>> No.5698013



>> No.5698015

They are both biology. It just so happens that not every university is shitty and does such retarded divisions.

>> No.5698016

Why not switch then? Or you could pick up a math minor.

>Do you feel these 'soft' sciences are somehow below 'hard' sciences?
English isnt a science at all. Neither is math, but that's not here nor there.

>> No.5698019

>both biology
>ergo hard science

>> No.5698021

I dunno. I'm planning to switch to anthropology soon after I get my BA in English and you suck ass. Law sucks giant cocks, you can only practice it in one state. You're grounded for life.

I'm not American, can't dual major.

>> No.5698030

>I'm planning to switch to anthropology soon after I get my BA in English
Both shitty disciplines, study biology if youre really interested and secialize in genetics.

>Law sucks giant cocks, you can only practice it in one state
Tell that to my LLM in International Contracting, International Commercial Arbitrarion and Foreign Investment. Dickhead, if you dont know what you talk about, dont talk about it.

>> No.5698039

>study biology if youre really interested and secialize in genetics

How can I get a BA in English lit and get a MA in Biology? Is it even possible in Mogadishu University?

>Dickhead, if you dont know what you talk about, dont talk about it.

You're doing the same thing with your sweeping generalizations of anthropology. If anthropology was taught in schools, Americans wouldn't be killing Sikhs after 9/11.

>> No.5698048

>How can I get a BA in English lit and get a MA in Biology?
You probably cant, your fault for not choosing correctly.

>You're doing the same thing with your sweeping generalizations of anthropology
Sweeping generalizations? So genetics is not part of biology? Oh shit...time to to go elementary school again.

>> No.5698051

> your fault for not choosing correctly.

But I can switch to anthropology, which is far better than biology.

>Sweeping generalizations?

No, you idiot. I meant you calling anthropology a 'bad discipline' and calling it useless.

>> No.5698053

>But I can switch to anthropology, which is far better than biology
Whatever gets you to sleep at night

>I meant you calling anthropology a 'bad discipline' and calling it useless.
It is, unless you do biology.

>> No.5698070

Whatever, unless you're med or engineering, you won't get hired anywhere anyway.

>> No.5698082

>Philosophy master-race reporting in

How do you all like being just applied philosophy?

>> No.5698083

What's up with the picture?

>> No.5698089

I would also like to know what is up with the picture.

>> No.5698104

in terms of intellectual demands and practical use, they are way above. but in principal, studying any subject which focuses on creativity and imagination, to me, is much, much, much more sophisticated than any 'hard' science. science is understanding, but the arts involve the manifestation of pure imagination, not to mention the unique beauty that is creation of any kind. there's something almost primal about the production of art, too. the directions you can take it are unlimited.

>> No.5698106

Interlaced PNG.

Open up GIMP, made two layers, use this optical device and save as interlaced. Voila.

>> No.5698115

Yes, that is, if you WANT to create art. Not all film school graduates become David Gordon Green, not all English lit students end up in Oxford, not all philosophers become polymaths.

You might say not all math graduates become Khawrazmi, but down in bottom, there's a 300k starting job waiting for the most retarded math majors.

However, if you study movies and don't become Visconti, you end up doing porn. This goes for all liberal arts majors.

>> No.5698130

OP, you won't get anywhere with those shit majors. You're wasting your time and money, and you're going to get very, very depressed in 3 years.

>> No.5698143

i meant what i said on deeper terms than current job opportunities. i meant in principal. the most creative artist who ever lived might not have gone to a top uiniversity, or may not even have been known at all.

>> No.5698156

>I study English lit but all I wanted to do was math.

math has no meaning behind it, there's no point to study it OP, you made the right choice.

It would be like studying optimal moves in chess. Unless you are competing, there's really no point to learn these things.

>> No.5698167

All I've done is smoke weed*

>> No.5698168

It just happens that I don't live in an English-speaking country. There are hundreds of teaching jobs I can get. That is, if I wanted to teach a language I hate to a bunch of snobby nosed bastards.

But today I started up Python council and I wanted to do some math shit, then I realized I'm a fucking English major and I shouldn't even be working with a fucking Python terminal. I should be drinking tea and reading Canterbury Tales. Goddammit, who am I?

>> No.5698169

*is to smoke weed

>> No.5698173

*Python console

Dang man.

>> No.5698172

>there's a 300k starting job waiting for the most retarded math majors.

math majors don't have a good job outlook at all. they're basically like philosophy majors in terms of practicality except they can't express themselves properly, write properly, or think about concepts deeply.

their skills are only practical if they get a masters/phd in applied math of some sort.

and even then the cost benefit analysis isn't in their favor.

>> No.5698174

But at least they do something worthwhile.

>> No.5698175

>Goddammit, who am I?

Mathematicians don't ask deep questions like this. They are more interested in finding out the largest prime number and other trivial things.

>> No.5698182

I study Maths, but all I wanted to do was English.

I keep telling myself that next time I have some time on my hands I'll sit down and finally write one of those novels I've sketched out in scrapbooks since high school, but when the time comes I find some utterly pointless use for it such as this faggot ass board.

>Do you feel these 'soft' sciences are somehow below 'hard' sciences?

In all seriousness, no. The humanities are important disciplines and need to be studied. My concern, however, is that more people opt to major in them than we have need of. This devaluates both the discipline, and tertiary education as a whole.

Ideally, we need to funnel most students into engineering, only letting those with talent branch out into either the hard or soft sciences.

>> No.5698184

You're just as misguided about math as the guy above was about anthropology.

>> No.5698188

And then all the bridges would collapse. Engineers must be smartest of college students because what they do actually affects lives.

>> No.5698191

> >fuck pseudo disciplines like sociology, anthropology and psychology.
> Sir, I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on including anthropology. It's a legit 'hard' science. It studies humans based on scientific facts, not 'discipline' as you've put it.

Anthropology is like psychology, there's a massive internal divide between those who want to do real science and those with no interest in any rigor. Have you taken many cultural anthropology classes?

>> No.5698193

I don't see how sciences, be it soft or hard, have any relevance to English lit.
I also don't understand why you would go into a degree that you don't like, seeing that it isn't even a degree that'll give you a job that pays well. I don't mean this as an insult, because I sure understand that people who love languages want to go into something like English lit, just because they love it (although I wouldn't do it myself), but I honestly don't get why anyone would do that if their love is actually with another subject.

>It's a legit 'hard' science
It isn't

>> No.5698194

Playing the odds- you probably go to a shitty pseudo-continental school that does no real philosophy but like to try to justiy your major by the success of the analytics and somewhat misunderstood stats about grad school admissions and GRE scoes.

>> No.5698197

I like this post.

He was obviously joking, you fucktard

>> No.5698203

No, but I intend to --- specially "Anthropology of the Third World" which I'm very interested at.

My real appeal to anthropology is the parts which can be applied. First cultural anthropologist was Abureihan Biruni, who ethnographed India in order for Turkic Sultans to rule the subcontinent in a better way. medical anthropology helps a lot with identifying diseases and such, and racial/genetic anthropology helps a lot with understanding humans, who are no different than other species. It's like a subset of zoology.

English lit majors in English-speaking countries end up as grilling sergeants, but I don't live in one so there's plenty of translation and teaching jobs available for me. However, I hate the major so I hate the job. I didn't take enough liberal arts in high school, so I have to study English in order to study my MA in anthropology.

>> No.5698205


Well you don't send the chumps out to build the bridges. Just shift the default education standard somewhat.

A store clerk with a degree in civil engineering will be a lot more useful than one with women's studies.

>> No.5698241
File: 45 KB, 253x402, ruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only good at forming connections, acquiring full ride scholarships and gathering support
>can barely do "actual" science, advanced math skills are piss poor
>have an immense respect for physicists and mathematicians
>wish I could be half as competent as them, all I've ever been good at is manipulating people just to get by

>> No.5698278 [DELETED] 

>Engineers must be smartest of college students because what they do actually affects lives.


>> No.5699475
File: 48 KB, 320x240, mad melo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP you deserve your weak major, because you're WEAK. I'd kill myself before majoring in anything other than math or physics.

OP, no, all of you, none of you can take how edgy and hardcore I am, can you?

>> No.5699497

>muh formulas
good god

>> No.5699501

> infantile cartoon

>> No.5699544

Alright OP, here's my view on the topic.

I'm currently a "senior" but graduating next year. I'm a triple major. Physics, applied math and French literature.
Quite often I'll get people, even my academic advisers, who mock my pursuit of a French degree. This despite the fact that my other two degrees are the real motherfucking deal.
My adviser is fond of asking me to "just drop that luxury major, dude! You could put so much more effort into your liquid crystal research!"
Honestly, however, I think that my French degree is NOT a luxury major. All areas of study have something to offer, provided they do it in an academic manner.
It's about providing the chance to know the most about the world as you possibly can. All fields, from literature to physics, offer their own different ways to view the world.
Literature offers a wonderful way to direct the human consciousness. It speaks to a profound human need for self expression.
Throughout the ages, literature has always reflected the state of human culture and imagination and has served to guide it into new frontiers.
To belittle a genuine attempt to discover the world is to shut your eyes to the world.
As calculus teaches us, every little thing matters and without the whole, you have nothing. The limit does not exist and the function has no derivative. It stands on its own.
Without reason there can be no math or philosophy. Without philosophy there can be no literature or political science and even the meanings of the wondrous discoveries of science would be lost on us then.
Maybe I'm being too romantic, but I really think that the pursuit of knowledge is a wonderful thing. Even if you're not particularly good with or even thrilled with a particular subject, I think that trying to write it off as meaningless is to purposefully blind yourself.

>> No.5699554

I like this post

>> No.5699555


OP, if you think "all I've done is smoking weed" is grammatically correct then yes, the English major is not for you. You're probably better at math, or anything else for that matter

>> No.5699559



"Fais ce que tu voudras!"

>> No.5699569

Thanks. Also, why the future? Wouldn't it be "Fais ce que tu veux/tu voudrais"?

>> No.5699576


Nope. I'm trying to come up with a good explanation for why but in French you do use the future for conditional sentences of this sort. It's often used as a sort of polite imperative instruction.

That said, I was making a reference to Rabelais' Utopia of Thélèma, of which "Fais ce que tu voudras!" is the motto.

>> No.5699691

Ok. Pardon my ignorance.

>> No.5699694


Get rekt liberal arts fags.

>> No.5699714

Yes he should've had hired a wanker to do all those applied mechanics stuff