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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5694855 No.5694855[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Jane has 2 apples, Jim takes 3 apples from her. How many apples does Jane have?

"negative 1 apple"

"no apples"

Feel free to tell me how the mathematician is right, i'd love to hear.

>> No.5694857

I hope you're fucking joking.

>> No.5694863

These are bothersome facts aren't they.

>> No.5694861

so im assuming you think the mathematician is correct?

>> No.5694865

I stopped caring about math when I was introduced to the concept of negative numbers. What a crock of shit. If your equation can only be solved by inventing numbers that can't exist, like some kind of math deity , then you are fucking wrong and the math is flawed. Same for algebra solutions that basically say "the correct answer is whatever the correct answer is". Thats what the math said transcribed to words but god forbid if i wrote in down in english instead of the ancient math runes the teacher word mark me wrong.

Math is logical and numbers never lie my ass. Math is just as flawed as any other human construct.

>> No.5694866

ITT: Edgy.

>> No.5694868

High school algebra getting you down, OP? Too hard?

>> No.5694870

Jane has 100 dollars in bank.

Jane takes 120 dollars from bank.

How much money does she have in bank?

"negative 20"

"negative 60. 20 overdraft and 40 overdraft fees"

>> No.5694875

you should probably leave the board if you can't understand middle school algebra

>> No.5694896
File: 18 KB, 137x130, 1351224757503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jim can only take two because jane only has two. jim needs to stop being a greedy niggerfaggot

>> No.5694900

whatever you say buddy

>> No.5694902

then why does voltage and current have a negative number, why does horizontal and vertical displacement have a negative number, why does an electron have negative charge

>> No.5694906

Jane has 200 apples, Jim takes 2. How many apples does jane have?


200 apples

Sig figs are cancer

>> No.5694910

Jim is malnourished because his shitty parents don't feed him. His dad is cracked out in another state and his mom is too methed up to move.
Jim acts out at school and steals lunchmoney and food from other kids. They all hate him for it.
Jane, as he likes to be called, formerly Joeseph, has been take hormones. He didn't feel comfortable in his own skin and felt that he needed to be a woman. He grew his hair out and insists that others call him by his chosen name. Other kids don't like him much, making him an easy target with minimal drawbacks for Jim.
Jim's dad came back last night, angry and confused. Jim's dad beat his methed up mother within an inch of her life before Jim tried to leave, and was hurt as well.
Jim was fed up with his torment from the other kids over the marks on his face, and finally decided to take his emotional frustrations out on someone else. He hoped he would become a hero for picking someone nobody liked.
Jane is in an ambulance, but is bleeding profusely. Jim is in the back of a cop car, looking more like his father than ever. Jane's "Adam's Apple" has just been pried from his hands.

>> No.5694912

Ugh, I fucking hated signifigant figures.


>> No.5694916
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>> No.5694927
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>adams apple =/= apple

>> No.5694949
File: 500 KB, 500x500, this-is-a-bit-silly.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Thinking that certain numbers exist in some Platonic mathematical universe and aren't simply abstract objects that only "exist" in any meaningful sense within a given mathematical system. A mathematical system which can be defined arbitrarily to allow any sort of number we want (integer, negative, complex, quaternion, etc.).

>> No.5694950

He also took her iPhone.

>> No.5694962


I mean, of course numbers are useful, but no number is "more existent" than any other. Some are just more useful than others. It depends on the problem.


This one is easy. Your model is flawed.

>> No.5694988

You included significant figures, but not uncertainties? How sure are you that there are 200 apples remaining, and not 205?

>> No.5694991

It's sad how /sci/ can't even this the reference this guy is quoting.

>> No.5695005

There has to be negative numbers thats how nature works. for every up there is a down. learn2tao

>> No.5695008 [DELETED] 

>Feel free to tell me how the mathematician is right, i'd love to hear.

Jane has 2 dollars and borrows 3 from Jim to buy a 5 dollar apple.

Jane now has -3 dollars.

>> No.5695012

>>5694855 (OP)
>Feel free to tell me how the mathematician is right, i'd love to hear.

Jane has 2 dollars and borrows 3 from Jim to buy a 5 dollar apple.

How many dollars does she have?

negative 3.

I can't do economics and haven't even read Adam Smith yet

negative 3

>> No.5695020


Due to a quantum shift, both Jim and Jane received 1 extra apple. Though Jim did take 2 apples from Jane, it created a paradox. Thus Jim resulted with an extra apple, and Jane as too resulted with an extra apple.

The answer is positive one.

>> No.5695023

I'd love to refer to mcdonalds, I've heard they love to hire people with proficiency in math similar to yours - but advertising is prohibited.

Hope you have a good day.

>> No.5695028

10/10, I smiled

>> No.5695046


-1 is practically an abstract concept.

OP, you're delving into the different approaches to mathematics.

On one hand; "the Scientist" says there are no apples. In a literal sense, this is correct because if Jim had 2 apples and Jane 'tried' to take 3, they'd leave with 2 and Jim would be a poor appleless fag. This is the mathematical approach where numbers and mathematics are basically for counting and have relevance on a macroscopic "right in your face" manner.

E.g. "Jim has 7 x 6 feels, how many feels is he holding?"

Answer; 42

in this sort of approach, abstract concepts such as negative numbers or indefinite decimal constants such as Pi seem illogical.

But for the mathematician, everything's dandy. He approaches this problem like it was on a piece of paper;

2 apples - 3 apples = -1 apples

To a mathematician, negative numbers, and all of the weird and wonderful mathematical constructs developed through human history are there for convenience, and do have applications on a mathematical and literal real-world level, but as you know, nobody can physically have negative apples, unless it was expressed as this:

"Jane has 2 apples, Jim takes a 3 apple loan from Jane. Jane now has a -1 apple deficit, which will be paid back to her by Jim over 25 years at a compounding interest rate of 2.25% p.a"

Long story short, on paper the mathematician is correct, but in a physical, literal, empirical sense, the scientist is right.

>> No.5695060

everyone after this post is retarded

>> No.5695119

This reminds me of those posts where the student disproves evolution by saying, "if evolution were true, then all rocks would be people by now". The mathematician wouldn't say negative 1 apple because in apple exchanges there's implicitly a domain of apples being greater than or equal to zero.

get wrekt faget

>> No.5695163

is "negative 1 apple" simply not potential apples.
OP you just got schooled by a middle school drop out.

>> No.5695170

It should be pretty obvious that if you take a classic example of the real-world use of natural numbers, and apply integers to it instead, you can wind up with nonsense.

>> No.5695187

You sound like the type of guy who would claim that a statistics estimate made by a mathematician would claim 67.8 people might be something instead of the fucking obvious choice of rounding down to 67.

>implying any mathematician believes there can be exactly 67.8 people
>implying any mathematician believes that an object can be "had" in negative quantities
>implying mathematics isn't the basis for a huge amount of science

Fuck OP