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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5692575 No.5692575[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What have you done to dismantle the patriarchy recently, /sci/?

>> No.5692581

WHY do we need to dismantle the patriarchy? It's not like we're discouraging females from entering the STEM fields. They're just choosing not to come in on their own.

>> No.5692600

>All that unchecked privilege.

>> No.5692607

I'm all the way down to the hellish pit of a point where all I can muster is this:

Fuck off.

>> No.5692612

cis scum

>> No.5692627
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>> No.5692629

Well that's a fallacy.
Science should be 100% open to both genders, but pushing women to be scientists just because there aren't that many woman scientists is fucking stupid

>> No.5692636

just let the men ask the women to consider science they just want more women to make em sandwiches

>> No.5692638
File: 444 KB, 640x360, 1360022366241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>One half of the humans are male, so one half of all births should be by males.

Sounds about right to me

>> No.5692642

they just want more sandwiches

>> No.5692651

I have no idea what this sentence means.

>> No.5692659


>> No.5692660

He thinks that a man giving birth is the same as a girl being a scientist.

>> No.5692664

Anyone else hate the whole "gif of someone's lips moving with text on it" thing?

>> No.5692668

>He thinks sexual dimorphism explains differences in behavior.

>> No.5692671

>be female
>major in math
>don't give a shit
>no one else gives a shit

>> No.5692676

Yes, but I'm honestly not sure why you put gif in quotation marks.

>> No.5692673

Why are people always insisting that we need more women in mens' roles and jobs but never the reverse?

It's almost as if they're scared that women might not be as capable as men...

>> No.5692681

Because nobody gives a shit about psychology/sociology/political science majors.

>> No.5692697

Because you're retarded?

>> No.5692704

Women are free to choose whatever profession they want now a days.

They simply choose, for personal, economic and other reasons to stay away from STEM fields.

I don't think we need to provide incentives to one gender to go into a specific career path.

Let people choose. The creme will always rise to the top

>> No.5692711


>> No.5692716

fuck off, I want more sexy female scientists.

>> No.5692717

oh my god i was watching some special about some STEM program solely for females because there enough girls in them and they had chick running it talk about why and she was saying about how "women had been being pushed out of these fields and that the sexism had to be stopped" and i was just stunned about the bulshit i just couldnt deal with it, I got so mad. fuckin gold digger bitches trying to blame the computer guys they rejected in high school for not making as much money as them god damn

>> No.5692733

We need more women scientists so they can invent the kitchen and sandwich of the future.

>> No.5692747

"One half of the humans are female, so one half of people with dicks should be female."

Completely not flawed reasoning here, buddy.

>> No.5692764

talk about edgyness

>> No.5692775

what is with all of these kids on the internet lately. he's literally just making an observation saying "where are the women in the field?" and then faggots like you come along and say "lol im so much smarter than this science guy"

>> No.5692772
File: 41 KB, 400x367, die-cis-scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>enrolling for classes next semester
>see History of the Patriarchy
>'hmm might be interesting'
>first day of class
>huge auditorium, probably around 140 students
>all female
>all eyes are on me as I take a seat
>professor has her eyes locked on me
>clears her throat, asks if we've bought the required text book
>students all murmur yes, but everyone is still looking at me
>professor finally starts her lecture
>I reach into my bag for a pencil
>entire class is staring at me again with my hand in my backpack
>Cis Privilege Checking Squad breaks through the door
>Five multiracial MtF trans* people wearing field hockey uniforms
>point right at me
>I still have my hand in my backpack
>'I-I-I was just... getting my pencil...'
>entire class gasps, 15 to 20 girls faint
>tears start flowing
>'I'm sorry, I didn't know! I didn't understand!'
>next week
>taken in front of the Hall of Justice
>'For your crime of unchecked cis privilege and 141 counts of rape, you are condemned to four months Cis Reeducation Camp.'
>'Cis Reeducation Camp? That doesn't sound so bad'
>strapped into a chair, my eyes are forced open
>9 32' LCDTV screens arranged in a 3x3 grid
>each showing a trans* hashtag on tumblr
>forced to look at all of them 18 hours a day
I learned my lesson.
I keep my privilege checked.
I only wear fanny packs now.

>> No.5692779

>yfw it's not a logical fallacy, and you just mad

>> No.5692801

It's pretty much exclusively a tumblr thing, they have crazy low file limits.

>> No.5692803

come on this one is old as fuck. why can't people fucking write OC. the damn jokes write themselves.

>> No.5692849

It's because pretty women start working hard and then realize they could do just as well in life by marrying a successful man.

A lot of them go through the schooling and then realize they don't have to waste the time or energy on a difficult career when they could just have a husband that does it for them.

And can you really blame them? Vagina is the world's most valuable currency and you have a practically limitless bank account when you're a woman. (An attractive woman, at least)

This is why the vast majority of females who choose to get a Ph.D. are disgusting looking.

Hell, you can even notice this trend in upper-division courses in an undergraduate degree.

>> No.5692868

>he wants to be a trophy husband

>> No.5692875

Hell yeah I want to be!

Who wouldn't take that if given the opportunity?

>> No.5692881

not really.

Trophy husbands are pretty beta

>> No.5692898


Too fucking bad. Women don't go for that science shit.

>> No.5692915


Anyone with balls.

>> No.5692919

>Vagina is the world's most valuable currency
Depends who you ask obviously, not all people are suckers like that.
Personally I would never be with somebody unaccomplished. And yes there is a clear link between looks and accomplishments, beautiful people have it easy. Another byproduct of this is their often terrible personalities.

>> No.5692929
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>worked in videogames for a few years
>number of females working in the industry is proportionate to the amount of resumes we get from them
>number compared to male is small
>get screamed at for not hiring equal numbers

That would mean tipping the scales. You already have equality.

If you want more female scientists, do a science degree instead of a Women's Studies degree. Then we'd have 1 more.

>> No.5692949


>> No.5692954

You're looking at the situation at the endgame though. The question is at earlier stages are the systemic social forces which dissuade women from pursuing these fields.

>> No.5692962


The forces are that women aren't interested in sitting for hours coding. It doesn't interest them.

>> No.5692964

You mean the fact women didn't like videogames until 2006?

Or science? There have been no restrictions on women in science for a long time.

The elephant in the room no one wants to talk about is women being the ones who get pregnant.

>> No.5692978

>number of men in hairdressing industry is small
>hairdressing industry is sexist and bigoted

Female logic.

>> No.5693019

I think if many people have traditional cultural ideas that are backwards, then it makes sense to institute extra 'support' for affected groups to compensate.

In the interest of creating a level field so meritocracy can then be more effective in selecting for actually relevant stuff like skill/talent/education/drive.

So if that means providing a little more help to traditionally disadvantaged communities or females to first level the playing field, then that's reasonable in my opinion and in society's long-term interests.

Besides, I'm not a selfish person. I can appreciate when good things are afforded to other people and I have a comfortable standard of living.

I think some of the people who disagree make jokes about 'unchecked privilege' but in reality they have a victim complex; they want to be seen as a tragic hero of sorts, the elite that are forced to sacrifice for the good of others, and thus fail to give proper consideration to those from traditionally disadvantaged backgrounds.

>> No.5693037

But hairdressing is by nature a feminine job. Scientific careers seem pretty gender neutral to me.

>> No.5693049

He has a point. There should be the same amount of females who want to be scientists as males.

>> No.5693050

Scientific careers require intelligence, which men tend to have more of.

>> No.5693063

>But hairdressing is by nature a feminine job

Which is why all famous hairdressers are male right?

>> No.5693065

>famous hairdresser
is that a thing?

>> No.5693068

I haven't been here in a while. Did /pol/ and antifemanist hatecirclejerking actually get a foothold here?

>> No.5693069


Vidal Sassoon for one.

>> No.5693072

Actually we're really not. Sit down and watch childrens advertising some time

>> No.5693075

Check your privilege, sexist scum

>> No.5693081
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fucking lol

>> No.5693086
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>The question is at earlier stages are the systemic social forces which dissuade women from pursuing these fields.

Probably but at this point I'm not even sure the social forces we have had for the past century or so matter anymore.

I dare say we already selected out most of the women who would be interested in such fields a long time ago.

All we are seeing now is the fallout from our mating choices our ancestors made being exposed.

>> No.5693088

STEM autists have always had a sort of insecure misogyny to them. Its one of the things that drives so many women away.

>> No.5693095
File: 308 KB, 935x960, 1362608962389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientific careers seem pretty gender neutral
If it is so neutral why isn't there a 50/50 gender split in countries where women can choose their profession?

>inb4 the patriarchy are subverting the populace through some kind of brain magic

>> No.5693094

Are you saying a women genuinely interested in science and math naturally, would be dissuaded by the schooling system to completely pursue something else she is not interested in?

If you agree with the statement you quoted then you are saying women are not passionate/strong enough to stand up for themselves and hold firm decisions for themselves when someone else tells them no

All you are doing is carrying the victim mentality for women and want to irrationally carry them through careers

>> No.5693096


>> No.5693098

>That pic
Holy fuck you guys have deep seeded hate for woman.

>> No.5693100

humans at large aren't passionate/strong enough to stand up for themselves and hold firm decisions

>> No.5693101

This isn't /sci/ related.

>> No.5693104

>That guy is't following feminist indoctrination!
>He must hate women!

>> No.5693107

this is the most liberal statement I have ever read in my life

>> No.5693108

This isn't /v/, /pol/ or /b/. Please strawman shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.5693111

>Women at large aren't passionate/strong enough to stand up for themselves and hold firm decisions

Fixed your implication for you

>> No.5693112

>we're not
What do you mean WE?
STEM as a group doesn't do any kind of advertising of the sort.
If anything it's the other groups advertising for us.

>> No.5693114

This is /sci/ please back up your conclusion or go back to thumblr

>> No.5693117

I want people to talk about science on the science board. Not circlejerk about feminism. Please take it to the board made for this.

>> No.5693122

well i want you to go fuck yourself :D


hide the thread if its bothering you

>> No.5693123

I shouldn't have to hide off topic boards. They shouldn't exist in the first place.