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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5684869 No.5684869[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


/sci/ has received it's own island, anyone up for playing when it launches?

>> No.5684874
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Between /ck/ /o/ and /co/

>should be ashamed or proud

>> No.5684882

Apparently we're in an alliance with /pol/, /k/, /int/ and /x/.


Not sure who the ambassadors are from /sci/ though, I've seen no threads yet.

>> No.5684888
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>> No.5684894
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>> No.5684907

cool, we got all the shitposters on our side

>> No.5684929

so where the fuck is all the info? What version of minecraft? Will there be mods? Where can I download it? blablabla

>> No.5684933

I've pretty much scoured the major discussion boards and can see Nothing from anyone on /sci/, and have absolutely no idea where anyone got the idea of this alliance from, so I see no reason why we can't pull out and make a better one.
However, we'll need to get the ball rolling a bit first I guess

>> No.5684937

this shit should be tekkit, then /sci/ can build a death machine and rule over all of 4chan

>> No.5684939

Keep that shit to >>>/vg/

>> No.5684941

We need a vote on who to make King of the Nerds

>> No.5684943

Yes, this. Our powers of reason and logic combined with determination would only be rivalled by /v/

>> No.5684944

And King of the Nerds should definitely be the official title

>> No.5684945

We don't want this off-topic shit on /sci/.

>> No.5684952 [DELETED] 

what is it and how do you play?
can we tech-up our island and then nuke /x/ to hell?
that would be SWEET!

>> No.5684956

Correction; You don't want
Avoid speaking for other people when you don't know your shit

>> No.5684958

It's minecraft google it.
Given the right mods, that should be possible.

>> No.5684960

This is the science and math board. Take your off-topic shit somewhere else.

>> No.5684968

Well it's not off-topic; it's about the /sci/ community getting involved in a co-operative game with other boards.
/sci/ is the only board I bother to frequent, and this idea sounds like fun for people who like to game. Feel free to ignore, by all means

>> No.5684976

It is off-topic. It has nothing to do with science or math. If you want to play a video game, then do it on the video game boards.

>> No.5684981


>> No.5684986

OP here, made a group:

>> No.5684996 [DELETED] 
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>no fun

>> No.5684999

>my shitposting is special because I have fun

Grow up, you infantile cretin.

>> No.5685004

Join up to the steam page >>5684986

>> No.5685005

b-but... this isn't science! quick someone make a 1 = 0.9999.... post that IS science!!

>> No.5685006 [DELETED] 

i lack the patience for minecraft, but the idea of nuking /x/ to shit does sound fukken awesome

>> No.5685031


For some reason we were allied with /x/ for awhile, but I think that got called off. The official alliance page lists /pol/ as our only ally.

>> No.5685041

Yeah, but I can't see where that has come from. However, /pol/ are looking fairly strong so far, and could be decent to stick with. Also, /g/ could be good to try and wangle in with also

>> No.5685055


/k/ might also be nice

>> No.5685071

true, hadn't thought about that

>> No.5685086
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>Get a steam account

>> No.5685099

Steam is fine.

Least it isn't being organized on Origin

>> No.5685103 [DELETED] 
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>no animation

>> No.5685109

Shit me, /v/ is huge

>> No.5685228

Looks like it might be tekkit...

>> No.5685293

we should make a nuke launching machine that can siege fire

>> No.5685331

It's animated, just wait...

>> No.5685340

I really wish my laptop was still working so I could join in, but alas. Give /x/ hell for me ok?

>> No.5685354

/sci/ island needs cliffs at the sides, like the cliffs of dover

>> No.5685431

We are now allied with /co/ due to proximity. /fit/ is currently in negotiations.

>> No.5685437
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we need /g/.

>> No.5685455

We have /g/

>> No.5685499

The very first thing we should do is declare war on /x/. Those faggots actually believe they can talk to ghosts.

>> No.5685547

Aside from distance, /lit/ and /diy/ would be good allies in terms of intelligence and creativity.

>> No.5685560

join the steam group guys, we need participators.

>> No.5685569

I'm on my tablet and won't be on till tomorrow afternoon. Feel free to message, add, and remind me. ID: Yew_Stoopid

>> No.5685572

>Aside from distance, /lit/ and /diy/ would be good allies in terms of intelligence and creativity.

>competent at anything except mental masturbation

Also, what are the rules, when does it happen etc.?

>> No.5685593
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We should work on an alliance with some of the smaller nearby boards. Several are fairly similar to /sci/ in topics:

>/o/ - Autos
>/n/ - Nature
>/an/ - Animals
>/ck/ - Cooking (chemistry)

>> No.5685601

are we going to ally with fucking everyone?

>> No.5685602

Can cracked accounts play on this sever?

>> No.5685604

Who do we currently have?

>> No.5685607

>implying /sci/ is competent at anything except actual masturbation

>> No.5685611

we have nothing in common

>> No.5685609


None of those are /sci/ friends.

/pol/ & /g/ are our greatest allies.

>> No.5685613

Fuck that. We better stab them in the back as soon as we get the upperhand

>> No.5685617


lolno fuck off

>> No.5685619

I'll join after finals if I can download for free. Will I still be able to join in two weeks? Anyone have link to torrent?

>> No.5685620

ok, who are our official allies?

>> No.5685622
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Anyone here have experience with building towers?

>> No.5685630

Looks like g is also planning on wiping out the bronies and other smaller factions, though they are allied with us.

>> No.5685649

We should join them. Fuck those weirdos

>> No.5685654
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>dem drips

EK Status:

[1] TOLD

>> No.5685657
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Should obviously have been "trips" but I am ok with this.

>> No.5685655

Guys, actually get on the steamcommunity page for /sci/, we started talking about shit.

>> No.5685798

We're still looking for leaders.

>> No.5685827

Check the steamcommunity page. Or just talk about it without doing anything in this thread. That works too.

>> No.5685855
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why dont you faggots stop playing minecraft and do some study

>> No.5685879

First thing we need to do is construct a huge mob trap and creeper farm like crazy so we can insure we have an ample TNT economy going. We're gonna need lots of TNT to erase islands!

Who needs nukes? Tekkit has turtles, turtles COST NOTHING to build and are awesome grief tools! You can easily grief large areas with turtles dropping lava source blocks or TNT, it's great.

Turtles can also theoretically self replicate, so we could potentially destroy the entire server with em'.

>> No.5685910

There's no tekkit guys. It's gonna be pure vanilla

>> No.5685918

Since no one else is going for leader for /sci/, I'll just go in.

>> No.5685969

we need a war flag guys

>> No.5686003


We're voting on the main group page tomorrow

>> No.5686008

How boring... It will end in a hell of lava and TNT all the same.

>> No.5686018

How do we feel about /v/?

I know they aren't neighbours, but I believe we should be civil as they'll have strength in numbers, and the other boards that come close are /a/ and /b/, neither of which would be as beneficial to us. Maybe it's just me. I don't think they have any reason to come after us, so why not make it into something positive?

>> No.5686038
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i wouldn't mind allying with /o/
just say you drive manual and pretend to know how to operate a clutch

for the love of GOD don't admit to driving automatic

also will the various groups get special items they can build? like /o/ can build cars (manual tranny only), and /sci/ can do various physics-bending things and make bibles

>> No.5686042

why is there no /tv/

>> No.5686047

>15 members

Come on, don't make me join /fit/.

In any case, /sci/ needs a strong alliance otherwise the 200+ member boards will eat us alive.

>> No.5686046

Maybe they're too busy watching television...

>> No.5686052

/o/ mostly plays racing video games. They might be a very small group

>> No.5686060

they're not that small, and their racing vidya shenanigans are not a focus
mostly it's just arguing about manual transmissions and bitching out tripfags who brag about their shitty cars, as well as organizing meetups then getting pissed off when the cops show up

>> No.5686062

Right now, /pol/ considers us "friendly." It's a possible opportunity for to get a larger board on our side.

>> No.5686074

lol what meetup did the cops show up to? I don't keep up with those social threads

either way /sci/ as long as you let us circle jerk about miata's, manual transmissions and post WAT all over the place we'll be happy to make an alliance or something.

>> No.5686082

I'm giving up /v/ to play for /sci/, because /v/ doesn't need more people, and they might not be smart about coordination.

We need to be smart from the get-go, have a solid plan. The best thing I can think of is to build as much resources as possible from the start, as they will become a valuable commodity once other islands start using them up. We also need to be smart about who we make friends with. Under no circumstances can we be buddy-buddy with /b/, because they are the board with the least intelligence, or /mlp/ because we would be targeted by association. /o/ and /ck/ are primary friendlies, but to be honest I'm not sure how /fit/ feels about us.

We should also try our hand at building some aesthetic structures, maybe work on a town hall, university, etc.

>> No.5686095
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, now-huaxi-is-putting-the-final-touches-on-an-immense-skyscraper-which-clocks-in-at-1076-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somewhat. A while ago I had set up a tower base to replicate this, and I can easily make it again.

>> No.5686113
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Yes, of course. Here's an example.

>> No.5686117
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Interior view of one of the offices.

>> No.5686122

Dont you just build a square wall, then a staircase going up? Seems easy enough for anyone to do.


>> No.5686128

we're going to have to build a scale model of CERN underneath our island

and a LFTR somewhere

and a space elevator

you all know this right?

>> No.5686132

We cannot undervalue the importance of a /lit/ alliance. I think we can all put our differences aside and understand each other.

>> No.5686136


but in order to do these things we need powerful allies that can protects us.

>> No.5686145

I feel the most powerful and valuable allies would be /v/, honestly. There's no reason we have to look at each other with negativity, no reason they would need to come after us, and nothing to lose from a positive business arrangement.

>> No.5686157

Guys, we don't have the time to go making pretty buildings and scale models of stuff at the beginning. We have to all pitch in and split work in order to get ahead of all the other islands, or else we're gonna be wiped out quickly. Read the What to Do section in the http://steamcommunity.com/groups/scimine and contribute so we can actually have a solid plan going.

>> No.5686160

Go to the What to Do section and say plans. Honestly, we should put off decorating and making scale models until we have a decent amount of raw materials.

>> No.5686181


I was thinking this very thing. An LHC duplicate that runs underneath the ocean and many of the islands, with the detector stationed at /sci/.

...but I'm paranoid that the whole point of this server is so that the server owners can use it as bait to retrieve hundreds of login / passwords with their newly found exploit.

>> No.5686182

/sci/g/k/ alliance is preferable, that way we can call ourselves the Military-Industrial Complex

>> No.5686186

that's not unreasonable, actually
what would they do with the login/passwords? get CC info?

>> No.5686198


I don't think it's possible to get CC info from minecraft accounts. I was thinking they'd just use it for bragging rights, or undersell special accounts that have been around since alpha & beta.

>> No.5686205

What do you think about /v/?

>> No.5686222

As someone who frequents both, like I said earlier, I see no reason why /sci/ and /v/ can't work together. I know that /v/ has hundreds where /sci/ will have tens, but /sci/ is a smart bunch and /v/ should know that.

>> No.5686227

>mfw my account is from the first few days that notch opened up paying for an account, waaay the fuck back in early beta

>mfw i haven't logged into that thing in over two years

>> No.5686381
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Current diplomatic statuses

Begrudgingly we have to ally /x/ it seems. Otherwise /pol/ and /k/ might turn on us.

>> No.5686397

can we ally with diy?
tose guys are cool

>> No.5686416

Outing as an /mlp/ agent

>> No.5686448
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Have a nice graph

>> No.5686455

and what is this graph about?

>> No.5686457

/fit/ has that many, hey? We should ask them if they can solidify an alliance, a friendly neighbour is helpful to us both.

>> No.5686468

Users per board in 4craft

>> No.5686490
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Purge the /x/ scum

>> No.5686501
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Thanks for telling us lololololol BOO

>> No.5686502

Where did you get that /an/ wants an ally with us from?

>> No.5686503

These comments are not helpful, or endorsed by /sci/

>> No.5686505


>> No.5686506
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Nope, too late now. Consider yourself our [expunged].

>> No.5686508


ally /v/ before it all goes horribly wrong

>> No.5686509

what's the IP/port?

>> No.5686512
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not up yet. Starting next week

>> No.5686519

i've got a server up on
tekkit 3.1.2, there is more info in the steam group discussion.
we building machines/farms/devices that we could use in the actual server.

>> No.5686525
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>> No.5686527


I don't think /v/'s gonna bother us, they've got much bigger problems on their plate, likewise I don't think we can expect much help from them either.

>> No.5686535
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Fight the good fight /sci/
We need to reject the alliance offers from /x/ and /pol/

>> No.5686541

I'm pretty sure every island near /b/ including /b/ itself will be dead by the hands of /b/.

Anyways I think we should build shit tons of traps so no invaders would be willing to venture on to our island.

>> No.5686547


we should go underground. Leave the surface untouched and unoccupied.

>> No.5686548
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Why is our island so boring, what the fuck is this bullshit?

>> No.5686553

My dear x-philes and x-philettes were just discussing traps earlier, it's too bad the alliance is already crumbling.

>> No.5686555

Guide for making infinite obsidian:

Might not work online however, if not we can still farm obsidian from nether portals.

>> No.5686557

>All this talk
>steamgroup still only 20 members
step it up guys

>> No.5686565

I dont think the map is complete yet.