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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5679330 No.5679330 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to explain why you decided to do engineering.

>> No.5679336

Because I like to suck dicks.

>> No.5679337

Someone's got to fix this shithole we call home.

>> No.5679340
File: 69 KB, 960x426, strato jump guy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw mathematicians, like the structures they study, don't have their place of occupation in the physical world.

>> No.5679346

Is it wrong that I think those engineering places are beautiful?

>> No.5679347

I don't have to memorize fuck.

>> No.5679352

scientist here

>> No.5679356

I didn't decide that yet.
I can be both... And even both simultaneously: that's called R&D

>> No.5679367

But wrong.
They have offices and are paper pushers like everybody else.

>> No.5679369

About as deep and wrong as op's pic.

>> No.5679373

I'm a physics undergrad but I know some engineers and the main advantage I see is that turnover for your work is much quicker, going from paper to working prototype in just a few months.

>> No.5679385

>implying scientists aren't simply the plebs doing the grunt work for the engineers

The "purity" of the subject is just meaningless circlejerking to make you feel better about doing the most tedious part for significantly less pay and recognition.

>> No.5679393


>> No.5679394
File: 26 KB, 596x300, civil-engineering-mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to build better worlds by paving over your environment with my concrete jungle

>> No.5679397

Because I can still go into academia if I want to, but it's far from being my only option.

>> No.5679404
File: 49 KB, 544x360, 1365583048110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... I don't know ;_;
I guess I want to go to space.
Engineers get to do that, right?

>> No.5679414

I am an AeroE but I hate planes. Just in it for the applied math and physics and because I like doing numerical solving and simulations

>> No.5679424

Because someone gotta keep this world from falling apart.

>> No.5679425


>> No.5679433

In the Britain, place of occupation is where you live, I'm guessing this is different for you?

Still inaccurate though, certainly some engineers would work there, but they'd still probably have some sort of pre-fab office on the site where they're based. Still a minority, only those in chemical waste clean up or restoring buildings. You might as well pick some scientists working in the the middle of nowhere in a desert and put that at the top.

>You have 10 seconds to explain why you decided to do engineering.
I like building big things and solving problems.

>> No.5679441
File: 38 KB, 652x360, 7612132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ph.D. in Engineering
>any project I want
>$50 million starting

>> No.5679460

i wanted a job that isn't in a resturant

>> No.5679472

Is that what engineers call their postgraduate playgrounds these days?

>> No.5679479

lol, /sci/ is so cute when it's trying to be elitist.

>> No.5679482

Because Australian engineers earn 300k a year.

>> No.5679484

Dat true?

>> No.5679491

It is not uncommon at the peak of their career. You can earn more or less depending of where you work/ specialty of engineering.

You can only work as an engineer in Australia with an Australian degree.

>> No.5679510

You forgot to mention how much everything costs in Australia

>> No.5679527
File: 66 KB, 640x478, 1319517732643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm in engineering purely because i want to build cool shit in my free time and get a high paying job that uses a decent amount of math

>> No.5679532

Let's see...

>Not smart enough and not enough extracurriculars for medical school
>Not aggressive/type-A enough for Finance or Business
>Don't like chemistry, so Pharmacy was out
>Hate coding, so no Computer Science

Engineering was the only thing left that wouldn't have me jobless after college.

>> No.5679535

I can say "erecting a dispenser" and actually mean it.

>> No.5679550

too beta and bitter for bitches

>> No.5679564

>not smart enough for medical school
Even retards get in to medical school.

>> No.5679567

>You have 10 seconds to explain why you decided to do engineering.
Appeared to be a good idea at the time.
Should've taken a year or two off to work instead. Maybe I wouldn't have dropped out then.

>> No.5679568

I don't, eye r teh phsyx.

>> No.5679574

>Just graduate ChemE
>looking at oil rig jobs
>£38k starting

It's tempting as fuck.

>> No.5679588

>tfw scientist who just got an engineering job
>ok it's an internship
>still pays $15/hour
>working in big industrial plant, not small clean lab like I hoped
>I don't know yet if I really want to do this.

>> No.5679590


do you have a PhD ?

>> No.5679592

You can do maths where ever you like though. It doesn't have to be in an office unless you choose

>> No.5679596

I wanted to suck dickzzz since I was nien.

>> No.5679629


>> No.5679655


I thought it would be fun and interesting, I thought i'd be making the world a better place. but now as an EE sophomore I'm fighting back thoughts of suicide

>> No.5679677

It's best for you to start over your life when you have thoughts of suicide

>> No.5679758
File: 150 KB, 500x500, 1319119370877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I want to get paid for my job.

>> No.5679768

You're lying.
How do you expect to do that? Designing ways for the rich to stay rich?

>> No.5679783

I see it the other way around. Scientists get to do the really interesting things without having to do something useful or profitable.
Engineers are the grunts, trying desperately to bash together centuries old science to make their boss money.
Engineers are, for the most part, corporate shills.

>> No.5679787

A pat on the back by your corporate overlord ain't "recognition".

>> No.5679791

I'm too stupid for real science.

>> No.5680161

back up in case i failed in banking.

>> No.5680200

Doing my PhD in chem engineering. I know classmates who became scientists because the working conditions sucked for most engineering jobs. Plus the work didn't really require thinking. Most engineers don't do any work of value. Companies just need them to be there to fulfill legal requirements. It's quirky, but engineers with PhDs usually find jobs that have "scientist" in the title, at least in my field.

Pay's pretty good for engineers though. The average is about ~100k mid-career in the US. But scientists with PhDs make about the same, so it's better to do what's interesting to you.

>> No.5680209

Because I wanted all of the gay buttsex it offers

>> No.5680247

More jobs more reliable jobs cooler hobbys no pretentious ass lickers