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5677540 No.5677540 [Reply] [Original]

Are we going to get these things in next 100 years?

1. Ability to cure every known disease.
2. Efficient power plants based on renewable resources.
3. Creating food in artificial way. (like meat).
4. Fully automated public and personal transit.
5. Easy weather manipulation.
6. Domestic robots.
7. Ability to revive extinct animals.

>> No.5677549

1. No.
2. Probably (fusion)
3. Probably, work has already started on this
4. Funding is the real issue here. Who knows?
5. Doubtful.
6. Maybe for the rich.
7. Possibly, if these animals are close enough to extant species.

>> No.5677552

>1. Ability to cure every known disease.
>2. Efficient power plants based on renewable resources.
Define efficient. Define renewable.
>3. Creating food in artificial way. (like meat).
>4. Fully automated public and personal transit.
>5. Easy weather manipulation.
Define easy.
>6. Domestic robots.
We already have these.
>7. Ability to revive extinct animals.
We can already do this.

>> No.5677556

>Ability to revive extinct animals
Was done recently. So yes

>> No.5677570

>Define efficient. Define renewable.
As efficient as power plants based on oil/coal
>Define easy.
"This weekend will be sunny, but government decided to make rain on Monday"
>We already have these.
I mean, robots that are able to do such housework as cooking.

>> No.5677602

direct human control over weather sounds like a Bad Thing.

>> No.5677659
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>Probably (fusion)

To me, fusion sounds like a pipe-dream. Let's say they succeed in construing an energy-efficient magnetic containment system. There's still the problem of the massive neutron-flux the reaction gives rise to. Over time, it would transmute the materials the machinery is made out of, probably to the point were it ceases to function. You'd have to replace the entire thing at regular intervals (how often would depend of course). Doesn't sound economically viable.

>> No.5677666


That's the sad truth of the matter that the Cheetos eaters on /sci/ just can't accept. Stars can do fusion effectively since (1) there's enough matter there to contain it, and (2) the matter has no quality issue, and (3) there's nothing economic about the exercise.

>> No.5677670

Yes to all.

1. 60
2. 20
3. 10
4. 15
5. 70
6. 15
7. 20

>> No.5677679

Fusion is the energy of the future and always will be.

>> No.5677681

Right, gravity is the best containment system.

Liquid fluoride thorium reactors seem a bit more promising, but there's still the issue of liquid fluoride being one corrosive fucker. If we can figure out how to efficiently beam energy over large distances (some funky microwave rectenna perhaps?), then putting some sort of solar powered generators in orbit will be the way to go I think.

>> No.5677687

>ability to cure disease
you sir are retarded, when were anti-biotics and such made, about 100 years ago right? during WW1?, there are already signs that those anti-biotics are not working as effectively anymore cause viruses and germs are mutating.

1/10 post, got me to respond

>> No.5677694

>implying that antibiotics effect viruses
>implying implications of implementation

>> No.5677704

>The antichrist preaching against fusion
Ever hear of lithium?

>> No.5677729

1. Ability to cure every known disease.
it's possible imo, but with the effort and especially money that we put into it now, there will only be slow improvement
2. Efficient power plants based on renewable resources.
I think yes, in 100 we will be there (or fusionenergie)
3. Creating food in artificial way. (like meat).
Everything a human requires will probably be possible to make artifically, but i think that eating real food will stay a sign of wealth
4. Fully automated public and personal transit.
5. Easy weather manipulation.
6. Domestic robots.
7. Ability to revive extinct animals.

100 years is a long and technology advance rather exponentionally. Assuming we won't go through a huge crysis like another world war or fuck knows what, i think every point you make can be achieved and most of it will.