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5677114 No.5677114 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible for the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force to be related through the positive and negative forces in an atom, or am I thinking too simply on this? My mate suggests this but I look at him like he is insane.

>> No.5677115 [DELETED] 
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it doesn't work that way because if it did than your friend just made a new unified field theory.

>> No.5677119 [DELETED] 

Basically your friend is saying that gravity works through a magnetic attraction in particles, I guess that would explain how a more dense, compacted object, be it physical or not, that consisted of matter would have a larger gravitational force than a less compact object?? I mean I guess that's fathomable, but I don't know if it's provable. Einstein started out with theories like this, tell your friend to keep thinking big. There is no answer, this is all just theoretical science.

>> No.5677121 [DELETED] 

you dont just mix two fundamental forces together you fucking idiot.

>> No.5677122


There may or may not be a gravitational force.

>> No.5677123

Yes, it's all theoretical. We can't prove it scientifically, but is it possible that electromagnetism would be the underlying force that is responsible for it?

>> No.5677133

he is insane

>no instances of repulsion in gravity
>no observable field

i have a stoner friend that fancies himself a scientist. He says shit like this all the time and likes to pretend he knows shit. He doesnt. Id be willing to bet niether does your mate.

sorry for the frostyness of my reply, this annoys me lol

>> No.5677141

As stated, it's all theoretical and hypothetical.

Why does matter and antimatter repel each other?

>> No.5677145

i see where youre coming from, but that hasnt been proved to actually happen

>inb4 i have this same conversation i have with my mate

barry, if thats you, ima hurt you when i see you next lol

no just kidding. please do continue

>> No.5677147

>Why does matter and antimatter repel each other?

It doesn't.

>> No.5677149 [DELETED] 

So, technically, it can't proven or dis-proven if it cannot be observed. This all directs to the theory of one underlying force that is responsible for all others. But nothing is proven.
Can you prove that?

>> No.5677150

So, technically, it can't proven or dis-proven if it cannot be observed. This all directs to the theory of one underlying force that is responsible for all others. But nothing is proven.
Can you prove that?

>> No.5677153

ITT: People who can't prove or disprove things, aka, people saying something does or doesn't happen without scientific evidence.

Carl Sagan wouldn't be impressed.

>> No.5677154

yes, when we solve gravity we will probably have our g.u.t theory, but no, its nothing to do with electromagnatism.

where are the fields?

>> No.5677155

Can you suggest a feasible way as to how humans could solve gravity.

>> No.5677157

when we find the particle/field/method of action responsible for it.

>> No.5677160

are you making claims on shit that hasnt been studied. that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.5677158

When, or if?

>> No.5677162

barring an apocolypse in the next couple of hundred years, when.

what relevence does that have?

>> No.5677163

String theory does it, if we ever find a way to test that theory.

>> No.5677164

why did you just say that if we cant prove that either

>> No.5677165

>proving something with something that isn't yet proven itself

That's not very feasible.

>> No.5677166

this is almost as bad as a religious argument

>> No.5677170

that gravity is not related to electromagantism, or that when we discover the method of action for gravity we will have a G.U.T theory?

>> No.5677171

What evidence do you have that it's not if you can't even scientifically prove the gravitational force.

>> No.5677173

Someone asked "how could you solve it", and that's a way you could solve it. If I knew how to solve for sure right now it would already be solved.

>> No.5677174

so basically, we can solve it by solving something else that most likely need to be solved through ANOTHER thing that needs to be solved.

>> No.5677177

Yeah? I'm not sure what kind of answer you were expecting that wouldn't require some kind of scientific work to be done. I find hard problems are generally solved by breaking them down into smaller problems first.

>> No.5677179

Yes, I know, most people solve things through that method. But you're making claims on something that has yet to be proven, and you're also claiming it can be proven by something else that has also yet to be proven. Are there any facts on this line up of solving it? I'm not trying to come off as rude, I'm simply stating that I do not understand said logic.

>> No.5677181

once more, for the hard of thinking
>no field
>no particle
>no repulsion

>> No.5677189

You asked for a method that *could* solve gravity. I read that as having a chance of being able to solve gravity. I'm not saying it would defitely solve gravity because its obviously not proven, but it's consisted a decent way to try.

Maybe you were instead along for a method that could definitely solve gravity? If we knew of a method that would definitely solve gravity then gravity would be solved because we'd know the method would work even before we tried it.

>> No.5677336

They are related, but they're not the same thing and one isn't part of the other. There are four fundamental forces in the universe, the weak atomic force (AKA the weak force), the strong atomic force (AKA the strong force), electromagnetism (AKA the electromagnetic force), and gravity (AKA the gravitational force). IIRC at some extremely high temperature and pressure the weak force and electromagnetism become one force known as the electro-weak force, at an even more unfathomable temperature that force unites with the strong force, and at some completely ridiculous higher, hotter point, that force unites with gravity. I think the electro-weak force has been observed and the other two are theoretical at this point and are theorized not to have shown up since the universe was very young.