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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5671491 No.5671491[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sorry white boys, the results are in...

>Science has spoken and, yes, gentlemen, size does matter. A newly published study by a University of Ottawa researcher has concluded penis length exerts a measurable sway on females evaluating potential sexual partners. Males with a larger penis were rated relatively more attractive.

>The scientific journal Personality and Individual Differences has recently published research on the average erect penis lengths of men around the world, and according to the study, African men were found to have the largest penises.

>The team examined the preferences of a research group of students and, using a mathematical formula devised from the results, found that it correlated closely with statistical trends of mixed-race marriages in the UK. Black men in the study were found to be the most attractive to females. It could account for the reason why singer Seal first attracted Heidi Klum. Government data shows a marked difference in patterns of interracial marriage, with around one-and-a-half times more black men marrying white women in the UK and the US, than black women marrying white men.

>> No.5671496
File: 6 KB, 208x199, why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Studies show women prefer men with bigger penises
>Studies show black men have bigger penises
>Studies show women prefer black men

Well fuck. It's actually pretty conclusive, three unrelated studies with data that completely correlates with one another.

>> No.5671512

I cannot believe women prefer big penises over smaller ones!

>> No.5671518

Women prefer black men over white ones.

>> No.5671516

This is incredibl uninTeresTing, pleasefuck off Troll nobod cares

>> No.5671524

>University of Ottawa
lel bitches fuck whatever is given to them

>> No.5671528

>read countless studies saying africans don't have larger than average penises
>now they do

I'm really confused. Which studies are correct?

>> No.5671531
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>It could account for the reason why singer Seal first attracted Heidi Klum.
>science could account for the reason why a black celebrity married a white one

>> No.5671532


There's no good study on the matter. It's extremely difficult to get data. Polls and asking opinion is stupid. Women can't judge size just by looking at it, erect or flaccid. They'll over/under estimate based on their preconceptions.

And I'm black.

>> No.5671537

Any study that doesn't promote stupidity like >>5671531

>> No.5671544

True. Their spatial awareness sucks.
>be 6 inches
>make girl cum so hard it's like The Exorcist again
>Tell her I am 8 inches
>She believes me

Also, if a girl like you, your dick would be bigger to her compared to the guy she hates/dislikes.

Have fun.

>> No.5671562

Black man here. I truly believe black men are the best in bed. Listen ladies, I am a black man and I don't think it has anything to do with his "thang". We all know the myth of how very well endowed black men are. However, not every black man is "hung", so let's dispel that myth right now. What I am trying to say is, we have a unique way of transmitting information to the female gender . From the way we talk, walk, and move. When we come into an establishment we have a supreme sense of confidence! You women may not always say it, but you like a man who can take control. Someone who is not afraid to say what's on his mind. A man that can communicate with you, and keep your mental passages open. At the same time he can please you physically.

Let's face it, we just have more verbal tactics than men of other races. They can't stimulate a woman on the same level as we can. I am not just saying from a bias position, I actually have first hand experience. I once had sex with a white woman in college who had never had sex with a black man before. She was from a very small town in some "hick" place in Montana. Because she had never been exposed to black people, when she got to college and got a taste of the black culture, she literally lost her mind. When we had sex I made her climax over 30 times. I asked her what was the difference between a black man and a white man in bed?

She told me that I had a very unique rhythmic motion. Just like I was dancing inside of her. She also said that black men are extremely confident and not afraid to approach a woman. This was an ultimate turn-on for her. I guess to sum it all up, ONCE YOU GO BLACK YOU NEVER GO BACK!!!!

>> No.5671573


Copied the whole thing did you? Hehe.

>> No.5671590

Eh, busted.

>> No.5671598


>> No.5671606

I assumed that the poster intended it to be his own experience, but it turns out it was just copied from somewhere else (a stupid post at that too).
So, in a way, busted.

>> No.5671612

this may be the case, but girls don't find out what your size is until they've already selected you for mating; which means SOMETHING else must have won her over.

>> No.5671616

Size of your wallet usually. Because the size of the metaphorical heart and spirit doesn't cut anymore nowadays.

>> No.5671617
File: 87 KB, 1000x600, WAIS-IV_FSIQ_Scores_by_Race_and_Ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


enjoy your aids in prison

>> No.5671625

> If you're short, it doesn't matter what size your penis is.

If you read the study (or even the article), you'll see that of the three factors considered, only about 6% of attractiveness was accounted for by penis size. Over 80% was general body shape. So... despite the headline, penis size is almost completely unimportant.

>> No.5671631


Usually in uni you party with the same crowd, regardless how big. If you fuck one girl from the group, the rest are going to hear about it if you were big or really small.

>> No.5671628
File: 14 KB, 348x232, DWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just in: The length of a flaccid penis has no correlation to the erect size. (Look it up)

>> No.5671642
File: 27 KB, 700x460, 292409_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this may be the case, but girls don't find out what your size is until they've already selected you for mating

Linda Fiorentino
>What does she look for in the men she’s attracted to? “A big cock…that’s it. Isn’t that what we all want?”
>When it’s suggested that size can be difficult to discern, she looks incredulous. “Oh, come on. You can get an indication. We’ve all done random sampling here hands, feet and nose. All the extremeties. Sometimes you can be fooled, because if they’re too big, a really big guy, like six-seven with big hands and stuff, that can backfire on you. But you're talking like 85 percent accuracy rate. And then there’ the age-old trick: You make out with him, he gets a hard-on, you check it out. And then if it’s not all there, you say, `You know, I’m not really ready for this yet.’”


>> No.5671650

this is because females are shallow. men make no such judgements. they will mate with nearly any female if they like them mentally - females not so

>> No.5671649

Dicks are not science.

>> No.5671651


Microdick m8?

>> No.5671655


How is this shallow? Its natural to want the highest chance for fertilization, hence longer tubes.

>> No.5671660

Well even the Eiffel Tower is small compared to the grand Canyon.

>> No.5671662
File: 9 KB, 240x240, lel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White microdick detected

>> No.5671659

average vagina length is slightly less than average penis length...it is not to do with improving physical aspects of mating

>> No.5671664

average male length is slightly longer than average female internal length. physical aspects of mating are not affected at all by a longer male

>> No.5671667


This is true, longer dicks are statistically more potent.

>Men’s obsession with size in their nether region may be justified. New research indicates size matters when it comes to male fertility.

>> No.5671668


You know it always bothered me the that those IQ charts only measure the range between 55 to 145 even though it clearly shows it goes further either way.

Also *slow clap* for black IQ average actually going up a couple of points, soon it will be 90 in a generation or two.

>> No.5671676

Dick is going to be that impressive after coming out of a cold pool

>> No.5671678

Fun fact: if I don't even know what country your TLD is. I don't give a shit about what your link says.

>> No.5671685
File: 133 KB, 490x656, bolling_iq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is irrelevant. Intelligence is a result of poverty and education. Cram white people into impoverished ghettos, deny them proper education, then watch those IQ scores plummet. White people are even dumber than black people since you actually think your race and genetics has anything to do with how smart you are or aren;t.

>> No.5671686
File: 238 KB, 1949x1352, 1364094978258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5671689
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>> No.5671692

I will, because Russians are COMMIES and drunks

>> No.5671690

Ditto! Was looking for that pic myself.

>> No.5671697

>implying the US isn't becoming commie

>> No.5671700

This doesn't disprove the comic in any way. I don't have time to go into how retarded the assertions of the "rebuttal" are, but suffice to say you are an idiot.

>> No.5671698
File: 131 KB, 1000x1339, 1363737975541.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good one

>> No.5671703

>Implying Jews are a "race"
>Implying there aren't black Jews

>What are religions?

>> No.5671711


>> No.5671718

Again, irrelevant. Jews look white so didn't face nearly the same level of discrimination as black people have suffered. Jews weren't whipped and murdered for learning to read, Jews weren't segregated and systematically oppressed on nearly the same level as Africans, and on and on. It is an irrelevant comparison.

>> No.5671721


>> No.5671725

No difference, both examples are irrelevant. No comparison between them and the African experience.

>> No.5671728

Indians suffered quite a bit too.
>Aryan invsion
>Mughal invasion
>British Invasion
They turned out fine

>> No.5671729

I checked google news earlier and saw scientific reports on women liking big dicks and that women don't care about penis size.

As someone with a slightly less than average sized dick, I slightly cared, yet slightly didn't.

I suppose my girlfriend has a slightly smaller vagina (inb4 hotdog down a hallway)

>> No.5671735

Indians suffered systematic oppression yes, but not anywhere near the level that Africans did/

>> No.5671737

But Jews have an average score of 13 points higher than Caucasian people. Jews are the most oppressed people of all time. My opinion is that blacks are less evolved. They lack a common neanderthal gene all white, and Asian people have. My opinion is also that adversity will make a peoples smarter in the long run, it has only been 250ish years since Africa was colonized. Before belgium, and the brits/french arrrived, africans experienced little to no adversity, except the odd intra tribal conflict. However, they invented nothing except mud huts and bark shields The lack of challenge, and separation from the rest of the world, allowed them to evolve at a much slower rate than whites. After all, the average nigger in Sub Sahara has an IQ of 65-75.

>> No.5671739

Love trumps all, but given the choice between equal love, the woman will go for the guy with the bigger dick.

>> No.5671743

>equal love
Am afraid I don't understand.
Of course people would chose the better version of their lovers but that's purely hypothetical.
>hey hun if there were two of me, exactly the same except for ________ who would you choose?

Not worth losing your sleep over.

>> No.5671747

The average IQ in Israel is 94. American Jews have an average IQ of 112, non-Jewish white Americans have an average of 107. But if you will separate Jews up into little subgroups to make their IQs appear larger, then you should do the same for non-Jews as well, in which case white Anglican Americans have an average IQ of 113 as do Hong Kong Chinese and Singapore Chinese. American Ashkenazi Jews rank third behind white Anglican Americans, Singapore Chinese, and Hong Kong Chinese.

>> No.5671748


>> No.5671752

>American Ashkenazi Jews rank fourth* behind white Anglican Americans, Singapore Chinese, and Hong Kong Chinese.

Excuse the typo.

>> No.5671759

Thread on /fit/ about dicks turned into Jews, just like this one.

Hmm, studies need to be done on this.

>> No.5671760

>blacks tend to have bigger dicks
>women tend to prefer bigger dicks
>therefore, women prefer black men
Does not logically follow

There are many other variables
White men tend to be taller
White men tend to have higher IQs
White men tend to outperform black men in strength sports such as powerlifting, weightlifting and strongman
White men tend to earn more
White men tend to have less STDs
White men tend to commit less crime

>> No.5671764


>> No.5671766

Pretty obvious from the comic that they are talking about Ashkenazim.

>> No.5671768

Only the Ashkenazim score that high
Sephardi tend to score about that of non-Jewish Middle-Easterners
>biological differences between populations
>not science
Fuck off back to leddit

>> No.5671771

Except there was also a study provided that shows white women prefer black men. So the correct logic should be...

>1st Study shows women prefer men with bigger penises
>2nd Study shows black men have bigger penises
>3rd Study shows women prefer black men

There's no logical fallacy, it's just three separate studies that compliment one another.

>> No.5671774

It probably ignored the mentality of the women: Most of them go after blacks to piss off their parents, or they have issues.
Not even pon actresses like fucking blcks.

>> No.5671773

Which study?

>> No.5671775

>The team examined the preferences of a research group of students and, using a mathematical formula devised from the results, found that it correlated closely with statistical trends of mixed-race marriages in the UK. Black men in the study were found to be the most attractive to females. It could account for the reason why singer Seal first attracted Heidi Klum. Government data shows a marked difference in patterns of interracial marriage, with around one-and-a-half times more black men marrying white women in the UK and the US, than black women marrying white men.

>> No.5671779

The facial preference study where white women tended to prefer the faces of black men over any other group of men, including white guys.

>> No.5671802

Are there really that many asians with an IQ over 140? That looks around .5%, so 1 out 200 asians is a super genius?

>> No.5671803

being attracted to the faces of black men over white men =/= preferring black men over white men

being attracted to the face of someone is merely part of preference

>> No.5671805
File: 58 KB, 206x231, 1346539095816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's a flaw to both pics.

The one of the left assumes that the blacks who came from africa weren't already at a lower iq scale and generally disadvantage due to those very same reasons given because of the caste system they had.

The one on the right tries to compare the serfs rough conditions of 800 years to the blacks in africa +1000 years. It also talks about the serfs force to give away nearly 90% of their harvest, I doubt most blacks in africa even had that much to give even if they wanted to give it away.

Both examples are bad because it forgets to take into account the baseline environment conditions between america, russia and africa. These conditions are the real issue along with how long those particular populations have resided in the places in question and what skills/traits were needed best to survive.

>> No.5671807

>IQ in Israel
>Shit load of Palestinians

>> No.5671810

>soon it will be 90 in a generation or two.
[citation needed]

>> No.5671817

>Jews weren't segregated and systematically oppressed on nearly the same level as Africans
>The most abused people in history, halocaust pyramids, romans.
>Niggers have had 200 years of oppression stating with the colonization of Africass Jews have had over 2000 years.
>Confirmed Nigger

>> No.5671847


Wait what? Are you completely demented now, or do you not know that a non biased IQ test would not take education in account.

You can do a real, nonbiased IQ test without any education. As long as you can see, as you will have to compare shapes and patterns, and recognize them. You dont even need to know numbers, you just have to have a concept of value, that something can have a certain value.

>> No.5671851




>> No.5671859

Lel im above average, good to know, wouldnt expect to get such a nice ego boost on /sci/.

Also i had to post that im above average because we are talking about competing for females, and the little manhood i have kicks in and makes me compete against other potential candidates.

>> No.5671885


>> No.5672007
File: 987 KB, 500x450, 1337347693297.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once they go black, we dont want them back.

>> No.5672023


Literally retarded.

>> No.5672027

I read an article that stated black women prefer white men.

>> No.5672038
File: 631 KB, 733x671, 1365257413584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone link to the okcupid or whichever site it was study where white males were the most attractive. Picture related
Master Aryan Race: 9999999999

>> No.5672043


Not science.

>> No.5672044
File: 60 KB, 389x512, 1271003708215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Government data shows a marked difference in patterns of interracial marriage, with around one-and-a-half times more black men marrying white women in the UK and the US, than black women marrying white men.
so ?
so much assumption...

>> No.5672100
File: 4 KB, 431x257, big deal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5672116

It's funny how these studies are perfectly okay but as soon as scientists consider studying differing intelligemce within data it's always "there are some things better of unknown".

>> No.5672123

That's a bell curve you moron.

>> No.5672126


>> No.5672136

>tfw manlette with huge dick

I would totally shave of 2" off my dick and get 4" in height.

>> No.5672138

This is why I don't like stupid studies.

Look, what about satisfaction? How's the percentage of women's satisfaction with men with a big penis?

I've seen amateur porn where women aren't that satisfied with their male partner because of his big dick. It hurts when he is pounding her because the size of the dick is bigger than the length of her vagina and it apparently makes the women feel very uncomfortable. This can happen either because his dick is too big in length or in diameter. Some women might like the pain, but others might not.

The fact that women prefer BBC (big black cock) doesn't mean they are satisfied or have tried it, etc. In some instances is just a fantasy to them.

Now, I'll concede that there are women out there that'll probably be satisfied and it's fine. But please these stupid studies that say "OMG WIMYNZ LYK BBC ALL DA WEY!!11one!!1"

It's just stupid. Stop this non-sense and start doing proper formulations when doing a study.

>> No.5672142


While I sort of share your sentiment I must point out the differences namely that penis length might be affected my less factors than intelligence making the study more readily conclusive. Also environmental effects are more easily ruled out as well.

That said, I don't condone any commotion ever time some guy happens to find a correlation between race and something deemed important.

>> No.5672188

>No mention of methodology, sample size or statistical significance.
>Into the trash it goes.

I couldn't care one way or the other but there is a reason you don't get science from new websites.

>> No.5672234

>It is

>> No.5672238

>tfw 8 inch penis, very girthy
>tfw no other positive things going for me right now, still in school/etc
>tfw girlfriend would probably leave me if it weren't for the D

I guess I'm okay with that

>> No.5672275

>tfw average length, skinny shaft
>tfw should just go celibate so I can improve the dick pool

>> No.5672282
File: 21 KB, 220x288, N.Tesla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the hero science deserves

>> No.5672287
File: 9 KB, 247x204, Niggers_gonna_nig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind being Anglo- American, those black chaps need all the help they can get. <3 White People P.S. Please stay out of jail.

>> No.5672291

I dont think that the size of black mans penis had too much bearing, over white man. there is still a culture of white going with white. predjudice still reigns.

>> No.5672293

I'm 18cm but I feel I need more girth, it's avarage but it doesnt really match the length. Thinking of getting an operation

>> No.5672295

hahahahahaha u just made my minute. thanks m8

>> No.5672307

>Literally retarded
Why? What's wrong with those posts?

>> No.5672313

>have a large dick
>be good at math or science

Pick only one, /sci/

>> No.5672316

Be good at math and science obviously.
I can jelq my way to a bigger dick.

>> No.5672324

> implying dicksize isn't proportional to the amount of math you know

>> No.5672327

>mfw the only math I deal with now is imaginary numbers