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5669889 No.5669889 [Reply] [Original]

/k/ommando here. We are apparently too stupid to reach a conclusion on this. Maybe you guys can help me out.

So... me and my grandfather had an interesting conversation today. He briefly talked about his time in Vietnam. He was in the marines and did 3 combat tours as well as a humanitarian deployment towards the end of the war. (Whatever the fuck that means). He was wounded twice, once when he caught shrapnel from some kind of landmine/booby trap, and again when a mortar came through the roof of the barracks. Ironically the mortar itself did not wound him but a piece of 2x4 from the ceiling went through his leg.

Anyway he was telling me about a sister company stationed on a hill where the air support was so close and so constant that the men literally had their teeth shaken out of their skulls and their eyes and ears would bleed. Apparently some of the men were convinced that the US was dropping tactical nuclear weapons.
Can any /k/ommandos provide a source for something like this happening? I know they weren't using nuclear bombs, but can explosions actually shake peoples teeth out of their fucking jawbone?

>mfw he was telling me this

>> No.5669905
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>> No.5669913

The closest thing I can think of is resonant frequency vibrations. But the odds of that happening, especially from bombs in the distance, is so astronomically low as to be considered impossible. Your grandfather was probably just making a hyperbole for the sake of an interesting story.

>> No.5669918 [DELETED] 

Loud moises can cause eardrum perforations, one of the symptoms of which is bleeding from the ear, so that's certainly possible.

I think it might actually be possible to "shake" teeth out of the jawbone, considering that the usual method of dental extraction is simply to grab hold of the tooth and rock it back and forth until it comes out. It's certainly possible for loud explosions to have that sort of force; here's a study showing that sonic booms can cause windows to shatter from quite a distance away:


Based on that, it seems possible, though I don't have enough material right now to say either way. Might get back to you on this one.

>> No.5669922

>>5669889 (OP)
Loud noises can cause eardrum perforations, one of the symptoms of which is bleeding from the ear, so that part is certainly possible.

I think it *might* actually be possible to "shake" teeth out of the jawbone, considering that the usual method of dental extraction is simply to grab hold of the tooth and rock it back and forth until it comes out. It's certainly possible for loud explosions to have that sort of force; here's a study showing that sonic booms can cause windows to shatter from quite a distance away:


Based on that, it seems possible, though I don't have enough material right now to say either way. Might get back to you on this one.

>> No.5669923

>5669889 (OP) (OP)

Why did that (OP) appear twice. Strange.

>> No.5669924

Rattling teeth out sounds unlikely. Bleeding from the ears does happen in very loud environments. The US used BLU-82 (daisycutter) fuel bombs. Thermobaric weapons such as the BLU-82 cause steep changes in air pressure, though I don't know how far out of the target zone you'd experience those changes.

>> No.5669956

I've heard about troops being convinced that president Johnson had lost his mind and was dropping nukes. In reality it was B52s dropping MOABs (high explosive high detonation velocity bombs the size of school buses) and doing relentless carpet bombing. The troops were dug into bunkers and trenches and shit so they didn't really see the bombings usually, but they sure as fuck heard them. Ears and eyes definatly bleed from overpressure, but I don't know about the teeth thing. Certainly sounds reasonable. The shockwaves from military weapons rip people apart like tissue paper.

>> No.5669979

Do you have a link to that /k/ thread?

>> No.5669986

>So... me and my grandfather had an interesting co

my grandfather and I you stupid cunt

>> No.5669992
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>being this mad

It's only 9:16 here, I haven't even had my coffee. Calm down bro.

>> No.5670009


>MOABs in Vietnam
>dropping these types of bombs from B-52s

Never change, /k/. Speak from authority, no matter what.

>> No.5670045

>It was first tested with the explosive tritonal on 11 March 2003

Slow down there, Harry Turtledove.

>> No.5670061

I wouldn't be suprised if the falling out of a poorly maintained tooth was quickened by the shock waves... But teeth on mass? No...

>> No.5670170

>as a humanitarian deployment towards the end of the war.

It's bad practice to leave a war with children still smoldering so to keep everyone's karma balance in check everyone had a "humanitarian" tour with the fire hoses.

>> No.5670178

>I know they weren't using nuclear bombs, but can explosions actually shake peoples teeth out of their fucking jawbone?
If they have severe scurvy, perhaps. But you could pretty much pick them out with your hands at that point.

Most likely someone shat their pants and dove for cover into a rock and blamed the bomb to not look stupid.

>> No.5670180

>eyes definatly bleed from overpressure
That would require a ruptured eyeball, and to get that from overpressure would probably require fatal pressure levels.

More likely is debries carried by the shockwave striking the eyes and causing minor bleedings.

>> No.5670202

Could it have been fillings rather than teeth shaken out?

Supposedly, this sometimes happens in car accidents.