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5663337 No.5663337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I am doing a small class presentation.

Is global warming real/fake ? I need something that backs it up. I'm not sure which side I should take. I'd love to hear what /sci/ thinks.

>> No.5663344


global warming is real

evidence for man caused global warming is solid but not conclusive. anything al gore has done is a conflict of interest and should be disregarded

>> No.5663350

I believe in climate change, but I don't think its anywhere near as affected by our carbon emissions as people say. Climate change is a real thing though, I heard that a long time ago Antartica was actually warm enough to properly live in from so much CO2.

>> No.5663357

climate change and change of the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere are natural phenomenons.
It's also real that right now, there is global warming happening.
The big question is if it's really all the fault of humans or if it's unavoidable to some degree, and if it really is bad for us or not. It's not bad for the earth because the earth doesn't give a shit and life adapts, just like it did after the mass extinctions of the past.
I'd try to get this point across. We are part of nature, what choices we make in this regard depends on what is best for us.

>> No.5663362


yes, people always say "save the earth" the earth isn't going anywhere. the only thing we'd be saving is ourselves. this kind of arrogant ignorance makes me rage

>> No.5663368

Global warming is real due to the enhanced greenhouse effect. Natural cycles of CO2 being released and then being absorbed by plants is normal. But since around the time of the industrial revolution, human activity, CO2 levels and temperature levels have been consistently rising. We're pretty much at the point where the rate of CO2 release is greater than CO2 capture (i.e. into plants). You can find lots of articles with evidence on these.

>> No.5663378
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lots of stuff - get the pdf

>> No.5663381

There is no "global warming is fake" side, just christian/oil/agriculture/automobile lobbyists.

>> No.5663401

Exxon-Mobil's stockholder report tells me it's not real.

>> No.5663398

There is extremely strong evidence, recognized by the national science academies of all major industrialized nations, that global warming is real and driven primarily by human emissions of carbon dioxide. The scientific consensus is essentially unequivocal on this matter; the only "other side" is in the political realm and in public, non-expert opinion, mostly due to an ongoing disinformation campaign aimed at spreading confusion and preventing a transition away from unsustainable fossil fuels, led by the fossil fuel industry, other corporations with vested monetary interests, and corporate-backed politicians.

If you want to read an overview of the scientific consensus, the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report's Summary for Policymakers is a good — though somewhat dated — summary. By dated, I mean that it reflects a fairly conservative picture of the state of knowledge at the time it was released; since then, observed climate data has tracked a scenario of substantially faster climate change than predicted in the worse-case scenario outlined in the IPCC's report.

The IPCC's summary can be rather technical and dry at times, so here's a page that gives more detailed refutations of common objections to the scientific consensus on climate change:
Or, if you want a bit less technical detail:

>> No.5663399

Also, yes the earth does cycles, but the amount of the compound in the atmosphere and our emission rate is easily meaaurable, and especially considering that we're killing species faster than they can develop. And, yea, killing all our food wouldnt be a problem for exyremophile microbes. Theyd just start over. But we sure would kill ourselves. Bees flower our food. We're killing them. Good luck

>> No.5663418

Thanks guys!

>> No.5663447

Thank you for this. Opens my eyes.

>> No.5663501

You people are too easily exploitable. Sudden changes in global temperature similar to that of today have happened long before the industrial age. The main greenhouse gas is also water vapor, not even CO2 which is naturally released in much larger amounts from the oceans and from volcanoes, why doesnt anyone ever talk about those and try to regulate them? The amount of gas we released in the past 200 years, which is nothing in the big picture, is much less than what the Earth itself released. If you doubt the power of the Earth's volcanoes on the climate then look up the eruption of Mt. Tambora in 1815. The eruption was so big that it changed the Global temperature as a whole by a degree, and the year after was known as the Year Without a Summer. And this is just one eruption, in one year and from one volcano. You people mean well, a noble cause to save the planet, and it would make you look noble too. But you make yourselves easy prey to dishonest politicians who would use you for their own gains. Sure the petroleum industry is big, but do you realize how big the Global Warming enterprise is? From the politicians throughout the Western World, to the UN's efforts, to the federal bureaus such as the EPA that get an increased budget, to the masses of feel-good followers who watched "An Inconvenient Truth" and felt that they needed to do something. There are billions of dollars flowing through them right now, spent on their projects, used to lobby governments on the globe to legislate and "act" and to pass their political agendas. I am not saying that we should not find alternative energy sources, or that the petrol industry doesn't do similar things (lobbying, spending, twisting of facts). But I want to point to you all how easy it is to get mixed up and have your emotions and aspirations used by bureaucrats and politicians that want to use you for their own goals. Always be skeptical my friends.

>> No.5663519

Global warming is 100% real. The argument is if man, specifically industry, is the primary cause or not.


>> No.5663530

Its probably real but the earth naturally changes and adapts all of the time. Greater concentrations of carbon dioxide make everything grow faster. The earth is actually greening pretty rapidly. Read about the phenomenon, nothing is black and white.

>> No.5663544


problem with your diatribe is, global warming is STILL global warming, regardless of what's causing it...

>> No.5663570

And? I haven't seen conclusive proof that this is irreversible or dangerous...the earth naturally fluctuates between hot and cold; who's to say that it won't just turn around once we reach a certain tipping point? It's certainly happened in the past...

>> No.5663572

I never said that the climate isnt changing at all, I'm saying that people are being too gullible and are letting politics get in the way. We SHOULD be finding new sources of energy, as fossil fuels are not sustainable in the long run. We should be preparing our infrastructure around the world to accommodate for the change in temperature and its effects. But we shouldn't be distracting ourselves by thinking that "hurr reducing 10% of emishuns is gonna save teh world" or that it will stop happening if we stop all emissions completely, it is inevitable and we should prepare. We also shouldn't allow politicians to use this natural event to push their agendas and legislation that will ultimately do nothing in the long run. And we shouldnt be banning developing countries from industrializing. Or create unnecessary restrictions on developed countries.

>> No.5663580

Didn't read other post but global warming is definitely real. The debate is if its man made or not.

>> No.5663587

And then you have these disgusting and deplorable propaganda being passed around, almost threatening those who realize that this whole cutting bullshit is a farce.
This is disgusting, pure extortion being televised to shame people to follow some asshole's agenda.

>> No.5663596

Don't listen to these guys, right or wrong, they wont teach you anything, just sit down and watch this playlist. its informative and does more than a broad stroke. Perfect for classes


>> No.5663606

>The main greenhouse gas is also water vapor, not even CO2 which is naturally released in much larger amounts from the oceans and from volcanoes, why doesnt anyone ever talk about those and try to regulate them?
Water vapor dissipates a hell of a lot faster than CO2.

>> No.5663618

Depends on how you look at it, The earth has always been in a waning/waxing period however lately they have found that say in the past 100 years the globally average temperature has risen by almost 1 degree or something like that HOWEVER that 1 degree can kill off hundreds and hundreds of species of animals and life forms that can literally throw our whole ecosystem off balance.

>> No.5663632


i don't get it. how does dissent = blowing up?

>> No.5663637

Correlation =/= Causation

Ice cores show that CO2 levels followed temperature, not the other way round. CO2 levels have increased exponentially, yet change in temperature has been marginal. The relationship is chaotic, no global warming model has successfully accounted for the medieval warming period. It's a charade.

>> No.5663639

Blowing up means basically "cut 10% of emissions and the 10% of dissenters"

>> No.5663876

>>5663530 here
As fossil fuels become more expensive and technology progresses, it'll actually be economical to use renewable energy. Until then not much will change.

>> No.5663895

You mean "cooling period" i.e. Little Ice Age, right?

>> No.5663899

>this thread again
Nope, never seen it at all.

>> No.5663930
File: 62 KB, 1500x1477, ayfkm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trees are known to play an important role in the regulation of the climate (and not just because they absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere). In the past two hundred something years man cut down half of all trees on earth.

mfw when people think that didn’t have any effect on the climate whatsoever

>> No.5663929

and that will be in 100 years

>> No.5663950
File: 973 B, 159x45, consumption.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a hundred years? You’re a fucking retard.

Pic related, you fail at first year college calculus.

>> No.5663979


yea, it's more like 700 years

>> No.5663988
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>> No.5663994

Yeah, science illiterate trash makes me mad.

>> No.5663990

Wow, you must be even more retarded. Peak oil already occurred. Go ahead, use that formula (the expiration time of a nonrenewable resource whose rate of consumption is growing steadily) and calculate how much longer oil, gas, uranium or any other nonrenewable resource will last. 700 years? More like 7 years the way things are speeding up.