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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5661685 No.5661685 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many of you resent people like Neil Degrasse Tyson? Don't you guys realize how crucial it is for scientists to be engaging with the public and advocating the importance of science and science education?

Frankly, you people in science tend to suck at explaining to the public why science matters. And you suck at getting people interested and educating them in science

>> No.5661694

> lel i posted smoke degrasse again xDD
/sci/ is turning into fucking /b/

>> No.5661726


there's a reason you need to get a doctorate to do research. you don't try to dumb shit like that down

and if you do, you say it in a way that doesn't undermine the difficulties in what you're doing

degrasse and kaku and others use analogies that are so far from what reality that the ideas that the general population get don't really serve to help them understand what's going on

>> No.5661729


>> No.5661970


>> No.5661973

Tyson is cool, it's the fans who are idiots. You're supposed to be getting excited about the science not him FFS.

>> No.5661982

I can't remember the last thing Tyson "dumbed-down". Maybe I don't watch him enough to catch him in his lies. Maybe he just isn't a prolific scientist. Maybe I should buy a TV.

As a proponent for secularism, critical thinking, and all that goes along with that, I think he's great.

>> No.5661987
File: 15 KB, 269x312, feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If people resent Neil Degrasse Tyson, why do they NOT resent Feynman?

The Feynman Lectures is full of some gems, sure, but you really haven't read it and understood it if you didn't find some terrible analogies inside that would only serve to confuse even students of science.

Why does this double standard for popular science figures exist?

>> No.5661988



They don't hate NDT outright. They hate the people who worship NDT. Those who use science as a fashion accessory in their nerdy ensemble will obviously gravitate towards popular figures in science.

>> No.5661990

>ndt is a nigger

>> No.5661991

Because no one accuses Nobel prize winners of not making any contribution to scientific knowledge

>> No.5661993


Well he did give us QED.

>> No.5661994

I've heard some p-chem profs shit all over de Broglie...

>> No.5661996

you gotta valid point that i wanted to argue with you about but fuck this im going to bed

>> No.5662000


>inb4 >wikipedia

>> No.5662008

I don't care about him, but kaku is wrong about something. He said aliens would need stereoscopic vision because predators are always smarter than prey.
and he goes around acting all arrogant even though a little kid made him rethink his beliefs, as he always tells.

>> No.5662010


Hes a token black guy, he hasn't come up with anything on his own. He is given projects and research made by others in order to be a role model for Black Americans. It's a kind of affirmative action project within the science community.

>> No.5662017

>Why do so many of you resent people like Neil Degrasse Tyson

It's always this sort of logic:
Tyson is a very famous scientist. Other scientists have done much more important work but are not famous. Therefore Tyson is an attention whore who steals more attention than he deserves.

In their minds becoming famous is the most important thing ever. They think everyone else must think the same way as them and set it as their #1 goal in life. In their minds Tyson is robbing people by having more celebrity than other more important scientists.

>> No.5662018
File: 110 KB, 400x528, scientific american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what do you think of tesla /sci/?
>why do you hate ndt /sci/?
>what is your opinion of armchair intellectuals /sci/?

/sci/ - Childish Hero Worship and Teenage Elitism

>> No.5662024

because people like grigori perelman have made more important strides in math and science and should therefore be the voice of scientific reason to the masses

>> No.5662038

I don't resent NDT and people like him.

I just dislike people who worship him.
NDT may have contributed to science, but people deify him because he is black. He's like the Jackie Robinson of science.

>> No.5662050

Degreasseretards dont give a fuck about science, they just use science as a confirmation bias for their pathetic ideologies, the fact that they idolize this people just proves how underdeveloped they are, idolatry of science is not science, I would to live among fundamentalist muslims over those faggots
at least muslims dont put mohammed in posters

>> No.5662051


/sci/ - a community of people who get together to pass judgement on the very collective they constitute.

>> No.5662062

>implying that we belong to the same group that r-atheism,Ifuckinglovesience and other animals

>> No.5662067

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any pop sci presenter's shallow talk. But because, I am enlightened by my real science education.

>> No.5662073
File: 15 KB, 225x225, lightsaber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do so many of you resent people like Michio Kaku? Don't you guys realize how crucial it is for scientists to be engaging with the public and advocating the importance of science and science education?

Frankly, you people in science tend to suck at explaining to the public why science matters. And you suck at getting people interested and educating them in science

>> No.5662082

Pushing for funding for scientific research is good, right? How are you supposed to do that if none of the public gives a shit?

Some of you have heads so far up your asses that you can't even understand how someone could have a passive interest in something

>> No.5662086

Because the usual trajectory nowadays goes something like atheism-Dawkins-Tyson-I Fucking Love Science and it's depressing and fucking annoying.

>> No.5662089

we put a man on the moon without any need of faggots using star wars symils, I think we will be good

>> No.5662096


I don't think you need to ''dumb down'' science education in order to grab public interest. I'd take an economist's perspective on this. That perspective being people respond to incentives, and if there is a discipline that provides a wide breadth of incentives to fund it, it's science. It's impossible to escape, it's all around us, and it's only going to provide us with a better quality of life. This is the line I would use to garner interest. Technical details, of course, are well outside of my scope of knowledge, so I'll leave that to you!

Just remember, people want what is attractive and cheap, they don't want idealistic scientists approaching them assuming anything they say must be ''dumbed down'' for the general population.

>> No.5662120
File: 45 KB, 620x431, carl sagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't /sci/ resent Carl Sagan?

Sure, he's white and have illustrious scientific careers. But still, why not?

>> No.5662137

nigger removed muh pluto

>> No.5662186


Only the edgiest of the edgy dislike Sagan.

>> No.5662201

He's like the cool black friend you had in highschool.

He's also like the standup comedian of science.

>> No.5662203

No one hates Carl Sagan.

It's not possible.

>> No.5662218

Pluto isn't a planet. Get over it.

Carl Sagan spread curiosity and gave people information. He told people the facts and tryed to inspire his love of science in others.


"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known."

Neil D. T on the other hand seams to be very full of himself. I have no issue with him, He seams like a lovely person. But when you go around saying things such as.

“In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony gods blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.”

He spreads hate, Not understanding.

>> No.5662225


Before anyone else comes up with this dumbass answer, watch this shit;


Of course Pluto isn't a planet you fucking retards

>> No.5662248

>he's white

Carl Sagan's heritage was that of a reform jew...

Unlike most of 4chan, I still think sagan was cool, regardless of this fact.

>> No.5662771

>being this retarded

>> No.5662780

I don't think the point is for him to completely explain relativity or black holes, it's to increase the public's and kids' interest in science. If you listen to what he talks about, that seems to be the main idea. He is an interesting, funny guy, and it works well for him.

I get the feeling /sci/ doesn't like him because he gets posted on reqqit

>> No.5662787

Care to counter my arguments?

I simply stated my opinion and gave what i considered evidence to support it. Please have more consideration for other people.

>> No.5662791

Except NDT didn't say that, some moron from /r/ atheism did.

Some OTHER moron slapped it on a picture of NDT and yet ANOTHER moron (you) took it at face value.

>> No.5662799


That's why you're retarded.

"Quotes on the internet are inherently unreliable"- Diogenes, Principality of Vaegirs, 3E 433

>> No.5662843

People make mistakes, Let me have a stab at another.

“God is an ever receding pocket of scientific ignorance.”

I just prefer the way Carl would present his facts and allow people to decide for them self about god rather than Neils approach which i see as "Here are facts of life, God isn't real"

Again, This is just my opinion. But thank you for clearing up the quote issue, I will try and source them better next time.

>> No.5662850

Science shouldn't be "given away." There shouldn't be any science-oriented tv shows or public events or "science centers."

All science should be concentrated in the hands of scientists, and the rest of the people are entirely dependent on what scientists say.

>> No.5662853

That's a very eloquent way of stating the God of the gaps. We can explain so many things that we used to just say "God did it". The more we explain, the less room there is for God.

You should really only have a problem with this if you are a fundy.

>> No.5662863

>science is a sekrit club and posting on a science board on an anime imageboard makes me feel smart

>> No.5662867

It's less wanting to be a secret club and more "I can't tolerate hearing these imbeciles misusing scientific reports and generally abusing statistics."

If nobody knew jack shit about science outside the scientific community, thing like global warming would never have become politicized, and we'd only have one answer that was agreed upon by the entire scientific community, rather than several explanations brought about by the layperson's own interpretations, and the politicians' attempts to control them.

>> No.5662870

Sounds like less of a problem of the general public having an opinion on science and more that lawyers and politicians trying to promote their own agenda and make a few bucks by pretending to know what the fuck they're talking about

>> No.5662871

A good way of putting it. Thank you Anon.

>> No.5662872

>implying anime image board


>> No.5662873

what we need is more inspirational quotes dammit

>> No.5662882

Taken out of context. He was reffering to when people put god into things because they dont know, god of the gaps as other people mentioned.

>> No.5662901

I dont resent him or Sagan at all. They're pretty cool guys. Showed me the light of science.

>> No.5662914

Sagan, Tyson and people like that aren't that bad. You can't blame them for their fanbase being retarded.

But fucking Michio Kaku and his bullshit about oh we're gonna be quantum warp tunneling to the future!!1! He really needs to get the fuck off tv because he really is hurting science education.

>> No.5662922


Kaku on TV is hurting education.

TV... the same medium that brings us Ghosthunters, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills and Honey Boo Boo.

>> No.5662944
File: 96 KB, 650x560, NDGTenlightenedbyintelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do u guys hate Neil Degrasse Tsyon so much? are u all illogical christians or something?? i thought this board was for SCIENCE not magical sky daddies.... !

>> No.5662958

Not true, there is never one answer that is agreed upon by the entire scientific community- only answers that MOST can agree on.

>> No.5662992

Which is, for all intents and purposes, another way of saying the same thing.

>> No.5662996

I hate Feynman, but I don't mind people like Tyson. Tyson is just doing his thing, making the average person think I'm some kind of god-being.

>> No.5663015

This is way to obvious.

>> No.5663020

People like grigori perelman have absolutely no charisma, people skills, or interest in being the scientific reason to the masses. Not everyone is so autistic that they require intense rigor when casually learning science related things.