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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5657731 No.5657731[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does /sci/ hate Vi Hart just like the rest of people like that?

>> No.5657735

There is no art, there are facts and events.

>> No.5657740

We hate her even more. Most pop sci idiots on youtube are just uneducated hipsters who talk some soft dumbed down drivel consisting of insufficient analogies. But at least their intentions are benevolent and they might even appear helpful to those who will never go deeper into scientific understanding. Vi Hart on the other hand is a malicious troll. Under the guise of math she presents falsehoods and blatant incorrectness. Her videos are an insult to every mathematically educated person and are not only devoid of educational value but even full of cancerous disinformation.

>> No.5657743

Dude that's a good pun

>> No.5657750

>an insult to every mathematically educated person

how dare someone like something you don't
the nerve of some people

>> No.5657753

She is presenting mathematically incorrect fallacies. That's like literally taking a shit on math.

>> No.5657758


You can't literally shit on math. Math is an abstraction. Go home, you're drunk.

>> No.5657765


I've heard people say her videos present fallacies, but I've hardly watched any at all so I don't know of any. It makes me wonder who actually watchers her videos enough to find fallacies.

>> No.5657773

Well, what are some fallacies? I haven't noticed any.

>> No.5657774


Some autists don't handle metaphors very well.

>> No.5657777

>Friend shows me video of Vi Hart
>Chuckle at reference to Feynman making diagrams, rest is pretty irritating
>Go home
>Check videos
>2π should be defined as τ

Fuck this hipster math bullshit

>> No.5657779


Watch this. Or better don't. It'll make you dumber.

>> No.5657792

Appeals to authority, red herrings, infantile scribblings and circular reasoning are not valid metaphors.

>> No.5657795

Yea, I can see it.
>Saying that 0.999... isn't an integer.

>> No.5657799

vi harts videos are awful I hate them, it irritates me that people hail her as some genius

>> No.5657800

>infantile cartoons

>> No.5657802


>valid metaphor

I rest my case.

>> No.5657806


How dare she make videos that people actually watch! That bitch!

>> No.5657812

>Vi Hart fanboy detected

Go draw some graphs or something you'll calm down in no time

>> No.5657816

examples please

>> No.5657818


so much butthurt

>> No.5657821

A few on /sci/ like her. I admit liking her. I also like HAWP. HAWP has about as much to do with gaming as Vi Hart has to do with science and math, though.

>> No.5657822

>watching videos
>Not posting 24/7 in atheist vs theist threads
>Not telling people what they study isn't a real science
>Not telling people what they should and shouldn't study
>Not stalking tripfags and trying to rape them IRL
>Implying you vihart fags have a life like THE REAL /sci/entists

>> No.5657829


Axially, I never even heard of her until this post. But your butthurt over her amused me.

>> No.5657832

I dont even give a fuck about vihart I'm just saying /sci/ is full of faggots with opinions they should keep to themselves.

>> No.5657837


That is kind of the nature of the beast.

>> No.5657840

Confirmed for xtian social scientist tripfag from /pol/.

>> No.5657846

No really I'm an atheist, passing interest in science and maths (self teaching calculus and A level physics atm hoping to go uni next year) never tripfagged any board I do visit /pol/ because its hilarious how retarded they are.
Wanna hook up?

>> No.5657862


Implying you're the same person:
>I'm just saying /sci/ is full of faggots with opinions they should keep to themselves.
>opinions they should keep to themselves.
>opinions to themselves

>No really I'm an atheist,

Thanks for letting us know this tidbit that poses no point for being mentioned.
Everyone knows you keep your religion to yourself unless you're an asshattish fundamentalist in your religion.

>> No.5657877

>doesn't get the joke
>loves the cock
pick 2

>> No.5657879


Sir, you have totally derailed this thread!
I salute you!

>> No.5657883

I think there is one person in /sci/ that hates Vi Hart so much he will derail any thread as soon as she's mentioned. It may be the consciousness-belongs-in-x troll but I think it is someone else who just genuinely dislikes her, like an /r9k/ beta atheist who has been rejected by a girl that likes math or something, I don't know. It's very weird.

>> No.5657886

Are you a math major, or just some engineer or physics major?

>> No.5657891

I don't hate her but I don't find her videos stellar in any way. If anything I hate how emotional people get whenever she's mentioned; everyone either hates her for no good reason or thinks she's some kind of goddess.

Verdict: she's not "bad," but she's pretty mediocre and uninspiring except to horny neckbeards who have never met an IRL woman who does math.

>> No.5657894

> mediocre and uninspiring
I found the Fibonacci spirals videos very cool and I could see how someone would be inspired by it. Do you really think Vi Hart is on the level of vsauce?

>> No.5657895

If you have mathematical education, you cannot not dislike her after watching her videos.

Does "major" imply undergrad in america? Then I'm not a "major" at all.

>> No.5657899

>Do you really think Vi Hart is on the level of vsauce?

Not at all. Vsauce -- even though terribly annoying -- at least tries to be informative and doesn't spread misinformation and falsehoods.

>> No.5657904

Ohhh, I know you. You're the one who got his panties in a knot over her 0.999... videos. Haha. Good to see you again, man. Glad you're still around.

Welp, on to the next thread I guess.

>> No.5657905

vsauce reminds me of the guy who does the weird food show on TV

>> No.5657903
File: 493 KB, 533x489, degaris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw brits think "America" is a country

>> No.5657910

Most people who love vihart have not had rigorous training in math. I'm just not crazy about how she tries to make it all pretty and cutesy.

>> No.5657914

>implying I'm brit
>implying I didn't intentionally dumb down my question on a level comprehensible for americlaps

I have no idea what you're talking about but that video is truly terrible and insulting to math.

Even without rigor her video goes against the fundamental principles of math.

>> No.5657960

> collaborates with an MIT professor
> employed by Khan Academy

> insulting to math
You speak only for yourself.

>> No.5658027

You know that people who already know math aren't the audience for her videos, right? Her stuff is for kids learning math, especially the ones who get bored in standardized math classes. Vi Hart would have totally spoken to me; I doodled mazes and snuck Godel-Escher-Bach into my boring classes, including my math classes until they let me skip ahead.

>> No.5658039

>collaborations ... in ARTS projects
Cool story.

>You know that people who already know math aren't the audience for her videos, right?
That makes it even worse. They won't be able to spot the errors and fallacies. They will learn something wrong, something that goes fundamentally against math.

>> No.5658045


"goes fundamentally against math"

you mean like platonist vs nominalist vs fictionalist?

hue hue hue

I watched the interview. I like her tits.

>> No.5658049


>why .999999... = 1

How the hell is that inaccurate?

>> No.5658059

Did you watch the video? She fails to prove the statement. Of course it's right, but she does not understand why. She tries to sell fallacies, scribblings and unrelated babble as proofs. It's just cringeworthy.

>> No.5658073

>/sci/ is full of faggots

No doubt about that

>with opinions they should keep to themselves.

Are you touching my freedoms?

>> No.5658077


pretending to think your aesthetic judgments are objective facts

shiggy diggy

>> No.5658081

Circular reasoning, appeal to authority and unrelated drivel do not constitute proofs in math. Every math professor would let her fail for such imbecilic garbage. Objectively.

>> No.5658087


"Every math professor would let her fail"

muh narcississm

>> No.5658092

I guess you never took a math course.

>> No.5658096


You can guess that if you like. It won't change any facts in the real world.

>> No.5658100

> dicksizing based on your opinion about math's objectivity
Some day you may realize that you're just a math fan and not a mathematician. Not even vsauce tier because he is not ashamed of his own limitations of knowledge. To be below vsauce tier is truly miserable and I hope you can pull yourself out of it, and throw away the ladder, never to descend again.

>> No.5658103

So you're trolling? Why do you do this? Is it because you're too uneducated to contribute to science or math threads?

>ad hominem

>> No.5658106


I didn't say I was trolling. I'm just not giving you my CV because I don't want you stalking me IRL.

>> No.5658111


Oh god, the publications, they're hurting your butt!


>> No.5658112

What is your highest level of math education?

>> No.5658113
File: 70 KB, 248x252, nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>music and arts

>> No.5658117

>missing the point

Hyperbolic geometry
>hurrdurr plebtears

>> No.5658115


Oh no, you don't. There aren't more than a handful of people with my exact background.

>> No.5658121
File: 70 KB, 682x261, Picture 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really, this bitch doesn't miss any opportunity to show her big meaty feet.

Pic related, from the "scientific" papers she wrote.

>> No.5658125

What background? Tell me what kind of math you know.

I know what hyperbolic geometry is. I don't need her dilettantish claptrap.

>> No.5658126

I like this guy

>> No.5658130


Yep. He Jelly.

>> No.5658132

I'm a bit of a math noob, by /sci/ standards. But she hasn't really convinced me. The math trick I've seen before. But you can't say something equals or is something else without proving it, and I'm a bit skeptical about the proof. Wouldnt it be more accurate to say that 0.99 continuing converges into 1 rather than equals 1? The number has infinite nines, and since infinity is not a number and is a concept wouldnt that mean that it 0.999 is a similar concepts as well? And this goes on to the problem, where do numbers really start and where do they end? Since 0.999 continuing is converging so close to 1 it might as well be there. Right?

>> No.5658135

>mfw brits think "America" is a country

Is Brazil a country? 'Cos that's called "The United States of Brazil."

>> No.5658138

>where do numbers really start and where do they end

What an interesting question, anon. Is it even possible to write down decimals?

I mean 1 could be written as


>> No.5658139


It is? I thought it was Federal Republic or something like that.

>> No.5658141

But that goes down to infinity.

>> No.5658144
File: 184 KB, 423x316, 1338933688330[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that, ladies and gentleman, was /sci/

>> No.5658148

It's a more trivial mistake than confusing England and Britain.

>> No.5658147

You know what that means?

We cannot define 1 without defining infinity. All numbers are connected and depend on the universal source, infinity, the alpha and the omega, beginning and end.

But what if numbers are actually circular? Would it solve the big bang as an illusion?

>> No.5658153


Is Britain England and Wales or England Wales and Scotland?

>> No.5658159


What if the Universe is Modulo 10^(10^240))?

>> No.5658161

>Insulting to maths
You need to get off 4chan and have a coffee or something if you give that much of a fuck. Also
>Maths has feelings
Maths cares not for such petty whims.

>> No.5658164

careful, I got banned for mentioning finitism. I guess it is "trolling" according to our mod.

>> No.5658171
File: 5 KB, 200x200, 134100065167[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This worldly wise and superior
Righty hoo

>> No.5658174

Dafuq? Is music research seriously like that? Good to know all these things shouldn't be hard to get on with a maths degree to if pure maths/physics research is too hard to get on.

>> No.5658177



>> No.5658182

It was just a three day ban (twice).

>> No.5658179

But you can think of 0.999... as the notation for "limit for a continuing sequence"... it's perfectly well defined and we're all happy

>> No.5658190

> Wouldnt it be more accurate to say that 0.99 continuing converges into 1 rather than equals 1?
Real numbers are defined as just this convergence. That is, there is no requirement that the limit of a sequence be a member of the sequence; and, real numbers are defined as the limit of a sequence. Then the real number {9/10, 99/100, 999/1000, ...} just is 1.

>> No.5658191

<span class="math"> 0.999... = 1-\frac{1}{\aleph _0} [/spoiler]

>> No.5658194

The Island of Great Britain is Wales Scotland and England.

>> No.5658195

0.333... x 3 = 0.999...
0.333... = 1/3
1/3 x 3 = 1
Therefore .0999... = 1

>> No.5658198

But that doesn't work. You started by assuming 0.999.. = 1

>> No.5658200

No they didn't. Which step assumed 0.999...=1?

>> No.5658203
File: 15 KB, 549x521, hutt_burt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5658206

>0.333... = 1/3

1/3 is the unique number that when muliplied by 3 yields 1. To prove that 0.333... equals 1/3 means we have to know that 0.999... equals 1.

>> No.5658223

Somewhat related:
I know I'll probably get shit on for this, but I genuinely enjoy watching SciShow.

>> No.5658261

=> 0.33...=1/3
No assumptions have been made here, I've treated the nun terminating sequence perfectly appropriately.

>> No.5658264

>Watching things for fun