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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5653551 No.5653551 [Reply] [Original]

>black holes must lead somewhere
>therefore, black holes are pathways to another dimension

>> No.5653565
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>> No.5653567

>black holes must lead somewhere

Citation needed.

Why? Matter doesn't go anywhere. A black hole is just matter.

>> No.5653570

That's the joke

>> No.5653572
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>you can never know

>> No.5653582
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>GMO food is bad

>> No.5653583


Who came up with this anyway?

>dimensions are parallel universes

>> No.5653591
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>faster than light travel

>> No.5653598
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>antimatter has negative mass

>> No.5653605

>wormholes exist

>> No.5653693

> We will learn something by spending awful lot of money in exploring our outwards!

>> No.5653718

>god particle

>> No.5653725

but dark energy..

>> No.5653736
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>the r-squared value of the model isn't arbitrary

>> No.5653768

well.... the space itself can expand faster than light....

>> No.5653773

in my opinion, I've always seen the idea of the black hole as basically a hole straight through the dimension, not outside it

our dimension is a spherical shape, so it would make sense if the blackhole is simply a... bridge you could call it, between dimensions

>> No.5653778

Stop taking Pop-sci so seriously, if they didn't make stuff up nobody would be interested in it.

>> No.5653791


no, mathematically dimensions =/= parallel universe

>> No.5653797

Your opinion is retarded.

>> No.5653955
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Black holes are not fucking holes, jesus christ why does everyone think this?

>> No.5653986

Black holes don't magically devour matter, they compress it and grow with it. Eventually, that matter is released in THIS universe and the black hole shrinks. Black holes die "of hunger".

Also what's the matter with dark energy? Isn't that what causes the universe to expand?

>> No.5653995

It's not a fucking hole.
It's a fucking quantum singularity. It's not supposed to go anywhere,

>> No.5654000


might be a singularity... or it might be when we finally figure out all the details of quantum gravity that there is a minimum space that any amount of matter is allowed to occupy.
Because singularities are ill-behaved beasties.

>> No.5654009

probably because of their name

>> No.5654015

I blame that horrid Disney movie.

>> No.5654019

I blame the space jam website.

>> No.5654025

I did not know Space Jam had a website.

>> No.5654030
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but space jam was a documentary!

>> No.5654046

>Also what's the matter with dark energy? Isn't that what causes the universe to expand?
Can someone explain zhis?

>> No.5654048

Are black holes theoretical or have they been observed in space ?

>> No.5654210

How much GR you done?

>> No.5654214

A black hole has been observed in the center of the Milky Way. There's some rather impressive footage.