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5649605 No.5649605[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so crap?

Is it because men have looked after them for 100,000s of years and they lost some of their ability to reason and decide for themselves just like animals lose brain size when they get domesticated?

>> No.5649644

you getting over a breakup or something, stop being a faggot

>> No.5649704
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>> No.5649710


>> No.5649767

The person who made that image could never hope to achieve anything close to what Noether did. That's why he he has to associate the achievements of other people in his gender to himself.

>> No.5649778

Why is OP such a basement dwelling loser?

Is it because he's ugly, unintelligent and never got laid?

>> No.5649782

Op is a faggot
But can someone seriously explain me why women have never invented anything great? Arent men and women on the same line when it comes to the brain?
Yes im stupid, pls answer.

>> No.5649789
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OP here.

I am in fact a girl.

>> No.5649800

Giving you the befit of doubt that you are just retarded, while in reality you are the OP with close to 90% probability.

>they have
>socio-economical status
These two pretty much explain it.

>> No.5649811

No im not just bored anon checkin different boards.

>> No.5649817

Also, i dont really understand what you mean by socio-economical status.
Pls dont tell me im stupid ;_;

>> No.5649828

I can lie if you want:

You are definitely not stupid and definitely can use Google with greater efficiency than average toddler.

>> No.5649834


I think what they're claiming is that women haven't invented and created as much as men because they've always been poorer and oppressed which is absolute crap and just another attempt to cast women as eternal victims.

Throughout history, plenty of women have had plenty opportunniyty to invent and create but they haven't done so to the degree the men have simply because they are less able to or in other words, they're crap.

>> No.5649835

This whole board would be almost pointless if everyone just used google.

>> No.5649838

humans are animals retard, apes

wtf else wood we bee

>> No.5649850

Example: 99% or the people who did the great things OP attributes to masculinity, weren't from poor backgrounds or slaves, or what have you.

so we could equally ask "why are poor people so crap"

but it's obvious forces (such as lack of education, social mobility, connections, expectation) kept such people from achieving anything except on rare occasions through certain routes.

similar forces may apply to women, who were considered, like slaves, as property until relatively recently.

>> No.5649855


>> No.5649908

Socio-economic status is just economic and social status in the same breath. I could get into it more but the short of it is economic status is how much you have and social status is how much people listen to you.

>> No.5650077
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Woman are not smarter men.
They are biological more emotional and impulsive(period)

That's a fact of life we all have to accept .

Think about it, since the last 50 years, woman have just now started educating themselves properly.

You think all those years of child rearing and cooking made them just as smart as men.

Evolution dog

thats doesn't mean there are exceptions but woman scientists are rare.

p.s how come their are no woman philosophers like buddha or Plato?

Wonder why?

>> No.5650088

Stop bumping this shitty thread.

>> No.5650093

I don't know, maybe its because women were in a subservient position to men and a woman educating herself was frowned upon until fairly recently? Think, you mongoloid.

>> No.5650293


Because most don't treat them seriously.

Any wise words from a woman is considered "advice" as opposed to words to heed or study by.

Also your first statement Invalidated your question. If wondered why there are no philosophers, bit think them unfit mentally. What effort will you put in proving yourself wrong?

Especially when your examples come from cultures that saw little worth in yielding female intellectuals.

>> No.5650299


>> No.5650300

Women create by becoming pregnant.
Men create by other means.

>> No.5650301

>Woman are not smarter men.
>They are biological more emotional and impulsive(period)

These things are not mutually exclusive, your argument is retarded.

>> No.5650312

It's okay OP, she'll go out with you one day.

>> No.5650369

Men and women are similarly intelligent ON AVERAGE, but within male population there's way bigger standard deviation. This means that a person with intelligence high above the average is more likely to be a male rather than a female (and same with intelligence high below the average).

>> No.5650390

5'11 here:

Last month I went to a several job interviews, the thing is that I have masters degree in Eng, a BSc in Eng and I was looking getting hired by a GE for R&D team. So I went to the Interview, a female attended as interviewer and we were applying just three people:

-Me. (Good looking, athletic body, no smoke, no drink, workout a lot, very fit)
-Some fag around 5'7" (fat)
-And some other bastard that at least he heights 6'5" (Ugly, long hair, hipster style, skinny)

So at the waiting room we had a small talk, the 5'7" guy he was just a retard, ugly and stupid bastard who told that he was applying because he wanted a good paymant.
The 6'5" idiot told us that he don't even had his B.Sc., he just applied because his female cousin told him that there were "oportunity" in that enterprise.
So... I was in the middle of two retards. I thought "Feww! this will be easy cake".

So the interviewer came to us and took the 5'7" guy. Just 5 minutes lats his interview.
The next one was the 6'5" guy... 40 mins... The hell i thought.
So I was next.
her-"You have a good resume mr. ___"
her-"But I have to tell you that we only accept people for internships right now"
Me-"Lady, I saw your advertise, you clearly are hiring for R&D and you need people that posses at least a M.Sc. that it said on the advertise"
Her-"Yeah, I know, but... You know in human resources we need to give oportunities for young people.. blah blah blah"
Me-"But... I'm 25 YO, I think I'm young. Don't you think the same way?"
Her-"Yeah I think so too. But why don't you see the bright side? you have a M.Sc!, you could get any job"
Me-"Clearly not this"
Her-"Mr. ____ you're being rude with me"
Me-"GO FUCKYOURSELF WHORE, I know what just happened here... enjoy getting fucked and ruining the company bitch, I'm out".

So, seriously guys, why hiring women to hire people?
They are the best on discriminating by height issues.

>> No.5650447

Oh god, I have a similar woman-in-HR story.

>it's revealed that our company's finances are pretty shitty, we're spending more than we're making
>about 10 people get laid off
>found another job that pays better and is in a better location
>decide to do the deed on Monday
>want to part on good terms with the company
>"Mr. Boss, I have decided to resign my position"
>Mr. Boss and Mrs. HR meet with me, ask me some questions
>"How long are you planning on staying here, Anon?"
>"I don't know, I can get wrapped up by Friday, but I'll stay two weeks if you guys want me to."
>"That's fine, anon."
>fast forward to exit interview
>Mrs. HR asks me a bunch of questions again
>"By the way Anon, it's a nice courtesy to give two weeks notice before resigning."
>"B-But...I said I would stay two weeks if you guys wanted me to."
>"I know, but it's just a polite thing to do."

Apparently she imprinted this distorted version of events on Mr. Boss too. Why can't women into objectivity?

>> No.5650460


You sound like an 8 year old. Is this pasta?

>> No.5650476

People in general are too socially awkward to tell you that they want you to stay for two weeks. Not saying you weren't polite and right to do things the way you did, just that you shouldn't expect people to be rational about it. This is regardless of male or female.