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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5648913 No.5648913[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

hey /sci/, what's the single most important event in Human History?

>> No.5648915


>> No.5648919

Big Bang.

>> No.5648922

He said human history, not universal history.

Evolution of Thumbs

>> No.5648926

The shit I took this morning.

>> No.5648931

Birth of agriculture? Humans ended their hunter/gatherer lifestyle which enabled trade, development of ideas, civilisation etc

>> No.5648930
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Only if it succeeded.

>> No.5648935

My birth.

>> No.5648948

didn't happen yet

Everything else is dudes playing with their dicks

>> No.5648951

nothing fictional please.

>> No.5648955

Industrial Revolution?

>> No.5648957

The paving stone for the 'Singularity'.

>> No.5648964

Thumbs existed before humans, in primates.
Technically evolution of thumbs is still happening today, because as a species we're always evolving.

>> No.5648970

I'm surprised nobody said the discovery of electrical power or the invention of the wheel

>> No.5648974

Development of a conscious.

>> No.5648980

Eh. It would have happened eventually.

>> No.5648991

The engine. Without it we wouldn't be able to transport anything. We could have built as much as we liked, but without transport we'd have no one to efficiently get it from one place to another.

>> No.5649008


It hasn't happened yet, OP.

>> No.5649033

The invention of Calculus.

>> No.5649036

The invention of language.


Pretty good but no tomatoes my friend.

>> No.5649081


>> No.5649087

farming, clearly
come on guys, we need sustenance before we can get to the bigger stuff

>> No.5649089

The resurrection of Jesus.

>> No.5649120

>perfect, i'll write the holocaust
>first post
It's really mastering fire making though, w/o fire we never leave Africa

>> No.5649123
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>> No.5649126

The problem is that the farther in the past, the more "important" an event becomes by just being far into the past. a man dying 5000 years ago could have influenced history of man far more than a man dying 500 years ago.
So yeah, when the first man took a shit, that's one of the most important event in Human History.

Bullshit put aside, equally "First high temperature furnace" and "First successful controlled molecular fusion process". That's in my opinion, at least, i really don't know by which meter you'd quantize this.

>> No.5649129 [DELETED] 

<span class="math">\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-\frac{x^{2}}{2}}dx=\sqrt{2\pi}[/spoiler]

>> No.5649136

This or the Creation of the earth.

>> No.5649137 [DELETED] 

<div class="math">\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-\frac{x^{2}}{2}}dx=\sqrt{2\pi}</div>

>> No.5649158

>The problem is that the farther in the past, the more "important" an event becomes by just being far into the past.
This is strictly tied to the localization and the far smaller population in the past, the less people there are the more a single individual counts to the whole. The more population grows, the less the individual counts.
This is just a mathematical simplification and in the end it's a bad meter for the importance of an individual in history. Especially famous people.

>> No.5649345

The discovery of Nuclear Power?
It changed war, and with it, Diplomacy, forever

>> No.5649350

The creation of 4chan

>> No.5649360

This actually has a point, if not for 4chan, there wouldn't be the penchant for cyberattacks that most hacking groups have.

And Project Scientology might have had some effect on things like Occupy Wall Street

>> No.5649368

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution

>> No.5649379


>> No.5649401

Birth of Justin Bieber, revolutionised everything.

>> No.5649406


>> No.5649407

Neolithic revolution

>> No.5649418

The invention of written language

>> No.5649495

we are talking about important here ....

>> No.5649520 [DELETED] 

Rise of Athiesm

>> No.5649565
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Chicxulub asteroid impact 66 millon years ago that wiped most of dinousairs, because of this smaller mammals became dominant, thus millions of years of evolution and we are here.

>> No.5649569

You mean the rise of retardation.

>> No.5649570

The release of the first iPhone. The time the masses stood up and took the Internet from the geeks who had ruthlessly held it in needless complicated code. Like any tyrant losing power, they screamed and did everything they could to hold on to it but Apple gave us the internet device of the people, for the people, chosen by the people.

>> No.5649580
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When hominids discovered the use of tools.

>> No.5649591

The birth of lord moot

>> No.5649664

apple creating a little fenced off section in the internet where retards can play while geeks remain unaffected in the free section doesn't really seem like "masses stood up and took the Internet from the geeks".

>> No.5649845

Of course, you'd say that, you're one of the ones whose power was taken away.

>> No.5649864

When man first made a bipedal step.

>> No.5649868

That's a weird way of spelling Gabe Newell

>> No.5649904

The fall of the Byzantine Empire. It unleashed the events we know as Rennaissance and Discovery and Conquest of the New World which forever crowned Europe to be the empress of the world.

>> No.5649960

Agriculture or Nuclear Energy

>> No.5649971

Oh, and the scientific method

>> No.5650057

Discovery of fire

>> No.5650053

american revolution

>> No.5650827
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This guy gets it.

Also writing, typing, internet, etc.

>> No.5650841

>changing war
War, War never changes.

>> No.5650846

When someone learnt how to make fire.

>> No.5650884

Invention of the transistor

>> No.5650890

invention of time travel, and the immediate collapse of the paradox thus produced resulting in the non-invention of time travel.

>> No.5650889

Im being completely honest here.
In my opinion, the single most important event in human history has to be the creation of alcohol.
In its creation, it started civilizations to grow, making the need for farming and bringing people together.
Thus starting a chain reaction and propelling humans in the agricultural revolution

>> No.5650893

wrong, MY birth.

>> No.5650894


Right. Because people didn't start farming because they wanted to eat, but because they wanted to get wasted. Makes sense.

>> No.5650895

he's a retard.
ancient alcohols were made from fruits or honey, not grains.

Plenty of cultures figured out how to grow grains without ever discovering alcohol.

>> No.5650932

The discovery and later on the extinction of dodos

>> No.5650997

it's when a pervert young man grabbed a cow's breast and drink any liquid come out from it

>> No.5651006 [DELETED] 

The Aztecs got along fine without the wheel.

>> No.5651020


When we developed that stupid instict to do stuff, grasp things, be curious and fuck shit up jut because it pleased us

>What's this? better eat it! better crash it! ooh it sparkles! i can burn shit! let's burn dirt! ooohh pottery! let's burn minerals, oh god it melts, i can shape it! I don't give a fuck about burning myself because I'm curious as fuck, bet any other ape would have just walked away scared and never have iron tools despite their physical capability to make them! Let's explode more things, and devolop math about it with no further application! Oh , cool, space travel., what now?

>> No.5651464

Only correct answer.