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/sci/ - Science & Math

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5648265 No.5648265[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

finitist fag here

I'm drunk, not doing well at go

ask me anything infinity-loving assholes

captcha: finatem federation

>> No.5648273

You look like that girl from /pol/.

>> No.5648276

it is her, I think she's beautiful, had to choose some bitch I got pics of, last time I posted a chick I got banned because panties or some shit (random ban last weekend)

>> No.5648279

why does the Euler's Method approximation for the system $y' = A y $ diverge even when all eigenvalues are negative, if $h*\mid \lambda \mid > 2$

>> No.5648280

what does that have to do with finitism, I'm interested in your perspective before I answer

>> No.5648283

>identifying yourself with a title
Why would you cancer yourself like that?

Not really in mood for writing text walls, so imagine a huuuge paragraph with the following words repeating throughout it many times:
Arbitrary, belief, philosophy, >>>/lgbt/, plebe, >reality, semantics

>> No.5648287

Do you have proof that the four fundamental forces can be destroyed naturally without the ability for it to be recreated?

>> No.5648292

That's some stinky bait. Next time get a trip related to your name.


>> No.5648294

ps any fags want to play some go with a drunk 1k on kgs pm pwnnuki

>> No.5648295

Then you have no reason to believe in finitism .

>> No.5648298
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I am buttdevestated!

>> No.5648308

Don't be so daft after every sip of the nourishing alcohol. Whiskey is drowning me right now. I can at least still think.
Nice picture.

>> No.5648310
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rollin' on rum right now. I try not to be retarded but it gets harder every year.

>> No.5648321
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Haha, every year that we lose attention to the school books is replaced through under appreciated new skills. This is hardly a place for us.

>> No.5648320

she's ok, 6/10

The more important question is, why do you support finitism?
Any concrete reason?
I mean surely since you cuddle the concept so badly you must have a strong case, right? RIGHT?

>> No.5648325

You have a dice, on this dice there is a side, on this side there is an angular dip, in this angular dip there all are the numbers of the di

Fuck your thermodynamics

>> No.5648329

btw you can go ahead and write your paper on that

>> No.5648332
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>> No.5648340

> a strong case
I don't think the burden is mine for a "strong case." I mean---I think my case is strong, but I think the burden is not mine. My "opponents" (I use the word loosely, please understand) cannot produce a single real number of the sort they promise exists. They can't produce well-orderings they promise exists. Almost all reals are not computable, not definable, and not nameable. But they assure me they exist.

What exists? ---no answer. There can be no answer, by their own admission. If I seek an answer (a limit) it will magically appear... but that is not the same thing as populating the real line, is it?

Do I really have to justify finitism? You have, plainly, finite fingers, finite money, finite shelter, finite time. The burden is not mine.

>> No.5648338

Confused, I assumed you didn't drink so much to not be able to send an email!

>> No.5648343

Space-time is completely continuous and smooth, with no discrete units. You need the continuum real line to describe particles. Black holes have singularities with infinite densities. Quantum particles take an infinite number of paths simultaneously. You need an infinite number of steps to do non-perturbative quantum field theory. Renormalization in physics subtracts infinities. You mad?

>> No.5648346

> shitposting general
it's like I'm really on /v/

>> No.5648345

Math is not science.
Examples are not necessary in the presence of proof.
gb2 physics department.

>> No.5648347

Oh shit, you can tell?
I really need to stop going there...

>> No.5648349

It doesn't reflect well on me either...

>> No.5648350

Why don't you come up with the burden of proof? Finding a waiver in logic is not superiority.

>> No.5648352

Oh, shit, I left the burden of proof in one of my infinite pair of pants!

hold on a sec, the axiom of choice will find it for me

>> No.5648360

K, non-deffinative=being an infinative
This is precisely the reason electrons are hypothesized to be able to hold infos, you just said a bunch of those

Finite fingers? Not at all the cells replace the selves every decade or so, money? ayfkm?

Now, there may be finite hot ass, but that's only because we could go into a nuclear holocaust at any moment, india was about a year or so ago, n korea these days is a wreck, and you! Are not helping the situation!

OP >>5648343

>> No.5648367

I don't understand how anyone could deny the existence of something as beautiful as fractals or the Cantor set.

>> No.5648366

Define "infinity".
Choose even one particular context to define it in.

If you can assert that it doesn't exist you certainly must know what it is.

>> No.5648368
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>choice is finding a needle in a haystack planet

>> No.5648370

> space-time is completely continuous and smooth
then why do all my rulers always yield rational numbers?

> you need the continuum real line to describe particles
No, you don't. Because every proof of theory involves measurement and calculation. The continuum is composed of incalcuable and immeasurable. Your requirements are your failings.

>> No.5648371

that set exists prove it doesn't!

>> No.5648374

Your rulers are inaccurate.
Do you not remember that from every science class ever that included an experiment?

>> No.5648373

Why did you become a finitist?

>> No.5648377

>then why do all my rulers always yield rational numbers?
Because there's no perfect ruler.

>No, you don't. Because every proof of theory involves measurement and calculation. The continuum is composed of incalcuable and immeasurable. Your requirements are your failings.
A particle is here, oh look, now it's there. It moved continuously. No jumps.

>> No.5648378

>space time is continuous
>wat is Planck length?

>> No.5648379

You're either uneducated or underaged.

>> No.5648382

>Le happy merchant

>> No.5648381

To be fair, you can't actually say there are no jumps just because you can't see any.
You can't measure beneath a certain length either so you have no reason to conclude that anything beneath is continuous or discrete.

>> No.5648383

So what's the case for finitism? Why would you subscribe to it? Why not just solve problems and come up with new theorems and shit.

>> No.5648386


>> No.5648385

As soon as that set exists its as easily said that its a haystack solarsystem, and with you're luck you'd probably go in through the snake gate and just get wrapped up, or by, something comepletely different

tl;dr 0.0..01 never comes kiddo

>> No.5648387

Jumps, discontinuities, and discreteness all produce measurable effects. For one they break the Lorentz and gauge symmetries, which require smooth and continuous space.

>> No.5648395

Those are self asserting in the way that they say anything has the potential to be right next to anything else

It's just there are relativities keeping them in check

>> No.5648404

>Those are self asserting
No, they are backed by rigorous experiments.

>anything has the potential to be right next to anything else

>> No.5648406

Im not talking about an atom there... way less than that

>> No.5648407

Way less than what? Give me a scale.

>> No.5648408

If an atom is the size of a mansion a quark is the size of a newborn mouse

>> No.5648410

Okay. So how do you feel that space was measured to be continuous 100 times shorter than the Planck length?

>> No.5648414
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Anyway, here's how you defend 'Finitism'
... if you took this to pole they'd think you a castrating femizazi but w/e

All systems exist within a system, compared to that system they are finite. This is only untrue when systems are bound to eachother at which point making an external system, at which point the external, or 'maintaining' sytem finite and the internal infinite- giving the 'lowest' operating system all realms of confine, which are finite; as only made by the systems compiling them

>> No.5648419
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> because there's no perfect ruler
That's a cop-out answer. The perfect ruler is the so-called construction of the reals. Except that that ruler can't be provided.

The fact that it can't be provided is not the fault of the finitist. Attempting to shift the burden of proof is clever, but not clever enough.

Do you think finitism needs a case? Why, exactly? (Well, as exactly as 4chan allows.).
> why not just solve problems and come up with new theorems and shit
I don't have a problem with theorems. I have a problem with the semantics involved with infinity.
> tldr 0.000.... 1 doesn't come kiddo
No doubt. But the fault is yours: without finitism, the "..." is not well-defined.

> to all
the rest are not responses to me unless I missed one. PS - jihadwatcher is seriously 10/10 to me, I am fucking pathetic

>> No.5648425

Do you know how big an atom is?

They're huge, like ridiculously huge

They're quite a bit bigger than a plank

>> No.5648426

>That's a cop-out answer. The perfect ruler is the so-called construction of the reals. Except that that ruler can't be provided. The fact that it can't be provided is not the fault of the finitist. Attempting to shift the burden of proof is clever, but not clever enough.
Clever way to define ruler. More appropriately, humans can't create a perfect ruler. That's the fault of the humans. Mathematics and nature don't have to stop at the limitations of the human mind.

>> No.5648430

I'm not sure what you're arguing at this point.

>> No.5648432

> humans can't create a perfect ruler
How do you know, unless you have a good enough ruler?

> mathematics and nature don't have to stop at the limitations of the human mind
Indeed! Indeed I hope they do not. That would be very disappointing. But my desires have never compelled the rest of reality to comply; why should they in this case?

>> No.5648447

>How do you know, unless you have a good enough ruler?
Because if spacetime were to not be continuous it would require an infinite amount of fine tuning in a fundamentally "discrete" theory to match the experimental results. You just shift the infinity somewhere else.

>But my desires have never compelled the rest of reality to comply; why should they in this case?
Dogmatic desires are irrational.

>> No.5648451

So wait hold up, would you argue against the existence of R? N?

>> No.5648470
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> against R
> N
the axiom of infinity is quite questionable

>> No.5648468

> Because if spacetime were to not be continuous it would require an infinite amount of fine tuning in a fundamentally "discrete" theory to match the experimental results.
Name one experimental result... one!... which demands infinite precision.

> dogmatic desires are irrational
I agree. I'd give anything to accept the reality of the continuum. But no one seems able to make the case for their uncountable infinity. All powersets of finite sets are 2^size? But alas, the continuum hypothesis... can't even be settles with the axiom of choice, itself already a reach extrapolating from finite to the infinite.

No, dogmatic desires should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.5648472

> More appropriately, humans can't create a perfect ruler. That's the fault of the humans. Mathematics and nature don't have to stop at the limitations of the human mind.
But I have not denied this. It would be preposterous. To deny it is to assert there's nothing more to know. I would never.

>> No.5648476

>But I have not denied this
Yes you are. You're denying infinity and choice.

>> No.5648475

>Name one experimental result... one!... which demands infinite precision.

>But no one seems able to make the case for their uncountable infinity.
It's useful for physics and engineering problems.

>axiom of choice
...which quantum mechanics requires for self-adjoint operators to be meaningful as observables.

>> No.5648494

nothing, so far, requires them. I am not immune to evidence. But none is forthcoming.

Here is a trivial challenge, which you should be able to muster up with probability one:

name one uncomputable, unnameable, undefinable real number. There's an uncountable number of them, so it shouldn't be hard...

>> No.5648505

>nothing, so far, requires them. I am not immune to evidence. But none is forthcoming.
All evidence points to the existence of a continuous space and the validity of quantum mechanics. The set of "real" reals is used in physics. Invisible demons can be dismissed.

Chaitin's constant. The supremum of the Specker sequence.

>unnameable, undefinable real number

>> No.5648508

sci visit pol now...

I was right to leave.

>> No.5648510

i agree. infinity is nice on paper, i like my analysis and all, but i've never seen infinity as anyhing but a man made tool to help explain the finite world around him

>> No.5648513
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> lol
exactly how I feel

you're coming around

>> No.5648585


Pythagorean theorem?

>> No.5648608


Oh goody, one less social science faggot here.

>> No.5648616

/pol/ IS social science, and it's retarded.

>> No.5648621


Do you even browse race threads on /sci/? While I'm pretty sure that most of them are made by /pol/, they are usually overrun by people desperately attributing all the differences to culture and economic class - anything but genetics.

And it's pretty funny how you think /pol/ comprises of social science. There is some pseudo-science there, but definitely not social science (unless you're talking about the people they're usually arguing against).

>> No.5648641

Keep defending sourceless data

>> No.5648647


Keep making sourceless claims.